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Booze for your Christmas cake


What do you all use? I am not a drinker but absolutely love boozy Christmas cake n went to our local liquor shop yesterday to buy a mid range rum n brandy, came across a brand called black heart,got another brand but was thinking as that stuff black heart looks so much more darker,would that have been a better choice. Please name your choice of booze for your cakes in here for a idea.Ta.

moparpete - 2016-10-17 10:13:00

I have a feeling Blackheart is a low alcohol brand. If I need lots of booze for cooking I do use these low al brands to keep the cost down. Any type is good for cooking,Brandy Whisky Sherry Rum I just try to match flavours with what I am cooking

groomingtools - 2016-10-17 10:23:00


tjma - 2016-10-17 11:18:00

It comes down to what you would like and perhaps whom you may be sharing with.

I would sample a few if possible like buy a couple of those wee bottles that only holds about 50 mil or so, costs kept low.


valentino - 2016-10-17 11:28:00

Definitely brandy for a Christmas cake.
Haven't heard of rum being used.

mark.52 - 2016-10-17 11:34:00
mark.52 wrote:

Definitely brandy for a Christmas cake.
Haven't heard of rum being used.

Agree. Brandy in Christmas and wedding cakes.
Rum sauce for Christmas pudding.

biggles45 - 2016-10-17 12:30:00

whiskey this year - lol the brandy is getting a bit low and the 'top' wont happen till all the fruit in soaking now and will make on sat........

timetable - 2016-10-17 13:19:00

I use either whisky or brandy, what ever i have. For my little cakes i make first week dec un wrap and drizzle about a 1/2 teasp over each week before icing just to keep them moist.

fifie - 2016-10-17 14:01:00

I used brandy this year, but last year soaked fruit in cheap nasty supermarket Port, can only assume it was okay - didn't get any, lol, families flogged them all!!!

ETA - am thinking, cos i so love making them, i might do more, could i use a bourbon and honey liquer, maybe "watered down" with vodka???

Edited by kay34 at 6:23 pm, Mon 17 Oct

kay34 - 2016-10-17 18:22:00

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ma28 - 2016-10-17 19:49:00
moparpete wrote:

Please name your choice of booze for your cakes in here for a idea.Ta.

Bought litre each of brandy and dark rum (Black Heart like yours) and a flagon of cream sherry the other day - will be used mostly for baking. Usually use brandy or sherry on my fruit cakes but thought I might use rum next time for a change.

Edited by paora-tm at 8:26 pm, Mon 17 Oct

paora-tm - 2016-10-17 20:25:00

According to Jamie Oliver you can use whatever booze you like :-) or have on hand.

coolnzmum - 2016-10-17 20:33:00

My fruit's been soaking for over a month.
Started it off with my husbands VERY STRONG brandy, and have since topped it up with some cheap NZ stuff.

Have changed the fruit around a bit too, using cranberries instead of currants. Will see how it goes.

twelve12 - 2016-10-17 20:50:00

I've quite often used rum for my Xmas cake, but this year I've gone back to brandy.

rarogal - 2016-10-17 21:14:00

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nzdoug - 2016-10-17 21:18:00

I asked Hubby to buy a suitable liquor for the christmas cake - he arrived home with a bottle of VERY expensive French Brandy!!!. I made it last for 3 seasons...:-)

elsielaurie1 - 2016-10-18 14:14:00
biggles45 wrote:

Agree. Brandy in Christmas and wedding cakes.
Rum sauce for Christmas pudding.

There you go buttered rum christmas cake-

moparpete - 2016-10-18 15:17:00
elsielaurie1 wrote:

I asked Hubby to buy a suitable liquor for the christmas cake - he arrived home with a bottle of VERY expensive French Brandy!!!. I made it last for 3 seasons...:-)

Thats hilarious. Good on you for making it last for 3 seasons.

moparpete - 2016-10-18 15:20:00

** bump - coming up to "that" time.. **

autumnwinds - 2017-10-13 23:38:00

any booze is fine ....

badams1 - 2017-10-14 16:09:00

The guy in Bin Inn told me that people often buy those bottles of flavouring that people use to flavour their homemade spirits, to use in Christmas cooking. Especially if they had an objection to alcohol. Me, I use good whisky or brandy, depending on the recipient. It helps to preserve the cake as well. But the Bin Inn guy's revelation has got me thinking that I might be able to flavour tasteless vodka with some of his little bottles of spirit essences, and get some variety without having to pay a fortune for a whole lot of different bottles of alcohol.
I use beer or stout to soak the fruit. for Christmas puddings Just gives it a depth of flavour, and you can't taste the hops.

punkinthefirst - 2017-10-16 22:29:00

I use rum usually or bourbon if I have to. Its just what I have on hand. They always smell wonderful and keep well .... as long as they last anyway!
Must start assembling my ingredients and try and get them made before the end of the month

bisloy - 2017-10-17 16:49:00

My wife uses triple sec or cointreau. She makes approx 25 each year for a friend who owns a business, they give them out to their clients, and another 10 or so for friends and family. Everybody who has tried some has raved about it and then orders one for next year. I'm not a big fan.

