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Is there anyone who has never made a trifle.????
I have been making them for the past 40yrs.
With christmas here,.....I cannot believe my 2 daughters and sister have
never made them.
Also overheard a few ladies in supermarket saying they have never made one.
How do you make yours. Seems to be different ways. Love to hear them.

korbo - 2018-12-24 17:02:00

Lemon Trifle

3-4 lemons – juiced and grated
3 eggs separated
1 can condensed milk
1 trifle sponge
Cream for wiping (300mls)
1/2 chocolate flake

Mix the condensed milk, egg yolks, lemon juice and rind together. Wipe the egg whites until stiff then fold into the lemon mixture.
Pour half the lemon mixture on the bottom of the bowl, top with sponge then top with remaining lemon mixture. Top with wiped cream and then a crushed flake.

I find it best to make the day before (cream on the day) that way the lemon mixture soaks into the sponge. You can pour lemon challo over the sponge first if you want to make it more special.

tinkagirl - 2018-12-24 17:51:00
tinkagirl wrote:

Lemon Trifle

3-4 lemons – juiced and grated
3 eggs separated
1 can condensed milk
1 trifle sponge
Cream for wiping (300mls)
1/2 chocolate flake

Mix the condensed milk, egg yolks, lemon juice and rind together. Wipe the egg whites until stiff then fold into the lemon mixture.
Pour half the lemon mixture on the bottom of the bowl, top with sponge then top with remaining lemon mixture. Top with wiped cream and then a crushed flake.

I find it best to make the day before (cream on the day) that way the lemon mixture soaks into the sponge. You can pour lemon challo over the sponge first if you want to make it more special.

...never thought about using lemon challo. sounds nice.

korbo - 2018-12-24 18:27:00

see my thread started the other day - berry trifle - the kids loved it.

janeny1 - 2018-12-24 20:07:00

Never made one, that has always been something mum can make, so we leave it up to her (thinking about it, it has been a few years since we've even had one). DH hates that sort of food, so doubt I ever will make one.

Mum has never been great at baking and I think she may be getting a bit more experimental with food these days, but she always seemed to find something she could make and then bake it till we got sick of it and then stop eventually. She has never understood my fascination with food (I am adopted, and found out my maternal grandfather was a chef, which explained things).

Merry Xmas everyone :)

unknowndisorder - 2018-12-25 08:02:00

Never made them, cannot stand them.

jan2242 - 2018-12-25 08:22:00

My husbands name for it -" soggy sponge". Hence, it's never been made in this house.

sue1955 - 2018-12-25 08:39:00
korbo wrote:

Is there anyone who has never made a trifle.????

I loathe trifle. So would not make one.

olwen - 2018-12-25 11:54:00

I make it to the Edmond cook book, but i add more stuff
I jamb little flakes in around it and sprinkle one ontop the cream
I put kiwi fruit in and home grown strawberry on the cream.
Just finished making a huge one a few house ago.
Yes real custard on the stove.

Edited by nukhelenc at 1:27 pm, Tue 25 Dec

nukhelenc - 2018-12-25 13:22:00

The member deleted this message.

aphra1 - 2018-12-25 14:48:00

Houses lol Hours ago *
Was in a rush to get out the house with it

nukhelenc - 2018-12-26 20:11:00

My daughter made a banoffee trifle yesterday - it was very rich and sweet but the sponge was too dry for me. She also made ambrosia which was ok but again a bit too sweet for me.

sarahb5 - 2018-12-27 10:24:00

I always make a traditional English trifle, Make stawberry jelly, soak sponge into it, leave to set,make up a pint of custard, cool pour over set jelly, top with whipped cream, sprinkle with hundreds and thousands, yummyx

pollypanner - 2018-12-27 10:38:00
pollypanner wrote:

I always make a traditional English trifle, Make stawberry jelly, soak sponge into it, leave to set,make up a pint of custard, cool pour over set jelly, top with whipped cream, sprinkle with hundreds and thousands, yummyx

Well it is nice to know that one other person at least does the sponge soaked in jelly. I thought I had been doing it wrong all of these years. It was the way my mother did it. The sponge also had sherry added. She made other additions as well. I recall it was done in layers with sponge dribbled with sherry then enough jelly added to soak into the sponge. Then a layer of her preserved peaches, another layer of sponge jelly and sherry and another layer of peaches. It was all left overnight to set then cool custard was added and refrigerated till set. All that was left to do on the day was to cover with whipped cream, sliced strawberries or, in my mother's case, the last of the peaches from the jar and walnuts.

It was pretty basic but when I was young I loved it and made it every Christmas until my mother passed away. Then I never made it again, ever because I can't face leftover trifle for days on end. Same as I never have pavlova.

DD did ask me to make Christmas pudding for next year though. After years of hating it and rejecting the very thought of Christmas pud she has suddenly discovered its charms.

buzzy110 - 2018-12-27 10:52:00

Sponge drizzled with orange/sugar syrup (equal quantities heated until sugar dissolved, recipe said quarter cup each but found that wasn't really enough) followed by custatd/whipped cream/yogurt mix then berries. Repeat layers. Food lovers NZ recipe. Did add some sherry to the orange syrup. My daughter doesn't like triffle but likes this version more so the custard mix with or without the sponge lol.

coolnzmum - 2018-12-27 10:54:00

And I resort to a chocolate trifle as none of my 4 grown up children like the traditional one. I set a blackberry or boysenberry jelly into chocolate sponge, top with berries and choc mousse then whipped cream. Sometimes i leave out the jelly and drizzle sponge with Kahlua if serving to adults only.

rarogal - 2018-12-27 12:53:00

Used to make a bowl of trifle but as only me made two smaller ones this year.

