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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:00:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:04:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:07:00

I might buy a sweet thermoniter (sp) 1 day Im always having trouble making fudge

catlover28 - 2007-11-20 09:08:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:11:00

What about Russian Fudge So I can make some for my friends

catlover28 - 2007-11-20 09:13:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:14:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:23:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 09:25:00

Turkish Delights ( a very good one & simple ) 3 tblsp gelatine, 2 c sugar, ¼ tsp citric acid, 1 c hot water, red food colouring, icing sugar & cornflour for coating.

Place gelatine, sugar, citric acid and hot water into a saucepan. Stir then heat to boiling, boil for 20 minutes and do not stir during boiling. Remove from heat and leave to cool for 10 minutes. Pour half of mixture into a greased tin. Add food colouring to remainder and pour into a greased tin. Leave to set in fridge for at least 24 hours. When set cut into squares and roll in icing sugar & cornflour mixed together.

valentino - 2007-11-20 09:58:00

Chocolate Roughs 50g butter, 2 c icing sugar, 1 tblsp cocoa, ¼ tsp vanilla essence & 1 c coconut.
Rub butter into icing sugar, add cocoa and vanilla and mix to a stiff paste ( add a little hot water if necessary 0. Add most of the coconut and mix thoroughly. Roll into small balls then roll in remaining coconut and leave to harden.

valentino - 2007-11-20 09:59:00

any recipes for handmade chocolates for gifts .

rubyjane11 - 2007-11-20 10:01:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 10:41:00

Chocolates Place about 200g Choc melts, milk melts or white melts in a bowl. Bring a small quantity of water in a saucepan to the boil, remove and place the bowl of chocolate firmly on top, stir while the choc melts. Spoon a small amount of melted choc into the mould and tap to remove air bubbles. Using a small brush, spread an even layer of choc over the inside of mould and refrigerate until set. Add the filling, leaving a small space at the top. Cover with melted choc making sure that all edges are sealed. Refrigerate until the choc is set. Turn the mould upside down and tap gently to remove the chocolate. Store for up to two weeks in a covered container in the fridge.

valentino - 2007-11-20 10:51:00

Fillings (for 15–30 chocolates, depending on size) Easy cream filling: Melt 50 g choc melts ( Milk, White or cooking choc ), stir in 1 ½ tablespoons Reduced cream.

Apricot: Soak ¼ cup very finely chopped dried apricots in 1 tablespoon orange juice or orange liqueur for 20 minutes. Stir into the easy cream filling.

Brandy: Stir 2-3 teaspoons brandy into easy cream filling.

Cherry Liqueur: Soak 10 glace cherries ( cut in half or chopped ) in 1 ½ tablespoon kirsch or cherry brandy for 1 hour. Stir into the easy cream filling.

Coconut Marshmallows: Chop 4 marshmallows, stir into the easy cream filling with 1-2 tablespoons fine coconut.

Orange: Stir ½ teaspoon grated orange rind and 2 teaspoons orange juice or orange liqueur into the easy cream filling.

valentino - 2007-11-20 10:52:00

Fillings Cont... final bit. Rum & Raisin: Soak ¼ cup chopped raisins in 1 tablespoon rum for 30 minutes. Stir into easy cream filling.

Vanilla or Peppermint: Stir 1 teaspoon vanilla essence or ½ to ¾ teaspoon peppermint essence into the easy cream filling.

Caramel Filling: In a saucepan, place ¼ cup highlander condensed milk, 1 tablespoon golden syrup, 1 tablespoon brown sugar and 1 tablespoon butter. Bring to the boil then cook over moderate heat for 2 minutes stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla essence. Allow to cool.

Nutty Cream filling: Stir 2 tablespoon crunchy peanut butter and 1 teaspoon vanilla essence into ¼ cup highlander condensed milk.

valentino - 2007-11-20 10:52:00

Valentino,, yum.......... my lips would thank you, but my hips wouldn't!

