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Raw fish recipe pls


I have lots of fish and want to try **Raw FIsh**.your best tasting recipe please

korbo - 2018-12-28 11:28:00

What I grew up with was literally just cubing it into 1.5cm pieces, putting it in a jar with some onion and covering with malt vinegar. I can't even remember if we salt and peppered it. Leave in fridge.
Ready to eat after 24 hours, or when it looks "cooked".
We always used firm fish like snapper or red moki.
I know there are heaps of recipes - thats just what we did !
Enjoy :-)

jallen2 - 2018-12-28 11:33:00

Finely slice/chop fish, (like onions)
Squeeze over heaps of lemon juice (stir)
Refridgerate for ..... some time
Add chopped spring onion/cucumber/tomato (remove seeds)
Salt and pepper
Coconut cream
Stir/Rest/ Eat
Yummo !

mouse_y - 2018-12-28 11:41:00


korbo - 2018-12-28 12:50:00
korbo wrote:

I have lots of fish and want to try **Raw FIsh**.your best tasting recipe please

i do mine the same as mouse_y but when i think the fish has been enough in the lemon juice, i strain the lemon out of the fish before i add the coconut cream,,, i just find for me it tastes better doing that way

Edited by aktow at 4:03 am, Sat 29 Dec

aktow - 2018-12-29 03:56:00

This message was deleted.

snoopy221 - 2018-12-29 04:34:00

we were invited out for dinner last night, so didnt finish the dish. had a quick taste of the fish this morning..ohlala...just tasted abit like a prawn. I am happy with that....will drain the lemon juice and pour over the coconut cream and other ingredients. thanks for the info. We get a lot of fish, and this will be a good fav.

korbo - 2018-12-29 13:10:00

how long after you have added the coconut cream can it last in the fridge.??thx

korbo - 2018-12-30 12:30:00

The member deleted this message.

korbo - 2018-12-30 12:30:00

Never lasts long enough to worry about shelf life

patxyz - 2018-12-30 13:21:00

you know what??
I really love it. It has firmed the fish, and only problem, no-one else was prepared to try it...silly people.!!!!

korbo - 2018-12-30 17:31:00
korbo wrote:

you know what??
I really love it. It has firmed the fish, and only problem, no-one else was prepared to try it...silly people.!!!!

OMG. Why ever not? Perhaps you shouldn't have called it raw fish. In Fiji they call it Cacoda (said kakonda). Lucky me. I raised my family to be open to all foods. They will try anything once if I make it because they trust me and I'll never let them down.

FYI. The fish is no longer 'raw'. The lemon juice 'cooks' it.

buzzy110 - 2018-12-30 17:41:00

It’s marinated is it not? I do a marinates well, but I hate coconut cream so just use salt pepper, lemon juice water and white vinegar. Add in chopped onion and away you go. Using the right fish is key. Snapper is ok, kingfish is great, bluenose terrific. Monkfish good. Calamari is excellent.

golfdiver - 2018-12-30 18:38:00

I used Pams coconut cream. didnt seem to have a creamy flavour and very runny

korbo - 2018-12-30 19:48:00
golfdiver wrote:

It’s marinated is it not? I do a marinates well, but I hate coconut cream so just use salt pepper, lemon juice water and white vinegar. Add in chopped onion and away you go. Using the right fish is key. Snapper is ok, kingfish is great, bluenose terrific. Monkfish good. Calamari is excellent.

I too, do not like coconut cream and much prefer to retain the lemon juice and then add in some finely chopped (almost minced) veg such as red onion, capsicum and seedless tomato. But when I make it knowing others will be eating it, I have to add the coconut cream to cater to the NZ palate.

buzzy110 - 2018-12-31 13:10:00

the samoanblue fiafia coconut cream is the best very unhealthy but the best to use. I soak my fish overnight drain the lemon then add everything else. red onion/coloured capsicum/tomato/cucumber/sprin-
g onion sometimes abit of chilli

simon0071 - 2019-03-12 09:55:00
simon0071 wrote:

the samoanblue fiafia coconut cream is the best very unhealthy but the best to use. I soak my fish overnight drain the lemon then add everything else. red onion/coloured capsicum/tomato/cucumber/sprin-
g onion sometimes abit of chilli

Does Samoanblue Fiafia coconut cream also have guar gum as a stabiliser?

Personally I will not purchase any coconut cream with guar gum or any sort of gum in it to 'stabilise' it. Even Chantal and Ceres Organics add guar gum to their organic coconut cream, which makes it not organic. Ceres does make a stabiliser free coconut cream so I get that.

I am at a loss to know what is unhealthy (apart from the added gum) about coconut cream. Can you tell me please why, with only two ingredients - coconut and water, you think it is unhealthy?

Edited by buzzy110 at 10:49 am, Tue 12 Mar

buzzy110 - 2019-03-12 10:46:00

I marinate my fish for no longer than 2 hours in lemon juice otherwise the lemon juice is over powering and the fish is quite cooked. There is nothing wrong with mullet or kahawi. I add coconut cream, spring onion, capsicum, cherry tomatoes and cucumber. Yummo!

jen51 - 2019-03-13 22:07:00

Guar gum...I had to google

wheelz - 2019-03-14 08:35:00

have a mate who does an amazing 'raw fish' using trout!
still follows the lemon juice and coconut cream approach

pheonix4 - 2019-03-14 16:46:00
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