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Recipe Needed For a Moist Coffee Cake


I have yet to find a recipe for a coffee cake that doesn't turn out dry. Can anyone help out?

freesia - 2015-09-22 18:59:00

You sound like you have tried a few - are you separating the eggs and whipping the whites? I find this can make cakes dry and/or crumbly and have used whole in the past to avoid this. However a baker I am not.

awoftam - 2015-09-22 19:13:00

I am sure we had a thread about coffee cakes a while ago. will try and find it and bump it up for you.

unknowndisorder - 2015-09-22 20:01:00

Found this post:
here some nice recipes and add some choc chips about 1/2 cup
Coffee cakes

Melt N Mix Coffee Cake

125g butter,chopped;130g brown sugar;75g caster sugar;125ml milk;2 tsp instant coffee;2 eggs;225g s.r flour. Grease a 14x21cm loaf pan,cover base with baking paper. Combine butter,sugar,milk & coffee in med saucepan,stir over low heat,without boiling,until butter is melted. Stand 10 mins.Stir in eggs & flour.Pour into pan. Bake in mod oven about 40 mins.Turn onto rack to cool.Top cold cake with coffee glac'e icing and walnuts if desired.

Coffee cake

3 oz butter, 5oz castor sugar, 1 tsp coffee dissolved in 1tbsp water, 1 tsp vanilla. Cream all together well, add 2 large beaten eggs alternately with sifted 4oz flour, 2 oz cornflour, 1 tsp baking powder, mix then stir in 1 tablespoon milk Bake 8 inch tin 30-35 mins 350-400o F. Ice with coffee icing

Coffee Sponge using coffee and chicory essence

3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 tsp Baking Powder 4 tbsp milk 1 large cup flour 1 tbsp coffee essence 2 tbsp butter Beat egg whites stiffly. Beat egg yolks separately then add them to the whites and beat again. Add sugar gradually Add coffee essence. Add flour and BP beating only until combined. Lastly add heated milk and butter. Bake 200 C 17 minutes in two sandwich tins and then join together with icing.

Calypso Coffee Syrup Cake
200g butter, cup Dark Cane Sugar, tb instant coffee powder, dissolved in 1 tb boiling water, 1 tp vanilla, 2 tb dark rum or 1 tp rum essence, 3 eggs, 2 cups sr flour, 1/4 cup milk. Syrup, cup White Sugar, cup boiling water, 1 tb instant coffee powder, 2 tb dark rum (or 1 tp rum essence). Method Syrup Mix sugar and half cup boiling water in a saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves then stop stirring boil until a dark toffee colour develops. Remove from heat and carefully add the 2nd half cup of boiling water. Stir to dissolve toffee. Measure half cup for the cake and stir the coffee and rum into the remainder. Set aside. Cake Preheat oven to 180ºC.Mix butter and dark cane sugar until creamy. Add dissolved coffee, vanilla and rum. Beat in eggs one at a time, fold in flour and milk and half a cup of syrup. Divide mixture between 2 x 20 cm tins (greased and lined with baking paper). Bake for 25 – 30 minutes. Cool then drizzle coffee syrup over the bases of the cakes,sandwich the bases together with whipped cream. Serve with extra whipped cream and a drizzle of coffee syrup

pam.delilah (747 747 positive feedback) 4:18 pm, Wed 15 Oct #2

unknowndisorder - 2015-09-22 20:03:00

Hmmm, time flies.
found a thread from 2012 from here, which can be found offsite now:

And another:

these are recipes that people have posted here, and have been duplicated over there, which a lot of us found offensive, but it does mean that we can find them again.

they put "chef_" in front of our TM names (which makes me laugh, but means I can find the site easy by searching for "chef_unknowndisorder&quo-
t; lol (sorry, that cracks me up, the name is enough of a mouthful without adding a prefix onto it lol).

sorry for long explanation, but I know I rather use recipes that people have posted here, than google searching for unknown results.

unknowndisorder - 2015-09-22 20:12:00

Thanks to you all. With the exception of the last two recipes, I have tried all the others and even learned something... I didn't know that separating the eggs would result in dryness. I have been wondering about replacing the butter with vegetable oil or adding a few tablespoons of oil to the wet ingredients. What do you think??
The last one I attempted (last weekend) was too dry but the icing was great.... butter, icing sugar, cocoa, instant coffee and vanilla essence.

freesia - 2015-09-22 20:37:00

Simply add coffee liqueur and or espresso coffee shot to a rich dark chocolate cake mix?

rexavier - 2015-09-22 21:05:00

Now that's an idea!!! Thanx.

freesia - 2015-09-23 15:48:00

This recipe here is moist. I have made into a cake even though it is a cupcake recipe. Has strong coffee flavour.

