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Homemade Icecream


Here I go again....needing an icecream recipe to use up a 600ml bottle of cream. have u one that is quick and easy.thx

korbo - 2018-12-30 19:50:00

Whip the cream until firm. Blend strawberries or other berries with some vanilla essence and icing sugar. Fold into the cream and freeze.

sarahb5 - 2018-12-30 20:02:00

Try this for an unusual way of using avocado for dessert.
Avocado Icecream

3 large, ripe avocados
Juice of 2 large lemons
½ cup sugar
600 ml cream.

Scrape avocado flesh into kitchen wizz, add sugar and lemon juice, wizz till smooth but don’t overprocess. Pour into bowl, lightly fold in unwhipped cream.

Pour into freezer container, freeze until half frozen, then beat with a fork (to break up ice crystals).

When half frozen again, beat again with fork. Cover.

Serve in scoops, with cream and fresh fruit. A delicious flavour, and superb texture. Can even be frozen in the avocado halves, making a hole for the "stone" effect, and filling this with berries when serving.

Enjoy this unusual, buttery delight.

autumnwinds - 2018-12-30 20:09:00

I will HAVE to try the Avocado Icecream,sounds yum.

jan2242 - 2018-12-31 09:37:00

Beat 600 mls cream Add a tin of condensed milk and beat again till mixed. Add any flavouring you like.
We like maple syrup, fresh mashed berries(any kind), vanilla (either essence or paste).
I think you'd only be limited by your imagination as to flavours.
Freeze till set.

dbab - 2018-12-31 11:15:00
dbab wrote:

Beat 600 mls cream Add a tin of condensed milk and beat again till mixed. Add any flavouring you like.
We like maple syrup, fresh mashed berries(any kind), vanilla (either essence or paste).
I think you'd only be limited by your imagination as to flavours.
Freeze till set.

...made your recipe, and drained a tin of boysenberries.tasted good, bit sweet. Worked out not as cheap as buying from sup.mkt, but at least I KNOW what is in it. No preservities

korbo - 2018-12-31 13:05:00

I make the cream/condensed milk ice cream but only add 3/4 of the can of condensed milk as I find it too sweet with the full can. I crunch up oreo biscuits to make cookies and cream, make caramel sauce and swirl through, cook any berries with sugar to sweeten and swirl through, add real maple syrup and chopped walnuts, make lemonade jelly with only a little water and add chopped jelly snakes to make goody gumdrops, add melted chocolate, add coffee with or without walnuts - the list of flavours is endless! So yummy and easy and you know what is in it, no hidden additives.

meetee - 2018-12-31 15:48:00

yes, no hidden additives. wasnt quite hard, but still lovely in the cone. I am so hooked, as waiting now to make many more flavours.....

korbo - 2018-12-31 21:53:00

I've made the condensed milk one too and added chopped up crunchie bars. So delicious, but the calories scare the life out of me.

molly37 - 2018-12-31 22:49:00
10 thoughts exactly.
wonder if it would still be nice with the lite conds milk?

Edited by korbo at 9:12 pm, Tue 1 Jan

korbo - 2019-01-01 21:11:00

Annabel Langben has a. Delicous 3 bowl Ice-Cream

kiwiscrapper1 - 2019-01-02 18:58:00

I had cream left over from Christmas and a glut of avocados so I made the avocado icecream. It is wonderful. We had it with strawberries and some chopped dark chocolate. Thank you for posting.

magenta - 2019-01-05 10:38:00

Have a very old 3 bowl icecream recipe. Today we add marshmallows and choc chips to it, the kids love it.

fifie - 2019-01-05 11:07:00
molly37 wrote:

I've made the condensed milk one too and added chopped up crunchie bars. So delicious, but the calories scare the life out of me.

Just take smaller mouthfuls. That'll trick the calories and take away the guilt.

wasgonna - 2019-01-05 13:26:00

molly37...........apparently if you put it at the top of the freezer the calories don't like heights and they jump out so it will be ok to eat the ice cream.

crazynana - 2019-01-05 13:39:00
crazynana wrote:

.....apparently if you put it at the top of the freezer the calories don't like heights and they jump out so it will be ok to eat the ice cream.

same same if you cut it into slices.....
the calories fall out, and disappear.......

(works on cakes, too, I'm told....)

autumnwinds - 2019-01-05 13:56:00

This is very rich but delicious.
2 cups cream
1 tin condensed milk
1 crunchie bar, grated

Whip cream, stir in condensed milk and crunchie bar, freeze.
Lovely with summer berries

mak47 - 2019-01-05 15:12:00

Do you have an icecream maker? If so I can share my Whittaker’s white chocolate icecream recipe

sit1 - 2019-01-05 15:26:00
fifie wrote:

Have a very old 3 bowl icecream recipe. Today we add marshmallows and choc chips to it, the kids love it.

