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Too many courgettes?


Watch this chef cook savoury pancakes.

dbab - 2013-01-12 10:45:00

Looked nice and easy. Thanks

dalkemade - 2013-01-12 11:13:00

There can never be too many courgettes.
I slice and fry them with onions, put them into frittatas, into a meat stew, fill omelettes with them, pickle them, make them into fritters, put them into a chocolate cake, slice finely for a salad, feed some to my fish and chickens and the big ones to the kunes - then eat the kunes later ...

uli - 2013-01-12 16:26:00

I'm trying to work out something to use courgettes and cheese tonight, as we have a surplus of both, especially camembert. I don't normally cook camembert.

davidt4 - 2013-01-12 16:44:00

Courgette Soufflé with Camembert Ice Cream

uli - 2013-01-12 16:56:00

Camembert, courgette and tomato tart

Could use bacon as base instead of the phyllo.

uli - 2013-01-12 16:57:00

Not really a dinner option, but this sounds good:

davidt4 - 2013-01-12 17:01:00

I saw that too - but thought it is more of a snack.

uli - 2013-01-12 17:04:00

just went down to my vege garden and found 5 Zucchini the same size as zeppelins..... I googled this recipe - think I've used it before....
Zucchini Bake
Ingredients (serves 15)
• 5 eggs
• 150g (1 cup) self-raising flour, sifted
• 375g zucchini, grated
• 1 large onion, finely chopped
• 200g rindless bacon, chopped
• 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
• 60ml (1/4 cup) vegetable oil

Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease and line a 30 x 20cm lamington pan.
Beat the eggs in a large bowl until combined. Add the flour and beat until smooth, then add zucchini, onion, bacon, cheese and oil and stir to combine. Pour into the prepared pan and bake in oven for 30 minutes or until cooked through.

Pick a big old bunch of mesclun - and hey presto! Dinner!

Quotemazzy1 (1104 ) 4:02 pm, Mon 16 Jan #3
very similar recipe but only has 1/4 cup of oil and mine has 1/2 and mine has 3/4c sf flour

Quotenat148 (94 ) 4:31 pm, Mon 16 Jan #4
nat148 wrote:

I am making this recipe and it has 1/2c of oil - is it going to make much difference if I change that to Milk - thought it would be healthier

It should be fine.
You could increase the cheese a little to add some 'fat'. Or use olive oil? (I do)

Mine is in the oven nearly cooked.
I make a double lot and it's great next day for lunches.
Thank you my chookies.

Quotegeldof (80 ) 4:56 pm, Mon 16 Jan #5
If you want something different, try Martha Stewart's delicious zucchini fritters:


1 pound (about 2 medium) zucchini
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon (1 lemon) freshly grated lemon zest
10 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, stems removed and leaves finely chopped, plus more sprigs for garnish (optional)
1 medium clove garlic, minced
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
1/2 cup all-purpose flour


1. Using the large holes of a box grater, grate zucchini into a medium bowl. Add salt, lemon zest, chopped parsley, garlic, pepper, and eggs. Mix well to combine. Slowly add flour, stirring so no lumps form.
2. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a large saute pan over medium-high heat until oil sizzles when you drop a small amount of zucchini mixture into the pan. Carefully drop about 2 tablespoons zucchini mixture into pan; repeat, spacing fritters a few inches apart.
3. Cook fritters until golden, 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce heat to medium. Turn fritters, and continue cooking until golden, 2 to 3 minutes more. Transfer fritters to a plate; set aside in a warm place. Cook remaining zucchini mixture, adding more oil to pan if necessary. Garnish with parsley sprigs and lemon wedges, if desired; serve.

