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Whats your favourite Slice or Square recipe


Hi I'm looking for a nice slice or square recipe, can someone help me please.

countrygirl6 - 2014-05-27 22:54:00

We used to call it Fly Cemetery, I'm not sure what its real name is.. it has currants, and jam and cinnamon in it...

southerngurl - 2014-05-27 22:59:00

Hi Southerngurl .Thank you for your reply. I know the square, but like you I cant think of name.

countrygirl6 - 2014-05-27 23:20:00

My favourite is because it is so quick and easy and can also be used as a base to a peppermint slice. Chocolate Coconut Slice.

kiwisportsgirl - 2014-05-27 23:57:00

I think my mum called them Laughing Jennys

cazzi - 2014-05-28 00:21:00

southerngurl and countrygirl6, have a look at:-

I have posted my favourite many times previously but here it is again for you.....
My all-time favourite.....CARAMEL CRUMBLE
This slice is very like Tan Slice but just stirred together with no creaming of the butter and sugar. As its name suggests its topping is more crumbly but personally I like it better - to make and to eat!! It freezes well too if you want to hide some away for another time.

Caramel Topping:
½ x 395g can sweetened condensed milk
2 tbsp golden syrup,
¼ cup brown sugar
55g (2oz) butter

Mix all the topping ingredients together in a bowl over hot water for 5 minutes, then allow the mixture to cool slightly.
1½ cups flour.
1 tsp baking powder
115g (½ cup) sugar,
½ tsp vanilla essence,
115g (4oz) melted butter

Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl, then add the vanilla essence and the melted butter and mix to a fairly soft crumbly consistency. Press approximately two thirds-three quarters of this crumbly mixture into a greased sponge roll tin, then spread the caramel topping over. Sprinkle over the remaining crumble mixture.
Bake at 180ºC for 20-30 minutes.
Allow to cool then cut into fingers or squares. :-))

245sam - 2014-05-28 00:46:00

I really like the Takaka Oaty Ginger Slice that's been featured here many times in the past.

kaddiew - 2014-05-28 08:46:00
kaddiew wrote:

I really like the Takaka Oaty Ginger Slice that's been featured here many times in the past.

Me too - but I put sunflower and pumpkin seeds in the base and crystallized ginger in the icing. Just a few changes I have made for myself over the years.

maynard9 - 2014-05-28 08:51:00

Wanganui slice.

battgirl - 2014-05-28 08:59:00
maynard9 wrote:

Me too - but I put sunflower and pumpkin seeds in the base and crystallized ginger in the icing. Just a few changes I have made for myself over the years.

I've done the crystallised ginger, but hadn't thought of the seeds...thanks! : )

kaddiew - 2014-05-28 09:15:00

No worries - happy to share ideas - that is what this messageboard is meant to be all about - wink.................

maynard9 - 2014-05-28 14:55:00

I made Texas slice - I got the recipe off of here, it went down very well with all the work mates, expensive to make but worth it

dibble35 - 2014-05-28 18:11:00
dibble35 wrote:

I made Texas slice - I got the recipe off of here, it went down very well with all the work mates, expensive to make but worth it

Is this the one dibble35?

Here we go! I use a bit more butter in the base, as i found it a little crumbly, otherwise the recipe below is the original.

100g butter, melted
250g malt biscuits, crushed
2 cups walnut pieces, chopped roughly & lightly toasted
1.5 cups milk choc buttons, chopped (I left mine whole)
1 cup sultanas
3 cups desiccated coconut
500g sweetened condensed milk (about 1.5 cans)

Mix together butter and biscuit crumbs, press into 20 x 30cm slice tin, greased and lined with baking paper.
Mix together all other ingredients and roughly press into tin. Bake at 160c for 30 mins or until lightly browned. Don’t overcook. Should be moist and sticky.
(Cover with baking paper if starting to brown too quickly)
Cut when cold. Makes 18 pieces. (I cut mine smaller).

Quote rarogal (153) 6:59 pm, Fri 24 Jan #31" :-))

It's #31 on this earlier thread:-

245sam - 2014-05-28 18:33:00

Thank you for all the replies

countrygirl6 - 2014-05-28 23:26:00
245sam wrote:

Is this the one dibble35?

Here we go! I use a bit more butter in the base, as i found it a little crumbly, otherwise the recipe below is the original.

