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Am wanting some easy as recipes for some nice truffles to put in containers for gifts if anyone knows any thanks :) :)

jofes - 2014-11-07 14:58:00

jofes, try doing a search here on the Recipes MB using truffles as the Keyword and Last year as the Date posted option. You'll find a number of earlier threads with choices that should help you on your way to getting the gifts organised. :-))

245sam - 2014-11-07 15:29:00

White chocolate and pistachio truffles.
These are easy and divine.
200g white chocolate. 125g cream cheese. 1 tbsp maple syrup. 1 tsp vanilla essence. 1/4 c unsalted pistachios, chopped. 11/4 c coconut- divided measure. Melt chocolate over double boiler until smooth. Using electric beaters, beat chocolate with cream cheese, maple syrup and vanilla till smooth, stir in pistachios and 1/4 c coconut and combine well. Cover and refrigerate till firm. Shape into balls, golfball size and toss in extra coconut. Refrigerate till firm again. Makes 20.

wheelz - 2014-11-07 19:38:00

2pkts of any tim tam type bickie crushed and then add 1 tub of cream cheese and mix well....... chill the mix for about 30 min, roll into balls and then in coconut and freeze if you want to use later or when frozen choc dip........ dont use lite or spreadable cream cheese as the mix will be too soft........ quick and easy and soooooooooooooooo yum!!!

timetable - 2014-11-07 21:42:00
timetable wrote:

2pkts of any tim tam type bickie crushed and then add 1 tub of cream cheese and mix well....... chill the mix for about 30 min, roll into balls and then in coconut and freeze if you want to use later or when frozen choc dip........ dont use lite or spreadable cream cheese as the mix will be too soft........ quick and easy and soooooooooooooooo yum!!!

OMG that sounds sooo yummy... Ive decided to do small batches of different truffles etc this year. Have got a selection of recipes written down, but will be adding this one.

Would that be a 250grm tub of cream cheese?
Thanks Timetable

Edited by popeye333 at 1:22 pm, Sat 8 Nov

popeye333 - 2014-11-08 13:21:00
popeye333 wrote:

OMG that sounds sooo yummy... Ive decided to do small batches of different truffles etc this year. Have got a selection of recipes written down, but will be adding this one.

Would that be a 250grm tub of cream cheese?
Thanks Timetable

Yes but the boxes of Philadelphia are better. A much firmer cheese.

gardie - 2014-11-08 14:03:00

Here are some recent ones.-

kiwilion - 2014-11-08 14:19:00

Cool thanks Gardie, will add them to my list

popeye333 - 2014-11-08 16:00:00

There are some good recipes on this site for truffles.

nauru - 2014-11-08 17:03:00

elliehen wrote:
Riverside Community Truffles

Boil together for five minutes:
30 gm butter
1/2 cup milk
2 Tab cocoa
2 Tab sugar

Add 4 Tab coconut
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped apricots
1/2 cup chopped ginger
1/2 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Select from the above optional dried fruits according to personal preference

Roll small balls in coconut and set in fridge

they sound divine....thank you. might make some for me too

cameron-albany (1181 1181 positive feedback) 7:15 pm, Fri 25 Apr #5
Indulgent Chocolate Fudge Brownie (a Jo Seagar recipe) - absolutely divine! I made it a week or so ago and it kept well for about 4-5 days in an air tight container.

carlosjackal (881 881 positive feedback) 8:08 pm, Sat 26 Apr #6

bev00 - 2015-04-26 22:16:00
bev00 wrote:

elliehen wrote:
Riverside Community Truffles

Boil together for five minutes:
30 gm butter
1/2 cup milk
2 Tab cocoa
2 Tab sugar

Add 4 Tab coconut
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped apricots
1/2 cup chopped ginger
1/2 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Select from the above optional dried fruits according to personal preference

Roll small balls in coconut and set in fridge

they sound divine....thank you. might make some for me too

cameron-albany (1181 1181 positive feedback) 7:15 pm, Fri 25 Apr #5
Indulgent Chocolate Fudge Brownie (a Jo Seagar recipe) - absolutely divine! I made it a week or so ago and it kept well for about 4-5 days in an air tight container.

carlosjackal (881 881 positive feedback) 8:08 pm, Sat 26 Apr #6

This is not meant to upset you but it's actually really confusing reading your posts that contain quote after quote after quote - I see you do it a lot and whilst I'm sure some people find it helpful I just find it confusing

sarahb5 - 2015-04-26 23:35:00

Bliss Balls

Alison Holst's Milk Powder Truffles - these are so good!
100g butter, room temp
2 C full cream milk powder
1/2 C cocoa
1 C icing sugar
1 & 1/2 C sultanas, chopped
1 t rum, 1 t vanilla, 3 T milk, sherry or rum
Coconut for rolling