Quotedaleaway (0) 5:02 pm, Mon 16 Jan #6
Yum - thanks daleaway - these might feature tomorrow night, along with zucchini loaf, zucchini soup, zucchini on toast.... etc etc

Quotemazzy1 (1104 ) 5:06 pm, Mon 16 Jan

bev00 - 2013-01-16 23:26:00
uli wrote:

Courgette Soufflé with Camembert Ice Cream

OHH WOW. I am so making that. I have never considered savoury icecream before - thanks for sharing.

mjhdeal - 2013-01-17 17:01:00
davidt4 wrote:

Not really a dinner option, but this sounds good:

gee boring....davidt4.... look for the nice pic's in future.
A preserved lemon peel in that ice cream....uli....that should confuse the toes...

pickles7 - 2013-01-17 17:51:00

Let us know how it works out. I have some really "mature" camemberts in my freezer ...

uli - 2013-01-17 17:55:00

Zucchini chips with Aioli
3 Zucchinis
Salt & pepper to taste
2tbsp olive oil

reheat the oven to 200 degC. Line two baking trays with baking paper.
Using a vegetable peeler or one of those super-thin slicers, shave enough thin slices of zucchini to cover the baking trays.
Sprinkle with the sea salt, pepper and chilli flakes and "flick" over the olive oil.
Bake for about 10-12 minutes, or until they turn a really golden brown.
Take out of the oven and let them cool on the baking tray until they feel "crisp".
serve the aioli, with the zucchini chips.

1 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 tbsp Greek yoghurt
2 Garlic cloves
2tsp Lemon, juice

combine the ingredients in a small bowl

pam.delilah - 2013-01-17 19:48:00

I invested in one of those $100 dehydrators that Sunbeam makes and I dehydrate courgettes and tomatoes, and buy cheap mushrooms in season, and keep them all in airtight jars once dehydrated - great for pizzas and casseroles in winter.

hma - 2013-01-17 19:57:00

Zucchini Pasta 3 minutes Serves 4 (notquitenigella)
3-4 zucchinis (about one zucchini per person)
Pasta sauce and cheese of your choice

1. You can leave the skin on the zucchini, it was obviously be green in colour but has fibre and nutrients or you can peel it if you don’t want it to look green and more pasta-like. Using a veg peeler (wide ), or julienne peeler (narrow), peel off strips of the zucchini until you get to the seedy core.
Place on plate raw and top with your favourite pasta sauce.

Tip: you can use the seedy core when you make pasta sauces as it melts down to a beautiful texture, much like eggplant.

a nice sauce to go with the pasta
Pepperanato purée
3 onions, peeled, finely sliced
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
500g Roma tomatoes
4 red peppers char grilled, skinned, deseeded, and thinly sliced
Pinch salt
Black pepper to taste
Handful of fresh basil

Heat olive oil a heavy-based saucepan.
Add onions and garlic and sweat until onions are translucent.
Blanch, refresh and skin tomatoes. Cut into quarters and add to onions.
Add peppers and cook for 2-3 minutes or until most of the liquid has evaporated.
Add basil and purée with a stick blender or in a food processor.
Season to taste.

Edited by pam.delilah at 8:04 pm, Thu 17 Jan

pam.delilah - 2013-01-17 20:00:00

the Pepperanato purée, canes from and is very nice. I made half and popped in to three small jars

pam.delilah - 2013-01-17 20:30:00

I just took a bunch into the Red Shield today!

macandrosie - 2013-01-17 21:46:00

I made a form of Mousaka using large (almost marrow but not quite) corgettes which was very succeful.

But the pile in the fridge continues to grow and the neighbours and family are getting loath to take more :)

beaker59 - 2013-01-18 18:15:00

Join the fruit & vegetable swaps

I had simerler issues with my orange trees last year

threewishes - 2013-01-19 13:47:00
beaker59 wrote:

I made a form of Mousaka using large (almost marrow but not quite) corgettes which was very succeful.

But the pile in the fridge continues to grow and the neighbours and family are getting loath to take more :)

Looks like I need to post some my collection of recipes then?

uli - 2013-01-19 16:32:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-10 21:35:00

This message was deleted.

cookessentials - 2013-02-20 10:10:00

Zucchini Savoury Loaf

380 grams Zucchini grated
3 to 4 rashers bacon finely chopped
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup self raising flour
1 large onion finely chopped
1/2 cup oil
5 eggs
Salt and Pepper to taste
Mix all together, into a widish Loaf or a sort of Lamington Tin well greased, paper lined, bake at 180c for 50 to 60 minutes or longer if wish but lower the temperature until well golden brown or the top bounces back with a slight push of finger. Serve.