100g butter, melted
250g malt biscuits, crushed
2 cups walnut pieces, chopped roughly & lightly toasted
1.5 cups milk choc buttons, chopped (I left mine whole)
1 cup sultanas
3 cups desiccated coconut
500g sweetened condensed milk (about 1.5 cans)

Mix together butter and biscuit crumbs, press into 20 x 30cm slice tin, greased and lined with baking paper.
Mix together all other ingredients and roughly press into tin. Bake at 160c for 30 mins or until lightly browned. Don’t overcook. Should be moist and sticky.
(Cover with baking paper if starting to brown too quickly)
Cut when cold. Makes 18 pieces. (I cut mine smaller).

Quote rarogal (153) 6:59 pm, Fri 24 Jan #31" :-))

It's #31 on this earlier thread:-

Yep that was the one, it did make a tin full - but it didn't last very long as got scoffed by the work mates

dibble35 - 2014-05-29 18:02:00

Hi I have a blog with some of my favourite recipes

In there you will find lots of slices!

Apple Shortcake Slice
Clinkers Slice
Weetbix Slice
Chocolate Brownie
Marshmallow Slice

etc etc etc

mooshiesmum - 2014-05-29 19:25:00

I would love to share my shortcake recipe here - I use any canned fruit I have available - Delish Apple Pie filling is the standard - but the other day used peaches and pears drained and was lovely! But your own stewed apples would be even better

The crust is so light and flavoursome and super easy


mooshiesmum (77 77 positive feedback) 10:23 pm, Tue 25 Mar #11

Here's a slightly different apple shortcake recipe, just as yummy!

Chocolate Apple Shortcake
125 gr butter
1 tsp bp
1 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1 egg
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tab cocoa
2 cups flour
cold stewed apples
Blend sugar & egg in the processor. Add melted butter, then dry ingreds. Roll out ½ the mixture & place in a lined tin. Spread with stewed apples. Roll out the second piece of dough & place over the top. Bake @ 180°c for 30-40 mins
Sauce: puree 1 cup stewed apples
1 tab custard powder 1 tab golden syrup
Blend altogether & microwave on high for 1-2 mins or till thick & transparent. Serve on warm shortcake with whipped cream.

macandrosie (252 252 positive feedback) 7:57 pm, Fri 28 Mar #15
Post a message in this thread

bev00 - 2015-03-28 21:29:00

• TAKAKA OATY GINGER CRUNCH from The Wholemeal Cafe, Takaka, Golden Bay
150 gm butter
2 Tablespoons golden syrup (try to be precise - hold the spoon in boiling water before measuring golden syrup)
3/4 cup brown sugar
Mix together:
3/4 cup coconut
1 & 1/2 cups rolled oats
3/4 cup flour
1& 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1& 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
Combine wet & dry mixes
Press into 20 x 20 cm pan
Bake 180* C for 25 minutes
When cool, ice with:
4 Tbsp butter
8 Tbsp icing sugar
4 teaspoons golden syrup
2 teaspoons ground ginger
Heat, melt, beat and pour hot icing over cool base

molly37 - 2015-03-29 21:56:00

Salted peanut caramel slice, marshmellow slice, lemon slice and chocfudge brownie are most requested at our place. Will supply recipes if you are interested :)

bisloy - 2015-03-29 22:00:00
bisloy wrote:

Salted peanut caramel slice, marshmellow slice, lemon slice and chocfudge brownie are most requested at our place. Will supply recipes if you are interested :)

Yes please...

co-creations - 2015-03-30 11:37:00

Chocolate and Fruit Slice
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 cup self raising flour
2 thsp cocoa
150 grams buter melted
1 cup prunes or raisins
1 cup nestle choc bits
1 cup finely chopped apricots
1 cup peanuts optional
3/4 tin sweetened condensed milk
Preheat oven to 180 degrees
Place flours,coconut and cocoa in a bowl and stir to combine.Pour in melted butter and mix well.Press mixture into a slice tin I line with baking paper and bake for 15 minutes then cool for 15 mins
Once cool the scatter over prunes or raisins and apricots nuts and choc
bits drizzle with cond milk and cook for 20 mins until golden

bella298 - 2015-04-03 16:45:00

I love ginger crunch or lemon & coconut slice but most slices I find far too sweet especially the ones you buy from bakeries - just taste sweet rather than having any individual flavour to them, very generic

sarahb5 - 2015-04-03 16:51:00

Double Chocolate Brownies

200 grams butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar
3 eggs
1 cup white flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
65 grams cocoa
1 block Cadbury Chocolate

