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salad ideas please


Trying to eat more salads, and I have no imagination really.. something easy to throw together besides, lettuce, carrots and cheese..

rose7 - 2015-09-08 19:51:00

OMG Google really is your friend! So many little time.

awoftam - 2015-09-08 19:52:00

mm ok

rose7 - 2015-09-08 19:53:00

It's a very broad subject to put out there without having any guide as to what you are looking for - Here's just over 3000 to start:

Have fun!

Edited by awoftam at 7:58 pm, Tue 8 Sep

awoftam - 2015-09-08 19:55:00


rose7 - 2015-09-08 19:59:00

wow that is awesome thanks Awoftam

rose7 - 2015-09-08 20:00:00

Welcome. Salads are so amazing - and its easy to do same old same old I know.

awoftam - 2015-09-08 20:10:00

As a really basic one, we love baby lettuce leaves (NO mesclun -sp), chopped peppers, red onion, cherry toms, avocado, s&p feta crumbled. Personally not a fan of cucumber but could be added.

Add toasted nuts/seeds
Different cheeses
Roasted pumpkin
Fruit, ie pear, orange segments
Fresh herbs

ruby19 - 2015-09-08 20:34:00

There is a Simon & Alison Holst cookbook called 'Sensational Salads' which is worth the investment... side salads to complete meals based around salad type ingredients. Sometimes it's good to get creative and move away from the 'auto pilot' in our heads when it comes to things like salads but a bit of inspiration can be very helpful in starting out.

sampa - 2015-09-09 14:18:00

3 simple, but great salads.

Strawberry ,Asparagus & Avocado Salad.
Equal amouts of all 3. Blanch the asparagus and I cut into 3's. Use an avocado that is just going soft, peel,quarter and dice.(dip in lemon juice to stop from going brown) Remove the green hulls from the strawberries and 1/2 or 1/4 them depending on size. Pile on a serving plate and drizzle this dressing over.
Dressing: 1/4 cup avocado oil, 1 lge clove garlic crushed, 3 tblsps lemon juice, freshly ground salt & pepper to taste, handful of freshly chopped basil. Whisk together.
I never ate avo's until I made this salad. Now it's a staple summer salad

Red salad.
Slice the following: tomato,radish,red capsicum,red onion.
Throw in a bowl with a tblspn of brown sugar and 1/2 fill the bowl with white wine vinegar. Mix together. Stir the ingredients through every so often to make sure it all marinates.

Pasta Salad(curry flavoured)
This is the only time I eat curry.
Boil a pkt of pasta as per directions. Rinse and cool slightly.
Add the following: Sliced green or red capsicum(red ones are usually in the preceeding salad and green give a nice colour variation) 1 of usually. Sliced ham, sliced or after Christmas, diced(you don't have to put this in if you don't want)
Sauce: Tblsp hot curry powder(don't worry, it won't be that hot in the end & if you like it hotter, just add more)
1 tblsp castor sugar, 1/4 cup oil(use nice oil) 1 tblsp whit vinegar. 1/2 cup cream(if you don't have cream, just use mayonnaise & less oil)
Combine all the ingredients and enjoy.
I can usually make all these salads by the time the pasta has boiled

blueviking - 2015-09-09 16:36:00

Add things like
Boiled egg, crumbled feta, beetroot cubes, cashew nuts, flawed salmon,avocado etc

Cooked pasta and red onions, small bits of salami or chorizo, feta,mcapsicum and a dressing etc

christin - 2015-09-09 17:46:00
rose7 wrote:

Trying to eat more salads, and I have no imagination really.. something easy to throw together besides, lettuce, carrots and cheese..

Firstly why are you trying to eat more salads? If it's to lose weight then vegetables are vegetables whether they're raw or cooked but what you add can make a huge difference. One of my favourites us a curried chicken salad but it has mayonnaise, yoghurt and nuts so quite high calorie. Another is grated raw beetroot, carrot and feta with raisins or currants and a red wine of raspberry vinegar dressing.

sarahb5 - 2015-09-09 18:33:00

Google 4 c's salad, yummy....carrot, coconut coriander and cashews...

kmole - 2015-09-12 15:58:00

I keep in the pantry 10-15 various nuts and seeds containers. In the fridge a big plastic container of roasted vegges of various type. Another container of various salad leaves/ mesculn, grated veges plus sliced diced chopped veggies along with a tub of roasted spiced chick peas. I marinate my own tofu, roast it or fry it and keep in fridge as well. This I make on a weekly basis so its a quick grab what ever I feel like through the week.