If you use salted butter then leave the salt out.

Edited by marcs at 11:29 pm, Wed 23 Sep

marcs - 2015-09-23 23:19:00
This was also on the site but I have not made this one. I love the espresso cupcake recipe. I find that chocolate masks the flavour of coffee but if you add coffee to chocolate cakes then it enhances the chocolate flavour. Adding salt to coffee only cakes brings out the coffee flavour. The above cupcake recipe also makes a great vanilla cupcake or cake recipe and to make chocolate cupcake take out 20g of flour and add 20g of cocoa.

marcs - 2015-09-23 23:34:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

Found this post:
here some nice recipes and add some choc chips about 1/2 cup
Coffee cakes

Melt N Mix Coffee Cake
125g butter,chopped;130g brown sugar;75g caster sugar;125ml milk;2 tsp instant coffee;2 eggs;225g s.r flour. Grease a 14x21cm loaf pan,cover base with baking paper. Combine butter,sugar,milk & coffee in med saucepan,stir over low heat,without boiling,until butter is melted. Stand 10 mins.Stir in eggs & flour.Pour into pan. Bake in mod oven about 40 mins.Turn onto rack to cool.Top cold cake with coffee glac'e icing and walnuts if desired.

Coffee cake

3 oz butter, 5oz castor sugar, 1 tsp coffee dissolved in 1tbsp water, 1 tsp vanilla. Cream all together well, add 2 large beaten eggs alternately with sifted 4oz flour, 2 oz cornflour, 1 tsp baking powder, mix then stir in 1 tablespoon milk Bake 8 inch tin 30-35 mins 350-400o F. Ice with coffee icing

Coffee Sponge using coffee and chicory essence

3 eggs 1 cup sugar 1 tsp Baking Powder 4 tbsp milk 1 large cup flour 1 tbsp coffee essence 2 tbsp butter Beat egg whites stiffly. Beat egg yolks separately then add them to the whites and beat again. Add sugar gradually Add coffee essence. Add flour and BP beating only until combined. Lastly add heated milk and butter. Bake 200 C 17 minutes in two sandwich tins and then join together with icing.

Calypso Coffee Syrup Cake
200g butter, cup Dark Cane Sugar, tb instant coffee powder, dissolved in 1 tb boiling water, 1 tp vanilla, 2 tb dark rum or 1 tp rum essence, 3 eggs, 2 cups sr flour, 1/4 cup milk. Syrup, cup White Sugar, cup boiling water, 1 tb instant coffee powder, 2 tb dark rum (or 1 tp rum essence). Method Syrup Mix sugar and half cup boiling water in a saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves then stop stirring boil until a dark toffee colour develops. Remove from heat and carefully add the 2nd half cup of boiling water. Stir to dissolve toffee. Measure half cup for the cake and stir the coffee and rum into the remainder. Set aside. Cake Preheat oven to 180ºC.Mix butter and dark cane sugar until creamy. Add dissolved coffee, vanilla and rum. Beat in eggs one at a time, fold in flour and milk and half a cup of syrup. Divide mixture between 2 x 20 cm tins (greased and lined with baking paper). Bake for 25 – 30 minutes. Cool then drizzle coffee syrup over the bases of the cakes,sandwich the bases together with whipped cream. Serve with extra whipped cream and a drizzle of coffee syrup

pam.delilah (747 747 positive feedback) 4:18 pm, Wed 15 Oct #2

Oh I love coffee cake....thanks for all these coffee cake recipes!

lindylambchops1 - 2015-09-24 10:13:00

bumping up so I don't loose this tro copy some of the recies.

