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Ginger beer bug


I want to make ginger beer but don’t know how to make it.
I need to know how to do the bug.
Does any one have a recipe they have tried and would share please

cottagerose - 2019-02-17 13:29:00

This is a nice and easy one
Ginger Beer

6 sultanas, juice of 1 lemon, 2 teaspoons sugar, 1 tsp ground ginger, ½ tsp lemon pulp,
150ml (¼pint) cold water.

250g (8oz) sugar, 300ml (½pint) boiling water, 1.5 litres (2½ pints) cold water.

Put all the ingredients in a screw topped jar and leave for 3 days. On each of the next 4 days add 1 teaspoon sugar and ½ tsp ground ginger. On the following day, strain and add
the juice of 1 lemon to the liquid. Dissolve the sugar in the boiling water, then add the cold water. Pour onto the strained ginger beer plant. Mix and pour into sterilized screw-topped bottles or jars. It will be ready to drink after about 3 weeks.
Makes about 1.6 litres (2 3/4 pints)
NOTE: If a continuous supply is wanted, double the ingredients for the plant and also double the daily feed. After straining, retain half the sediment, add 150 ml (¼ pint) cold water and continue to feed as above.

dollmakernz - 2019-02-17 17:37:00

Thank you dollmakernz
That looks like what I’m after

cottagerose - 2019-02-18 08:43:00

This is Alison Holst's recipe
1 tsp dried yeast granules
2 tsp sugar
1/2 cup warm water
Stir these ingredients together in a glass and leave in a warm place.

2 cups sugar
1 Tblsp ground ginger
1 tsp lemon essence
1 tsp tartaric acid
2 litres hot water
2 litres cold water
Measure sugar,ginger,lemon ess and tartaric acid into a clean bucket. Pour in hot water and stir to dissolve the sugar. Add the cold water to cool the mixture down.
When liquid is no hotter than luke warm, add the bubbling yeast. Leave in the lightly covered bucket for 24-36 hours, then strain (equally) into four 1.25 litre plastic drink bottles. Fill each bottle up to within 3 cm of top with extra cold water. Add 1 tsp sugar into each bottle and screw on the lids. Shake to dissolve sugar. Leave to stand in a warm place until the bottles are rigid when you try and squeeze them. Refridgerate before removing the lids (slowly and carefully). Drink all of the brew within 3-4 weeks. "

korban - 2019-02-18 16:46:00


unknowndisorder - 2019-09-05 18:50:00

The first recipe should work, but it's relying on the random yeast that's floating in the air to get it started. You set up the right environment with the pH, sugar and nutrients, and chances are enough random yeast drifted in while you were mixing it.

Second one is adding some dried yeast, so it will kick in quicker, but it will be "bread" yeast. It will work though. Chances are that's how the old school Ginger beer we remember was started. It always tasted a bit "Yeasty", but the ginger overpowered that, so it was OK.

Best results are probably from adding a sachet of brewing yeast (from any home brew shop). Then you have a yeast that's least likely to affect the flavour of the beer in a negative way.

The saying is that you can make bread using brewing yeast, but you can't make (good) beer using bread yeast.

ianab - 2019-09-05 20:07:00

Ginger Beer (makes 13 x 750ml bottles)
In a jar, place 1 teaspoon of dried yeast, 2 teaspoons of dried ginger, and 4 teaspoons of sugar and 20fl oz. (591ml) of cold water. Stir and keep at room temperature covered.
Feed the plant every day with 2 teaspoons of dried ginger and 4 tea spoons of sugar. Stir after feeding
The plant will be ready after 1 week.
Making the ginger beer
Place 1 kg of sugar and 1 quart (1litre) of boiling water in a large pot. The sugar will dissolve.
Add the juice of 4 Lemons to the pan
Strain the contents of the jar –the plant- through a fine cloth into the pan.
(Save the solid sediment of plant as you use half of this to start your next plant.)
Add 6.6 litre of room temperature water, stir and bottle. Full the bottles about seven- eighths full as you need to allow for expansion squeeze the air out of the bottles and cap. This will stop the bottles exploding under pressure
Store in a safe place at room temperature and leave three- four weeks to brew. Chill and open with caution.
Place half of plant sediment in a clean jar with a pint of water and continue to feed as above. Give remaining sediment to a friend or have two plants going at once, or throw out.

robman7 - 2019-09-08 23:23:00
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