rubyjane11 - 2007-11-20 11:04:00

Rocky Road Truffles Half cup cream...2 tablespoons sugar...200 grams cooking chocolate... quarter cup glace cherries...quarter cup brazil nuts..quarter cup ground almonds...quarter cup chopped marshmellows..1 tablespoon rum... 200 grams nestle dark melts for dipping......Combine cream and sugar in a saucepan, cook over low heat until sugar dissolves. Increase heat and bring mixture to boil, stirring constantly for 4 minutes. Remove from heat, stand 2 - 3 minutes, add chocolate and stir until completely melted. Cool to room temperature then stir in remaining ingredients.( but not the dark Melts which are for dipping) Chill until mixture has almost set. Shape into balls and chill until firm. Dip truffles into melted Melts and place on tray lined with non-stck paper and chill. Makes approx 30

supadeal - 2007-11-20 11:17:00

Apricot Nut Truffles ( makes 50 truffles ) ¼ c cashew nuts, ¼ c blanched almonds, ¼ c chopped dates, 1 ¼ c finely chopped dried apricots, ½ c finely chopped raisins, 1 c coconut, ½ c evaporated Milk, 75 g butter, 1 ¼ c sugar and 300 g choc melts or milk melts.

Place Cashew nuts and almonds in a frying pan, cook over low heat stirring until golden brown, cool then chopped finely. Combine with the dried fruit and coconut. Combine the milk, butter and sugar in a medium saucepan, cook over low heat stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil then cook stirring constantly for 5 minutes or until the mixture is pale golden, pour the mixture over the fruit. Cool then shape into balls. Place the choc into a bowl, bring a saucepan of small amount of water to the boil and place the bowl of choc to melt stirring as it melts. Remove the bowl. Dip the truffles into the choc, place on a tray lined with waxed paper, chill until choc sets. Decorate with remaining choc and store in a covered container in the fridge.

valentino - 2007-11-20 11:21:00

Rum & Raisin Truffles ( makes about 30 ). ¼ c chopped raisins, 3 tblsp dark rum, 150g cooking choc broken into pieces, 1 egg yolk beaten, 30 g butter softened, ½ c icing sugar, 150 g choc melts and choc sprinkles.

Mix the raisins and rum together. Melt the cooking choc per in bowl over boiling water method. Mix in egg yolk, butter, icing sugar, and the raisin & rum. Chill until almost set, shape into balls, chill until firm. Melt the choc melts. Dip the truffles into the melt choc then roll in the choc sprinkles, place on a tray lined with waxed paper. Chill until set and then store in a covered container in fridge.

valentino - 2007-11-20 11:22:00

Decadent Chocolate Truffles One and a half cups Dark Melts, melted... half cup Nestle reduced cream.. 1 tablespoon cointreau.. sifted cocoa for coating.
....Combine melted chocolate, reduced cream and Cointreau, mix well and chill for 1 hour. Roll into balls, roll in sifted cocoa and shake of any excess. Chill until firm.

supadeal - 2007-11-20 11:22:00

Chocolate Caramel Fudge ( my favourite ) 125 g butter, 2 tablespoons golden syrup, 1 can highlander condensed milk, 1 cup brown sugar & 75g cooking chocolate broken into pieces.

Grease a shallow 10cm x 25cm tin. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the golden syrup, condensed milk & brown sugar, cook over low heat stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves. Bring to boil stirring then reduce the heat to moderate and cook for 10-12 minutes or until the mixture is caramel coloured and forms a soft ball in cold water or reaches 114c on a candy thermometer. Remove from the heat and add the choc and beat until smooth. Pour into tin, leave until set then cut into squares.

valentino - 2007-11-20 11:55:00

Basic Truffle Mixture 250 grams icing sugar..3 tablespoons cocoa.. 125 grams butter, softened... half teaspoon vanilla essence... Combine the icing sugar and cocoa in food processor, add butter and vanilla and process until smooth.
_____Clementine Truffles... add 6 tablespoons chopped mixed candied peel to mixture, roll into balls and coat in cocoa.
_____HAZELNUT ..add three quarters cup, lightly toasted, finely chopped hazelnuts to mixture. Coat balls in nuts.
_____ and a half cups white chocolate bits..30 glaze cherries.. melt choc in microwave 1 minute. Take teaspoon of truffle mixture and mould around each cherry. Place on tinfoil and spoon melted choc over.

supadeal - 2007-11-20 11:57:00

Cinnamon Sugar Crusted Nuts.... 2 egg whites, pinch of salt, 1/3c caster sugar, 1c demerara sugar, 1T ground cinnamon, 4cups mixed nuts. Beat egg whites and salt in a bowl till soft peak. Add caster sugar 1 T at a time till well combined. Stir demerara sugar & cinnamon into egg whites. Add nuts and mix well to coat. Spread over baking paper lined tray. Bake @ 160° for 30 mins stirring with a metal spoon to break up mix every 10 minutes or until cinnamon sugar crust feels dry. Cool completely, break up and store in air tight container.

