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Vegetarian sweet corn recipes please?


Pak 'N Save practically giving them away yesterday & they're so fresh, bought around 10 & I'm the only one who likes them. Tough bikkies for rest of family, they're seasonal & cheap end of story. Has anyone suggestions apart from fritters/salad/buttery cobs please that might appeal? Thanks

hezwez - 2018-01-23 20:06:00

Chilli con carne,with corn instead of beans,yum.

lilyfield - 2018-01-23 21:30:00

You could blanch them and freeze them if you have the room in your freezer

cottagerose - 2018-01-23 21:51:00

Thanks both of you.

hezwez - 2018-01-24 09:57:00

I used to make a delicious recipe years ago calle d Summer Stew by Deborah Madison. When I stopped eating dairy I replaced the cream in it with coconut cream. It has red pepper, tomato, corn, courgette, basil is what I remember and it is served on penne or other small pasta. It is absolutely yummy. Must have it again soon.

frances1266 - 2018-01-24 10:10:00

Ummm - sweet corn is vegetarian. Cook it, add butter and salt and there you go.

If no-one else eats it then cook it, take the kernels off and freeze it in small portions to add to soups, stews, make fritters or a big corn frittata (uses eggs of course)

Or you could check out "Bite" - our own homegrown recipe site:

uli - 2018-01-24 18:38:00
cottagerose wrote:

You could blanch them and freeze them if you have the room in your freezer

I just remove the kernals, package and pop into the freezer, no blanching. They kept well too, no freezer burn.

nauru - 2018-01-24 18:49:00

An oldie. Kiwi Quiche
1 onion med. finely chopped
2-3 cups of seasonal veges eg. carrot, corgette, sweet corn, chopped tomatoes, peppers, beans or asparagus (tinned drain well) , finely chopped mushrooms and always some spinach or silverbeet finely chopped, cooked chopped potato, kumara or pumpkin. Or any of your own choices. (sun dried tomatoes are nice)
1/4 cup grated tasty cheese & (2tsps parmesan cheese which can be optional.)
3 eggs
1 cup of non-fat milk
1/2 cup self raising flour or normal flour mixed well with a 1 tsp baking powder and sieved.
freshly ground pepper & salt
Method: spray 25 cm quiche dish with with cooking oil place the finely chopped onions and other veges into the dish.
Scatter with cheese. Lightly beat the eggs & milk together, add the flour and mix well to ensure no lumps, sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Pour over veges.
Bake at 200 degrees centigrade for 30-35 mins or until golden brown and set. Serve hot or cold.

Edited by linette1 at 7:03 pm, Wed 24 Jan

linette1 - 2018-01-24 19:03:00

Thanks guys. Some delicious clever ideas there. Might need to go and buy some more!

hezwez - 2018-01-24 20:46:00

Ottolenghi sweetcorn polenta recipe is really good.

ruby19 - 2018-01-24 20:47:00
nauru wrote:

I just remove the kernals, package and pop into the freezer, no blanching. They kept well too, no freezer burn.

Freezer burn occurs when the plastic packaging is too thin or has been damaged (often bones sticking out etc).

uli - 2018-01-25 11:22:00
ruby19 wrote:

Ottolenghi sweetcorn polenta recipe is really good.

Sadly the link doesn't work?

uli - 2018-01-25 11:27:00

Google helps:
Sweetcorn Polenta with eggplant sauce ~ Ottolenghi
Eggplant Sauce
2/3 cups olive oil
1 medium globe eggplant, cut into 3/4-inch dice
2 teaspoons tomato paste
1/4 cup dry white wine
1 cup chopped peeled tomatoes (fresh or canned)
6 1/2 tablespoons water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon chopped oregano

2 ears sweet corn kernels
4 cups cooked polenta (cook as directed on label using butter)
Butter, as needed for cooking polenta
Salt, to taste
Heat up the oil in a large saucepan and fry the eggplant on medium heat for about 15 minutes, or until nicely brown. Drain the oil.
Add the tomato paste to the pan and stir with the eggplant. Cook for 2 minutes, then add the wine and cook for 1 minute.
Add the chopped tomatoes, water, salt, sugar and oregano and cook for 5 minutes to get a deep-flavored sauce. Set aside; warm it up when needed.
For the polenta, the original recipe doesn't call for cornmeal polenta but we used it. Cook the polenta as directed with butter and salt to taste. Fold in the corn after 10 minutes of initial simmering.
Top off the polenta and eggplant with sauteed mushrooms, if desired.

