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hotpants2009 - 2013-04-20 14:10:00

From an earlier thread.....

"Omelette, frittata, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, eggs benedict, sponge cakes, waffles, devilled eggs, scotch eggs, bacon and egg pie, spaghetti carbonara, poached eggs, donburi, soft boiled eggs on salad, ceasar salad, french toast, courgette fritters or corn fritters, Huevos Rancheros, Bacon and Sweet Corn Mini Frittatas, bacon and eggs on spinach or toast, Creme Brule or any other custard, pavlova - make a custard with the yolks or use them instead of hair shampoo, lemon pie, any type of soufflee, Shakshouka (= Eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce), aioli, gado gado, Baked Egg Custard, homemade ice cream, pancakes or crepes ... that might help use up some of the surplus :)

Quote uli (614 ) 1:31 pm, Sun 31 Mar #11"

Also, have a look at:-



Also try doing a search here on the MB using eggs as the Keyword and Last year as the Date posted option - you should find lots of ideas for all your eggs and more.

Hope that helps. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 2:27 pm, Sat 20 Apr

245sam - 2013-04-20 14:24:00

Well what can I add that 245sam has not copied from me already LOL :)

uli - 2013-04-20 15:21:00

The member deleted this message.

rainrain1 - 2013-04-20 15:24:00

I've made this twice now, 7 eggs, easy & so good

gregg74 - 2013-04-20 15:25:00

rainrain1 - 2013-04-20 15:40:00
uli wrote:

Well what can I add that 245sam has not copied from me already LOL :)

speed up....uli

pickles7 - 2013-04-20 15:43:00

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makespacenow - 2013-04-30 11:25:00

Well I just made my son & his mates a large bacon & egg pie for the weekend [it being Ducking Shooting!] that used up a dozen eggs! I like to see them eating plenty!

macandrosie - 2013-05-03 21:21:00

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elliehen - 2013-05-03 22:57:00

I use nigella lawsons recipe. I makes a large one one. I use a 34 x 23 cm tin.

375g good quality dark choc
375g unsalted butter. (if using salted butter, leave the salt out)

Melt them together in a pot on slow heat. Then cool.

6 eggs
350g castor sugar
1 tbs vanilla extract
1 tsp salt

Beat together then add the choc mixture and combine till well mixed.

225g plain flour
250g white choc chips

Add flour and mix in then fold in choc chips.

Make sure your tin in lined then pour in. bake at 150c (reduce by 10 deg if fan forced) and bake for an hour. when cooked mixture should still be gooey but not wobble in the middle when you shake the tin.

Quotemarcs (52 ) 5:10 pm,

bev00 - 2013-05-09 22:53:00

Onion and Herb Frittata
3 TBLSP olive oil
2 onions thinly sliced
8 eggs
1 tsp salt
ground black pepper to taste
4 medium potatoes peeled and boiled in salted water for 5 minutes
2 TBLSP finely chopped parsley leaves
Heat 2 TBLSP of the olive oil in a large frypan, add onions and cook over gentle heat until softened but not browned (about 8 min). In large bowl whisk eggs with salt and pepper, cut cooled potatoes into 1/2 cm thin slices and stir into the egg with onions and parsley, make sure all the potato slices are separated and coated with egg.
Heat remaining oil in frypan used for onions, add egg mixture, as the base begins to cook, use spatula to lift it in several places allowing raw egg to run underneath. Once it starts to set, leave it to cook over a very low heat until just set through (about 12 mins). Don't be tempted to turn up the heat. Place under a preheated grill until the top is set and golden (about 5 - 6 mins) or run a knife around the edge to loosen, flip onto a plate then slide back into the pan to cook through, test by gently pressing the centre - if it bounces back it is done. Cool 5 min. before turning out onto a plate, eat hot or at room temperature.

Quotesooseque (757 ) 3:21 pm,

bev00 - 2013-10-07 23:34:00

eggs can be frozen fresh, check here for the complete instructions, it even gives you a inside view of a frozen fresh uncooked egg. Its at the bottom of the page.

kob - 2013-10-08 07:21:00

frozen egg whites make great pavs and the yolks could be used to make custards or curds, for no wastage.

jobb - 2013-10-08 07:25:00

Annabel Langbeins big beautiful B & E uses heaps of eggs

Give them away, I enjoy doing that

Edited by rainrain1 at 8:25 am, Tue 8 Oct

rainrain1 - 2013-10-08 08:24:00

Yummy pavalova

demo9 - 2013-10-08 11:00:00


250g best quality dark chocolate, chopped
2 tbsp brandy
2 tbsp black coffee
200g butter chopped
1 cup castor sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups ground almonds
6 eggs separated
Preheat oven to 170. LIne the base and sides of 23cm diameter springform cake tin with baking paper.