Very nice Quiche type of dish, could add or alter other veges like potato etc, .


Quotevalentino (535 ) 5:31 pm,

bev00 - 2013-02-27 22:32:00

Zuchini Antipasto

1.5 kg zucchini,
6 pickling onions,
6 fresh sweet basil leaves,
6 cloves of garlic,
fresh rosmary,
2 tablespoon salt,
3 cups olive oil,
3 cups white wine vinegar.

Wash and cut the zucchini into 5cm rounds.

Either crush the garlic or chop finely.

At this point add all the ingredients into pot and bring to the boil, stirring once in a while.

Once it starts boiling, let it boil for exactly 3 minutes and then remove from heat.

Pack the zucchini into jars and distribute the onions evenly between the jars.

Pour over the hot juices (with the herbs) and then apply the lids.

Leave the jars to cool and they can be consumed after about 2 weeks.

It stores up to about 6 months.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:20:00


450g courgettes, cut diagonally (fingers-width),
1 tablespoon olive oil,
one pinch salt,
pepper to taste,
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar,
20g grated Parmesan,
1 tablespoon pine nuts, toasted, finely chopped.

Preheat grill.
Toss the courgettes with oil, salt and pepper, them arrange them in 1 layer on a shallow baking pan.
Grill them close to the heat until browned in spots and soft, about 4 minutes.
Drizzle vinegar on the top, shake the pan and grill for another 2 minutes.
Sprinkle cheese on the top and grill to melt.
Cool to room temperature and serve sprinkled with pine nuts.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:21:00

Zucchini Quiche

2 zucchini (courgettes),
1 onion,
3 slices bacon,
5 eggs,
1 cup grated cheese,
3/4 cup SR flour,
1/2 cup oil,
Salt & pepper.

Grate zuchinnis & cheese, finely chop bacon and onions.
Beat eggs Mix all together
Mod. oven 30 to 40 mins.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:22:00

Spunky's Courgette Pickle

courgettes (3 & 1/2kg marrow) sliced with a V slicer,
1kg brown sugar,
1kg sultanas,
2 pkts dates,
malt vinegar,
6 huge onions,
6 apples,
10 tomatoes ( all cut with the V slicer)
cayenne pepper,

no measurements...they just happen lol
And simmered for about 4 - 5 hours...
OMG! it's thick & gorgeous...Q;-)

uli - 2013-02-28 10:22:00


125g butter,
3/4 cup brown sugar,
2 eggs lightly beaten,
2 cups grated yellow zucchini,
1 cup roasted hazelnuts chopped,
1 cup sr flour,
1/2tsp baking soda,
1 tsp cinnamon.

Beat butter, sugar and eggs.
Fold in zucchini & nuts, then add flour & soda.

Bake in mod oven for 1 hr.

Ice with butter & cream cheese icing.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:23:00

Inspired by Fisher (well, stolen from him really, lol):

I used Fisher's hash brown recipe and altered it, here 'tis:
5 potatoes, skin on but well scrubbed, patted dry,
3 zucchinis,
2 eggs,
1 onion,
knob of butter,
olive oil.

Method: grate potato, zucchini and onion into a bowl. Wrap in tea towel and squeeze to get rid of all excess moisture. Place back into bowl, add eggs and mix with salt and pepper till combined. Place butter and oil in fry pan, spoon mixture into fry pan in dollops. Cook thoroughly before turning over, so it doesn't fall apart. This was DIVINE! Cooked it tonight at my mother's house, everyone loved it. YUM.
posted by melissarosenz

uli - 2013-02-28 10:27:00

Zucchini and Yoghurt Pasta

500g zucchini,
250g pasta, ribbons or your favourite shape,
3 cloves garlic, crushed,
1 tlbsp butter,
1 1/2 cups yoghurt,
1/2 cup sour cream,
1/2 -1 tsp salt to taste,
1/2 tsp sugar,
1 tsp paprika,
2-3 tlbsp fresh chopped parsley,
1 tlbsp lemon juice,
fresh ground black pepper.

