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Preserving jar lids


Does anyone know if these are still available anywhere-slightly smaller than the standard size and used to be available at any supermarket but no more!

garym - 2019-03-18 14:36:00

Try Briscoes, Mitre 10, specialist culinary stores (such as Millies, Stevens, Living and Giving, etc), some gardening centres have them too.

You could also use MR Google, with this search:
agee and perfit seals distributer in NZ

That would give you more possibilities. Good luck.

autumnwinds - 2019-03-18 16:12:00

garym I think you're referring to the screw bands that fitted jars such as the coffee jars of years ago. I used to have and use them and wonder if these ones are the same size:-

Hope that helps. :-))

245sam - 2019-03-19 14:31:00

Thanks-I have tried everywhere this morning including K Mart the Warehouse, Mitre10 and everywhere else we passed on our exploration! But no one has them now, only a few supermarkets have the large ones

garym - 2019-03-19 17:24:00

Our Briscoes in Porirua has a range of sizes so I'm sure your local shop will be able to source them.

peterd11 - 2019-03-19 17:30:00
garym wrote:

Thanks-I have tried everywhere this morning including K Mart the Warehouse, Mitre10 and everywhere else we passed on our exploration! But no one has them now, only a few supermarkets have the large ones

Morena, I have 19 small lids/seals and also some bands if you need them. They fit the old gregs coffee jars. I was given them but only use the the large seals and bands. If you want them, just pay postage and I will get them to you. I'm of to work for the day but can set up an auction tonight if you are keen.

circularboy - 2019-03-20 07:46:00

Recycling centres or Op Shops.

gilligee - 2019-03-20 14:47:00

Agree re op shops, I have seen them (and the jars) going by the box full at a very cheap cost. Also ask them, they may have some out the back.

lynja - 2019-03-21 06:43:00
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