I posted one like this here years ago - it was my grandmothers - but I got so shot down here that I never re-posted it.
Apparently it was not an old family recipe but an old NZ recipe ... so there you go.
Eggs, cream, sugar and whatever flavour you want from Vanilla to roasted hazelnut to coffee and chocolate, raspberries is the current version because we have heaps at present.
Lovely and no churning, scraping, mixing and refreezing. Takes 5 minutes to make and off it goes into the freezer. Cleaning the bowls takes longer however I have it down to fine art now and manage with 2 bowls :)

uli - 2019-01-05 15:53:00
wasgonna wrote:

Just take smaller mouthfuls. That'll trick the calories and take away the guilt.

ha ha. Great idea. Might need to make some when we are away later this a treat of course!

molly37 - 2019-01-05 16:56:00

2 cups milk
1 vanilla bean
4 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
1tsp vanilla ess
1 cup cream

Split vanilla bean and put in pot with the milk. Heat until nearly boiling. Whilst heating milk, beat egg yolk with sugar. Slowly pour milk on egg mixture, stirring constantly. Return all to the pot, scrape inside of vanilla bean and add bean + seeds to pot. Heat GENTLY until mixture thickens a bit. Remove from heat & add cream and vanilla ess. Stir and allow to cool. Refridgerate overnight then churn. By adding 4T(heaped) cocoa,we also made a very nice chocolate ice cream .

accroul - 2019-01-05 17:09:00
crazynana wrote:

.....apparently if you put it at the top of the freezer the calories don't like heights and they jump out so it will be ok to eat the ice cream.

Haha - I read that to my hubby who said "Yeah, they jump out onto your hips!" Killjoy .....

kitty179 - 2019-01-05 19:15:00
uli wrote:

I posted one like this here years ago - it was my grandmothers - but I got so shot down here that I never re-posted it.
Apparently it was not an old family recipe but an old NZ recipe ... so there you go.
Eggs, cream, sugar and whatever flavour you want from Vanilla to roasted hazelnut to coffee and chocolate, raspberries is the current version because we have heaps at present.
Lovely and no churning, scraping, mixing and refreezing. Takes 5 minutes to make and off it goes into the freezer. Cleaning the bowls takes longer however I have it down to fine art now and manage with 2 bowls :)

uli could you please post the recipe again as I would like to make it- some people get very precious about recipes not realising they get handed down in families and others may also have the same recipe from different sources. I would be keen to make it in 2 bowls as well!

katalin2 - 2019-01-05 23:13:00

katalin2, although I haven't tried it I found that I still had on-file uli's icecream recipe that had been reposted by samanya - thanks to both uli and samanya......

4 eggs
100g sugar ("I use less" - not sure if that comment was from uli or samanya??)
300ml cream
vanilla flavouring

First beat the egg whites, then in the biggest available bowl beat the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until white. Add the egg whites to the egg yolks.
Whip the cream in the egg white bowl, then add it to the rest and fold carefully to incorporate everything but not lose too much of the "fluff" you have beaten up in the whites and cream.
Freeze for about 20 hours.
Makes about 1 x 2 litre icecream container full. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 6:15 pm, Sun 6 Jan

245sam - 2019-01-06 18:15:00

Thank you for re posting 245sam- thought it is something I could do with the grandchildren this week.

katalin2 - 2019-01-06 23:46:00

Have just made this with lemon grated lemon rind and a little lemon juice, and used coconut cream as someone in the family is lactose intolerant. Now in the freezer- the little boys loved helping and licking the bowls- they have given the unfrozen mixture a definite thumbs up! Great recipe with no additives. Thanks again!

katalin2 - 2019-01-07 11:40:00
245sam wrote:

katalin2, although I haven't tried it I found that I still had on-file uli's icecream recipe that had been reposted by samanya - thanks to both uli and samanya......

4 eggs
100g sugar ("I use less" - not sure if that comment was from uli or samanya??)
300ml cream
vanilla flavouring

First beat the egg whites, then in the biggest available bowl beat the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla until white. Add the egg whites to the egg yolks.
Whip the cream in the egg white bowl, then add it to the rest and fold carefully to incorporate everything but not lose too much of the "fluff" you have beaten up in the whites and cream.
Freeze for about 20 hours.
Makes about 1 x 2 litre icecream container full. :-))

I use 100g of caster sugar as the sugar and egg yolk need to bind together. You can try with less of course but the texture might be different.