Put pasta on to cook.
Cut zucchini into slices, not more than 1cm thick.
Saute zucchini with garlic until soft and turning golden.
Remove from heat add yoghurt, sour cream and seasonings.
Stir gently until everything is combined.

Stir into the cooked pasta and serve while hot.
Sprinkle individual servings with Parmesan if desired.

A meal in itself and great served with a mixed green salad.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:29:00

Courgette and almond fritters with greek yoghurt

9 small courgettes grated,
½ tsp sea salt,
2 cloves garlic finely chopped,
zest of 1 lemon,
50g roasted almonds chopped,
6 Tsps plain flour,
1 egg beaten,
chopped parsely,
250g greek yoghurt.

Put courgettes, salt, garlic, zest and almonds into a mixing bowl.
Set aside for 20 mins for the salt to draw out juices of the courgettes.
Add flour, egg, and parsley and mix everything to form a batter.
Fry spoonfuls, and serve with a spoonful of yoghurt (could add sweet chillie sauce over the yoghurt).

uli - 2013-02-28 10:30:00

Zucchini and Chicken Salad

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice,
olive oil,
Salt and pepper,
1 1/4 pounds zucchini, thinly sliced,
1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts,
1 small lettuce (or other greens like rocket, silverbeet etc.) chopped,
1/2 red onion, thinly sliced,
3/4 cup chopped pecans,
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese,
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint.

In a large bowl, whisk together some olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic, salt and pepper to taste.
Add zucchini; toss to coat, and let marinate while cooking chicken.

In a large frypan, heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil over medium heat.
Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper.
Cook until golden brown on both sides, about 7 minutes per side.
Remove from skillet, and slice thinly.

Toss chicken with zucchini mixture, spinach, onion, pecans, Parmesan, and mint.

uli - 2013-02-28 10:31:00

Thanks for the Zucchini recipes Uli, still lots to use here, they keep on coming.

nauru - 2013-02-28 19:35:00

Still lots of recipes here too - but didn't want to overwhelm :)
I am collecting since decades LOL.

uli - 2013-02-28 21:33:00

I have been grating mine and freezing...375gms is enough for zucchini slice so tested last week and made one from the frozen zucchini and it was no different. I have just picked another 4 tonight with this humid weather and rain they grown like the trifids!! we had stirfry tonight, corn and zucchini fritters for brekky sunday morn running out of ideas to use them!

Quoteseniorbones (641 ) 9:22 pm, Tue 18 Jan #6
IChop into cubes and freeze for winter soup.

Quotegilligee (101 ) 9:59 pm, Tue 18 Jan #8
Google Nigella Lawson Happiness soup recipe(doesn't have to be yellow courgettes..I've used green)This is a lovely light soup..good for summer or winter. Grated courgettes frozen are a really handy standby. Chutneys . Choc zuchinni cake. My most fav way of cooking cougettes ..slice courgettes and tomatoes..sprinkle with dried basil ..small splash of olive oil..cover with torn freh basil.

Quoteneil_di (13 ) 6:44 am, Wed 19 Jan #9
hollow out and stuff with cooked chicken or beef rice risotto then bake until the courgettes cooked..yummo

Quotepurplegoanna (1594 ) 11:03 am, Wed 19 Jan #10
A very tasty stuffing is this (also good for eggplants etc).

Fry up in butter:
1 capsicum chopped
2 onions chopped
garlic to taste

2 tomatoes chopped
the scooped out eggplant diced. Fry a few minutes.

Then add:
1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs
1/2 cup grated cheddar
1 tsp sambal oelek (or something hot like tabasco)
Salt to taste, pepper to taste if wished

Heap the cooked mixture into the veg you are stuffing, and top with:
1 cup breadcrumbs toasted in butter.

Bake 30-40 minutes at 180C. Very very good. Serves 4 as a 4-eggplant stuffing.

Quotedaleaway (0) 1:21 pm, Wed 19 Jan #11
Neil_di mentioned freezing grated zucchini. can anyone elaborate on how and what they would be ok for after? do you think grated marrow would work too?

Quoteleve (123 ) 4:29 pm, Sun 13 Mar #12
slice lengthways into sheets and use instead of pasta in a lasagne type bake.

