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Cucumber slices


I had at a function cucumber slices that had a spread on top - what I could identify in the spread was coconut milk or cream, minced chicken and sweet chilli sauce. Has anyone a recipe - have googled search but no recipes for this.

poppit15 - 2018-12-01 18:44:00

I have made canapes with smoked salmon pieces, a touch of lime zest, a little sweet chili sauce, and creamed cream cheese, then piped this onto crackers with a sprinkle of finely chopped parsley..... I'm sure you could replace the salmon with minced chicken to good effect.....

autumnwinds - 2018-12-01 22:13:00

Yeah I made something similar to what Autumn did. Cucumber slices, piped cream cheese with if I remember rightly a touch on lemon in it, and maybe dill. Then salmon slices and dill to garnish. Was rather yummy.

dibble35 - 2018-12-02 07:35:00

Mine are cucumber at the bottom, cream cheese and salmon with dill on top and a little stick through it all to hold it in place, as the cucumber can get quite slippery and tries to throw the cream cheese off.

uli - 2018-12-02 12:18:00

I have done the same as uli but added horseradish sauce to the cream cheese and a caper on top

Edited by sarahb5 at 2:12 pm, Sun 2 Dec

sarahb5 - 2018-12-02 14:11:00

Haven't had a sweet chilli one but have tried these...

Try googling cucumber and chicken canapes or appetisers and look at images and see if anything looks similar to what you ate.

Edited by bruceakld at 3:06 pm, Sun 2 Dec

bruceakld - 2018-12-02 15:05:00

no point in having two threads the same, and this has more in it...

autumnwinds - 2018-12-15 10:30:00


bev00 - 2019-12-15 00:35:00
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