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Easy nutritious vegetarian recipes


For fussy eaters.. ie no curries.
Miss 14 has become vegetarian but so far turns her nose up at what I offer which hasn't been much. Eg falafels. Would be good to get mr 9 eating it too but he's very suspicious of foods with multiple ingredients and refuses all things new.
I'd like to try some legume dishes if anyone has any popular recipes.. I will track down someone's Dahl recipe from the Vege thread to start with maybe? Mr 9 regularly eats nothing for dinner (he only eats plain fare)and sneaks down to eat cereal (sultana bran) later. Is this ok several times a week?? Or do I have to hide that....? Alternative is forcing him to sit there which I really am over doing at age 9... their dad has off and left me to it as well. Dinners have been very poor due to stress, multiple meal preferences and general "fed up ism". Miss Vege comes home at 8.30 after her sport training which is for 3 hours 3 nights so can't really prepare much. She does more cooking than the others despite not being here often. Miss 16 has dropped out of school and has issues... yep I'm trying to get her motivated but not successfully...
Anyway hit me with any food suggestions? Lythande need not bother responding...

wendalls - 2018-04-04 10:27:00

I just started a thread on easy vege burgers

Also, I make a samosa filling, but use ready rolled pastry and make sausage rolls
And lots of roast veges for a vege pizza, and I add cooked chick peas,

sossie1 - 2018-04-04 14:47:00

I have recently got a couple of the Revive Café Cookbooks. Everything I have cooked so far has been very nice. I think there about 6 of them and the two I have, have a good selection of different things to try. The recipes are all fairly simple too. You could check out your local library to see if they have them.

pamellie - 2018-04-04 15:09:00

I've copied this one from the vege thread (courtesy radiodanny) vegetarian niece loves these & I add grated veges sometimes. I thought it might appeal to Mr 9 as well.

Very quick and cheap and easy when there is "nothing in the pantry".

Into a bowl place 1 cup of rolled oats. Add a crumbled vegetarian stock cube (like Massell) and anything else you want in the way of flavours. I usually use 1 tsp mixed herbs. You an add a small finely chopped onion if you want. Now pour over 1 cup of boiling water and mix well. Either cover tightly and leave for 10 minutes OR stick it in the microwave for 1 or two minutes on high. Cool slightly then add 1 large tablespoon crunchy peanut butter and mix well. put some crumbs out on a plate and take small portions of the mixture, dab into the crumbs and shape into little sausage shapes, or patties or balls. fry gently in a good oil till golden and crispy all over.
Cheap, healthy hi fibre, and kids like it, esp with tomato sauce!

samanya - 2018-04-04 16:15:00

that sounds good samanya although mr 9 can find one grated piece of onion or greenery and that's it! could do corn and carrots and hed be fine though... I haven't got massell stock but could try that tonight with Maggi Vege stock if that's ok?

wendalls - 2018-04-04 16:24:00

I have a revive cookbook and the first thing I tried was a disaster and none would eat it. I've asked her to look through. she doesn't like cumin which is annoying.. especially when her sister and I love it. so samosas would have to be in two batches . annoying....
she may need to eat cereal for dinner as Well...

wendalls - 2018-04-04 16:29:00

The alternative is to provide a nutritious tasty meal, do not allow them to dictate to you, lock away the cereal, they will eat if they are hungry

sossie1 - 2018-04-04 16:31:00

This is another vege 'sausage' recipe from the vege thread ...I prefer this one but the kids in my family love both of the vege sausage recipes....they request them & only one is a vegetarian.
"Saw a Welsh speciality called Glamorgan sausages being made on TV a few weeks ago and thought they sounded nice, finally got around to making them tonight. Really liked them, I'm not a vegetarian but don't mind meatless dinners and found these very satisfying. Even took some (bad) photos that I'll share if someone tells me how. Made a few adaptations to use what I had, I'll put them in brackets
Here's the recipe:
175-200g fresh white breadcrumbs (4 slices toast bread incl' crusts)
150 g Caerphilly cheese crumbled or grated (2/3 feta 1/3 grated tasty) half a leek or 6 spring onions, very finely chopped (used white of 1/2 leek)
1 tbsp chopped parsley
half tsp thyme, leaves only
black pepper
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 tsp English mustard or Dijon mustard
2-3 tbsp milk (didn't need the mik)
45 g butter or 3 tbsp sunflower oil (used butter and oil)
(I did stage 2 first and just added the rest of the ingreds into the same bowl and mixed well with a fork - worked fine.)
1. Mix together 150g of the breadcrumbs in a bowl with the cheese, leek or spring onion, parsley, thyme and plenty of salt (glad I didn't use salt 'cos of the feta) and freshly ground pepper, blending well.
2. Beat the eggs with the mustard. Set aside 2 tablespoons of this mixture and stir the remaining egg mixture into the breadcrumb mixture. If it seems a little dry add a touch of milk to help bind it together without making it sloppy. (Didn't need to add milk)
3. Divide the mixture into eight and shape each portion into a sausage about 2.5cm thick. Put the reserved egg and mustard mixture into a shallow bowl and spread the remaining breadcrumbs onto a plate. One by one dip the sausages into the egg mixture and coat in the crumbs. If you have time, chill the sausages in the fridge for at least half an hour to firm up. (chilled them - think they wouldn't have cooked as nicely otherwise)
4. To fry the sausage, heat the butter or oil (and) in the frying pan and fry the sausages briskly for about 5 minutes until brown, reduce the heat and fry for a further 3-4 minutes.
While they chilled I prepped the rest and put the spuds on.

bella95 (178 )
eta ...I put veges in this one as well, grated carrot, finely chopped spinach & garlic.
btw ...if you are cruising the vege thread ...the recipe for 'sausage' rolls with onion in, is very good as well.

