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Family recipes you want to share


Just redoing my recipe collection into nice organised typed folders so am typing out some recipes on laptop. So thought I might as well paste some of the good ones on here. A lot of people will already have a biscuit cake recipe but this one was my poppas, then my mums and now I use it so it is good.
Poppas biscuit cake
Melt 1 tin highlander milk
125gm butter
1 T cocoa
Then add to
1 C coconut
500(ish) gm crushed biscuits (1 malt, 1 wine)
½ - 1C sultanas
Mix very well and press into a sponge roll tin. Ice with choc icing and sprinkle with coconut. Cut into pieces before it gets to hard.

dibble35 - 2014-01-17 14:40:00

This one from a Canadian friend many years ago
4 t baking powder
½ t salt
2 C flour
¼ C butter or marg
¾ C milk
Extra butter/marg
½ C brown sugar
1 Tb cinnamon
Sift together flour, B.P. and salt. Add butter and cut in well. Add milk and mix until dough is soft. Place on a floured board and roll out to 1cm thick in a rectangular shape. Spread with some soft butter or marg, sprinkle with the brown sugar and cinnamon mixture. Roll (long side up) and slice into 2 1/2 cm/1” slices.
In a greased round cake tin spread a mix of
¼ C melted butter/marg
½ C brown sugar
Arrange the slices on top, cut side down. Bake at 230*C for 15-20 mins. Turn out onto a plate and eat whilst hot.

dibble35 - 2014-01-17 14:57:00

Thanks dibble l am already drooling reading the cinnamon buns will have to c & p

griffo4 - 2014-01-17 16:16:00

Thanks for sharing dibble, have C&P'd both recipes. The slice sounds nice so I will give it ago. I think you could probably add anything to that slice in place of your cup of fruit.

Edited by nauru at 7:13 pm, Fri 17 Jan

nauru - 2014-01-17 19:11:00

Yum to both recipes! thanks for sharing :-)

books4nz - 2014-01-17 19:15:00
nauru wrote:

Thanks for sharing dibble, have C&P'd both recipes. The slice sounds nice so I will give it ago. I think you could probably add anything to that slice in place of your cup of fruit.

Yes, maybe pistachios, dried apricots would be good

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 12:01:00

Heres another - its one of the nicest choc brownie recipes I've tried. Not heavy and stodgy like some of them can be. Got it years ago from a lady I worked with.
250gm choc melts
2 C castor sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 C flour
½ tsp B.P.
½ C cocoa
Extra 150gm choc melts
Icing sugar to sprinkle on top
Preheat the oven to 160*C. Spray or line a sponge roll tin. Melt the 1st measure of choc. Beat the castor sugar, eggs and vanilla well. Add the melted choc, flour, B.P. and cocoa. Stir in the extra chopped choc. Pour into the prepared tin and bake for 50 mins until firm. Cool in the tin and cut into small bars or chunks. Dust with icing sugar to serve.

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 12:03:00

This works well for most fruit, makes really nice banana muffins if really ripe 1s used. Good way to use up those extra zucchini to
2 C flour
4 t B.P.
½ t salt
½ C castor sugar
100 gm butter
1 C milk
1 egg
1 ½ C chopped/mashed fruit ( or for choc zucchini muffins 1 ½ C zucchini, 4 T cocoa, choc chips to taste)
Sieve the flour, B.P., salt into a large bowl. Add the sugar. In another bowl melt the butter, add the milk and egg and beat. Prepare the fruit then add the fruit and liquid into the flour mix. Fold together till flour mix is just dampened. Put mix into greased muffin pans. For fruit muffins (not zucchini ones) sprinkle over a mix of 1 T sugar and ½ t cinnamon. Bake 12-15 mins at 220*C

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 12:30:00

I like to kid myself that this is healthy - it is yummy though.
100 gm butter
¾ C sugar
1 egg
1 C mashed ripe banana
1 C wholemeal flour
¼ C orange juice
¼ - ½ C chopped walnuts/sunflower seeds
1 C plain flour
1t B.P
1t B. Soda
Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy. Add egg and beat. Add mash bananas, wholemeal flour, OJ, nuts/seeds. Stir till just combined. Sift in plain flour, BP and B. Soda. Mix all till just combined. Line a 23 x 10cm loaf tin with greaseproof (bottom and long sides) and spoon in the mix. Bake at 180*C for 1 hr till skewer comes out clean. Stand for 5-10 mins then turn out.

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 12:37:00

Bobbies American Lemonade (well she was American)
4-5 lemons – skin only, no pith
4 C sugar
2 level teaspoons citric acid
4 C boiling water
Place all ingredients in a microwave proof bowl, stir, and cook for 4 mins.
Let cool, then add the juice of the lemons. Let set overnight. Strain then bottle. Store in the fridge or freeze. Dilute to taste

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 12:42:00

Oh...baking recipes then, not meals?

lythande1 - 2014-01-18 15:58:00

im feeling rather chuffed today, I had 4 large red peppers and turned them into red pepper recipe and the flavours were yum...then I made a crustless quiche with salmon and courgettes...then I tried a brown rice pudding..inspired from here...I added the cinnamon at the start so it got cooked for as long as the water/milk/coconut cream..........and its finished tasting like chocolate

so a successful day with no recipes

motorbo - 2014-01-18 17:19:00

Well with such tasty sounding food and success as well, I say you should put these recipes (from your brilliant mind) up here, huh???

gaintraction - 2014-01-18 17:30:00
lythande1 wrote:

Oh...baking recipes then, not meals?

whatever you want to add, as you can tell i'm up to the baking and pudding section which i'm copying into my new recipe book - sharing the good ones at the same time.