Depends on who is visiting or what I feel like eating I can at a moments notice grab all the pre-prepped containers and a fabulous big serving charger and throw the lot together for an instant main meal, or side. Blocks of various gourmet cheeses and tinned fish/ anchovies, deli bits or pickled eggs give it another dimension.
Make a sauce or vinaigrette in style your creating and voila... a salad that packs a nutritious punch and looks gorgeous on the table. I'm a wraps/ pita type so either make your own on heat good store bought brands and have with the salad. You can even toss throw warm strips or diced meats/ seafood. Caters for the vegetarian, vegan or brute at short notice.

rexavier - 2015-09-12 16:16:00
rose7 wrote:

Trying to eat more salads, and I have no imagination really.. something easy to throw together besides, lettuce, carrots and cheese..

It depends on what you want a "salad" to be.
Is it more greens you want to eat?
Or more raw vegetables?
Or something cold that has meat or cheese or eggs in it as well?

Let us know what you mean with "salad" as in the English language it could be just cold noodles and sauce or it could be a nice mixed green salad.

uli - 2015-09-12 17:46:00

This message was deleted.

pinnochio1 - 2015-09-12 19:06:00

Google salad in a jar recipes. The beauty of these is you can make them ahead of time and they last 5 days. Make them n Sunday night and yu can eat a lunch salad all week. They stay crisp and fresh all week!

thejewellerybox - 2015-09-12 19:13:00

Fry up a little streaky bacon then make croutons in the bacon fat.
Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, avocado, spring onion, feta, pine nuts, bacon, croutons, capsicums, cold boiled potatoes ( or sweet corn), plus your choice of dressing.
Totally delicious.

gaspodetwd - 2015-09-12 20:24:00

This is our new favourite.
Another recipe for this said to just use Mayonnaise so you can chose which dressing you want.

Edited by dreamers at 9:05 am, Sun 13 Sep

dreamers - 2015-09-13 09:03:00

Rice Salad
1 cup rice, 1/4 soy sauce, 1 cup (unsalted) peanuts, 1/2 cup sunflower seeds, 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds, 3 chopped spring onions, 1 chopped red pepper, 1/2 chopped medium onion (I finely dice it or you can grate it), 1/2 cup chopped currants

Dressing: 1/4 to 1/2 cup olive oil, juice of 1 lemon, 1 tsp lemon rind, 1 tsp minced garlic, 1 tsp minced ginger. Put in jar and shake well.

Bring rice to boil in 1 & 1/2 cups water, with lid on. Simmer 10 mins, keeping lid on. Stand the rice off the element for a further 20-30 mins.
Pour soy sauce over the warm rice. (May need to stir rice during cooking time to prevent sticking to bottom of pot, lol).
Roast peanuts in the oven. Once roasted, add sunflower and pumpkin seeds and chop.
Mix together all salad ingredients. Pour dressing over salad.

love this one.
I keep a supply of unsalted peanuts, the sunflower and pumpkin seeds in my pantry during summer. I make croutons with old bread and will often add fresh slice chilli to salads.

ruby2shoes - 2015-09-13 16:51:00

My ex flatmate 'was making dinner and he forgot to get things for a salad, so I looked in the fridge and this is what we had, so we threw it together and it became a favourite. It is very simple and you can add dressing if you like, but it is nice with just a bit of freshly ground black pepper.

- Remove the seeds from 1 whole capsicum (yellow makes a great combination with the colours of the other ingredients).
- Peel and slice 2 carrots
- Cut up 3 or 4 medium sized tomatoes
- Chop up 2 spring onions
- Put all the ingredients into a bowl and mix with a spoon
- Add black pepper to taste and mix it through

agedbag - 2015-09-13 23:36:00

my favourite salad at the moment is baby spinach, boiled new baby potatoes, asparagus (and or) snow peas with chunks of smoked salmon and a nice hollandaise - so simple and so yummy.

pony_girl (3263 3263 positive feedback) 9:27 pm, Fri 12 Sep #6

bev00 - 2015-09-19 23:07:00

sarahb5 - do you have a recipe as such for your grated beetroot salad please?

Edited by arrowmax at 12:26 pm, Sun 20 Sep

arrowmax - 2015-09-20 12:26:00
arrowmax wrote:

sarahb5 - do you have a recipe as such for your grated beetroot salad please?

I think this one is pretty close - it's nice with feta added

sarahb5 - 2015-09-20 14:01:00


bev00 - 2016-09-20 00:15:00
pinnochio1 wrote:

My stomach and lettuce are sworn enemies,but I love coleslaw and have it for tea very often. My receipe is slice cabbage 10mm then cut that into small pieces, finely dice an onion, grate a carrot, put into bowl and mix up well.
Add a handfull of raisins (whole) and a handfull of dried apricot diced smallish. Add a few spoons of coleslaw dressing and mix again. Optional add some crushed walnuts and crushed cashew nuts.
I will usually have bean salad with it, along with whatever meat and beetroot

A touch of mint sauce or chopped mint in the dressing is nice in coleslaw, I always make it that way now.

nauru - 2016-09-21 19:39:00

Annabel Langbein's Walnut Salad is very nice, recipe link below.

