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Homemade Basil Pesto


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52many - 2017-03-13 19:03:00

throw some parsley into it.

geldof - 2017-03-13 21:53:00

I make pesto with pine nuts from home grown sweet basil & freeze it ...I don't find it too strong. Is it sweet basil you've grown? Some of the other types could be stronger,.

Edited by samanya at 9:56 pm, Mon 13 Mar

samanya - 2017-03-13 21:54:00

I do 1 cup basil, 3 cloves garlic, 1/3 cup each of roasted cashews and parmesan, salt and pepper and olive oil as required for desired consistancy (drizzle it in).

wildflower - 2017-03-14 14:16:00

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mecanix - 2017-03-14 18:36:00
mecanix wrote:

a squirt of lemon juice along with a splash of zest mellows the Basil.

I use a similar recipe to wildflower & your suggestion sounds really good.
I have a heap of basil atm & have already made a lot of pesto batch I'll give the lemon a go.

samanya - 2017-03-14 19:01:00

what do you use to chop up the basil????

blueviking - 2017-03-15 07:41:00
blueviking wrote:

what do you use to chop up the basil????

I use a mini food processor.

samanya - 2017-03-15 12:03:00
samanya wrote:

I use a mini food processor.

Likewise. For chopping herbs for meals I use a mezzaluna, but for pesto, the blender. OP, if you have plenty of parsley, it makes a lovely pesto with cashews or peanuts.

schnauzer11 - 2017-03-15 12:08:00

I do the whole pesto in the small bowl of my processor, just drizzling the oil in the top as needed last.

wildflower - 2017-03-15 14:46:00
schnauzer11 wrote:

Likewise. For chopping herbs for meals I use a mezzaluna, but for pesto, the blender. OP, if you have plenty of parsley, it makes a lovely pesto with cashews or peanuts.

As does rocket and basil. I also used to throw in some curly kale (not a lot). While pine nuts are traditional I really like the sound of toasted cashew and peanuts.

buzzy110 - 2017-03-15 18:29:00

I use walnuts in mine. Makes a really lovely pesto.

susan21 - 2017-03-21 21:04:00
susan21 wrote:

I use walnuts in mine. Makes a really lovely pesto.

I plan to make some today & have noticed that in some online recipes, walnuts are used & going by the comments it's great.
I have plenty of walnuts so will give it a try

samanya - 2017-03-22 12:21:00

I used to use pine nuts until I (and others) got an allergy - that is when I found out that we do not have the European pine nuts any more in NZ, but the Chinese ones which are (obviously) much cheaper AND are another variety which is apparently not very edible and lots of people get allergic to them.

So now I use almonds or cashews or walnuts.

Edited by uli at 2:07 pm, Tue 13 Mar

uli - 2018-03-13 14:06:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-13 14:35:00

I'd mix the basil with parsley if it was too strong for my liking. Don't forget heaps of garlic and parmesan cheese too. I always use cashews as pine nuts are out of my budget. However, pesto is the one time I will splash out and buy a better olive oil - you really can taste the difference.

cinderellagowns - 2018-03-13 14:39:00
steve0061 wrote:

I made this one last week as a vegan alternative and it was beautiful .. I could only get Thai basil which I don't usually like but it was actually really good in pesto, and the pinenuts were delicious. (I used vegan parmesan instead of nutrional just put your normal parmesan instead) I just threw it all in my old food processor and it was fine.

Thanks for sharing that link, great recipe. Do you make your own vegan parmesan?

nauru - 2018-03-13 15:07:00

I use sunflower seeds, makes a bargain pesto.

lilyfield - 2018-03-13 15:44:00

Pine nuts are good...but a bit expensive. Cashews will do.

fruitbat - 2018-03-13 15:45:00

I so love making and eating basil pesto. My kids will eat it when i use sunflower seeds and lots of parmesan, a bit more salt and lemon juice.Last week i was driving around sedan area and saw some strangely pruned pine trees. Turned out to be variety grown for harvesting pine nuts. I thought that was cool as i didn't know they were grown here. Probably exported LOL.

..james.. - 2018-03-13 21:47:00
uli wrote:

I used to use pine nuts until I (and others) got an allergy - that is when I found out that we do not have the European pine nuts any more in NZ, but the Chinese ones which are (obviously) much cheaper AND are another variety which is apparently not very edible and lots of people get allergic to them.

There are Mediterranean pinenuts being grown here in Marlborough orchards

ed65 - 2018-03-14 07:44:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-14 19:08:00

parsley makes lovely pesto........i use roasted almonds - cheaper and just as nice with lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, and parme cheese

timetable - 2018-03-15 00:21:00

Could I freeze my store bought basil do you think?

wendalls - 2018-03-15 12:27:00
steve0061 wrote:

No I buy the Angel food one, it was really very good in this recipe!

Eta now I am craving this again, have to make some tomorrow lol!

Thanks for that. I make a cashew/almond nut parmesan which is nice.

nauru - 2018-03-15 19:11:00
wendalls wrote:

Could I freeze my store bought basil do you think?


uli - 2018-03-16 18:20:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-19 00:09:00

My basil has started to go to seed. Does this mean it will taste bitter if I use it for making pesto?

meoldchina - 2018-03-19 22:13:00
steve0061 wrote:

Oh now that is very cool,well done.. I am a bit lazy! Would you mind sharing that recipe? I am very interested in perhaps making my own if it's a good recipe!

Hi steve, here it is from my Mouthwatering Vegan book
Nutty Parmesan
½ cup mixed raw cashews and almonds
2 tablsp nutritional yeast
1 teasp garlic powder
salt to taste
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and process until finely ground. Place in a covered container and store in the fridge.
Note: I also add 1 teasp onion powder to the mix.

Edited by nauru at 7:53 pm, Tue 20 Mar

nauru - 2018-03-20 19:52:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-21 18:15:00
meoldchina wrote:

My basil has started to go to seed. Does this mean it will taste bitter if I use it for making pesto?

No, the leaves will still be fine and I usually harvest the seed spikes first when they start appearing. Just strip off the flowers and use as for basil. of course if they are brown and withered and really setting seeds, all you can do is save the seeds for next year and then cut the tops back and the basil will sprout again from the lower side shoots.

uli - 2018-03-21 18:23:00

Another variation on the traditional basil pesto is coriander & hazelnuts. It is delicious ????

iriegirl - 2018-03-22 01:24:00

I don't use a recipe any more and just use my normal food processor bowl as I like to make a decent amount. I have heaps of parsley and smaller amount of basil growing so probably use 3/4 parsley and quarter basil. Chuck in some garlic, salt, and a handful of one of whatever nuts or seeds I have on hand- pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds or even cashew nuts. I add some grated Mainland tasty cheese and sufficient sunflower or whatever light oil I have such as rice bran oil - to get the consistency I like. Makes it much more economical than the traditional recipe and easy enough to make with store cupboard ingredients. The basil easily overpowers the parsley even in the smaller proportion.

katalin2 - 2018-03-22 15:37:00

Thanks for sharing your recipe katalin, my basil is a bit thin on the ground but my plentyful parsley does need thinning out so I will give it a go.

nauru - 2018-03-22 19:10:00

Timely **BUMP**

autumnwinds - 2019-03-21 23:34:00
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