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Easy to make pumpkin soup please


I am not very keen on curry

walker18 - 2018-03-26 23:52:00

You can do what you want for pumpkin soup. My easiest version would be peel and cut up pumpkin into smallish pieces. Cover in water. Add some salt and spices to taste (mixed spice good). Boil until pumpkin soft. Puree (eg food processor, hand whiz thingee etc).

I will often put a whole pumpkin in the oven to cook while I am cooking something else. Then peel/de-seed. Whizz up to a puree with some water in a food processor. Bag and freeze. Then can be used to make pumpkin risotto or can turn into pumpkin soup (add more liquid like chicken stock, vegie stock, water, salt, and spices to taste.

gennie - 2018-03-27 15:24:00

Lots of recipes around, my fav at the moment is zap a big grey pumpkin 15 mins ( makes it easy to cut) de seed cut into chunks roast @ 180c with 3 onions cut into chunks, and 3 garlic bulbs skin on. Cool cut skin off, pan fry 6 rashers bacon, squeeze out all garlic put all in food processor. I add tsp curry powder don’t have to, blend with 2-3 litres chicken stock in batches till u get the thickness you like. Freezes well.l

Edited by fifie at 3:48 pm, Tue 27 Mar

fifie - 2018-03-27 15:46:00

My easiest is to sprinkle with cumin and coriander then roast with a halved onion until soft. Purée pumpkin and onion then add chicken or vegetable stock and/or coconut milk until you get the consistency you want. If you like it spicy add sweet chilli sauce to taste.

sarahb5 - 2018-03-28 19:59:00

Thank You

walker18 - 2018-03-31 15:09:00

I cut up the pumpkin into small pieces and put in a pot with a good pinch of salt.
Add an onion (finely chopped) and or garlic and a tsp of mustard. Then add chicken stock and cook as if you were boiling potatoes.
Once cooked, use a stick blender then add whatever flavours you like.
IE. Paprika, nutmeg, some finely chopped herbs etc.
Adding a can of creamed corn to pumpkin soup makes a nice change and gives it a little texture. I also like Worcestershire sauce in mine, and cream or butter to give it a nice silky feel in your mouth.

Edited by jallen2 at 3:18 pm, Sat 31 Mar

jallen2 - 2018-03-31 15:13:00

and a can of tomatoes...makes the difference

kamo631 - 2018-03-31 18:09:00

This message was deleted.

kindajojo - 2018-03-31 18:51:00

Peel a good dry supermarket squash (those small round dark ones) Cut it up and deseed it. Put it in a large pot with a couple of chopped onions and cover with beef stock Bring to the boil, and simmer til tender. Now...the only hard part.......drain, reserving the stock, mash the pumpkin and sieve it, or blend, or put it through a food processor then sieve it (it has to be absolutely lump-free). Mix with the stock. Yum.... To make Cream of Pumpkin, add a thin well made white sauce - up to equal quantities. Correct the seasoning before serving. You can add other herbs and spices as you wish.

Edited by punkinthefirst at 7:42 am, Sun 1 Apr

punkinthefirst - 2018-04-01 07:42:00

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?

glynsmum - 2018-04-01 08:32:00
glynsmum wrote:

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?

i struggle might try cooking a little first next time

bobcat_6 - 2018-04-01 09:04:00

Apparently there are a lot of vitamins in the skin, so if its just a family dinner I sometimes just wash the pumpkin and don't peel ! It doesn't make a "pretty" finished product - but its better for you.
I don't think it would work with those grey pumpkins though. They kind of have a skin like 'egg shell' even when cooked.
If you decide to peel, I cut into portions and use one of these peelers

Its super quick to use and you don't need to use any force.
You peel away from you using light strokes, not towards you like you do with a traditional peeler. And you spin it around and use the u shape to de-seed the cut up pieces.

Otherwise you can cook the pumpkin first.

jallen2 - 2018-04-01 13:13:00
glynsmum wrote:

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?

I roast mine with the skin on then scrape it off

sarahb5 - 2018-04-01 13:50:00

Roasted pumpkin gives a much better flavour in soup by a long shot, soften onions, carrots and celery, add loads of stock and roasted pumpkin with the skin removed, simmer for a while and puree. Season. Enjoy.

sellontrademe - 2018-04-01 18:04:00

curry powder
chicken stock
chili powder

twindizzy - 2018-04-16 16:31:00
glynsmum wrote:

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?


No need to peel it for soup. The liquidizer will take care of it, you will never notice the difference

lilyfield - 2018-04-16 16:55:00

** recycling **

autumnwinds - 2019-04-05 23:17:00

My all-time favourite, and so easy.
Cut a pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds.
In the cavities place onion, garlic, tomato, coriander, turmeric, salt and pepper.
Place in oven dish with some water or stock on the bottom and roast at 180 degrees until the pumpkin is tender..
Scoop it all out and puree it together, including the water or stock on the bottom of the pan.
Freeze at this point if you wish.
Before serving/reheating, season to taste, dilute with coconut cream/milk or whatever you like.

kitty179 - 2019-04-05 23:28:00
glynsmum wrote:

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?

Never peel pumpkin. The stickblender later on takes care of this

lilyfield - 2019-04-06 04:21:00

easy pesy mix with an onion soup mix, if you like put some herbs in it

should have used the sidebar

Edited by slimgym at 6:24 am, Sat 6 Apr

slimgym - 2019-04-06 06:23:00

If you have a nutriblender, whizz it up in batches in this... Super Smoooooth silky soup!

hazelnut2 - 2019-04-06 08:55:00

Made one yesterday but I did put a little curry in it (my choice). Was cut up pumpkin, bacon pieces, onion, garlic, celery and stock. Recipe had potato in it but I left it out.

jan2242 - 2019-04-06 08:56:00
glynsmum wrote:

Great ideas----Now the big Question how do you peel the pumpkin,cook first or struggle please?

I put mine in the microwave for ten minutes. Easier to peel and chop up. Be very careful as it is very hot.

ffloss - 2019-04-08 09:38:00
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