Combine choclate brandy and coffee in a large bowl over a pot of boiling water, stirring as the chocolate melts. Add butter, sugar and vanilla and stir until the butter has melted. Remove from heat and stir in ground almonds. Lightly beat egg yolks and stir into the chocolate mixture.

Place egg whites in a large, clean bowl and beat to firm peaks. Stir in a spoonful of beaten egg white into the chocolate mixture to loosen it, then fold in the rest of the egg whites.

Spoon into prepared tin and bake until risen and set (about 55 minutes) The cake will still be a little gooey in the middle. It may look a little cracked as it develops a crust and can be quite fragile, but htis is normal.

Cool completely in tin.

Edited by koreth at 8:57 pm, Sat 29 Sep


koreth (732 ) 8:45 pm, Sat 29 Sep #2

Quote245sam (38 ) 9:14 pm, Sat 29 Sep #26

bev00 - 2013-10-30 23:55:00

My pickled eggs turned out a treat! Pickled them in beet root juice and cider vinegar and they look fab too when cut. I used a dozen to make them.

clevercloggs - 2013-10-31 16:17:00

245sam wrote:


There you'll find a recipe for Creme Anglaise that uses 3 egg yolks and milk, no cream!

Make a sponge ......use as a sponge cake or for a trifle!

Quotelindylambchops1 (37 ) 4:52 pm, Fri 15 Feb #4
Egg Yolk Sponge
Beat together 3-4 egg yolks and ½c sugar. Add ¼c boiling water and beat again.
sift and add 3oz flour, 1oz cornflour, 1tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt.
Bake 180º in a loose bottom tin.

Just **double** either of the attached 2 recipes. #1 has a harder centre, #2 more the marshmallow type. Used both in my catering days and both were very successful. The secret of a great pav is in the beating, and leave it to completely cool in the oven for your crisp outer. good luck.
Pavlova # 1
3 egg whites
8oz caster sugar
Pinch salt
1 tsp vinegar
Beat egg whites with salt until quite stiff.
Beat in sugar very gradually
Add vanilla and vinegar, and beat again until mixed in.
Place the mixture in a 20cm circle on greased paper on a greased oven tray, and bake slowly 100—110 deg C. for about 1-1/2 hrs.
Leave the pavlova to cool in the oven until completely cold. *This makes the outside crunchier.*
****This recipe has a firmer centre.**
Serve topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit.
Pavlova # 2
3 egg whites
3 TBSPS cold water
1 cup caster sugar
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp vanilla essence
3 tsps cornflour
Beat egg whites until stiff.
Add water and beat again.
Add sugar very gradually whilst still beating.
Slow beater and add vinegar, vanilla, and corn flour.
Line an oven tray with baking paper.
Spread the pavlova mixture evenly in a 20cm circle evenly over the paper.
Bake at 110 deg C for 45 mins. Then leave to
completely cool in the oven.
This pavlova has a softer centre. ***
kinna54 (168)

Quotelindylambchops1 (37 ) 4:54 pm, Fri 15 Feb #5

bev00 - 2014-02-16 00:53:00

Coconut Pancakes

4 large eggs
1 cup vegetable oil or 1 cup melted butter or mixture of the two
1 cup milk with a little lemon juice added
1/2 tspn grated lemon rind
2 tbspns brown sugar
3 cups self raising flour
1 cup grated coconut, fresh or desiccated
1 level tspn vanilla essence

Mix all together till smooth - if mixture too wet add a little flour, if too dry, add a little milk (typical raro cooking LOL) This mix should be pourable. Let mixture rest for half an hour at least.

Quotearcane1315 (5 ) 5:14 am, Wed 22 Feb #5

Quotebev00 (1723 ) 12:01 am

bev00 - 2014-02-24 00:24:00

scrambled eggs for lunch

rainrain1 - 2014-02-24 06:51:00

I take it you mean baked goods that are suitable for morning or afternoon tea, rather than main courses. This is very versatile.