Edited by samanya at 5:10 pm, Wed 4 Apr

samanya - 2018-04-04 17:08:00
samanya wrote:

I've copied this one from the vege thread (courtesy radiodanny) vegetarian niece loves these & I add grated veges sometimes. I thought it might appeal to Mr 9 as well.

Very quick and cheap and easy when there is "nothing in the pantry".

Into a bowl place 1 cup of rolled oats. Add a crumbled vegetarian stock cube (like Massell) and anything else you want in the way of flavours. I usually use 1 tsp mixed herbs. You an add a small finely chopped onion if you want. Now pour over 1 cup of boiling water and mix well. Either cover tightly and leave for 10 minutes OR stick it in the microwave for 1 or two minutes on high. Cool slightly then add 1 large tablespoon crunchy peanut butter and mix well. put some crumbs out on a plate and take small portions of the mixture, dab into the crumbs and shape into little sausage shapes, or patties or balls. fry gently in a good oil till golden and crispy all over.
Cheap, healthy hi fibre, and kids like it, esp with tomato sauce!

I've made numerous large batches of these for a vege family member's freezer, and they're always appreciated.

kaddiew - 2018-04-04 18:14:00

Would your son eat say butter chicken? Even if it is sauce and one veg in it, that way you could just pile veggies into a second pot of the same dish.Veggie dishes my meat eating children loved. Spinach cheese and tomato lasagne. Bean nachos, these can be served as enchiladas. Garden veg pie basically veggies layered with a cheese sauce. Mushroom "meatballs" . Any type of soups, but especially sweetcorn and potato chowder. We did do the falafel thing, and when they didn't eat salad we filled little bowls of shredded lettuce grated carrots etc then had hummus and other sauces but they filled their own then wrapped in foil and cooked. This seemed to work well. Fritters were good too. I have posted lots of recipes i have used in the vegetarian recipe thread. If you have time take a scroll through. Oh another that is liked is risotto loaf, basically a tomato basil and cheese risotto with grilled courgettes through the center cooked in a loaf tin. Good luck x

ruby19 - 2018-04-05 08:09:00
sossie1 wrote:

The alternative is to provide a nutritious tasty meal, do not allow them to dictate to you, lock away the cereal, they will eat if they are hungry

Oddly enough I found this totally accurate. Had the grandies stay with us recently. No pre- or after-dinner snacks and what was provided at meals was hoovered up in short order. It was all fish and vegetables. DD said they turned their noses up at whole baked fish but not at ours. They ate their portion and looked for more. The boy said he didn't like brussel sprouts or carrots but when I made a stir fry with those in it, with the addition of some sesame oil and sushi soy at time of serving he couldn't get enough and asked for more.

My Beach Stir fried Vegetable Recipe

Halve or ¼ Brussel Sprouts
Carrot - I angle slice but do whatever slice you like
Onion - Chunked
Broccoli - Use stalks as well as the flower. Cut to size
Celery - Cut to size
Green Beans - angle cut
1 heaped tspn Cornflour mixed with a little bit of water
Water or fish stock
Pre-mix of sesame oil and soy - about 4 Tblspns

Heat a pot or wok (Woks are too big to cart and store at the beach so I use a pot)
Add Ghee (or any other oil you like)
When hot chuck in the vegetables and stir fry till they are all hot, brightly coloured and coated in the cooking oil/fat
Add enough water or stock to about half the level of the vegetables
Mix around and put lid on to bring to the boil
Boil about 20 secs then thicken with the cornflour mix
take off the heat and stir in the sesame and soy mix

I know this is not exactly Chinese but it is pretty yum nevertheless and hungry children who have always been fed a good range of vegetables from birth hoover it up like there is no tomorrow.

Edited by buzzy110 at 9:24 am, Fri 6 Apr

buzzy110 - 2018-04-06 09:22:00


bev00 - 2019-04-06 23:32:00
sossie1 wrote:

The alternative is to provide a nutritious tasty meal, do not allow them to dictate to you, lock away the cereal, they will eat if they are hungry

Also an opportunity for them to learn about foods, cooking and self-sufficiency. Unless they are paying for groceries, they could never have experienced junk food. Does 9 y.o. drown everything with tomato sauce , proving that his already minimal sense of taste is non-existent?

amasser - 2019-04-07 13:07:00

Take a look at Miriam Sorrells Mouthwateringvegan website, link below. I have her book and use her recipes a lot, we are not Vegan but like mostly vegetarian meals so you can easily adapt them to your own taste. Lots of great recipes and most are relatively cheap to make too. The Gobsmacked burgers are really nice and you don't miss the meat in the patty, might appeal to your son.

Edited by nauru at 3:03 pm, Sun 7 Apr

nauru - 2019-04-07 15:03:00

Why does Miriam sorrell not give recipes, her blue cheese in particular. What is the point.

frances1266 - 2019-04-11 09:46:00
frances1266 wrote:

Why does Miriam sorrell not give recipes, her blue cheese in particular. What is the point.

Below each photo and blurb is a line of small green writing. If you click on "read More' the recipe appears.

kaddiew - 2019-04-11 12:18:00

not on the blue cheese recipe unless I am clicking on the wrong thing.

frances1266 - 2019-04-11 14:03:00
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