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Birth registration amendments.


General query; have a birth in 1931 found on microfiche records. Original entry typed as with all the others. Added by hand were ditto marks and a reference no. 1945/xxx.
Another where the birth was in 1912 but the reference no. was 1970/xxxxx (on-line).
Is it likely that both were adoptions, as is probable in the latter case?

amasser - 2019-02-08 12:12:00

Could simply been the years they were registered late.

nbrob - 2019-02-08 12:39:00

The 2nd reference is because something has been changed to the original record.

The classic is where names have been changed because of adoption, or because the mother married and the children took the husband's surname.

But it could be for other more simple reasons too; like a change to spelling a name or the addition of a forename.

stock - 2019-02-08 15:28:00

can also be because the birth was not registered and they needed one to get the pension

crab2 - 2019-02-10 07:52:00
crab2 wrote:

can also be because the birth was not registered and they needed one to get the pension

Yes, my great Fran was like that. Born in 1904 but registered in 1952 which is odd as her older and younger sibling's where all done at birth

karee.bell - 2019-02-21 20:04:00
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