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Homemade mayo with Extra Virgin Olive oil?


Hi there, I am going to give making my own mayo a go now that im on a low carb, health fat lifestyle (which is freaking amazing btw!!) I only have Extra virgin olive oil in the cupboard and i was told not to use it as its too strong? Or should I wait till im in town and get the normal olive oil? I don't like wastage and recipe calls for 1 cup. Or another suggestions of oil? I don't use highly process stuff like canola ect.
Thanks so much :)

holly-rocks - 2019-03-01 11:55:00

I never use EV olive oil for mayo as I find it too strong tasting ...the EV aficionados may think I'm crazy for using 'light' olive oil, but it suits me.

samanya - 2019-03-01 12:33:00

Homemade mayo seems to emphasise the flavour of whatever oil you use. I like the flavour of good extra virgin olive oil so I most often use use Greek Iliada or NZ Village Press.

Don't use cheap supermarket olive oil, most of them (including extra virgin) are poor quality and will taste awful. "Light" olive oil is highly processed and no better than canola as far as nutritional value goes.

When you make the mayo you will need to taste it and adjust the salt and lemon juice until it is in balance and to your taste. It will probably need more salt than you expect.

davidt4 - 2019-03-01 13:28:00

I use supermarket EVO ...maybe that's why I don't like the taste.

Edited by samanya at 1:33 pm, Fri 1 Mar

samanya - 2019-03-01 13:32:00

Try making it with Village Press Barnea - it is a mild fruity oil that is delicious in mayo.

davidt4 - 2019-03-01 15:54:00
davidt4 wrote:

Try making it with Village Press Barnea - it is a mild fruity oil that is delicious in mayo.

Thanks for that.

samanya - 2019-03-01 18:18:00

I was put off making it again for a long time after using EVO. I also use lite olive oil. I think village press Barnea would be too expensive for my mayo...
I add garlic to make mine more aioli and slather it on spinach for an easy and healthy lunch which I take to work. Can add other things like avo and eggs if I'm organised.

wendalls - 2019-03-01 20:08:00

What is actually bad about processed oil? Everyone talks about the dreaded processed with little reasoning on why it is so bad. I read it has a very high smoke point and I fill my body with litres of it so if you can educate me I might change ..

wendalls - 2019-03-01 20:14:00
wendalls wrote:

I was put off making it again for a long time after using EVO. I also use lite olive oil. I think village press Barnea would be too expensive for my mayo...
I add garlic to make mine more aioli and slather it on spinach for an easy and healthy lunch which I take to work. Can add other things like avo and eggs if I'm organised.

I like my mayo with a lot of garlic & heaps of parsley.
I could eat by the spoonful & it goes with so many fresh/cooked veges.

samanya - 2019-03-01 20:21:00
wendalls wrote:

What is actually bad about processed oil? Everyone talks about the dreaded processed with little reasoning on why it is so bad. I read it has a very high smoke point and I fill my body with litres of it so if you can educate me I might change ..

Refined vegetable oils are unstable, high in Omega-6 and inflammatory. They contribute to heart disease and many other illnesses. Here are a few links for you to read.

Edited by davidt4 at 8:52 pm, Fri 1 Mar

davidt4 - 2019-03-01 20:51:00

My parents never used any type of oil for cooking, only chefade or melted down fat from the roast, and they lived a good healthy life.

korbo - 2019-03-03 08:50:00
korbo wrote:

My parents never used any type of oil for cooking, only chefade or melted down fat from the roast, and they lived a good healthy life.

Yes, we do read all about how bad fats are for you. My mothers generation were the same, that's how it was in their day, they all cooked with fat, no oils back then. Dripping spread on bread was probably a regular thing. My Mum lived into her 90's and one Aunt was 102.

nauru - 2019-03-03 11:36:00
nauru wrote:

Yes, we do read all about how bad fats are for you. My mothers generation were the same, that's how it was in their day, they all cooked with fat, no oils back then. Dripping spread on bread was probably a regular thing. My Mum lived into her 90's and one Aunt was 102.

My parent who were born in Europe only used olive oil ,never butter and both lived very long lives.

dreamers - 2019-03-03 15:55:00
davidt4 wrote:

Homemade mayo seems to emphasise the flavour of whatever oil you use. I like the flavour of good extra virgin olive oil so I most often use use Greek Iliada or NZ Village Press.

Don't use cheap supermarket olive oil, most of them (including extra virgin) are poor quality and will taste awful. "Light" olive oil is highly processed

and no better than canola as far as nutritional value goes.

When you make the mayo you will need to taste it and adjust the salt and

lemon juice until it is in balance and to your taste. It will probably need more

salt than you expect.

I have been using the Greek Iliada for a while and really like it,till I discovered Olive lady ( Greek ) in New world a few weeks ago and love the flavour of it,somewhat more flavour than the Iliada .

Edited by dreamers at 4:01 pm, Sun 3 Mar

dreamers - 2019-03-03 16:00:00

Thanks for that, I haven't heard of Olive Lady oil. I'll see if I can find some.

davidt4 - 2019-03-03 16:15:00
davidt4 wrote:

Thanks for that, I haven't heard of Olive Lady oil. I'll see if I can find some.

Me too.

samanya - 2019-03-03 16:39:00
davidt4 wrote:

Thanks for that, I haven't heard of Olive Lady oil. I'll see if I can find some.

14.29 in New world last week for 1 litre so not a bad price

dreamers - 2019-03-03 17:05:00

Iliada is about $16 for 750 ml, so I'll definitely try out Olive Lady!

davidt4 - 2019-03-03 17:22:00
davidt4 wrote:

Iliada is about $16 for 750 ml, so I'll definitely try out Olive Lady!

Me too ...isn't it great that we can all learn here?
You have inspired & helped me, along with a few others on this message board.
Thanks for that.

samanya - 2019-03-03 18:41:00

Appreciate all your replies, thank you :)

holly-rocks - 2019-03-05 15:06:00
samanya wrote:

Me too ...isn't it great that we can all learn here?
You have inspired & helped me, along with a few others on this message board.
Thanks for that.

Love to hear your verdict on Olive lady

dreamers - 2019-03-05 19:22:00

Verjuice vinaigrette
1 tsp Mustard
1 tsp Sugar
3 Tbsp Verjuice
â…“ cup Extra virgin olive oil

I wizz with my stab wizz. Great recipe

groomingtools - 2019-03-11 09:39:00

Where do you get verjuice? I think I made some once from a grape vine.. but don't ever remember using it

wendalls - 2019-03-12 20:45:00
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