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Back of the fridge challenge


Family stayed a bit longer than they intended today. I was going to use up stuff I had in the back of the fridge, so I could give it a good clean tomorrow, ready for new supplies Monday. They were willing to eat whatever I cooked (impecunious students).
Here's what I had, to feed 4 hearty eaters.....
1/2 Supermarket squash
1/2 zucchini
2 potatoes
2 onions
canned tomatoes
small head of broccoli
a bag of small wrinkly apples
plenty of meat in the freezer - I chose some steak
also, the usual pantry staples....... flour, butter, milk, spices, cheese, etc
I did steak with a vege bake (using cubed squash and zuccini, onions and canned tomato, sliced the spuds thinly and used them as a topping. Broccoli cheese used up the broccoli. Then i cooked the apples and made a fruit sponge with half of them, with custard..... will puree the rest for breakfasts next week.
So what would you have made?

Edited by punkinthefirst at 7:55 pm, Sat 9 Mar

punkinthefirst - 2019-03-09 19:54:00

Back of my fridge, there would be left over mince and pasta meal, whitebait, cheese, lettuce, bacon, smoked salmon, (they wouldn't have got the salmon) Cauiflower, peppers, chilli. Who knows what I would have slapped up, probably toasted sandwiches haaaaa.

rainrain1 - 2019-03-09 20:05:00

Soup and scones because I am lazy.stewd apples with custard for afters

lilyfield - 2019-03-09 20:05:00

I probably would of done baked potatoes and filled them with cheese and onion half one each as you only had two Lol

Cheese sauce over the vegetables I.e the squash broccoli and zucchini

And to fill everyone up made an apple crumble with custard

Your menu did sound nice I hope they all appreciated your efforts

timturtle - 2019-03-09 20:21:00
punkinthefirst wrote:

Family stayed a bit longer than they intended today. I was going to use up stuff I had in the back of the fridge, so I could give it a good clean tomorrow, ready for new supplies Monday. They were willing to eat whatever I cooked (impecunious students).
Here's what I had, to feed 4 hearty eaters.....
1/2 Supermarket squash
1/2 zucchini
2 potatoes
2 onions
canned tomatoes
small head of broccoli
a bag of small wrinkly apples
plenty of meat in the freezer - I chose some steak
also, the usual pantry staples....... flour, butter, milk, spices, cheese, etc
I did steak with a vege bake (using cubed squash and zuccini, onions and canned tomato, sliced the spuds thinly and used them as a topping. Broccoli cheese used up the broccoli. Then i cooked the apples and made a fruit sponge with half of them, with custard..... will puree the rest for breakfasts next week.
So what would you have made?

That sounds great!
I do back of the fridge challenges a lot ..wander around the vege garden, pick a bit of this & a bit of that & then dive into the fridge & get the rest & cook up something that I think will work & sometime it does & sometimes it doesn't.
The annoying thing is ...when it really works well, I can't remember what spices/herbs/seasonings I used .. to make it again!

samanya - 2019-03-09 20:23:00

Lol Ain’t that a fact ! HeHe

timturtle - 2019-03-09 20:35:00

Make them learn some cooking skills so that you have a break and they can save money in future.

amasser - 2019-03-10 18:07:00

Squash and potatoes - Cut into appropriate sizes and baked in my Easy Cook till crispy.
Courgettes - Spiralised
Can tomatoes, onions - Tomato sauce with spices and garden herbs and served over the raw courgette vegetti and topped with grated cheese
Broccoli - My favourite veg. I would have gently steamed

Steak - self explanatory I guess and not part of the challenge

Apples - I have masses of homemade sweet short pastry in my deep freeze so it would have been a no brainer to make apple pie or apple slice with the addition of any dried fruits I may have in the cupboard.

Custard as there was only milk.

buzzy110 - 2019-03-10 18:39:00
punkinthefirst wrote:

Family stayed a bit longer than they intended today. I was going to use up stuff I had in the back of the fridge, so I could give it a good clean tomorrow, ready for new supplies Monday. They were willing to eat whatever I cooked (impecunious students).
Here's what I had, to feed 4 hearty eaters.....
1/2 Supermarket squash
1/2 zucchini
2 potatoes
2 onions
canned tomatoes
small head of broccoli
a bag of small wrinkly apples
plenty of meat in the freezer - I chose some steak
also, the usual pantry staples....... flour, butter, milk, spices, cheese, etc
I did steak with a vege bake (using cubed squash and zuccini, onions and canned tomato, sliced the spuds thinly and used them as a topping. Broccoli cheese used up the broccoli. Then i cooked the apples and made a fruit sponge with half of them, with custard..... will puree the rest for breakfasts next week.
So what would you have made?

as I was reading your ingredients I could see a curry of sorts coming on

pheonix4 - 2019-03-10 19:13:00

This message was deleted.

peanutandme - 2019-03-10 19:14:00

Gee thanks for the sort of proposal, peanut, but I'm way too old to start again.
And the kids know how to cook, but I know where everything is, in my own kitchen. I couldn't be rrrrrrsed going down the road for extra supplies........
Pumpkin (squash) and tomato are a great combination, by the way! I MIGHT try a vegetarian curry with them in it, another time.

punkinthefirst - 2019-03-10 19:29:00
samanya wrote:

That sounds great!
I do back of the fridge challenges a lot ..wander around the vege garden, pick a bit of this & a bit of that & then dive into the fridge & get the rest & cook up something that I think will work & sometime it does & sometimes it doesn't.
The annoying thing is ...when it really works well, I can't remember what spices/herbs/seasonings I used .. to make it again!

When I'm doing something like that, I note down the ingredients, seasonings and spices etc as I go. Along with cooking times etc. If it's a goer then I transfer the notes to my recipe file, if not I bin them.

Edited by nauru at 5:33 pm, Mon 11 Mar

nauru - 2019-03-11 17:32:00
punkinthefirst wrote:

Gee thanks for the sort of proposal, peanut, but I'm way too old to start again.
And the kids know how to cook, but I know where everything is, in my own kitchen. I couldn't be rrrrrrsed going down the road for extra supplies........
Pumpkin (squash) and tomato are a great combination, by the way! I MIGHT try a vegetarian curry with them in it, another time.

Pumpkin makes a great curry using the tomato type sauce from a butter chicken recipe. I like the combination of pumpkin, kumara and green or butter beans.

Edited by nauru at 6:13 pm, Mon 11 Mar

nauru - 2019-03-11 18:13:00
buzzy110 wrote:

ples - I have masses of homemade sweet short pastry in my deep freeze so it would have been a no brainer to make apple pie or apple slice with the addition of any dried fruits I may have in the cupboard.

Custard as there was only milk.

Buzzy, how does your homemade pastry keep in the freezer. I usually make it as needed but thought to make a couple of batches up for the freezer to use for pies etc. as a timem saver. I have frozen extra used pastry before but not for long periods.

nauru - 2019-03-11 18:20:00
nauru wrote:

When I'm doing something like that, I note down the ingredients, seasonings and spices etc as I go. Along with cooking times etc. If it's a goer then I transfer the notes to my recipe file, if not I bin them.

You must be more organised than me nauru ...way more organised ;o)

samanya - 2019-03-11 18:20:00
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