A little jelly poured into the bottom of the container. Leave to set.
Rest of jelly in a shallow tray or dish.
Jam sponge roll sliced and stood on end round the side of the bowl.
Slice or cut strawberries and slip down the sides between the roll pieces.
More roll slices in bottom of the bowl, then cut squares of the set jelly, then strawberry pieces (could add other fruit if fancied). Continue building to the top.
Pour cold, thick custard over and top with cream.

I like this because the sponge is not too soggy, or can be as 'soggy' as you want with whatever is wanted - sherry, fruit juice.
Looks very impressive.

nruter - 2018-12-27 13:24:00

I dont think i've ever eaten a trifle - and obviously never made one either. My mum doesnt like them so no one in the family since has ever had one at xmas, so many other yummy desserts around it never really mattered. Some of the above recipes do sound yummy though, especially the choc or condensed milk ones.

dibble35 - 2018-12-27 14:47:00

Trifle is my all-time favourite - used to ask for 'parfaits' for my birthday dessert; basically individual trifles in a wine glass :) Sponge chopped up and soaked in jelly (kids half) or sherry (ooh, yuk, parent's half); tinned fruit; sweet custard, whipped cream, decorated with fresh fruit. Being dairy free now, it's one of the things I really miss... best part of Christmas food was eating leftover trifle for breakfast on Boxing Day!

nunesy - 2018-12-27 17:53:00

I love trifle made with peach schnapps. Sometimes I use jelly in it and the fruit can be just peaches or fruit salad. I go lightly with the custard and no cream because I dislike cream. I really missed the trifle this year but I'm making some tomorrow.

strathview - 2018-12-27 22:35:00

Nigella has a great chocolate and cherry trifle

duckmoon - 2019-01-01 14:11:00

luv trifle,we have simple one,sponge,with drained tin fruit of fresh berries,drizzle jelly over top,into fridge to set then custard and cream,Mmmmm now I want some more.xmas and special occasions :)

crystalmoon - 2019-01-01 14:16:00

duckmoon - 2019-01-01 14:20:00

6 stalks rhubarb, trimmed,washed and chopped

55g brown sugar

250g mascarpone

2 tbsp icing sugar

1 tbsp marsala wine
Finely grated zest & juice of 1 orange, plus…
½ cup (or more) orange juice
100ml cream, whipped

12 savoiardi biscuits (ladyfingers) or a trifle sponge
Grated chocolate, to serve
1 Cook the rhubarb and brown sugar in a saucepan over a low heat, covered, for 15 minutes, until very soft. Transfer to a container and chill.
2 Mix the mascarpone, icing sugar, marsala and orange zest until smooth. Fold through the whipped cream.
3 Cover the base of individual serving glasses or a large trifle bowl with the biscuits/sponge and soak with orange juice. (I also slosh a generous tipple of marsala over the sponge!) Top with 2 tbsp mascarpone mixture, 2 tbsp rhubarb, another 2 biscuit halves and another 1 tbsp of the mascarpone mixture. Top with grated chocolate before serving.

meoldchina (

bev00 - 2019-11-05 23:02:00

Nobody likes trifle in this house, so no need to make one.

rainrain1 - 2019-11-06 09:36:00

Trifle in our house consists of a jam roll sponge cut up, with sherry drizzled over it. A tin or 2 of mandarins, followed by custard poured all over it. My family won't eat it any other way.

angie117 - 2019-11-06 16:12:00

My trifle is made up blackberry jelly, jam sponge, homemade custard, pineapple drained and peaches, good slosh sherry, whipped cream on top, strawberries, passionfruit pulp and Cadburys flake sprinkled over and strawberries

nanee2jlp - 2019-11-06 16:24:00

Instead of the sherry we use brandy with a little gingerale, fairly strong. This year though I may use some homemade limoncello sounds yummy..

susieq9 - 2019-11-07 10:14:00

I always make the Edmonds Ice Cream Pudding recipe for my custard over sponge, Sherry, jelly & fruit. And must be made the day before to develop the flavours. Only 1 granddaughter in this family who doesn't like trifle.

camper18 - 2019-11-16 15:50:00

I totally agree with respondents about trifle being 'soggy sponge. With one exception - an old family recipe that ha enough booze in it for the afternoon nap on Xmas Day! Family favourite and I'll try to find it) but it was sponge, soaked in a good amount of brandy, with homemade custard (often using custard powder) with a bit more brandy, whipped cream, layered in and covered with flaked chocolate. We always had a fresh fruit salad to go along side that seemed to soak up some of that booze but the trifle itself no jelly and no fruit. It seriously was demolished so leftovers going soggy just never happened!

julie55 - 2019-11-16 16:20:00

I am embarrassed to say I have never made a Trifle.I am following these posts with great interest. Hit me with your recipes so I can prepare one this Christmas. TIA. Mrs B.

botim - 2019-11-18 10:18:00
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