The same goes of course for "alternative" milks - it was called ice "cream" for a reason - again the whipped cream and the whipped egg white is what makes it light and fluffy.

So I will be interesting to hear what result you get with the coconut. I hope it is not going to be too solid. Coconut can do that. In that case put it into the fridge for half an hour or so to soften it slightly.

uli - 2019-01-08 18:01:00

I add pineapple (crushed or pieces) sometimes too.

standard - 2019-01-25 11:08:00
uli wrote:

I posted one like this here years ago - it was my grandmothers - but I got so shot down here that I never re-posted it.
Apparently it was not an old family recipe but an old NZ recipe ... so there you go.
Eggs, cream, sugar and whatever flavour you want from Vanilla to roasted hazelnut to coffee and chocolate, raspberries is the current version because we have heaps at present.
Lovely and no churning, scraping, mixing and refreezing. Takes 5 minutes to make and off it goes into the freezer. Cleaning the bowls takes longer however I have it down to fine art now and manage with 2 bowls :)

That is a lovely recipe & thanks for giving it again.
I remember that saga very well & would like to tell it how it actually was & it's quite different from your recollections.
The saga developed because you claimed to have brought this recipe to NZ & the ensuing discussion was because of the way you worded your post .. it sounded as if you were claiming the credit for 'introducing' this recipe to NZ cooks. OK maybe you did bring the recipe with you, as did many European settlers many many decades before you.
Hope that clears it up for you

samanya - 2019-01-25 13:25:00
samanya wrote:

I remember that saga very well & would like to tell it how it actually was & it's quite different from your recollections.
The saga developed because you claimed to have brought this recipe to NZ & the ensuing discussion was because of the way you worded your post .. it sounded as if you were claiming the credit for 'introducing' this recipe to NZ cooks. OK maybe you did bring the recipe with you, as did many European settlers many many decades before you.
Hope that clears it up for you

Petty much

buzzy110 - 2019-01-25 17:38:00
buzzy110 wrote:

Petty much

You forgot an 'r'.
Yes it was pretty much how it evolved, if you are 100% honest.

Edited by samanya at 6:33 pm, Fri 25 Jan

samanya - 2019-01-25 18:24:00
samanya wrote:

You forgot an 'r'.
Yes it was pretty much how it evolved, if you are 100% honest.


buzzy110 - 2019-01-26 15:44:00
buzzy110 wrote:


nope, factual & you know it.
btw ...who brought the subject up?
Not me, OK!

Edited by samanya at 3:58 pm, Sat 26 Jan

samanya - 2019-01-26 15:56:00

Omg it's Still happening no wonder the originals are now few...I'm outta here again. Rainrain I so admire your resilience. Samanya we've all known Uli for years along with her 'quirks' did you actually need to post??? Petty...yes.

Edited by suzanna at 4:08 pm, Sat 26 Jan

suzanna - 2019-01-26 16:06:00
suzanna wrote:

Omg it's Still happening no wonder the originals are now few...I'm outta here again. Rainrain I so admire your resilience. Samanya we've all known Uli for years along with her 'quirks' did you actually need to post??? Petty...yes.


samanya - 2019-01-26 17:28:00

Has anyone got a frozen yoghurt recipe they can recommend?

BTW we tried the avocado ice-cream with strawberries and it was delicious!

Edited by razell at 9:37 pm, Sat 26 Jan

razell - 2019-01-26 21:36:00
kiwiscrapper1 wrote:

Annabel Langben has a. Delicous 3 bowl Ice-Cream

She also has strawberry one I have now made twice - the second time using strawberries frozen at the end of 2017.

1punnet (250 mg) strawberries
300 ml cream
2 1/2 cups icing sugar (I used 2 cups)
3 tablespoons lemon juice.
Blitz with stick blender until smooth and thick.

This is a strongly flavoured and quite 'tart' ice cream. Less lemon juice and more sugar might be better for those who like ' sweet'.

cosimo - 2019-01-27 18:57:00
suzanna wrote:

Omg it's Still happening no wonder the originals are now few...I'm outta here again. Rainrain I so admire your resilience. Samanya we've all known Uli for years along with her 'quirks' did you actually need to post??? Petty...yes.

I didn't know that I had 'quirks' - is that good or bad in NZ language - or on this message board?
Maybe someone who speaks English better than myself can "enlighten" me?

uli - 2019-01-29 15:56:00
uli wrote:

I didn't know that I had 'quirks' - is that good or bad in NZ language - or on this message board?
Maybe someone who speaks English better than myself can "enlighten" me?