Quotesclaredy_cat (1069 ) 4:39 pm, Sun 13 Mar #13
leve wrote:

Neil_di mentioned freezing grated zucchini. can anyone elaborate on how and what they would be ok for after? do you think grated marrow would work too?

frozen marrow does work fine, minus the seeds, obviously.
use in quiches, soups, stirfrys, casseroles, fritters, savoury muffins, choc courgette cake. anything

i freeze mine down in 2cup lots. squeeze juice out before freezing.
flat pack freeze.

Quotegeldof (86 ) 9:52 pm, Sun 13 Mar #14
I juice the ones that have turned into marrows with 4 pears and 2 apples - makes beautiful juice

Quotemelford (210 ) 2:07 pm, Tue 13 Mar #16

bev00 - 2013-03-13 22:00:00

zucchini lemon cheese
1kg yellow zucchini - or peeled green zucchini
juice and zest of 3 lemons
1kg sugar
125g butter

Chop zucchini finely and steam until tender. Puree in a food processor. Place zucchini pulp in a pot with the rest of the ingredients and stir over a low heat until the sugar is dossolved. Increase heat and boil for about 30 minutes, until the curd is thick and creamy like lemon honey. Pour into warm, sterilised glass jars and seal.
Quote happyshoppin (84 ) 8:16 " :-))

bev00 - 2013-05-03 23:01:00

Zucchini Fries
200g coarse breadcrumbs
3 tbs finely grated parmesan
1 tsp paprika
3 medium zucchini, cut into thick batons
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Olive oil spray
To make zucchini fries, preheat oven to 210C. Combine breadcrumbs, parmesan and paprika in a shallow bowl. Dip zucchini in egg then breadcrumb mixture to coat. Place crumbed zucchini in a single layer on a lightly oiled oven tray. Spray with olive oil and bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown.

roshu - 2013-05-04 15:42:00

Zucchini chocolate cake, really yummy and moist.

kokopuff - 2013-05-05 11:36:00

Here's a link to one of my favourites - sweet and sour Zucchini pickles. Very fast and easy to make and everyone seems to love it. I do think it needs at least a couple of months to mature in the jar, before using.

pony_girl - 2013-05-05 22:43:00

Bumping for horse30

nauru - 2013-12-28 17:56:00

Zucchini Relish
Combine 500g zucchini (sliced into circles), 2 sticks chopped celery (don't always use), 2 diced onions, 1 chopped pepper (green or red),
Cover above with cold water & stir in 1/4cup salt. Stand overnight. Drain and rinse next day, then add:
1kg chopped tomatoes and 1 1/2cups white vinegar (often use malt vinegar). Bring to boil. Cover and simmer for 10mins then add
2 cups castor sugar and stir till mixed.
Blend together 2tblspn cornflour, 1/4cup water, 3tblspn mustard and 2tblspn curry powder. Mix into zucchini/tomatoe mixture and bring to the boil. Simmer 5mins. Bottle while hot.
Alter the curry/mustard measurements to suit. Sometimes I don't put in so much sugar, really depends on your taste buds. I make this recipe every year and is yummy to put into casseroles, stir fries, base of a pizza etc in the winter.

Quotejuliette55 (59 ) 9:58 pm, Sun 6 Jan #4

bev00 - 2014-01-07 01:19:00

First year in ages my zucchini crop failed miserably started well then the blight got them I don't spray anything so just pulled the plants out and have resigned myself to a Zucchini free year. Tomatoes and cucumbers doing amazingly well.

beaker59 - 2014-01-07 13:20:00

RECIPE FOR when they turn into Marrows -
Vegetarian friend gave me this recipe,
Grate entire marrorw Add bread crumbs egg green herb stock salt and pepper. Dip in bread crumbs Fry in oil.

bev00 - 2014-01-10 23:25:00

Really good crop of corgettes here and I have staggered the planting well so they should be producing a dozen or so a week for the next couple of months :)

I will try soup though hadn't thought of that :)

I like a couple of good sized ones grated then add a small grated potato some finely chopped shallot and some basil and corriander also finely chopped salt and lots of freshly ground pepper an egg and around 3 tablespoons of plain flour stir well then fry as fritters in butter delicious with some fresh salsa.

