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1857 NZ Death Certificate.


Am I right in thinking that the only information on a NZ 1857 death cert. is the name and age of the person that died. And that no other Family details appear.

1749 - 2019-02-28 13:05:00

See this;

Prior to 1875 – Registration Ordinance (Dated 15 October 1847)
Local number
When and where died
Name and surname
Rank or profession
Cause of death
Signature, description and residence of informant
Date registered
Signature of deputy registrar
After 1875 - Registration of Births and Deaths Act 1875 (dated 12 October 1875)
Local number

When and where died
Name and surname
Rank or profession or occupation
Sex and Age
Detail of Death

Cause of death
Duration of last illness
Medical attendant who certified the cause of death and when they last saw the deceased

Name and Surname of father
Name and if known maiden surname of mother
Rank or profession or occupation of father
Burial Details

When and where buried
Name and Religion of Minister or name of witness of burial
Birth Details

Where born
How long in New Zealand
Marriage Details

Where married
At what age married
If living issue, the number, age and sex
To whom married

Signature, description and residence of informant
If the entry is a correction of a former entry signature of witnesses
Who witnessed the correction.

Signature of registrar
Date of registration

mimi1 - 2019-02-28 13:13:00

Thanks mimi1 for that.

1749 - 2019-02-28 13:16:00

This message was deleted.

mixel - 2019-02-28 13:25:00

Thanks mixel I will think about ordering it, and hope that a son or daughter was the informant.

1749 - 2019-02-28 13:39:00
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