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Type 2 Diabetes Recipes


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lilibeth_52 - 2018-05-26 19:33:00

What you need is low carb recipes. Is there something in particular that you would like a low carb version of?

davidt4 - 2018-05-26 19:39:00

Get used to reading the backs of things :) - after a while it becomes second nature

twindizzy - 2018-05-26 19:57:00

Low carbs will be your best friend to keep your diabetes under control.
You can use all your normal vegetables that grow above the ground except corn, which is a higher carb vege. They can all be used without restriction.
Basically anything that has any sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose) wheat, maize, barley, is white or starchy needs to be restricted. It is a healthy lifestyle and one you can slip into quite easily.
You don't really need much in the way of special recipes.
Good luck and I hope you stay well.

spider47 - 2018-05-26 22:13:00

Avoid sugar altogether. Avoid anything made from flour, limit rice and pasta.
That's it.

lythande1 - 2018-05-27 08:40:00
lythande1 wrote:

Avoid sugar altogether. Avoid anything made from flour, limit rice and pasta.
That's it.

"Avoid eating anything made with flour " "Limit pasta" What is pasta made from??
Avoiding those things is good, but there are other sources of frequently eaten foods that spike blood sugars. Nearly all fruit, starchy vegetables, legumes.

geldof - 2018-05-27 13:58:00

sugar makes no difference to my blood sugar levels BUT carbs do in particular rice, pasta and potatoes. Everyone is different it is very much a hit and miss. the best you can do is read the labels on everything you buy.
You asked for recipes, there used to be a thread on here that had a lot of recipes from the like of the bee healthy cook book and another diabetic one.
If you are having trouble and want to still enjoy the odd baking treat I suggest you use half the amount of sugar a recipe states and exchange white flour for wholemeal or use white flour and add bran to it.
You will get lots of differing comments some contradicting others, but you really need to see a diabetic nurse educator and diabetic dietician. Also your local diabetes society will be of help.

cgvl - 2018-05-27 14:56:00

I'll put this one here too, it's buzzy110's.

dutchlegz - 2019-05-26 21:02:00
geldof wrote:

"Avoid eating anything made with flour " "Limit pasta" What is pasta made from??

Most is flour, but there is bean vermicelli you know.
And rice vermicelli. The bean is better for type 2s.

lythande1 - 2019-05-27 07:53:00

You can buy Konjac noodles at New World and Countdown, They have zero calories or carbs and Ii prefer them to flour pasta. Buy real food, no packet stuff full of additives. You will find that shopping is super quick as you basically only venture to a small part of the store.

jan2242 - 2019-05-27 07:57:00
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