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Slow cooked beef stew


500 grams of lean cubed beef
2 Parsnips sliced
2 carrots sliced
1 onion diced
1 level teaspoon of curry powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
1 teaspoon of soy sauce
2 cups of frozen peas
1 cup of water.
Slow cooked 4 hours in a Small Zip, slow cooker. I find that a lot faster than my larger low cooker.

pickles7 - 2017-06-09 16:52:00

yum, will try this one,

rainrain1 - 2017-06-09 18:33:00
rainrain1 wrote:

yum, will try this one,

I'm sure you have cooked a heap of similar recipes, as have I but it will be still very pleasant.
To me, that's a beef mince recipe to serve on toast (sorry pickles) ;o)
To me these days, slow cooked beef stew has to be a little more 'gutsy', like a Boeuf Bourguignon type it just me, that wants more flavour ...have I watched too many MasterChef programmes on TV?

samanya - 2017-06-09 19:21:00

Have to say I agree samanya, although don't want to be annoying to pickles for saying so. And my stews are always different. Sometimes delicious and other times so so. I never make exactly the same recipe.. I've also become fond of using my Le creuset on the stove top if I have the time or pressure cooker if I don't!

wendalls - 2017-06-09 20:36:00

have been looking for something like this so will try it soon thanks

usualsuspect - 2017-06-10 03:12:00

To some people simple good recipe's like this are just too basic like a couple of commenters above yet to some people who are beginners or just venturing into such cooking its a useful thing to hear how its done. I would add a few comments though for a beginner.

The best meat is actually the cheap gravy beef or brisket with a bit of gristle and connective tissue because that melts and softens in slow cooking to become that succulent jelly. Some fat isn't too bad either as it builds richness and flavour.

You should brown the meat in a frypan with a little oil to get some colour and flavour. Fry the onions a bit too they come out sweeter and softer.

I would add in a tablespoon of flour too at the end of the browning stage to thicken it up a bit. stir it into the hot oil or cold water before adding.

We have a few meals like this at this time of the year cheap easy and delicious. My ones are generally allot bigger though to feed the resident army here.

beaker59 - 2017-06-10 10:27:00
samanya wrote:

I'm sure you have cooked a heap of similar recipes, as have I but it will be still very pleasant.
To me, that's a beef mince recipe to serve on toast (sorry pickles) ;o)
To me these days, slow cooked beef stew has to be a little more 'gutsy', like a Boeuf Bourguignon type it just me, that wants more flavour ...have I watched too many MasterChef programmes on TV?

I don't try to cook like a Masterchef champ all the time, have other priorities :) I will be making the one above as soon as I get my hands on some beef, I love to have a these quick easy slow cooker recipes to go to in a hurry.
No beef, no mutton, in my freezer....did I marry a man of the land or what?

rainrain1 - 2017-06-10 11:50:00

Simple nutritious meals are what we need. I would have once browned the meat and vegetables, I just wanted to get it on and out the door. To be honest I would cut out browning when I use the slow cooker from now on, nothing is wasted, and it was delicious. My husband has requested the rest with dumplings, tonight.

pickles7 - 2017-06-10 12:21:00

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone. Simple & nutritious is of course most important. I certainly don't try to cook like a MC either, but these days I like a bit of ooomph taste buds might be failing, maybe & I don't have a tribe to cook for.
I agree with the connective tissue thing that lovely jellyish stuff.

samanya - 2017-06-10 12:33:00
beaker59 wrote:

To some people simple good recipe's like this are just too basic like a couple of commenters above yet to some people who are beginners or just venturing into such cooking its a useful thing to hear how its done. I would add a few comments though for a beginner.

The best meat is actually the cheap gravy beef or brisket with a bit of gristle and connective tissue because that melts and softens in slow cooking to become that succulent jelly. Some fat isn't too bad either as it builds richness and flavour.

You should brown the meat in a frypan with a little oil to get some colour and flavour. Fry the onions a bit too they come out sweeter and softer.

I would add in a tablespoon of flour too at the end of the browning stage to thicken it up a bit. stir it into the hot oil or cold water before adding.

We have a few meals like this at this time of the year cheap easy and delicious. My ones are generally allot bigger though to feed the resident army here.


buzzy110 - 2017-06-10 15:49:00
buzzy110 wrote:


Absolutely 'this'.
We all had to start cooking somewhere, didn't we?
I learned some things from my mother & grandmother (& I learned what never to cook, that I hated as a kid) & the rest of the ongoing cooking journey was from recipe books & the internet & I'm still learning ...aren't we all?

samanya - 2017-06-10 17:31:00
rainrain1 wrote:

I don't try to cook like a Masterchef champ all the time, have other priorities :) I will be making the one above as soon as I get my hands on some beef, I love to have a these quick easy slow cooker recipes to go to in a hurry.
No beef, no mutton, in my freezer....did I marry a man of the land or what?