It means you are unique. It is neither good or bad, just neutral.

buzzy110 - 2019-01-29 16:11:00

Coconut vanilla ice cream......or banana

2 414-ml cans coconut cream* or full-fat coconut milk (I used Aroy d coconut milk.
100 g organic cane sugar (sub up to half with agave nectar or maple syrup)
1 pinch sea salt
1 vanilla bean pod (split and scraped
2 tsp pure vanilla
Mashed ripe bananas (optional)
1/8 tsp xantham gum or guar gum ( to help icecream from going too hard)
This can be mixed with the sugar so it doesn’t go into a lump.(optional)

If you check the ingredients on Tip.Top or other brands of icecream you can see they add several of these gums for this reason.

Edited by eljayv at 4:25 pm, Tue 29 Jan

eljayv - 2019-01-29 16:24:00
uli wrote:

I use 100g of caster sugar as the sugar and egg yolk need to bind together. You can try with less of course but the texture might be different.

The same goes of course for "alternative" milks - it was called ice "cream" for a reason - again the whipped cream and the whipped egg white is what makes it light and fluffy.

So I will be interesting to hear what result you get with the coconut. I hope it is not going to be too solid. Coconut can do that. In that case put it into the fridge for half an hour or so to soften it slightly.

Turned out great uli- the dairy free family memeber loved it and so did the 2 little grandchildren who helped make it. Will make it again this time using 72% dark melted chocolate which is dairy free. It did go quite hard but just took it out of the freezer until I could hack into it. Will make it again. Great recipe thanks1

katalin2 - 2019-01-30 20:05:00
eljayv wrote:

Coconut vanilla ice cream......or banana

2 414-ml cans coconut cream* or full-fat coconut milk (I used Aroy d coconut milk.
100 g organic cane sugar (sub up to half with agave nectar or maple syrup)
1 pinch sea salt
1 vanilla bean pod (split and scraped
2 tsp pure vanilla
Mashed ripe bananas (optional)
1/8 tsp xantham gum or guar gum ( to help icecream from going too hard)
This can be mixed with the sugar so it doesn’t go into a lump.(optional)

If you check the ingredients on Tip.Top or other brands of icecream you can see they add several of these gums for this reason.

Just tried this last night- turned out really well and made heaps. Cut down on sugar and added choc chips to the bananas.

katalin2 - 2019-01-31 10:12:00

We add..
2 1/2 tsp peppermint essence
200g choc chips
Green food colouring...

neshka - 2019-02-01 10:33:00

Does any think this icecream recipe would work with milk and cream or coconut cream.
1 cup Nutella spread
3 ripe bananas, cut into chunks
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 cups half-and-half cream
As below

eljayv - 2019-02-01 16:40:00

Bumping for OP who has cream again this year :) Happy New Year all :)

unknowndisorder - 2020-01-01 14:43:00
korbo wrote:

yes, no hidden additives. wasnt quite hard, but still lovely in the cone. I am so hooked, as waiting now to make many more flavours.....

Try adding peanut butter

el_paso - 2020-01-03 13:32:00

I live in Auz so ice cream flavours are very limited. The cheep ice cream (brand name ones Peters and Bulla) make me very sick when I eat it. I find they are over whipped so very foamy. I can happy eat Gelato or sorbet. I think my stomach prefers ice cream that is a bit more dense then fluff. I also can not digest cream as again I bring it back up. Any recipes with just milk? I don't have an ice cream maker but happy to hand churn every hour if I can have decent ice cream I can eat.

marcs - 2020-01-03 17:13:00
marcs wrote:

I live in Auz so ice cream flavours are very limited. The cheep ice cream (brand name ones Peters and Bulla) make me very sick when I eat it. I find they are over whipped so very foamy. I can happy eat Gelato or sorbet. I think my stomach prefers ice cream that is a bit more dense then fluff. I also can not digest cream as again I bring it back up. Any recipes with just milk? I don't have an ice cream maker but happy to hand churn every hour if I can have decent ice cream I can eat.

I experimented with our ice cream maker several years ago as I wanted a lower fat and sugar option. Sorry, I dont have the quantities written down, but I basically made a yogurt smoothie low fat protein powder. I only added enough milk to it to make it easily pourable, but not runny (possibly equal quantities of milk and yoghurt?) Can change flavours by using different flavoured yogurts and adding fruit etc. We enjoyed it, as it was a treat-type food that fitted in with our dietary requirements.
If you're really keen to make your own flavours, I would suggest looking for a second-hand ice-cream maker - I bought mine off here years ago.

baalamb - 2020-01-06 10:56:00
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