Melt butter in pot as butter is starting to melt add sugar
(you want the sugar to be melted and once it starts to boil take off ring)
Cool for a minute or two and then add beaten eggs and beat fast(you don't want to cook eggs)
Add cocoa and flour and baking powder and mix
Put 1/2 the mixture into a baking paper lined tin
Break up a block of Cadbury Chocolate into pieces and dot on top of the 1/2 mixture
Put rest of mixture on top covering all the chocolate pieces
Bake for 35- 45 minutes at 160 c (depending in your oven mine takes 45 mins plus)
take out brownie and test with a cake pin or knife to make sure brownie is cooked if not put in for longer
Cool cut into pieces and enjoy

bella298 - 2015-04-03 16:52:00

Jazz ANZAC square

1 cup crushed peanuts
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup coconut
1 cup self raising flour
1 cup sugar
1 egg
125 gram butter
1 tbsp golden syrup
Melt butter add golden syrup
Mix dry ingredients and add butter mixture and egg
Bake in slice long tray until golden brown at 180@

bella298 - 2015-04-03 16:55:00

and again

bev00 - 2016-04-02 00:27:00
southerngurl wrote:

We used to call it Fly Cemetery, I'm not sure what its real name is.. it has currants, and jam and cinnamon in it...

Fruit Square

petal1955 - 2016-04-02 19:05:00
245sam wrote:

Is this the one dibble35?

Here we go! I use a bit more butter in the base, as i found it a little crumbly, otherwise the recipe below is the original.

100g butter, melted
250g malt biscuits, crushed
2 cups walnut pieces, chopped roughly & lightly toasted
1.5 cups milk choc buttons, chopped (I left mine whole)
1 cup sultanas
3 cups desiccated coconut
500g sweetened condensed milk (about 1.5 cans)

Mix together butter and biscuit crumbs, press into 20 x 30cm slice tin, greased and lined with baking paper.
Mix together all other ingredients and roughly press into tin. Bake at 160c for 30 mins or until lightly browned. Don’t overcook. Should be moist and sticky.
(Cover with baking paper if starting to brown too quickly)
Cut when cold. Makes 18 pieces. (I cut mine smaller).

Quote rarogal (153) 6:59 pm, Fri 24 Jan #31" :-))

It's #31 on this earlier thread:-

My late sister in the US gave me this recipe about 15yrs ago....she'd be tickled pink to know this is being enjoyed here in NZ. I still make it and it is still popular in our household!!

rarogal - 2016-04-06 13:00:00

245sam - I made your Caramel Crumble recipe, it's now my favourite too. Soo easy & soo yummy

gjnalm - 2016-04-16 19:28:00


bev00 - 2017-04-16 22:41:00

Came across this one the other day in my book, I had forgotten how good it is.

Coffee Slice
4oz butter
1/2cup sugar
2 Tblsp coffee essence (coffee and Chicory)
1 tsp vanilla
Cream together and add two eggs one at a time, and mix well
Add 2 heaped cups flour and 2 tsp BP
Put in fridge for a while.
Roll out in 2 pieces, ( I roll out 1/2 the mixture, then cut into 4, it's easier to lift into tin and press down nicely ) Same with the top piece> It can be made straight on to cold oven tray.
Cover bottom piece with lots of raspberry jam, cover with second piece and bake mod oven 20-30 minutes, till beginning to brown. Ice when cold with coffee icing made from the coffee and chicory

Ha ha whoops...who saw that??

Edited by rainrain1 at 10:55 am, Mon 17 Apr

rainrain1 - 2017-04-17 10:54:00

Lolly cake!

tacocat - 2017-04-17 13:03:00

This is our new favourite - as from tonight!
From Just A Mum's website, also on her facebook page..