mrgts4 - 2017-10-17 19:36:00

I use rum to make Alison Holst's Easy mix Christmas Cake. The blokes that I make it for seem to like it. I prefer her Diabetic Christmas cake because I like the texture better and the mixture of fruit and nuts. (I do know that Christmas cakes aren't recommended eating for diabetics, but you're supposed to top it with chopped almonds cut it into very small pieces}. I think she specifies something else, but I prefer brandy.

calista - 2017-10-18 20:35:00

Not sure about making cakes, but I think a gold rum might work better as it usually has a fruitier taste than a dark rum, which can be a bit rough - particularly in cheaper brands like Black Heart. Black Heart doesn't go down well here, not a very nice rum (but better than Coruba!). Appletons and Bacardi are our most common cupboard riders.

Captain Morgan Spiced Gold is perhaps a good choice for a cake and not too pricey.

Though I prefer Bacardi Oakheart if I'm in the mood for a spiced rum. I made rum balls with it once, and they came out rather nice.

fizzy_kiwi - 2017-10-19 00:56:00

Sherry. Same as my mother and grandmother used. Probably doesn't matter as I think it will evaporate in the cooking process just leaving the flavour.

sherrydog - 2017-10-19 20:02:00

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cleggyboy - 2017-10-20 08:02:00

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cleggyboy - 2017-10-20 08:04:00

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cleggyboy - 2017-10-20 08:09:00

Brandy normally, but was thinking of using Glavar this year

figjamto - 2017-10-23 11:55:00

When my kids were small and I couldn't afford to buy a bottle of booze for the Christmas cake (or even to drink), I would take a small jam jar into the local pub and buy just a couple of nips of brandy to take home. I used to get some funny looks, but who cared.

corigenda - 2017-10-24 17:02:00

I pre-soak my fruit mix in sherry, and when backed use about a cap full of brandy over it prior to wrapping and putting away. And if I decide to check on cake prior to Xmas I put another cap full of brandy over it.

Now sort of same thing but I have been trying to find Brandy Essence and buggered if I can. Not spot for it along with the others and done major chains in supermarkets and a couple of local smaller ones. Rum essence there but no Brandy I find that odd and a right royal pain for my brandy balls And no don't want to make rum balls :) I want brandy essence :(

anne1955 - 2017-10-25 08:18:00

Rawleigh's sell brandy essence. You may find a distributor in your area.

studi - 2018-10-08 10:06:00

Brandy essence can be found in so many outlets - Spotlight, Binn Inn, cake decorating places, even here on Trade Me (now, there's a novel thought....). Places that sell flavourings for making home brew spirits are another source.

autumnwinds - 2018-10-08 11:35:00

You obviously don't watch QI last week. Flaming and cooking doesn't remove the alcohol.

blueviking - 2018-10-08 13:36:00

We were given some home made bourbon (which no one liked) but it makes christmas cakes taste pretty good..

articferrit - 2018-10-08 14:10:00

** Bump **
Time to start thinking about them, before it gets too hot....

autumnwinds - 2019-10-02 01:48:00

Probably whiskey or brandy because that’s what I have in the cupboard usually but have also used Kahlua which was really nice - I don’t particularly like rum in cooking (except rum and raisin ice cream)

Edited by sarahb5 at 6:13 pm, Wed 2 Oct

sarahb5 - 2019-10-02 18:12:00
sarahb5 wrote:

Probably whiskey or brandy because that’s what I have in the cupboard usually but have also used Kahlua which was really nice - I don’t particularly like rum in cooking (except rum and raisin ice cream)

Rum is pretty good in Flambe bananas, nice dessert with icecream. Cottoned on to this dish many years ago when living in Jamaica and rum was so cheap, Appletons was a favourite.
As for the Christmas cake, anything goes.

Edited by nauru at 7:59 pm, Wed 2 Oct

nauru - 2019-10-02 19:58:00
nauru wrote:

Rum is pretty good in Flambe bananas, nice dessert with icecream. Cottoned on to this dish many years ago when living in Jamaica and rum was so cheap, Appletons was a favourite.
As for the Christmas cake, anything goes.

I’ll take your word for it - I don’t like it “cooked” seems to affect the flavour - I don’t even like rum balls

sarahb5 - 2019-10-02 20:19:00

I prefer brandy in fruit cakes only because I grew up with brandy in fruit cakes. I have tried rum and drambuie but for me nothing beats the brandy flavour. Mine comes through duty free. I think it is french brandy called St Remy.

marcs - 2019-10-02 20:31:00

My lovely wife makes the best fruit cake ever. Always brandy. We don't drink the stuff but it certainly ensures a great fruitcake that keeps for ages.

the Dutch keep dried fruit in a large jar and keep adding rum and dried fruit throughout the year.

socram - 2019-10-03 16:19:00
socram wrote:

My lovely wife makes the best fruit cake ever. Always brandy. We don't drink the stuff but it certainly ensures a great fruitcake that keeps for ages.

the Dutch keep dried fruit in a large jar and keep adding rum and dried fruit throughout the year.

sarahb5 - 2019-10-03 17:43:00
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