rkcroft - 2007-11-20 11:59:00

valentino your chocolate caramel fudge sounds so good!

supadeal - 2007-11-20 12:04:00

Trademe Truffles 2 packets toffee pops.... 250 grams cream cheese. Crunch up biscuits in food processor then fold into the cream cheese. Roll into balls and coat in coconut, cocoa or chocolate. Can also use other biscuits. orange or mint slice or tim tams. I dont know who posted this originally but it has been on here many times previously.

supadeal - 2007-11-20 12:12:00

Hello , Pam I really should keep well away from the recipe threads, as there are so many tempting things which I would love to try ---- hopefully I wont give in to temptation! How is Adam? I hope that his health has improved and he is feeling a lot better.

supadeal - 2007-11-20 12:21:00

To supadeal..... That Chocolate caramel fudge is really does not have that overly sugar taste. Have tried a few but this one is still my favourite. Have noted also jo Seagars one as well in another thread.

valentino - 2007-11-20 12:25:00

valentino, Im trying to be so good but that recipe is sooooo tempting. I think that I shall just have to try it!

supadeal - 2007-11-20 12:42:00

supadeal if you make it can you just have... a taste for me(please!) its so cruel watching your weight this time of year!

rubyjane11 - 2007-11-20 12:46:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 12:47:00

Toffee with chocolate and nuts Chop finely & set aside 1-1/2c nut meats (I like almonds). Combine, stir, & heat to boiling: 1c sugar, 1/2t salt, 1/4c water, 100g butter. Boil without stirring to light crack & add 1/2c of the nut meats. Pour the candy onto a greased baking sheet (no paper for this one!) & permit to cool. Melt 375g dark chocolate. Spread half of it on one side of the toffee & press in another 1/2c nuts. Allow this to harden completely before turning over & repeating on the other side. (My hint: melt only 1/2 the chocolate at a time, since the first side takes an hour or more to harden up.) When cold break the candy into pieces.

lennyb1 - 2007-11-20 12:51:00

Im Very pleased to hear that Adam is feeling so much better, Pam. I agree with you that he could very easily have a relapse if he`s not careful. When my daughter had GF, she was still at college and the Dr only allowed her to go back for half a day at first. The extreme tiredness really knocked her and it took a long time for her to fully recover. I have still been loitering around on the threads -- my favourite would have to be pets and animals, but I have been posting some things on here.

supadeal - 2007-11-20 12:57:00

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brianmac - 2007-11-20 13:00:00

Mocha Truffles ( makes about 40 ) 200g cooking choc broken into pieces, 2 tblsp water, ¼ tsp instant coffee, 100g butter softened, 1 ¼ c plain biscuit crumbs, 2 tblsp coffee liqueur, 1 to 2 tblsp cream & 200g choc melts.

Place the cooking choc, water & instant coffee in a bowl and melt over a saucepan of boiling water stirring while melting. Remove the bowl. Beat in the butter, biscuit crumbs & liqueur. Stir in sufficient cream to give a mixture that holds it’s shape. Chill until beginning to set. Shape into small balls. Chill until firm. Melt the choc melts by in a bowl over hot boiling water. Dip the truffles into the melted choc and place on tray lined with waxed paper. Chill until choc sets.

valentino - 2007-11-20 13:05:00

Fruit Truffles (makes about 50) 1 ½ c finely chopped mixed dried fruit, ½ c finely chopped nuts, ½ c coconut, ½ c highlander condensed milk, 1 tblsp cocoa, 1 – 2 tblsp brandy ( optional), 1 – 2 c biscuit crumbs and coconut or flaked almonds.

Combine the dried fruit, nuts, coconut, condensed milk, cocoa and brandy. Mix thoroughly. Stir in sufficient biscuit crumbs to give a firm mixture. Shape into balls & roll in coconut or flaked almonds. Place on a tray lined with waxed paper. Chill until firm.

valentino - 2007-11-20 13:06:00

I agree rubyjane, it sure is a difficult time of the year with all of these tempting recipes appearing. Maybe we should just shut our eyes and get out of here asap!

supadeal - 2007-11-20 13:27:00

Coconut Ice ( a goody ) 1 can highlander condensed milk, 3 - 4 c icing sugar, 4 c coconut, 1tsp vanilla essence & 4-6 drops red food colouring. Grease the base & sides of a shallow 20cm square tin. Combine the condensed milk with 3 cups icing sugar, coconut & vanilla essence, mix well. If required, add remaining icing sugar to give a firm consistency. Press half of the mixture into the tin. Colour the remaining mixture with red colouring, knead until the colour is even throughout then press the pink mixture on top of the base mixture. Cover & chill until firm. Cut into squares.

valentino - 2007-11-20 14:39:00

Sugar Shapes (makes up to 80) 1 egg white, 2 – 2 ½ cups icing sugar, green-red-orange-yellow food colouring, peppermint-strawberry-orange-l-
emon essence, extra icing sugar & 50g dark chocolate melted.