Anzac Slice With Caramel Centre - I made some tonight - it's seriously delicious.. photo included with the recipe here:

summersunnz - 2017-04-27 22:54:00

My favourite - like a cakey belgium slice - yum! Especially good in my wee Breville oven which crisps the pastry base nicely

Lou Lou Cake

125g butter
125g sugar
2 eggs
125g flour
2 t mixed spice
1 t baking powder
1 pkt flaky pastry
raspberry jam

Cream butter and sugar, beat in eggs, add dry ingredients. Line a swiss roll tin with flaky pastry and spread with raspberry jam. Cover with cake mixture and bake at 180 C for approx 30 mins.
Ice with raspberry icing and cut into squares.

nickyd - 2017-04-30 07:46:00


bev00 - 2018-04-30 00:12:00
nickyd wrote:

My favourite - like a cakey belgium slice - yum! Especially good in my wee Breville oven which crisps the pastry base nicely

Lou Lou Cake

125g butter
125g sugar
2 eggs
125g flour
2 t mixed spice
1 t baking powder
1 pkt flaky pastry
raspberry jam

Cream butter and sugar, beat in eggs, add dry ingredients. Line a swiss roll tin with flaky pastry and spread with raspberry jam. Cover with cake mixture and bake at 180 C for approx 30 mins.
Ice with raspberry icing and cut into squares.

Well, bumpy people....I made this today, and it's really delicious, I re-named mine on my printout though.......Prince Louis icing and all!

rainrain1 - 2018-04-30 18:36:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Well, bumpy people....I made this today, and it's really delicious, I re-named mine on my printout though.......Prince Louis icing and all!

shouldn't Prince Louis Cake have blue icing? ;o)

samanya - 2018-04-30 19:00:00
samanya wrote:

shouldn't Prince Louis Cake have blue icing? ;o)

Yes, but I had already dropped in the pink dye, maybe next time I bake it I will use the blue

rainrain1 - 2018-05-01 07:02:00

I like choco fudge slice with After Dinner Mints cut up and stirred through.

hidecote01 - 2018-05-01 08:39:00

This is quick, easy and no-bake!

250g (1 pack) of plain biscuits (I use superwines)
200g (approx 1/2 tin) of condensed milk
220g block of Cadbury Caramello Chocolate
125g of butter
2 x 220g blocks of Cadbury Milk Chocolate

Line a 28cm x 18cm slice tray with baking paper making sure you leave paper hanging over the sides to help remove the slice from the tin once set.
Crush the biscuits into small pieces - you can use a food processor, or just bash them with the end of a rolling pin!
Break the Caramello Chocolate into squares and place it into a microwave bowl along with the butter (which has been cubed) and cook until melted - I cook for 30 second spurts and mix together in between.
In a large bowl add the melted butter & chocolate, condensed milk and crushed biscuits. Mix together to combine and then pour into the prepared tray.
Using a metal spoon, spread slice evenly over the tray and push down to smooth.
Break the milk chocolate into pieces and place it into a microwave safe bowl and cook for 30 second spurts until it has melted. I add a dash of cream and stir in so that the icing is not so hard.
Pour the melted milk chocolate over the top of the Caramello Slice and place in the fridge for 2 hours or until set.
Remove the set slice from the baking tray and cut into pieces.

lisa7 - 2018-05-01 12:38:00

** recycling **

autumnwinds - 2019-04-25 09:56:00

Custard slice.

kiwitrish - 2019-04-25 11:59:00

Unbaked Citrus good I won't make it, cos I'd eat it all!
250g packet plain sweet biscuits
finely grated rind 1 orange, save juice for icing
1 c coconut
1/2 can (200g) sweetened condensed milk
125g butter, melted
2 c icing sugar
2 Tbsp butter, melted
juice from 1 orange
Place biscuits in bowl of a food processor, process until crumbs.
Transfer to mixing bowl, add orange zest and coconut, mix to combine.
Pour in butter and condensed milk, mix well.
Press into prepared pan, refrigerate until firm.
To make icing mix icing sugar, butter and orange juice together in a small bowl. If mixture is too stiff, add a little hot water. Spread icing over base, sprinkle with coconut.

wheelz - 2019-04-30 10:31:00

There's one I love which is apparently in a Scots college/Queen Margaret college recipe book fundraiser although I've never been able to find the recipe

It's just plain chocolate on top and has nuts on the bottom I've asked on here before and no one has the recipe!!! I've only had it a couple of times but it is the best!

huca1 - 2019-04-30 11:14:00
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