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Crumbing fish without egg


Does anyone have a tried and true way of crumbing fish without using egg or yoghurt? I would like to crumb some fresh blue cod for a guest who cannot have egg. I did find a suggestion to use yoghurt instead but I dont like the sound of that. As its for a guest, I dont want it to all fall off and look or taste awful. Thanks.

datoofairy - 2019-03-01 15:12:00

I just googled it. Alternatives to eggs are... milk, melted butter, olive oil, yoghurt.

sleek_lizzy - 2019-03-01 15:16:00
sleek_lizzy wrote:

I just googled it. Alternatives to eggs are... milk, melted butter, olive oil, yoghurt.

I googled it too, but I would like to hear actual experience based ideas, options that people here have tried and can vouch that it works.

datoofairy - 2019-03-01 15:32:00

I suppose it depends how much crumb you want! I tried olive oil and that only lightly coated it.

Plain yoghurt would be fine and I'm not sure why you don't like the sound of it? If I were guest, I'd just be happy with whatever I was served!

socram - 2019-03-01 15:59:00


rainrain1 - 2019-03-01 16:54:00

Milk then dipped in flour.
Old and well known method.

gilligee - 2019-03-01 16:57:00

melt some butter and add as much lemon juice as you want, you can use heaps, dunk fish in it and crumb, and put in the fridge to set. This is perfect for grilling and the only way I cook blue cod.

articferrit - 2019-03-01 17:02:00
datoofairy wrote:

I googled it too, but I would like to hear actual experience based ideas, options that people here have tried and can vouch that it works.

For fish..
He uses milk and flour, its the classic most common way.
I use egg and breadcrumbs.
If I had to substitute, I would use melted butter, for taste alone.
I don't like the taste/flavour of oil and rarely use it.

sleek_lizzy - 2019-03-01 17:04:00

Thanks heaps everyone. I think this time I'll try the butter with lemon juice. Next time, I'll try milk.

datoofairy - 2019-03-01 17:04:00

use 'Coat 'n Cook'
add some panko

mouse_y - 2019-03-01 17:23:00
gilligee wrote:

Milk then dipped in flour.
Old and well known method.

Flour, milk, then crumbs is what I do

rainrain1 - 2019-03-01 17:46:00
mouse_y wrote:

use 'Coat 'n Cook'
add some panko

That sounds good.

sleek_lizzy - 2019-03-01 17:47:00

The member deleted this message.

rainrain1 - 2019-03-01 17:49:00
gilligee wrote:

Milk then dipped in flour.
Old and well known method.

Flour, milk, then crumbs is what I do
I had no eggs to bind cheese and bacon for toasties mixture the other day, so I used milk there instead, plus a bit of tomato sauce, had to make two large trays full, it worked well, and no-one had a clue except me.

rainrain1 - 2019-03-01 17:50:00

Egg free mayonnaise

patsprat - 2019-03-02 12:40:00

Always have, just to save an egg, budget cook here.

lilyfield - 2019-03-02 15:17:00

A cornflour slurry (cornflour and water) is what I use sometimes, dip then crumb, works well.

nauru - 2019-03-04 16:58:00

I cook allot of fish being a keen fisherman and fanatical about looking after my catch so I don't wash my fillets in anything but salt water and only then sparingly.

I don't use anything but the fish's own natural moistness just roll the fillets around in a bowl with a little salt until just moist (the salt helps) then dip in breadcrumbs. With eggs you get too much of a crust IMO and really its just so they don't stick in the pan and have a little crunch.

beaker59 - 2019-03-04 18:53:00

Use panko bread crumbs for best results.
Milk and cornflour mix.

Just did a punnet of oysters on the weekend.

smallwoods - 2019-03-04 21:36:00
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