Ha ha ha, I get it. Like the Plummer and electrician, they can never get time to do the jobs at home. I cooked so many meals during my working life, My husband cooked all the meals at home, and still dose a lot now.
Some folk will have to slow down themselves one day. We have reached that stage now, and am enjoying it.

pickles7 - 2017-06-11 11:22:00

I like all stews in winter, with the onset of cold weather ive raided the freezer for home kill beef and made a couple of sc meals of sweet/sour beef for a change, yummy with a good frosted mashed swede and spuds for a good old fashioned comfort meal. You can also make meatballs in the sauce from a bag of mince in sc to if you want
Sweet sour beef.
Stewing, braising, or blade steak cut into chunky pieces. i like a bit of grissle, or leave a little fat on for added flavour.
Seasoned Flour
1/2 cup malt vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon worcester sauce
S/Pepper, carrots diced ,1 onion sliced.
Depending on size of meat pack used you may need a little water 1/2-1 cup..
Turn cooker to high on to heat.
Toss meat in seasoned flour to coat sear in sc inner with little oil in batches, when last batch done add sliced carrots and onions.
Mix vinegar, worcester sauce, brown sugar, s/p water, if using pour over meat and veg so meat is almost covered, bring up to the boil stir and put in preheated cooker. Turn heat to low lid on and cook. Dinner time If juice is a little thin turn cooker up to high thicken with cornflour/water paste 1/2 hr before serving. If doing meatballs with mince,i leave out vegs make your fav recipe meatballs toss in seasoned flour, brown and pour mixed sauce over them and cook on low. Serve with rice and veg of choice. For larger quantities of meat just make more sauce, you might need to cook it a bit longer, depends on your cooker.

fifie - 2017-06-11 12:03:00
beaker59 wrote:

The best meat is actually the cheap gravy beef or brisket with a bit of gristle and connective tissue because that melts and softens in slow cooking to become that succulent jelly. Some fat isn't too bad either as it builds richness and flavour.

I ordered a few beef cheeks today ...they fit the criteria for that delicious glutinous meat ...but then I'm not cooking for an army, only me...but it's certainly 'stew' weather here ...warms the cockles of the heart stuff, huh?

samanya - 2017-06-11 17:41:00
samanya wrote:

I ordered a few beef cheeks today ...they fit the criteria for that delicious glutinous meat ...but then I'm not cooking for an army, only me...but it's certainly 'stew' weather here ...warms the cockles of the heart stuff, huh?

OOOHHHHHHHH yeah love the beef cheeks try cooking them as usual but whole its like eating a super sticky soft steak with really good gravy. Yes I usually do about 2 Kg of beef cheeks at a time.

beaker59 - 2017-06-12 19:11:00

Hmmmm try oxtail in a stew instead of gravy beef, yummmm.


Edited by valentino at 3:06 pm, Tue 13 Jun

valentino - 2017-06-13 15:05:00
valentino wrote:

Hmmmm try oxtail in a stew instead of gravy beef, yummmm.


I love oxtail ...haven't had it for a while, though.

samanya - 2017-06-13 17:54:00
samanya wrote:

I love oxtail ...haven't had it for a while, though.

I love it too - that, beef cheek and cross cut blade would be my fav cuts - all are now ridiculously expensive; particularly oxtail given most of it is bone.

awoftam - 2017-06-13 19:56:00
awoftam wrote:

I love it too - that, beef cheek and cross cut blade would be my fav cuts - all are now ridiculously expensive; particularly oxtail given most of it is bone.

I know what you mean. The beef cheeks I picked up today, were way more expensive than last time.
I cooked one (in my pressure cooker) tonight with a dash of red wine, mushrooms , onion & a few herbs etc & with a baked potato & coleslaw was simple but delicious.

samanya - 2017-06-14 19:05:00
awoftam wrote:

I love it too - that, beef cheek and cross cut blade would be my fav cuts - all are now ridiculously expensive; particularly oxtail given most of it is bone.

I know what you mean. The beef cheeks I picked up today, were way more expensive than last time.
I cooked one (in my pressure cooker) tonight with a dash of red wine, mushrooms , onion & a few herbs etc & with a baked potato & coleslaw was simple but delicious.
It's been a stew type day here, raw & cold ...comfort food was in order.

samanya - 2017-06-14 19:06:00
valentino wrote:

Hmmmm try oxtail in a stew instead of gravy beef, yummmm.


Got a nice recipe Valentino for a oxtail stew. Found one in the bottom of the freezer today I forgot I had, so must use it.

fifie - 2017-06-14 19:39:00
fifie wrote:

Got a nice recipe Valentino for a oxtail stew. Found one in the bottom of the freezer today I forgot I had, so must use it.