venditor - 2018-01-25 11:34:00

Thanks venditor. Looks scrummy.

hezwez - 2018-01-25 11:53:00

Nice ehen corn is young and fresh.
Spicy Corn. Cut cobs into half, cook in boiling water till tender. In small basin mix little sea salt, smoked paprika, good pinch cayenne pepper. Spread some of your fav mayo over hot corn cob, sprinkle with little of spice mix, then roll in grated vegan cheese, have as a side.
Garlic Corn.
Nice for lunch, Lay out pieces of foil to wrap whole cob in. Mix up some soft butter, s/p, clove crushed garlic, chopped parsley. Place corn cob on foil, smear all over with butter wrap up tight, put into ovenproof dish bake mod oven about 30 mins till tender.

fifie - 2019-01-08 13:31:00

Did anyone catch Matt Preston the other day showing an easy way to cook corn cobs and - the best part! - how to take off both the leaves AND the silk in one simple move? I don't know when I saw it (day or night, or if it was a re-run, or what), but tried his method, and OMG! Makes it all soooo easy!

* Roll each cob in a swirl of gladwrap (after soaking in water for an hour, if they're a little dry... oh, that's my tip).

* Microwave 2 cobs for 3.5 - 4 mins (depends on the power of your microwave).

* When cooked, remove with clean folded teatowel (to save burns).

* Lay on wooden board and, with very sharp knife, cut right through the base, just about the bottom row of kernels.

* Pick up each cob, again with the folded teatowel, squeeze down from the top end of the cob (twisting slightly if needed) and the whole cob - sans leaves and silk - will just pop out onto the board!

* Leave leaves/gladwrap to cool, discard gladwrap, and pop leaves into compost or worm farm (mine's doing brilliantly..).

* That's the no-mess way to do it, Mabel...... :)

Edited by autumnwinds at 1:08 am, Fri 11 Jan

autumnwinds - 2019-01-11 01:07:00

Freeze as it is, if it is still in the husk. No need to blanch. When you want it just zap it int he microwave then take the husk off and eat, use tec.

jan2242 - 2019-01-11 09:12:00

Why do you need the glad wrap Autumnwinds?
I just microwave without.

gilligee - 2019-01-11 13:04:00
gilligee wrote:

Why do you need the glad wrap Autumnwinds?
I just microwave without.

yep that's what we do, put in microware 3 minutes, as it comes from the garden eg leaves, the cut through the fat end just leaving a bit of leaves not cut and lift it, it comes off

slimgym - 2019-01-11 13:59:00
gilligee wrote:

Why do you need the glad wrap Autumnwinds?
I just microwave without.

The theory is that it holds any moisture in, steaming and cooking the corn more quickly....

Here's the Sweetcorn fritter recipe I'm using lately. With a son with major nausea problems from kidney issues, he'll happily gobble these...... With a slice or two of bacon, and some tomatoes cut in half and fried/baked in a large rectangular electric frypan, it's a quick and easy meal. The recipe may seem complicated, but has a real "corn" flavour, using the cooked and uncooked cobs - and less salt than boiling them, or using canned corn.

Fresh Sweet Corn Fritters
3 largish sweet corn cobs
2 large eggs
1/4 cup cream (or coconut milk.cream for vegan)
several stalks parsley, finely chopped
2 sprigs thyme, finely chopped (I prefer lemon thyme, but whatever you have)
one spring onion, finely chopped (or a tablespoon finely chopped onion).
salt and pepper to your taste
3 Tablespoons self raising flour(or equivalent with baking powder)
Cook 2 cobs briefly (3 mins for two) in microwave. Cool, and cut off kernels, scrapping with the back of the knife to remove last vestiges, add to large bowl with herbs and onion.

Cut the kernels off the fresh uncooked cob, then scrape with back of knife, as above. Put 2/3 of those kernels (uncooked) into small wizz with yolk of eggs, and cream, blitz, then add to rest of corn. Fold in flour.

Quickly beat egg whites in small bowl until stiff, then fold them into the flour/corn mix using the edge of a spatula, folding lightly.

Cook bacon (if using), remove and keep warm, then spray the base of frypan, make fritters from 2 tablespoons of mix, and cook, turning once, until cooked through. Serve. These are lovely light fritters, with excellent corn flavour. Also nice cold.

autumnwinds - 2019-01-14 22:19:00


bev00 - 2020-01-13 22:37:00
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