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Silicone baking sheets for roasts?


Is it safe/practical to line a roasting dish with a silicone baking mat instead of baking paper? I use heaps of baking paper, especially when roasting meat and veges, so I wondered if a silicone mat would be a good, reusable idea? Do veges still come out crispy?

datoofairy - 2018-08-30 22:17:00

I use silpat baking mats for a lot of baking. Have not used it for roasts as I use the Webber. Saves on the mess in my oven. I always line my trays with foil when roasting but I don't see why you can't use a flexible baking mat.

marcs - 2018-08-30 23:16:00

I wondered if food still browns and crisps up the same on silicone as it does on baking paper, and if the silicone mats are safe at high temperatures? If food cooks on it ok, it'd work out much cheaper to use a silicone mat than baking paper.

datoofairy - 2018-08-31 09:06:00

What do you make the gravy out of if you dont use all the crispy bits in the bottom of the roasting dish?

articferrit - 2018-08-31 11:22:00
articferrit wrote:

What do you make the gravy out of if you dont use all the crispy bits in the bottom of the roasting dish?

All the crispy bits would still be there, just not superglued to the bottom of the pan, I think. I'm hoping someone here has actually tired roasting meat and veges on a silicone mat and knows the answers.

datoofairy - 2018-08-31 12:39:00

I bought a mat, in a roll, that is made for using on BBQ grills from M10....
It was quite long, and I cut it into sizes for baking trays, cookie sheets and a roasting pan.

It's easy to wash (either hand wash, or via the dishwasher, pegged to the racks with "soft touch" pegs), and they are showing no major signs of either wear or staining after 18 months of constant use.

autumnwinds - 2019-08-17 22:43:00
datoofairy wrote:

All the crispy bits would still be there, just not superglued to the bottom of the pan, I think. I'm hoping someone here has actually tired roasting meat and veges on a silicone mat and knows the answers.

Absolutely correct - and the tins are so much easier to clean

autumnwinds - 2019-08-17 22:43:00

I use the black baking sheets for all my roasts and veggies plus cakes and even found the muffin liners at a Field Days stall which are excellent, would never go back to paper cups again. A quick rinse in hot soapy water then rinse off and dry on a clean teatowel.

camper18 - 2019-08-18 21:23:00
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