Took a leaf out of Heston. That is to cook the oxtails via pressure cooker then allow to cool.
Get all the meat of the bones and discard the bones but save the liquid.
Ideal meat and stock to use for stews etc.....

Just simply cook some chopped onion, once cooked add the meat and sufficient liquid. Add some seasoning like a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 tsp salt, and just heat all then add a thickening if desired like 2 tablespoon flour mixed with a bit of water to a runny paste and mix in. Taste as you go and alter the seasoning to suit. Serve with nice veges. One can do dumplings to suit if wish but more time needed for these to cook.

NB: that Bistro Gravy powder is okay to use as well like 2 tablespoons goes well in the above too if want something more, it all comes down to personal taste as you go.

Editing to note if no pressure cooker then do it as if you are doing bacon bones for a soup.


Edited by valentino at 8:28 pm, Wed 14 Jun

valentino - 2017-06-14 20:15:00

Oh, one can make a more concentrated oxtail Liquid - stock by bringing the liquid back to boiling and simmer to reduce the liquid to suit your own self wise-style. Is beautiful and lovely to do for a richer natural meaty stock - liquid.

valentino - 2017-06-14 20:37:00

I always prefer my casseroles or stew meat browned in pan first as well the vegetables... I dislike the thought of blood from unbrowned meat floating around in the liquid ..

karlymouse - 2017-06-14 22:03:00

And further to the Oxtail stew, you can add whatever veges like cubed potatoes, peas, carrots, etc.... but will require extra cooking time for most veges to be cooked. Perhaps just par-boil first then add.


valentino - 2017-06-15 09:18:00

Oxtails (as Many as you think you need)
Guinness or Cheap Red Wine (Shiraz is best)
Small Pickling Onions (As many as you need for the amount of Oxtails) OR 1 lge Onion
1 Stalk of Celery
½ Red Capsicum
8 – 10 Mushrooms
Fresh Ginger
Salt and, if you want, Pepper
(The following are optional – Use as much or as little as you think you want)
Dried Mixed Herbs or fresh Oregano and Thyme
Note: - The meat is the focus of this dish. Do not put a whole lot of vegetables in it. They are best cooked separately and served as accompaniments
Note: Cook this the day before you want to eat it.
Note: There are several methods of cooking this stew. Take your pick.
1. Carefully brown your oxtails in the pot you will eventually cook the stew in (if cooking on the stove) over a medium heat in batches, making sure you do the sides. This part takes a while. Don’t rush it. (I usually do other things at the same time like knead bread or wash, peel and thickly slice up your chosen vegetables)
2. Remove each browned oxtail as it is finished till all are done. When you are down to your last few and room is freed up in the pot start browning the mushrooms and onions as well. Once all the meat is removed add in the rest of the vegetables which you will have cut into chunks
3. Once they look nicely sautéed take them out of the pot and deglaze with either 1 cup of the Red Wine or a tin of Guinness
4. Put the oxtails back into the pot (if cooking on the stove) or into the crock or casserole dish, in layers, salting each layer as you go. Sprinkle with the herbs. Add the deglazed liquid if not cooking in the pot otherwise leave liquid in the pot.
5. Put the vegetables on top.
6. Check that you have enough liquid (if I was using my Dinerite then that would be enough liquid). It will also be enough liquid if using a crock pot. If you are using a regular pot then add a bit more water to just about cover the meat. If you decide to casserole it then I think that will be enough liquid but do check halfway through the cooking process.
7. Crock Pot – 8-10 hours at low setting. Casserole – 4-5 hours at 160oC, Dinerite – 2-2½ hrs on lowest heat after lid whistles and you close it off (electric element) or with gas use a simmer mat. Regular Pot – 3-4 hours after bringing it to the boil then turning down to lowest setting (once again use a simmer mat on the lowest setting if cooking with gas and check liquid level every hour). Pressure Cooker – Haven’t a clue.
8. Once the meat has reached the desired state of tenderness remove from the heat and drain all the liquid into another bowl or jug. Cool meat and stock then refrigerate separately.
9. Next day or so prepare your meal.
a. Remove the, by now, solidified fat from the top of the stock and put the stock into a pot and reheat. Put the solidified fat into a clean yoghurt container and save in the fridge till rubbish day and throw it away or, you can use it to cook other things.
b. Prepare the vegetables you will have with your stew and cook so that the stew and vegetables will be ready at the same time
c. Put some extra wine/Guinness/water into the pot the stew is to be cooked in. Add the meat and vegetable and reheat till hot then turn down to low
10. Once it has reheated return it to the bowl/jug it was in and turn the element down to low.
11. Add a knob of butter to the reheating pot and when it has melted add a tablespoon of flour and mix together. Be careful not to let this mixture get too hot or the gluten will be destroyed and your sauce won’t thicken.
12. Add the reheated stock back in, 1/3rd at a time, whisking with a whisk till thick with each addition. You should end up with a gravy type consistency. Taste and season as necessary.
13. Tip sauce into the meat, mix and put the lid back on. Turn the heat up a bit so tha

buzzy110 - 2017-06-15 09:46:00

A few drops of angostura bitters does wonders for any stew or soup

ritebuy - 2017-06-15 12:22:00

Thank you both, they sound yummy have saved both recipes and as only 2 of us now will halve my tail and make both...

