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Good potato cake / fritter recipe


I've had no luck the last 2-3 times I've made these... they always stick to the pan and fall apart when trying to turn them over

The recipe I use is
1 large (or 2 smaller) potatoes grated
1 egg
finely grated parmesan cheese, handful of breadcrumbs, salt n pepper

Grate the potato in a bowl and squeeze out all the liquid from them, add other ingredients and mix well, then put spoonfulls into a hot oiled frying pan and cook until golden brown on both sides.

Half the time they stick to the bottom of the pan (even though I add extra oil or butter) and when I go to turn them they fall apart. I thought the cheese would help them to stick together.

anyone got any tips to makle them not fall apart or stick to the bottom of the pan?

or anyone have a better recipe?

muffin2 - 2015-02-19 10:39:00

Maybe try putting a bit of flour into the mix.

jofes - 2015-02-19 11:38:00

you need to put flour with it

lilyfield - 2015-02-19 11:40:00

ok thanks will try flour instead of breadcrumbs

muffin2 - 2015-02-19 12:29:00

I make a batter, same as I would to batter fish. So the batter is usually, flour, baking powder, salt and pepper, an egg and water to mix. Then add the grated potato and any other veg that you want.
I don't bother to squeeze out the potato first but that is entirely up to you.

cgvl - 2015-02-19 13:47:00
cgvl wrote:

I make a batter, same as I would to batter fish. So the batter is usually, flour, baking powder, salt and pepper, an egg and water to mix. Then add the grated potato and any other veg that you want.
I don't bother to squeeze out the potato first but that is entirely up to you.

this sounds good - I'm going to try this one tonight!

muffin2 - 2015-02-19 16:00:00

Add a tablespoon of flour or semolina

cardiffgirl - 2015-02-19 16:52:00

I would remove the egg myself

motorbo - 2015-02-20 07:53:00

Mock whitebait fritters in Edmonds cook book is what I use ...I add finely chopped onions and garlic to up the flavour ..and an extra egg ...yuumy

ljayl - 2015-02-23 07:52:00

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esther-anne - 2015-02-23 11:09:00

My version, 3 good size potatos grated,1 finely chopped onion, tsp chicken stock, garlic salt, tbs, parsley, 1 egg, quarter cup flour (or rice flour) mix the lot together in one bowl and fry til golden in a mix of butter and oil. Only takes a few mins each side.

camper18 - 2015-02-23 16:12:00

Try partially cooking potatoes in their skins. Run under cold water until they are easy to handle, peel off skins and then grate them. Add tp chopped onion and bacon sweating off in pan and plenty of salt and pepper. cook over low heat until nice and crisp and flip onto flat plate and cut into wedges to serve.

propagator - 2015-02-25 14:41:00

bump for potato cakes

uli - 2016-02-25 19:18:00

Alison Holst has the loveliest one, so easy and successful. Potatoe pancakes is the name and she has one for Potatoe Cake too.

clementine4 - 2016-03-01 20:11:00


bev00 - 2017-03-01 00:32:00

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tessie2 - 2017-03-01 10:05:00
clementine4 wrote:

Alison Holst has the loveliest one, so easy and successful. Potatoe pancakes is the name and she has one for Potatoe Cake too.

Birds Nest Potatoes she calls them in the book I have. Recipe says to grate floury potatoes and place in clean tea towel, squeeze out all the liquid, then fry lots in hot oil, flatten them out a bit but don't pack the shreds too tightly. Turn when golden brown, adding more oil to cook the second side if necessary

rainrain1 - 2017-03-01 10:43:00

I just watched a new 'Mary Berry everyday' cooking show online, just come out. She made a lovely potato cake/rosti on there. It looked super easy and rather yummy. By memory it had onion, bacon and grated squeezed potato. Then she fried 2 eggs, put them on top and had it for breakfast.

dibble35 - 2017-03-01 17:36:00

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whitehead. - 2017-03-02 17:14:00

I used to make a Julie Biusu recipe for potato tortilla, it was delicious and could recommend it.

frances1266 - 2017-03-03 08:19:00

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nzdoug - 2017-03-05 12:36:00
nzdoug wrote:

Kartoffelpuffer !

Daggy name

rainrain1 - 2017-03-06 18:39:00
nzdoug wrote:

Kartoffelpuffer !

We had these at a beer festival in Germany and they had applesauce in the mixture and they were so moreish

dreamers - 2017-03-06 18:56:00
muffin2 wrote:

I've had no luck the last 2-3 times I've made these... they always stick to the pan and fall apart when trying to turn them over

The recipe I use is
1 large (or 2 smaller) potatoes grated
1 egg
finely grated parmesan cheese, handful of breadcrumbs, salt n pepper

Grate the potato in a bowl and squeeze out all the liquid from them, add other ingredients and mix well, then put spoonfulls into a hot oiled frying pan and cook until golden brown on both sides.

Half the time they stick to the bottom of the pan (even though I add extra oil or butter) and when I go to turn them they fall apart. I thought the cheese would help them to stick together.

anyone got any tips to makle them not fall apart or stick to the bottom of the pan?
or anyone have a better recipe?

Leave out the cheese and breadcrumbs and add either flour or even better potato starch! Use lots of oil and if you have a seasoned steel fry pan (not cast iron) then they will never stick or fall apart. I make them quite often.

uli - 2018-03-04 19:55:00

Dip in flour before you cook them, that helps

rainrain1 - 2018-03-05 08:00:00

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steve0061 - 2018-03-05 10:02:00

Korean potato pancake is not so thin as the German ones and less crispy, but still very very good - especially with the topping which is much more to my taste than apple sauce :)
I serve this with a green salad and some fermented veges or kim-chee.

uli - 2018-03-06 10:17:00

If I grate raw potato I always wash out all the starch first before squeezing all the water out and add egg, season and fry. I don't use flour at all. Holds well.

parsondian - 2018-03-10 17:32:00

Interesting read. I used to always have trouble with fritters etc falling apart in frypan and I think it was because I was turning them too soon. Now I wait till I know they are nice and browned and than turn them over. I always just make one first to see if anything needs adjusting eg s & p more flour etc. Once happy with mix I will go ahead and cook them - and not being impatient cooking turning them.

sikem - 2019-03-08 13:25:00

These are good, an Annabel Langbein recipe

timturtle - 2019-03-08 15:01:00
ljayl wrote:

Mock whitebait fritters in Edmonds cook book is what I use ...I add finely chopped onions and garlic to up the flavour ..and an extra egg ...yuumy mock whitebait fritters. Mum used to make them for breakfast, and always one in our lunchbox. not sure the recipe is in the new book tho. mmmm, think we will have them for dinner....I often add grted carrott and onion.

korbo - 2019-03-10 17:21:00
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