dilligaf_dah - 2015-09-28 23:09:00

Definitely recommend this one, it is my favorite from

Coffee cake
185g (6oz) butter, softened
1 c sugar
3 eggs
250g (8 oz) flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp coffee powder
3/4 c sour cream (or yoghurt, or milk)
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition.
Combine coffee and sour cream, beat in.
Sift together flour and baking powder.
Fold dry ingredients into creamed mixture.
Spoon mixture into greased and lined 20cm round cake tin.
Bake at 180C (350F) for 35-40 minutes or until skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Leave in tin for 10 minutes before turning on a wire rack.
When cold, fill with spread with Coffee cream or Coffee Butter cream, then spread Coffee icing on top. Decorate with walnuts.
Coffee cream
1-2 tsp coffee
300ml cream
1 tbsp icing sugar
Beat till a soft thickness
Coffee Butter cream
50g (2oz) butter
110g (4oz) icing sugar
1-2 tsp coffee
Whisk together till light and fluffy
Coffee icing
1 1/2 c icing sugar
1 tbsp coffee and chicory essence
2 tbsp boiling water

flower-child01 - 2015-09-28 23:21:00

Look up Austrian Coffee Cake recipe. I am at work and the recipe is at home. My mother makes this cake and it is delicious. You pour brandy and coffee over the cake once cooked and it is moist and delicious. Top with whipped cream and toasted almonds and it is divine!

ellie04 - 2015-09-29 09:23:00

great collection

bev00 - 2016-09-28 22:37:00


bev00 - 2017-09-29 00:33:00


bev00 - 2018-09-25 22:06:00

Bump...Coffee cake is my all time favorite

figjamto - 2018-09-30 10:04:00
bev00 wrote:



golfdiver - 2018-09-30 10:09:00


bev00 - 2019-09-27 22:24:00

Coffee cake is my absolute favourite cake! I can definitely recommend Chelsea Winter’s recipe from her Homemade Happiness book. I’m not really a fan of walnuts but blitzed to a fine crumb they add an extra depth of flavour and I’m so pleased I didn’t leave them out. I didn’t use caramel flavoured coffee just good old Morccona. I think the cup of Greek Yoghurt keeps it moist. I baked it in a square cake box and only iced the top with a thick layer of coffee icing (CW recipe for the icing is very soft like a buttercream, so I used less butter) - and it was devine! It didn’t last long here though as husband kept taking it to work for his workmates!

pure.blonde - 2019-09-28 16:05:00
pure.blonde wrote:

Coffee cake is my absolute favourite cake! I can definitely recommend Chelsea Winter’s recipe from her Homemade Happiness book. I’m not really a fan of walnuts but blitzed to a fine crumb they add an extra depth of flavour and I’m so pleased I didn’t leave them out. I didn’t use caramel flavoured coffee just good old Morccona. I think the cup of Greek Yoghurt keeps it moist. I baked it in a square cake box and only iced the top with a thick layer of coffee icing (CW recipe for the icing is very soft like a buttercream, so I used less butter) - and it was devine! It didn’t last long here though as husband kept taking it to work for his workmates!

Had a German woman visiting on her way round the South island and she made a coffee cake with walnuts but, she coated the walnuts in caramelized sugar first. It was amazing. Unfortunately l didn't get a recipe but should be easy enough for a canny cook to make.

bella95 - 2019-10-01 01:03:00
bella95 wrote:

Had a German woman visiting on her way round the South island and she made a coffee cake with walnuts but, she coated the walnuts in caramelized sugar first. It was amazing. Unfortunately l didn't get a recipe but should be easy enough for a canny cook to make

Good to know - as the Chelsea Winter recipe has those on the top of her cake, but I skipped them. Next time I will give them a go!

Edited by pure.blonde at 7:13 pm, Wed 2 Oct

pure.blonde - 2019-10-02 19:12:00

Use a little less butter add 1tbsp oil.

vomo2 - 2019-10-08 16:55:00

mmm, time flies.
found a thread from 2012 from here, which can be found offsite now:

And another:


these are recipes that people have posted here, and have been duplicated over there, which a lot of us found offensive, but it does mean that we can find them again.

they put "chef_" in front of our TM names (which makes me laugh, but means I can find the site easy by searching for "chef_unknowndisorder&-
t; lol (sorry, that cracks me up, the name is enough of a mouthful without adding a prefix onto it lol).

sorry for long explanation, but I know I rather use recipes that people have posted here, than google searching for unknown results.


unknowndisorder (469 469 positive feedback) 8:12 pm, Tue 22 Sep #5
I tried those sites and a message came up that there was a security risk and something about the time setting and suggested that I get out of there fast!

lulu239 - 2019-10-18 01:10:00

Has anyone Googled "Stack of Recipes"? It says there is a security risk. Is it just my computer? I am on Firefox.

Edited by lulu239 at 9:23 am, Sat 19 Oct

lulu239 - 2019-10-19 09:23:00


unknowndisorder - 2020-02-20 16:17:00
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