Bacon and Egg Slab

4 - 5 servings
150g chopped bacon, fried until fat runs
100g chopped mushrooms
200g cooked spinach, chopped and well drained
60g parmesan or tasty cheddar, grated
10 eggs

120g thinly sliced tomato

Line a cake tin or baking dish with non stick paper, then spread over bacon and mushrooms (this also helps to hold the sides of the paper out).
Put the eggs into a bowl and mix to combine yolks and whites, then add salt and pepper, spinach and cheese.
Mix well, then pour over bacon and mushrooms.
Spread out, arrange sliced tomato on top
Bake 180g in pre-heated oven until just set.

This reheats well and is nice cold


Ham and asparagus with gruyere or blue cheese

Hot-smoked salmon, feta and spinach with a little mint or oregano

Quotedavidt4 (216 ) 11:12 am, Fri 5 Apr #2

bev00 - 2014-04-06 01:28:00

Jalapeno & Parmesan Muffins


1 tbsp chopped jalapenos
4 chopped spring onions
100g parmesan
200g SR flour
4 eggs
50g Ghee
100ml cream


Pre heat oven to 180º
Melt ghee
Chop spring onion, garlic and jalapenos and add to melted ghee
Grate parmesan
Add eggs to bowl and whisk then add 100ml cream, add parmesan cheese
Remove spring onions etc from heat and allow to cool
Add flour slowly and mix
Add spring onion etc and mix
Put in muffin tin and cook for 10-12mins

Quotemotorbo (177 ) 10:33 pm, Sat 30 Mar #38

bev00 - 2014-04-06 01:35:00

Leek & Potato Frittata
1 leek
2 Large Potatoes
1T Olive oil
4 Rashers Bacon
8 Eggs
Salt & Pepper

Cut the leeks in half - wash them and slice them (about 5mm slices)
Cube the 2 potato's into 1cm cubes
Slice the bacon.
Gently fry all of the above in the 1T olive oil until potatoes almost cooked

I transferred the above mx into my square silicone baker. Beat up the eggs with some salt and pepper - poured over the mix. Sprinkled with some grated cheese (and I also added some pumpkin, sunflower & sesame seeds - you could miss these out but I had some in the pantry and they give the top a lovely flavour - And make it look like "café" food)

It was delicious - even meat & 3 veg hubby liked it.

toadfish - 2014-04-06 07:52:00

I've got a dozen quail eggs to do something with. Any suggestions other than hard-boiling them?

bedazzledjewels - 2014-04-06 08:17:00

Eggs freeze quite well....break into patty pans and freeze individually...once frozen...bag up. Will keep well for about 3 months. Defrost and use as normal

jag5 - 2014-04-06 09:11:00

This message was deleted.

elliehen - 2014-04-06 09:20:00
elliehen wrote:

I've got a dozen quail scratching around in my garden. They would be unimpressed!

I have 4 chickens scratching around my garden and they are oblivious to the Leek and Potato bake (incl 8 eggs) that I have just made.

toadfish - 2014-04-06 09:29:00
bedazzledjewels wrote:

e got a dozen quail eggs to do something with. Any suggestions other than hard-boiling them?

toadfish - 2014-04-06 09:31:00
bedazzledjewels wrote:

e got a dozen quail eggs to do something with. Any suggestions other than hard-boiling them?

Fry them whole in olive oil, add to a little composed salad of soft herbs and young lettuce (some fried pancetta would be good here, or some smoked salmon). Don't boil them as they are almost impossible to shell cleanly.

davidt4 - 2014-04-06 09:33:00

Delicious! Thanks for your ideas everyone.

bedazzledjewels - 2014-04-06 09:37:00

too good to lose

bev00 - 2015-04-06 22:04:00

Whisk 8 eggs, add chopped tomato, chopped bacon, garlic chives, parsley, a tsp Colemans mustard and cracked black pepper. Grate a little parmesan on top then ladle into large greased muffin pans and bake at 180C for around 25 - 30 mins. Yum! That was brunch this morning served on mesclun with a dollop of chutney and caramelised onions, and the rest have been refrigerated for lunch/snacks for Tuesday.

mazzy1 - 2015-04-06 22:21:00

bump for eggs.

uli - 2016-04-02 20:53:00

Why do you HAVE to use them ? They keep for weeks in the fridge

lilyfield - 2016-04-03 10:02:00

They also keep for months out of a fridge at 30 degree C :)
You only have to turn them every day so the yolk does not stick to the shell.

uli - 2016-04-04 17:40:00
bev00 wrote:

Coconut Pancakes

4 large eggs
1 cup vegetable oil or 1 cup melted butter or mixture of the two
1 cup milk with a little lemon juice added
1/2 tspn grated lemon rind
2 tbspns brown sugar
3 cups self raising flour
1 cup grated coconut, fresh or desiccated
1 level tspn vanilla essence

Mix all together till smooth - if mixture too wet add a little flour, if too dry, add a little milk (typical raro cooking LOL) This mix should be pourable. Let mixture rest for half an hour at least.