Combine butter, milk powder, cocoa & icing sugar. Mix well. Add sultanas & mix. Add essences to taste, then the extra liquid a soonful at a time until it forms a firm dough. Roll into balls & coconut, choc hail etc.
Refridgerate. Yum!

lisapisa2 (230 230 positive feedback) 8:40 pm, Sat 2 Nov #2
Not too sure what Christmas balls are but I recently made Date balls (they taste like chocolate balls IMO)

1c of dates
1c of nuts (I use packet chopped nuts)
2tbsp of cocoa powder
2tsp of vanilla essence

- place in a food processor, and
- don't stop until it's a smooth consistency (if that's what you like)
- roll into balls
- place in fridge
- then enjoy

I also add coconut as well (about 1/2c) and pear juice if it's not 'wet' enough

kymmi (153 153 positive feedback) 5:08 pm, Sun 3 Nov #3

lindylambchops1 (41 41 positive feedback) 9:35 pm, Sun 3 Nov #4
lisapisa2 wrote:
Alison Holst's Milk Powder Truffles - these are so good!
100g butter, room temp
2 C full cream milk powder
1/2 C cocoa
1 C icing sugar
1 & 1/2 C sultanas, chopped
1 t rum, 1 t vanilla, 3 T milk, sherry or rum
Coconut for rolling

Combine butter, milk powder, cocoa & icing sugar. Mix well. Add sultanas & mix. Add essences to taste, then the extra liquid a soonful at a time until it forms a firm dough. Roll into balls & coconut, choc hail etc.
Refridgerate. Yum!

That's the one. Brilliant - thanks so muchly.

Dur - I just couldn't think of the word "truffles" at the time....................
I already have pre-Xmas brain - not a good sign.

maynard9 (201 201 positive feedback) 8:26 am, Mon 4 Nov #5
"White Christmas
250grms/8oz Kremelta Melted...

1 cup skim milk pwdr...

1 cup icing sugar...

pinch salt...

1/2 teaspn vanilla ess...

1 cup total of either raisins,coconut, cherries, apricot, nuts...

3 cups rice bubbles.

Add kremlta and mix well then pour into paper lined tin.

I made this many years ago at school! Its really really nice!!

set in fridge.

lx4000 (846 846 positive feedback) 7:39 pm, Mon 4 Nov #6
Milk Powder Truffles sounds lovely. I really like the smell and taste of milk powder so may have to give these a go this year.

gardie (411 411 positive feedback) 8:16 pm, Mon 4 Nov #7
They are really yummy, always get nice comments when I make them. I love the smell of milk powder too as it reminds me of life on the farm as a kid & Dad mixing the milk from the powder for the calves.

bev00 - 2015-11-07 21:57:00
timetable wrote:

2pkts of any tim tam type bickie crushed and then add 1 tub of cream cheese and mix well....... chill the mix for about 30 min, roll into balls and then in coconut and freeze if you want to use later or when frozen choc dip........ dont use lite or spreadable cream cheese as the mix will be too soft........ quick and easy and soooooooooooooooo yum!!!

They would be great using the black forrest tim tams.

nauru - 2015-11-08 21:24:00

recycling for christmas

bev00 - 2016-11-07 22:33:00

Caramel Ginger Balls


1 Packet Griffin's Gingernut Biscuits (crushed)
½ Cup Desiccated Coconut
½ Cup Crystallised Ginger (chopped)
¾ Cup Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 Cup White Chocolate Melts
Extra Desiccated Coconut


1. Combine the crushed biscuits, coconut and ginger in a medium bowl.

2. Place the condensed milk and white chocolate melts in a medium saucepan.

3. Cook over a low heat until the chocolate is melted. Mix into crumb mixture.

4. Using moist hands, roll the mixture into small balls and then roll in the extra coconut.

5. Refrigerate for at least ½ and hour.
These are always popular, I dip mine in melted choc, rather than roll in coconut.

rarogal - 2016-11-08 17:03:00

Holy heck rarogal they will be delicious, thanks.

malcovy - 2016-11-09 13:21:00

Can truffles be made a month before Christmas and keep ok?

standard - 2016-11-09 14:32:00

and again

bev00 - 2017-11-08 23:32:00

bump for Christmas treats

bev00 - 2018-11-04 23:37:00

Yes standard they can be frozen. I always do mine early and do that.

I have just made and frozen these

2tbs alcohol (rum or brandy)
1 cup raisins (could use chopped apricots)
250 ml cream
300 gm good quality dark chocolate
coconut or cocoa (to coat)

Soak raisins in the alcohol for as long as you can. Anything from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks!
Scald milk, add the chopped chocolate and beat until smooth and glossy
Beat in the fruit and any remaining liquid
Chill, preferably over night
Roll into small balls, toss in the coconut or cocoa
I then freeze these and bring them out just before serving, they can be eaten frozen.

Very rich, delicious.

lynja - 2018-11-05 05:49:00


bev00 - 2019-11-05 22:47:00
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