Place egg-white in a bowl, slowly mix in enough sifted icing sugar to make ingredients cling together. Divide dough into 4 (quarters). Colour and flavour each quarter to desired taste ( I use about 1-2 drops of colouring & flavour). Lightly dust surface with extra icing sugar, knead each portion until smooth, cover with plastic wrap. Rollout each potion and cut into shapes as desired ( one can go with the occasion of the time). Place shapes on wire rack and allow to dry out overnight. Decorate shapes by drizzling with melted chocolate. Great with kids.

valentino - 2007-11-20 17:47:00

chocolate salami 200g of chocolate 50g of apricots, 50g of raisins, 50g of glace cherries and 50g of mini white marshmallows.
break up and melt the chocolate .add in the rest of the ingredients.thoroughly stir until everything has been covered by the chocolate!Now take some cling film or clear wrap and lie it flat on a chopping board. spoon out the chocolate-covered mixture into a sausage shape on the cling film or clear wrap.
Fold the cling film or clear wrap up. This will help you to mould the mixture into a sausage shape.Twist the ends and tuck them underneath, then transfer the wrapped mixture into the fridge for about half an hour, until it's cool to the touch.For a different - or more realistic - salami, why not try using white chocolate and adding some red food colouring?

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:10:00

Homemade Ferrero Rocher
400 grams milk chocolate melts 24 gm Kremelta 1 small pkt hazelnuts or almonds
1 jar nutella Appx 10 ice creanm wafers, Crushed nuts Method: Melt chocolate and Kremelta in jug. Medium microwave (2-3 mins). Rough crush wafers add to chocolate. Place 1/2 teaspoon of chocolate mixture in each space of ice tray, to coat, leave to set. Place nut in each coated space with nutella. Fill with remainder of chocolate. Sprinkle with crushed nuts on top. Set in fridge 20 to 25 mins.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:17:00

2½ cups caster sugar
1 cup liquid glucose
Third of a cup of honey
½ cup white chocolate, chopped
2 cups hazelnuts, toasted, skinned and roughly chopped
150g candied orange peel pieces
rice papers
Place the egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk until stiff peaks form. Place the liquid glucose and honey in a saucepan, and tip the caster sugar over the top. Heat gently until the sugar dissolves, then increase the heat and boil the mixture until it reaches 140deg on a sugar thermometer (or 275deg if using a farenheit-only thermometer).
Add the sugar mixture to the egg whites in a thin stream, beating constantly until the mixture is very thick. Working very quickly now, fold in the white chocolate, hazelnuts and orange peel and scoop the mixture out of the bowl and spread into the tin. Cover the nougat with rice papers and press to flatten.
Set aside in a dry place for 6 hours or until set (do not refrigerate). To serve, cut into square

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:18:00

Coffee & Walnut Fudge
2 tblsp instant coffee
1 tblsp hot water
500 grams sugar
100 grams butter
1 cup milk
1/4 - 1/2 cup chopped walnuts
. Dissolve the coffee in the hot water and set aside. Put the sugar, butter and milk into a heavy-based saucepan and stir over a low heat until the sugar dissolves. Do not boil at this stage. Bring to the boil without stirring. Boil for about 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until a sugar thermometer reaches 116C. . Remove from the heat and, when the bubbles subside, add the walnuts and coffee mixture. Beat with a wooden spoon until the mixture becomes grainy and thick though still pourable. This takes about 5 minutes. . Pour into a greased and paper-lined 18cm square cake tin. Mark into shapes, when cold, cut into pieces and store in an airtight container.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:33:00

3/4 cup fresh cream 1/2 lb cooking chocolate 1 lb dark chocolate 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons Guinness Stout cocoa powder Melt butter and cooking chocolate over hot water. Add cream and whisk until mixed well. Remove from heat and stir in Stout, chill until firm. Melt dark chocolate over hot water, stir until smooth, remove from heat. With chilled chocolate and stout mixture, make 1 inch balls with a spoon and by rolling between your hands. Dip balls in warm dark chocolate until coated, place in tray of cocoa power, roll to coat, and refrigerate.R efreeze for at least several hours.When needed, cut into rectangles to fit between two of the thin pink icecream wafer slices you can purchase at supermarkets.. and enjoy.. Would be great for an awesome dessert at bbq's etc.. You could make the slices up, and stack them on an angle on their sides on a serving plate, cover and keep in the freezer - bring out when needed..