Edited by nauru at 7:44 pm, Wed 21 Sep

nauru - 2016-09-21 19:44:00
kmole wrote:

Google 4 c's salad, yummy....carrot, coconut coriander and cashews...

That one's good (even better with lime juice instead of lemon methinks). Some poor souls can't stomach coriander, my sister being one of them; she uses parsley instead.

The recipe can be found on the website, courtesy of revive cafe.

The other version, in the first edition of the revive cafe cookbook, has almonds instead of cashews.

Can play around with it a bit. I sometimes use toasted coconut.

trigal1 - 2016-09-21 20:37:00

One for the summer when watermelons easy and it's delicious!
Cube watermelon, (I remove the seeds), add crumbled feta and scatter generously with roasted walnuts or pecans. No dressings needed, it's sweet, salty and crunchy.
And another I'm hooked on is fresh raw broccoli florets, cranberries, small amount finely sliced red onion or spring onion and just enough of your favourite dressing to moisten.

wheelz - 2016-09-21 23:03:00

Don't need to wait for a watermelon, use a Honey Dew, they are always available and very nice too. Even Mangos are great too.


valentino - 2016-09-22 12:01:00

I love a very basic one that I make all the time, it's a pear, walnut, rocket & blue cheese with basic vinaigrette dressing.
Bag of baby rocket, some thinly sliced Bosc pears, a handful of toasted walnuts and some crumbled blue cheese (use feta if you don't like blue cheese). Drizzle over the vinaigrette. It's enough for lunch, with the protein of the nuts & cheese.

Edited by cameron-albany at 12:13 pm, Thu 22 Sep

cameron-albany - 2016-09-22 12:13:00


bev00 - 2017-09-23 00:01:00


bev00 - 2018-09-17 22:56:00

Also cous cous, quinoa, orzo make a good base for a filling salad.

Edit: just choose one.

Edited by maplekiwi1 at 10:22 am, Tue 18 Sep

maplekiwi1 - 2018-09-18 10:21:00

Will be salad recipes in this thread. I posted Julie Le Clerc's salad recipe for roasted peppers, haven't made it for ages but it is delish.

frances1266 - 2018-09-18 11:28:00

This is a favourite - lovely fresh and crunchy -
Add olives if you like them.
Also love drained rinsed cannelini beans with rocket and red onion dressed with olive oil and lemon juice and lots of freshly ground black pepper- add drained chunks of tuna for a complete meal.
Love this in summer - don't add the feta til the last minute or it looks like someone has already eaten it.

bella95 - 2018-09-18 22:15:00


bev00 - 2019-09-17 00:14:00

This is one of my favourites, as it lasts 3-4 weeks in the fridge (IF there's only a couple of [people around...). Nice addition to the traditional green salad. Makes a large bowlful. Very like the KFC bean salad.

Barbeques are coming up – this is great to have handy in the fridge come summer – everyone likes it, and keeps up to 3 weeks….

1 - 1.5 cups dry 4 bean mix (sun valley, is good, or bulk mix from Bin Inn)
(Can omit this part and the cooking, for 2 cans of 4 bean mix - craigs,
delmaine are good).

Pour boiling water over to cover by about twice, soak overnight, boil next day until soft.

Into bowl place:
2 medium onions, finely sliced (I like the purple ones)
1 green capsicum, finely sliced
sliced celery (optional)
cauliflower florets (optional)

1 x 450 gm can tomato soup
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 cup good cooking oil
3/4 cup white vinegar
1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon prepared mustard

Drain beans and place hot into a bowl with the sliced vegetables. Put all dressing ingredients into a pot, bring to boil, stirring until all dissolved and mixed, pour over salad. Serve hot or cold. Store in fridge, keeps for some time.

I sometimes use the same sauce for a carrot salad, 1 kg carrots (cut in slices or batons) Cook the sliced carrots in unsalted water until just tender, drain, add veges as above, pour over hot sauce, cool, use as above.

ETA: Over summer I try to keep 3-4 lots of prepared salads in the fridge, so it's only a matter of cooking (pan fry or BBQ) some meat, or a tray of cold cuts [salami, cooked chicken, shrimps, whatever], put salads in bowls, and people help themselves to as little or as much as they want. Great for keeping one's cool!

I usually have this bean salad, a green salad, maybe an egg salad, a potato salad, and if there's no tomatoes in the green salad, then maybe tomatoes, cucumber and red onion slices in a little malt or cider vinegar, or thinly sliced fennel bulb, peeled oranges thinly sliced and onions, also in malt or cider vinegar or vinaigrette dressing When it's hot, it's great to have prepared the salads in a cooler part of the day, and just be able to bring them out all ready....

Edited by autumnwinds at 12:45 am, Tue 17 Sep

autumnwinds - 2019-09-17 00:35:00
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