Quotearcane1315 (5 ) 5:14 am, Wed 22 Feb #5

Quotebev00 (1723 ) 12:01 am

Oh, myyyyyyyyyy.......!!
Died and gone to heaven....
Well, at least back to the Islands in my imagination!

BTW, found two stores where I can buy fresh frozen grated coconut!
No more blood in the mixture!
Love using fresh or frozen coconut - for the last two years, my main Christmas cake has been a Coconut and LIme cake, that I first tasted on a trip to Raro.....

autumnwinds - 2017-04-03 22:31:00

How about shakshuka ?

Here is a simple recipe you can eat for breakfasr, lunch or a light dinner with a green salad and some bread:

I sometimes add some slices of chorizo to the sauce to make it a bit more tasty and substantial. I do not add the tahini sauce myself.

uli - 2018-03-31 15:46:00

Boiled eggs give to homeless for easter better than unheathly chocolate also.

tshop - 2018-03-31 16:25:00
bev00 wrote:

I take it you mean baked goods that are suitable for morning or afternoon tea, rather than main courses. This is very versatile.

Bacon and Egg Slab

4 - 5 servings
150g chopped bacon, fried until fat runs
100g chopped mushrooms
200g cooked spinach, chopped and well drained
60g parmesan or tasty cheddar, grated
10 eggs

120g thinly sliced tomato

Line a cake tin or baking dish with non stick paper, then spread over bacon and mushrooms (this also helps to hold the sides of the paper out).
Put the eggs into a bowl and mix to combine yolks and whites, then add salt and pepper, spinach and cheese.
Mix well, then pour over bacon and mushrooms.
Spread out, arrange sliced tomato on top
Bake 180g in pre-heated oven until just set.

This reheats well and is nice cold


Ham and asparagus with gruyere or blue cheese

Hot-smoked salmon, feta and spinach with a little mint or oregano

Quotedavidt4 (216 ) 11:12 am, Fri 5 Apr #2

This very good & simple to make.
It's one of the dishes that is a 'go to' around here, when I can't be bothered cooking.

samanya - 2018-03-31 17:07:00
tshop wrote:

Boiled eggs give to homeless for easter better than unheathly chocolate also.

I hope not O/P's eggs. This thread is nearly 12 months old and was in cyberspace until bumped by someone who thought we needed their expertise.

Edited by kay141 at 5:09 pm, Sat 31 Mar

kay141 - 2018-03-31 17:09:00

Yes kay141 - usually bev00 bumps these threads up - good on her/him for doing that. Lots of great recipes have got lost when no-one bumped them!

Interestingly enough I have never ever seen any post on here that it is "not appropriate" for him/her to do that - but lots of griping etc if I "dare" to do the same.

Also I have asked this question more than once: WHY???

Is He/She more able to check what needs to be bumped than any other contributor - or what is it that makes her/him worth more to check what needs to be bumped and what not?

And why is he/she not ever called out for bumping a thread ?

uli - 2018-04-03 17:27:00


bev00 - 2019-03-30 23:48:00

his egg curry is delicious and very simple to make.

8 eggs, hard boiled, peeled and halved lengthwise
2 tab ghee or butter
2 onions, finely chopped
2 tab coriander leaves, chopped
2 tsp salt
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp desiccated coconut
1 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp chili flakes
4 tomatoes, sliced
2 tab plain unsweetened yoghurt

Heat the ghee in a wide saucepan, add onion and coriander and cook gently until soft and pale gold. Add turmeric, salt, coconut, chilli and garam masala, mix well and cook 2 minutes. Add tomatoes and yoghurt, combine gently. Place eggs on top with yolks up, carefully spoon the sauce over the eggs, cover and simmer 10 minutes.

Serve hot.

davidt4 (229 229 positive feedback) 11:09 am,

bev00 (1945

bev00 - 2019-03-30 23:52:00


uli - 2019-03-31 19:18:00
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