Quotebeaker59 (8 ) 10:34 am, Wed 11 Jan #15
Zucchini fritters yum - zucchini loaf - zucchini and carrot cake - zucchini soup but my most favourite is baby zucchini's chopped and sauteed in butter with garlic.

Quotegardie (403 ) 10:54 am, Wed 11 Jan #16

Zucchini Stir
Slice zucchini into matchsticks and thinly slice a halved onion separating the rings. Mix together and stir fry in a wok at hot temp in olive oil for a couple of minutes. The zucchini should just be starting to get a bit of colour. Season, add herbs to taste.
Zucchini Savoury
Sauté sliced courgettes with bacon pieces and chopped onion in a little butter .Season When veges are cooked, add tomato sauce to coat and heat through.
Zucchini BBQ
Combine garlic powder cracked pepper and parmesan cheese in plastic bag. Slice zucchini into thick slices. Add to the bag and shake to coat slices with mixture. Cook on barbeque for a few minutes.
Zucchini Creamed
Slice four into one cm slices. Use a heavy based pan and put in 1 tbsp butter, half a cup of water and bring to boil. Drop in the zucchini.
Cover and boil until water goes. Tip in 200 ml fresh cream, two tbsp finely chopped tarragon and stir constantly until cream thickens. Serve immediately

Quotefisher (702 ) 3:26 pm, Wed 11 Jan #18
Bacon and Zucchini slice
Serve with tomato sauce or chutney
3 med courgettes grated.. 1 large onion.. 3 rashers bacon precooked .. 1/2 cup oil.. 1 cup grated cheese.. 1 cup SR flour.. 5 eggs.. garlic .. salt and pepper.
Grate zucchini, chop onion and pre-cook bacon. Combine all ingredients together Into casserole dish and bake at 180c for 30 mins.
Vegetarian option: omit the bacon and add sundried tomato.

Quotefisher (702 ) 3:29 pm, Wed 11 Jan #19
Zucchini Mint Salad
Salad ..1-2 zucchini .. 2-4 large silver beet leaves .. 1 red onion, sliced .. 1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled..
Dressing.. 1/4 cup olive oil .. 3 tbsp mint sauce .. 2 tbsp lime juice .. 1 tsp mustard.. 1 clove garlic, minced .. 1/4 cup chopped fresh mint.. pepper to taste..
Cut zucchini into bite-sized pieces and steam until tender –crisp.. Allow to cool... Tear silver beet into bite-sized pieces and place in large salad bowl.. Add feta, onion and zucchini....
Method Dressing:
Combine all ingredients in a jar. Shake well. Toss dressing with salad just before serving..

Quotefisher (702 ) 3:31 pm, Wed 11 Jan #20

bev00 - 2014-01-20 22:56:00

There is a recipe somewhere in a Simon and Alison Holst crockpot book for a chocolate courgette cake, which I might try when I find the book. (Sorry, not as healthy as the other recipes suggested here).

Quotecalista (88 ) 10:46 pm, Sat 19 Jan #27 make with green courgettes.This is really fresh and light and freezes well.

Quoteneil_di (16

bev00 - 2014-01-21 00:21:00

I usually make lots of Ratatouille in the summer and freeze it to have during winter when zucchinis/courgettes are really dear.

Edited by carlosjackal at 9:40 pm, Tue 21 Jan

carlosjackal - 2014-01-21 21:38:00

Found on line a lovely Chocolate Zucchini Cake very moist lovely with whipped cream with coffee have frozen one just as nice when it comes out of freezer every one that has tasted it loves it good way to get kids to eat veg

dairymaid - 2014-01-22 08:28:00

will be needing these soon

bev00 - 2015-01-23 00:06:00

Just grow less. I have one plant and that's enough to supply us without an excess.

lythande1 - 2015-01-23 07:04:00
lythande1 wrote:

Just grow less. I have one plant and that's enough to supply us without an excess.

Lucky you! I have 2 plants, lots of flowers every day but only male ones so no babies!

fluffyb - 2015-01-24 12:38:00
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