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:35:00

After Dinner Mints
125gm Philadelphia cream cheese
2 oz butter
4 Tablespoons Cocoa
2 1/2 dessertspoons peppermint essence
1 lb icing sugar
Method -
Cream together the cream cheese and butter.
Add cocoa and peppermint essence.
Add icing sugar.
Roll into small balls, then press with end of a fork .
Refrigerate several hours.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:37:00

Fairy Mushrooms
An unashamedly nostalgic treat for children and adults alike.
12 fruit stick sweets, purchased from the local dairy
24 soft marshmallows, pink and white
1 cup chocolate melts or buttons, melted in the microwave
½ cup coconut
Cut the fruit sticks in half and poke into the marshmallows. Dip into melted
chocolate then into coconut. Allow to set on a sheet of tinfoil. Store in an
airtight glass jar.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:39:00

some for the kids Megamallows
• Pascall Megamallows
• Cadbury Flake chocolate bar
• Cadbury Cooking Chocolate
cut one third of the length off a Cadbury Flake chocolate bar, and cut into thin slivers Place some melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate on to the middle of the Cadbury tlake bar, and cover with a Pascall Megamallow to resemble a snails shell. Leave to set. Dip 2 slivers of the Flake into melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate and stick to one of the Cadbury Flake bar for the antenna. Leave to set. Pipe some melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate onto the Pascall Megamallow to form the swirl of the snail shell and a little drop of Cadbury Cooking Chocolate onto each antenna to form the eyes.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:41:00

Megamallows Butterfly
• Cadbury Cooking Chocolate
• Pascall Megamallows
• Cake decorating piping gel (cake icing)
• Plain paper and greaseproof paper
Draw the pattern of 2 wings (about 5cm in length) and 2 antenna onto a piece of paper. Cover pattern with greaseproof paper. Trace pattern with melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate in a paper piping bag. Place in the fridge to set. Carefully peel chocolate wings and antenna from paper. Pipe or spread a little melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate onto the top of a Pascall Megamallow.Gently press wings and antenna into chocolate and prop up with a block, small jar or crumpled paper towel and leave to set. Spread a little cake decorating piping gel (cake icing) down the centre between the wings for the body of the butterfly.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:42:00

Megamallows Christmas Pudding
• Pascall Megamallows
• Cadbury Cooking Chocolate
• kremelta Cadbury Dream White Chocolate
• 3 red 100s & 1000s
• Pascall Jubes
Place 150g Cadbury Cooking Chocolate with 30g kremelta in a microwave safe bowl. heat on medium power for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally until mixture is melted. Stir well.Press a skewer or fondue fork into the base of Pascall Megamallows. Dip in melted Cadbury Cooking Chocolate, gently tap skewer on side of bowl to allow any excess Cadbury Cooking Chocolate to drip off.Remove from skewer and place on foil to set. Melt 2 rows (50g) of Cadbury Dream White Chocolate in a small bowl in the microwave oven (medium power) for 1-2 minutes. Using a paper piping bag, pipe some chocolate onto the top of each Megamallow and allow it to drizzle down the sides.Drop 3 red 100s & 1000s onto the white chocolate to look like little berries. Cut a green Pascall Jube into small strips and place 2 pieces on to look like leaves. Leave to set.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:45:00

Gourmet rocky road 300g toasted marshmallow with coconut, chopped coarsely
400g Turkish delight, chopped coarsely
¼ cup (40g) roasted almonds, chopped coarsely
½ cup (75g) roasted shelled pistachios
450g white eating chocolate, melted

Note: makes 36 slices.

Grease two 8cm x 26cm bar cake pans; line base and sides with baking paper; extending paper 5cm above long sides.

Combine marshmallow, Turkish delight and nuts in large bowl. Working quickly, stir in chocolate; spread mixture in to pans, push mixture down firmly to flatten. Refrigerate until set, then cut as desired.

pam.delilah - 2007-11-20 19:48:00
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