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Mary Roberts married Thomas Joyce in 1846


As his second wife. He was 50 and she was 32. I am looking to find out if Mary had also been married beforehand, having children to that marriage. Several locations suggested - Bedford being the most likely.

Thomas Joyce was b/bp in 1795 Wilmington, Bedford, and died 1881. He was the son of Thomas (Joyce)1761) and Elizabeth Rose (1765).

Also looking to find out the name of a brother-in-law called Roberts who was master of a ship 'Indemnity' 1843 to Australia and then NewZealand in 1843/44. He was in partnership with the Joyce family. I am not sure which Thomas Joyce was his brother-in-law. I am looking to find a death date for him too. He could be Mary's first husband?????? Or her brother/father/cousin.

In New Zealand the Indemnity was declared unseaworthy and prevented from sailing back to Britain. The owner refused to authorise repairs, so Roberts took matters in his own hands and sold the ship, it was repaired, and off he went home with it to be faced with a denial that the owner had authorised the sale and was claiming the ship and her cargo. Roberts lost the case. I wonder if he gave in or if he sailed off with the ship??? The court case is recorded in great detail, but not the aftermath.

At some stage the Joyce partnership owned that ship amongst several others, including 'London' and its master as well.

My main interest is in Mary (Roberts) Joyce b1814 in England.

Edited by blackhalls at 10:23 pm, Mon 25 Feb

blackhalls - 2019-02-25 22:21:00

Did Thomas Joyce and Mary have children - if so when and where?

4pc - 2019-02-25 22:41:00

There is a huge tree on ancestry called the Karen Hazelden Family Owner Karen Richards = Thomas Joyce is referred to a Stephen Thomas Joyce. Might be worth contacting her. It is a large family.

elaine231 - 2019-02-26 08:15:00

What an interesting story regarding the Indemnity.

I've been searching on Ancestry too and think your best bet would be to buy the Roberts/Joyce marriage certificate. That should tell you if Mary was a spinster or if she had any former names.

daisy86 - 2019-02-26 13:16:00
daisy86 wrote:

What an interesting story regarding the Indemnity.

I've been searching on Ancestry too and think your best bet would be to buy the Roberts/Joyce marriage certificate. That should tell you if Mary was a spinster or if she had any former names.

I have not figured out how to find that certificate. Must learn.

blackhalls - 2019-02-26 18:13:00
elaine231 wrote:

There is a huge tree on ancestry called the Karen Hazelden Family Owner Karen Richards = Thomas Joyce is referred to a Stephen Thomas Joyce. Might be worth contacting her. It is a large family.

Sounds good. A Stepen Thomas was referred to. I don't have a lot of information, and some seems scrambled, eg both Thomas Sr and Stephen were claimed to have married Jemima. Suppose it is possible. I have not been able to access trees on Ancestry, not wanting to join numerous sites these days. Financial reasons.

blackhalls - 2019-02-26 18:17:00
4pc wrote:

Did Thomas Joyce and Mary have children - if so when and where?

Just got a scrap of paper:-

First wife - Jemima Joyce Nicholls, born Middlesex, m 1825 at 29
Children - Looks like 7 of them, including:-
Stephen Thomas
Julian? Ann
Second wife - Mary Roberts m 1846
Children - Looks like another seven, including-

blackhalls - 2019-02-26 18:28:00

I have two more names and I am not sure where they fit:-
Alfred Joyce, born 1821, and George Joyce 1819. These were the two in Australia who had the partnership with the two ships' captains, Roberts 7 Jan 1840, Sydney and 1843 (Indemnity) and Gibson 1840 (London)

They were the two youngest of five sons amongst these names:-
Elizabeth 1800
Thomas 1803
Sarah 1804
Mary 1812
Hannah 1815
George 1819
Alfred 1821

Must be two more sons before 1819???

I 'm just starting on this, gathering bits and pieces, and I don't see yet how the dates and families fit together. Hope someone else can.

Have left the Joyces for a bit as am searching for the Roberts family/families involved.

blackhalls - 2019-02-26 18:48:00
blackhalls wrote:

I have not figured out how to find that certificate. Must learn.

Oh easy peasy lemon squeezy!

First you need the marriage reference details from here:

You have the parties names : Mary Roberts and Stephen Joyce
The quarter is December 1846
District is St Martins
Volume 1
Page 141

Then to the

Where you will need to create an account. Then you can order your certificate for £7 and they will email you a pdf in about a weeks time.

Edited by daisy86 at 8:26 pm, Tue 26 Feb

daisy86 - 2019-02-26 20:25:00

St Martins is in Westminster, so the parish record is at FindMyPast. Many libraries have FindMyPast.

Joyce Stephen — — 1846 Westminster Marriages St Martin-In-The-Fields, Middlesex, England

4pc - 2019-02-26 23:04:00
blackhalls wrote:

Second wife - Mary Roberts m 1846
Children - Looks like another seven, including-

These births on the GRO index could be their children. If so it looks like Mary's maiden name was Roberts, so she wasn't a widow.

GRO Reference: 1849 J Quarter in THE SHOREDITCH DISTRICT Volume 02 Page 420

GRO Reference: 1847 D Quarter in THE SHOREDITCH DISTRICT Volume 02 Page 427

4pc - 2019-02-26 23:09:00

Yes, it does. I would still like to find out if she had children beforehand, though. 32 seems rather old to be single in those days. If Thomas Joyce had adopted the Roberts children would that be registered at the GRO?

I find it hard to give up on long-shots.

blackhalls - 2019-02-26 23:24:00

You could try to find them on the England 1851 census, which is free at FamilySearch.

Edited by 4pc at 11:56 pm, Tue 26 Feb

4pc - 2019-02-26 23:54:00
daisy86 wrote:

Oh easy peasy lemon squeezy!

First you . . .

You have the parties names : Mary Roberts and Stephen Joyce
The quarter is Decem
. . .
Then to the

Where you will need to create an account. Then you can order your certificate for £7 and they will email you a pdf in about a weeks time.

Thank you. Had some trouble with the links you provided. Told me it was an old link and then that it was not available. Finally found that I had an ancient membership. After finding that my password had become my username, all was good.

It looks as if the Stephen found here was probably known by a second name, because he fits the one known as Thomas by the family who supplied the information to me. I found a marriage presumably of his son Stephen Thomas Joyce to Elizabeth Prince in 1848.

I have been looking at the family of two pioneers to Australia, Alfred and George Joyce who settled Norwood and Plaistow Stations. They are described as the fourth and fifth sons of Thomas and Elizabeth Joyce and I found all of the sons (plus daughters)
Thomas b 1803
James b 1908
William b 1810
George b 1819
Alfred b 1821

I wanted the James to be born much later. Damn. Back to the drawing board.

But I will now look to see who the daughters married.

Thanks for your help

blackhalls - 2019-03-01 19:29:00

As I explained in Post #10, the parish register image from FindMypast will have all the information about the marriage. The minister provided this information to the GRO so there's a chance that transcriptions errors can occur. Your original question in your first post was that you were trying to find out whether Mary had been married before.

I don't have a FMP sub, so I can't give you this on a plate.

And you're welcome.

4pc - 2019-03-01 20:46:00

8 Nov 1846
Stephen Joyce - full age - widower - father's name Thomas Joyce, Farmer
Mary Roberts - full age - spinster - father's name Joseph Roberts

give me a few minutes and I will see about uploading the copy of the original so you can grab it.

This should do it

Edited by morticia at 9:51 pm, Fri 1 Mar

morticia - 2019-03-01 21:45:00
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