fifie - 2017-06-15 12:42:00

My stew has to have Ox Kidney in it, also, red wine and tomato paste and soya sauce.
Shin on the bone makes an excelllent stew also.

peterlap1 - 2017-06-15 13:30:00

I don't go along with taking the meat off the ox tail, sucking those delicious bones is a big part of the enjoyment of eating them

rainrain1 - 2017-06-15 13:50:00

The member deleted this message.

rainrain1 - 2017-06-15 13:52:00
rainrain1 wrote:

I don't go along with taking the meat off the ox tail, sucking those delicious bones is a big part of the enjoyment of eating them

I too love sucking those bones as well as those bacon bones but that is done separately, bit greedy I suppose but others do join in if they are around.


valentino - 2017-06-15 13:55:00
rainrain1 wrote:

I don't go along with taking the meat off the ox tail, sucking those delicious bones is a big part of the enjoyment of eating them

Definitely this.

buzzy110 - 2017-06-15 16:54:00

After (through marriage) our family gained a Cambodian section I was so surprised to see that Oxtail turned up so regularly in their cuisine and so effectively mmmmmmmmm Oxtail in a noodle broth. Wish I had more time to go early and see how they cook it.

And Heston your recipe sucks gotta leave the meat on the bones :p

beaker59 - 2017-06-15 19:19:00

** bump**

a good time to bring up a made-from-scratch thread.....
just waiting for a HUGE oxtail stew to cool enough to put in fridge, so I can take the fat off in the am..... lovely odour of rich, thick, thoroughly luscious meaty stew and the lingering smell of cooked thyme (3 varieties) from the huge bunch, tied with culinary cord, in the bin.....

autumnwinds - 2018-06-12 23:40:00

** bump - again - but we need more people doing cooking "from scratch" **

autumnwinds - 2019-06-10 22:32:00

Winter Comfort Food. Sweet Sour Beef Stew.
Stewing steak cut into chunky pieces.
1/2 cup malt vinegar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon worcester sauce
S/Pepper, carrots diced ,1 onion sliced.
Depending on size of meat pack used you may need a little water 1/2-1 cup.Turn Cooker on to high to heat.
Toss meat in flour s/p to coat brown in hot pan with little oil,add carrots and onion soften.
Mix vinegar sauce brown sugar water if using pour over meat/veg so meat is almost covered and cook low most of day, If little thin dinner time thicken with heaped teasp cornflour and cold water 1/2-3/4 hr before serving.

fifie - 2019-06-13 11:49:00

Beef Straganoff
1/2 onion sliced, 200gr beef 200gr mushrooms sliced, 2teasp flour, 1 cup beef stock, 2 teaspoons worcester sauce, 2 teaspoons tomato paste, 1 tablespoon sour cream.
Cut beef into strips, toss in seasoned flour brown in hot pan. Soften onion add flour,stock,w sauce, tom paste into slow cooker.Stir to combine, cook on low about 3-4 hours, depends on your cooker, add mushrooms last hour,
about 30 minutes before serving check seasoning, add sour cream. Stir well. if you want thicker sauce thicken a little.
Serve on cooked pasta.

Edited by fifie at 12:06 pm, Thu 13 Jun

fifie - 2019-06-13 12:01:00

Malayan Beef Curry, from here.
Bag of home kill, stewing, blade, or chuck steak.
2 onions sliced
Cloves Garlic crushed or chopped.
2 good tablespoons red curry paste or 1-1/2 if using green paste.
3 tablespoons fish sauce.
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 large potatoes
2 large carrots
celery stalks OR if none teaspoon celery salt.
Large Can coconut milk.
Cut meat into good size chunks lightly flour and brown in a pan in batches with some oil.Add curry paste and cook out. Brown up some sliced onions and garlic, add diced potatoes,carrots, chopped celery, fish sauce and coconut milk and sugar bring up to the boil for a few minutes. Place all in cooker and cook on low. Near serving time stir, test for seasoning and hotness add more curry if needed..
Serve with rice and Nann flat bread cut into triangles brushed with oil sprinkled with paprika, bake in 200c oven 3-5 minutes till crisp and golden....

fifie - 2019-06-13 13:17:00
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