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 18:26:00

I remember this being so yummy when I was a kid. havnt seen anything like it for ages.
465gm tin apricots
Tin condensed milk
¼ C water
2 eggs
¾ C cooked rice – drained
60gm castor sugar.
Heat oven to 125*C. Put fruit in bottom of a 2 pint(1.2L) dish. Mix condensed milk and water to get a thick cream. Add beaten egg yolks and rice. Mix well and pour over fruit. Whisk egg whites adding castor sugar 1T at a time, till peaks form.
Pile over the rice mix and bake 1 – 1 1/4 hours.

dibble35 - 2014-01-18 18:52:00

Not really a recipe but my families' favourite Pork Chop dinner....
Shoulder pork chops rubbed with oil and lightly sprinkled with Tuscon seasoning and fennel seeds. Gently braised until tender. Remove from pan and make gravy with remaining juices. Serve with roast vegetables and apple sauce!

herself - 2014-01-18 21:28:00

Pork and fennel are made for each other!

wheelz - 2014-01-19 01:27:00

Here's a dessert I made up a few years ago from stuff in my cupboard and the kids (now grown up with grand-kids of their own) loved it. I have since 'quartered' the recipe to make it suitable for one, so it's easy to multiply for to as many as you need to feed:

Absolutely Apricot

1 egg
a few drops of vanilla essence
150g low-fat apricot yoghurt*
1 tablespoon apricot & ginger jam
3 thin slices wholemeal bread
½ teaspoon minced ginger
1 tin apricots, drained
2 teaspoons demerara sugar

*If you only have plain yoghurt, use one or two
pieces of apricot from the tin and mash them up
to add to the yoghurt.

Heat oven to 165°C. Grease a small deep individual casserole dish.
Beat the egg well with the vanilla. Add the yoghurt and beat again.
Spread the jam on one side of the pieces of bread and spread the minced ginger on two of them.
Place one with ginger in the bottom of the dish, jam side up, & cover with halves of apricots cut side down.
Pour over 1/3 of the egg mixture. Repeat.
Place the last piece of bread, without ginger, jam side down over the 2 layers of apricots and pour over the last of the egg mixture.
Leave to stand for about 20-30 minutes to allow the custard to soak into the bread.
Sprinkle the sugar on top and bake till the custard is just set, about 40-45 minutes.

jynx66 - 2014-01-19 08:02:00

family recipes great to share

bev00 - 2015-01-19 21:25:00

and again ..

bev00 - 2016-01-19 23:49:00


bev00 - 2017-01-17 22:59:00


bev00 - 2018-01-18 01:42:00

Well thats been bumped a few times. As the OP, I can say since that initial week spent typing up recipes from my old battered recipe book - I havnt done it since! Now everything is saved on my laptop, trialed, and if I like it i'm meant to print it out. Well as I dont have a printer anymore that just doesnt If my laptop breaks down one day i'm going to regret it thats for sure.

dibble35 - 2018-01-18 08:30:00

Email it to yourself :) or someone with a printer :)
I have a bunch of recipes from an acquaintance I should print out, but feel I need to format them nicer first. (Easier at work, but too busy there lol).

unknowndisorder - 2018-01-18 22:30:00

I do print out the odd thing at work if i have to, but dont like to. I'd get annoyed if I saw one of the other staff spending the bosses time and resources doing this so I try not to do it myself unless its something i have to have. Must get a printer one day, or i could as you said email them to myself and print them off at the library or somewhere. Just need to get motivated!

dibble35 - 2018-01-19 08:36:00
herself wrote:

Not really a recipe but my families' favourite Pork Chop dinner....
Shoulder pork chops rubbed with oil and lightly sprinkled with Tuscon seasoning and fennel seeds. Gently braised until tender. Remove from pan and make gravy with remaining juices. Serve with roast vegetables and apple sauce!

Does this have any liquid added when braising and is it best in the oven or crockpot?

nanee2jlp - 2018-01-20 10:56:00
nanee2jlp wrote:

Does this have any liquid added when braising and is it best in the oven or crockpot?

I always cook this in my frying pan, very low, on the gas stove top. I have a lid on and after the chops are browned on both sides, lower the heat and add stock if I have any on hand or just water (usually just water). Add a bit of flour for thickening when making the gravy from the liquid in the pan. Season with salt and pepper if needed.

Edited by herself at 6:47 pm, Sat 20 Jan

herself - 2018-01-20 18:45:00


mutley83 - 2019-01-19 15:45:00

The member deleted this message.

cottagerose - 2019-01-19 20:36:00

This was my mums bean salad made from scratch.
It keeps for weeks

Edited by cottagerose at 11:28 am, Sun 20 Jan

cottagerose - 2019-01-20 11:28:00

hi dibble your poppas recipe you mix everything together? is that right

roxy353 - 2019-02-08 14:28:00
roxy353 wrote:

hi dibble your poppas recipe you mix everything together? is that right

Hi, Yes, its a good biscuit cake.
ETA, actually I dont know why its called a cake......its really a slice, lasts for awhile in the fridge

Edited by dibble35 at 3:15 pm, Fri 8 Feb

dibble35 - 2019-02-08 15:15:00

When my 3 sons started flatting they kept on asking for recipes, so I made a family cookbook. The first one I photocopied, then I did one on Snapfish. I included photos of the boys from when they were babies (had to scan the early ones, no digital then!!) and other family members, especially if they gave me the recipe. Its a good record of all the familiar recipes, plus good for reminiscing with all the photos.

mak47 - 2019-02-08 17:47:00


bev00 - 2020-02-08 23:28:00
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