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Chilli sauce recipes?


I have been freezing my chillies for the winter rather than drying them this year but also want to make up some sauces.Has anyone got a nice one you have made you like that isn't sweet? I don't mean fermented one just a cook and jar one for the fridge. Thank you chilli lovers in advance.

..james.. - 2016-05-05 18:29:00

no one likes chilli sauce?

..james.. - 2016-05-05 21:35:00

I love it, but have never made it

rainrain1 - 2016-05-06 09:19:00

I've only ever made a sweet chilli sauce & it is very nice though.

samanya - 2016-05-06 10:25:00
samanya wrote:

I've only ever made a sweet chilli sauce & it is very nice though.

Would you mind sharing that one as I've been looking for a good one.

cottagerose - 2016-05-06 21:43:00

Not a problem.
1.2 l cider vinegar
50 - 100g fresh ginger
100g garlic
300g fresh seeded chillies
2 kg sugar
1 tspn salt
Puree ginger, garlic & chillies with some of the vinegar & place in pan.
Add the rest of the vinegar, sugar & salt. Bring to the boil, lower heat & simmer until it's a syrupy consistency - usually around 30 - 40 minutes. Pour into bottles. makes 6 small bottles.
I left quite a few seeds in it & it is quite hot - next time I'll not leave as many in.
I've made this today
I'm not sure that I like it, but I'll give it time to mellow out a bit, before passing judgement.

samanya - 2016-05-07 12:27:00

Thankyou Samanya. Much appreciated. I will give that a try tomorrow. I hope someone can help you James

cottagerose - 2016-05-07 17:00:00
cottagerose wrote:

Thankyou Samanya. Much appreciated. I will give that a try tomorrow. I hope someone can help you James

Just to add that the sauce does separate a bit on standing ...the chili rises to the top & the syrup goes to the bottom ...nothing that a good shake before using doesn't fix.

samanya - 2016-05-07 19:19:00

Chili jam

#1 kg of ripe tomato's
200 grams of hot chillies
300 grams of capsicums
800 grams of plums
1/3 cup of water

Put onto the stove to simmer and cook
Then add
4 tsp sea salt
2 tsp cayenne
1 tsp mace
2 tsp gr all spice
1 tsp gr. ginger

once cooked mouli, to remove the seeds etc.,
put the pulp back into the pot, bring back to the boil
Then add
800 grams of white sugar, boil 10 minutes.
Pour into bottles, cork, when cold.
This is very sweet, it is extremely hot ...

pickles7 (743 743 positive feedback) 2:40 pm, Sat 23 Apr #3
Google ruth Pettys chilli jam. I make it all the time and it's great and a real hit with others I've given it to

cottagerose (245 245 positive feedback) 2:55 pm, Sat 23 Apr #4
I like Anabelle Langbiens chilli jam recipe - just made some this weekend. But it does use ginger and caster sugar so I guess it's not what you are looking for.

cinderellagowns (147 147 positive feedback) 6:01 pm, Sat 23 Apr #5
Thanks but none of these are the missing recipe. Husband has allergies and sensitivities and can not eat onion, garlic, ginger or tomatoes. The missing recipe didn't have them so was perfect. All we can remember is that it had chillis and palm sugar. We think it had 2 or 3 other ingredients but we can't remember what they were, Can anyone assist? Many thanks.

zsazsa777 (175 175 positive feedback) 12:26 am, Sun 24 Apr #6
I used 8 small chillis (de-seeded), whizzed up with 500ml apple cider vinegar, and 500 grams Jam Sugar.
Boiled up to thicken it, and job done. Nice and tasty too. You can also add some Chillis or Peppers/Capsicums cut up small and chunky to add texture.
Another batch I used the same but added in some Plum juice.
Very quick and simple.
It's a small amount. Only makes '2 and a bit' jars, so double or increase the amounts to get more to suit your requirements.
Just ditch the Jam sugar and use your palm sugar?

Edited by gettinggrey at 1:55 pm, Mon 25 Apr

gettinggrey (61 61 positive feedback) 1:53 pm, Mon 25 Apr #7

bev00 - 2017-04-26 21:41:00

This is a quick and easy one

bev00 - 2017-04-26 21:47:00

I made a very nice fermented chilli sauce a few years ago. I found the recipe on the net somewhere. It is ''fire'' in a bottle.

pickles7 - 2018-04-26 09:49:00


500g long fresh red chillies, stems trimmed

3 garlic cloves, peeled

750ml (3 cups) white vinegar

645g (3 cups) caster sugar
Step 1
Halve 100g of the chillies and place in the bowl of a food processor. Halve and deseed the remaining chillies. Coarsely chop and place in the food processor. Add garlic and 250ml white vinegar. Process until finely chopped.
Step 2
Place the chilli mixture, remaining vinegar and caster sugar in a large saucepan over a low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until the sugar dissolves.
Step 3
Increase heat to high and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 35-40 minutes or until the sauce thickens. Pour into sterilised airtight bottles and seal.

This is my recipe that I have just made. Simple and very nice PLEASE don't be like me and not put gloves on when handling the chilli. I washed my hands well but I was in agony during the night with my hands burning - never again!

purdie69 - 2018-04-26 18:36:00


bev00 - 2019-04-26 01:42:00
samanya wrote:

500g rice vinegar
2 tsp crushed ginger
450g chillies
500g sugar
1 tspn salt

Is how I do it.
I do 1/2 without seeds in blender, then 1/2 with seeds.

lythande1 - 2019-04-26 08:14:00
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