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Tomato & red pepper relish


Nici Wickes: Google the recipe, it is delicious and easy to make

Edited by rainrain1 at 12:06 pm, Wed 27 Feb

rainrain1 - 2019-02-27 12:06:00

Sounds delicious, quite a high ratio peppers to tomatoes many jars did you get?

Nicki Wickes tomato & red pepper relish

"Now is the time to be making chutneys and relishes with the abundance of summer produce that’s on offer.

500g ripe tomatoes chopped

4 large red peppers, chopped and de-seeded

2 tbsps salt

2 cups white vinegar

1 tbsp mustard seeds

1 ½ cups sugar

¼ tsp each turmeric and paprika

Good pinch of chilli powder

Sprinkle vegetables with salt in a colander and leave for a few hours to reduce some of the moisture.
In a large saucepan place all the ingredients, including the salted vegetables, and bring to the boil. Lower the heat and simmer until thick, usually about 1.5-2 hours. Pour into sterilised jars while hot, then seal.
This chutney is delicious with cheese and crackers, or with your favourite meat loaf.


Always grease the bottom of the saucepan to prevent sticking during the long cook down.
Add a dollop of relish or chutney to your favourite curry, stew or casserole for a wonderful flavour lift."

samanya - 2019-02-27 14:24:00

I got 2 tall narrow, probably black olive jars, 4 smaller might have been better

rainrain1 - 2019-02-27 18:48:00

I didn't grease and it didn't burn or stick, I love this relish with a schnitzel (sp)?

Edited by rainrain1 at 6:51 pm, Wed 27 Feb

rainrain1 - 2019-02-27 18:49:00

Perfect spelling! ;o)
I'm inundated with tomatoes atm (isn't everyone) but my capsicums are a bit slow to red up...might have to buy some to give it a try.

samanya - 2019-02-27 20:00:00
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