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Addresses in New Zealand 1916


Is it possible to find a family address in 1916. Trying to find where exactly my grandmother was born

squimage - 2019-03-09 21:07:00

There is a Wise's New Zealand Post Office Directory for 1916 available to view on Ancestry. If you do not have an Ancestry subscription and want to put up the name and area, myself or someone else can look it up for you.

koru67 - 2019-03-10 08:03:00

also if there was a Stones directory out around that time they are wonderful books for information like addresses.. businesses.. mine are from 1940s. local archives should have them for us to view...

neich - 2019-03-10 11:04:00
squimage wrote:

Is it possible to find a family address in 1916. Trying to find where exactly my grandmother was born

to find out which district she was born in you need to find her birth registration on the Birth microfiche (these are also on Ancestry) and then look up the folio number in the District Keys book

crab2 - 2019-03-10 20:56:00
crab2 wrote:

to find out which district she was born in you need to find her birth registration on the Birth microfiche (these are also on Ancestry) and then look up the folio number in the District Keys book

Wow... You are very knowledgeable and I hope you don't mind my asking ....what actually is the district keys book? When you find a birth etc folio number can you just put it into this book?

mahairy - 2019-03-11 07:51:00

it is a book that was bought out by the NZ Society of Genealogists, each birth was given a folio number of the district they were born in, you can view these books at Genealogy Rooms or you might be lucky enough to find some for sale on Trademe, they are scare but I know they are on the New Zealand Society of Genealogists website but you need to be a member to see those. I've take a photo of the inside of one to show you what they look like.

crab2 - 2019-03-11 07:59:00
koru67 wrote:

There is a Wise's New Zealand Post Office Directory for 1916 available to view on Ancestry. If you do not have an Ancestry subscription and want to put up the name and area, myself or someone else can look it up for you.

Thanks, I have a ancestry sub so I'll give it a go!

squimage - 2019-03-17 22:30:00
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