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Vegetarian patties


Hi all
I am trying to find some vegetarian ideas for one niece (aged 13) for Christmas Day meals.
She is not eating any meats and fish - ok with eggs and cheese etc though. On Christmas Day we will be having a BBQ so will have green salad; potato salad and coleslaw to go with it but I would like to have something on the BBQ for her.
I was thinking of a pattie which has some chick peas or lentils etc for protein but I would like to be able to make them in their "raw" state and freeze them as soon as I can so they are done and dusted and just need to thaw and put on BBQ on Christmas Day if possible.
Can someone please give me some help with a recipe or two that I can use and that I can freeze for 4 months (argh only 4 months to Christmas!!!) or any other suggestions you might have.
Thanks so much for your help

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 13:51:00

I know you're looking for pattie recipes, but my vegetarian husband loves to make veggie kebabs for the BBQ so you might want to consider those for something fresh and colourful to add on the day. He puts capsicum, mushroom, cherry tomato, and cubes of halloumi cheese on his. Sweetcorn cobs also go well on the BBQ.

And for a vegetarian dessert, I can certainly recommend bananas, sliced open along the peel so that some chunks of chocolate can be poked in, and then "zipped" back up and barbecued until toasty and delicious on the inside with the chocolate all melted. They are very decadent indeed!

If you don't find a good pattie recipe, the veggie burgers that are in the chiller section in supermarkets are really good. Hubby likes the "gourmet" burgers and the mushroom burgers. The Sanitarium vegetarian hot dogs are good too.

daisyhill - 2012-08-13 14:02:00

daisyhill thanks so much - I am certainly open to ideas for the bbq so thank you for yours :)

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 14:16:00

how about a vegetarian stack - portobello mushroom, haloumi, slices of eggplant and slices of tomato. Could put between a couple of burger buns.
Corn Fritters - yum
Pumpkin, Lentil & Feta patties

huia991 - 2012-08-13 14:38:00

I have made mushroom and tofu patties. They were in the freezer for a few months. All my meat eating kids love them.
I would just take out how many I needed and cook them from frozen.

Are you interested in using tofu? I can try and find the recipe in my huge 'unfiled' box if you would like it.

Also patties of cottage cheese, rolled oats, egg, marmite and mixed herbs are delish. There is a cottage cheese loaf somewhere on here that you can use, just adding more rolled oats (or breadcrumbs) to get a firmer mixture.

geldof - 2012-08-13 14:40:00

There's some very nice burger/patty recipes in 'the easy & tasty vegetarian thread'

winnie231 - 2012-08-13 14:56:00

thanks so much everyone these are great suggestions.
geldof thanks for the offer on the tofu patties but I think I will pass on that. I think that niece is mainly getting similar food items to what the other family members are eating at home and so I don't want to be introducing new products that she might turn her nose up. And my food budget for Christmas day is already getting high so the more items I can use that I will already have would help. But I do like the sound of the cottage cheese patties as I will have all those things.
Plus Huia991 your stack sounds very yum too :)

I really do appreciate all your suggestions everyone - they are all giving me some good ideas.

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 14:56:00

Thanks winnie231 I shall have a read of that thread tonight :)

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 14:56:00

Raewyn I am starting a vegetarian cooking class tonight (in Tauranga too) run by the seventh day adventist church. If they do any tasty recipes I will let you know.

pamellie - 2012-08-13 15:00:00

pamellie thanks so much for that offer :) Enjoy your class.

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 15:17:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-13 16:24:00

Check out the above recipe, I have made this often and it is always a hit, even with the meat eaters. I know it is not a pattie recipe but it can be made ahead of time. Regards the cheese I will use just colby and tasty.
It also can be served more at room temp, and it is great served with salads etc.

ruby19 - 2012-08-13 18:00:00

Frys vegan subs are very good. Well worth a try when you are short of time.
Think they have patties.

frances1266 - 2012-08-13 18:39:00

cookessentials - yes I think she is fine with spices thanks very much
ruby19 & frances1266 thanks so much - certainly more ideas for me to think about

Thanks so much everyone this is really helping.

raewyn64 - 2012-08-13 19:05:00
pamellie wrote:

Raewyn I am starting a vegetarian cooking class tonight (in Tauranga too) run by the seventh day adventist church. If they do any tasty recipes I will let you know.

Sorry they did nothing that would help you as it was all indonesian themed.

pamellie - 2012-08-14 07:20:00

no problem pamellie - thanks so much for thinking of me and I hope you had a really enjoyable evening

raewyn64 - 2012-08-14 08:10:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-14 09:50:00

Alison Holst's Meals Without Meat still has some of the best basic, great-tasting recipes and I regularly make her lentil burgers (but use tinned lentils for a quicker job) There are lots of other pattie/burger ideas in there too. BTW many of my carnivore friends love the above burgers too.

roshu - 2012-08-14 10:28:00

I use a couple out of Sarah Browns vegetarian cook book, winners with both meat lovers and vege's too.
I first got her book from my local library will see if I can find the recipes and post.

cgvl - 2012-08-14 11:06:00

Black-eyed bean croquettes. courtesy of Sarah Brown

225g Black-eyed beans, soaked overnight
100g fresh breadcrumbs
50g ground Brazil nuts
100g cheese, grated
1 clove garlic, crushed
1tsp marjoram
1tsp dried sage
salt and pepper

1 egg white, beaten
flour or breadcrumbs
salt and pepper

oil for shallow frying.

Drain the beans. Cover with fresh water, bring to boil and boil fast for 10mins. Reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 35-40 mins or until tender.
I'm lazy and do this next bit in the food processor.
Drain the beans again and mash them. Mix with all the other ingredients and season to taste. The mixture should be quite moist.
I add a little water if I feel its too dry. Chill for an hour or two until firm.
Shape into croquettes or patties or meatballs. Dip first into beaten egg and then into seasoned flour or breadcrumbs.
Shallow fry for 4-5 mins each side.

For anyone not wanting to use egg you could dip into milk or water before rolling in the flour or breadcrumbs.

Note they are best left overnight to firm up, otherwise I find they break up when cooking.

cgvl - 2012-08-14 11:14:00

Another of Sarah Brown's: Mushroom and aduki croquettes.
again the egg is only used in the coating so could easily be left out or substituted.
I make these using parsley rather than chilli and cumin but try them both ways. Recipe says also good with herbs, such as parsley or coriander, instead of spices.

175g aduki beans, soaked overnight
30ml (2Tbsp) olive oil
350g mushrooms chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1-2 dried chilli peppers, deseeded and diced
1tsp ground cumin
30ml (gm) (2Tbsp) wholewheat flour ( I use whatever I have in the house)
salt and pepper

1small egg, beaten
75gm fine oatmeal (or breadcrumbs)

Drain the beans. Cover with fresh water, bring to boil and boil fast for 10mins. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 35-40 mins or until tender. Drain and set aside.
Heat oil in a large pan and gently fry mushrooms, garlic, chilli and cumin for 5-6 mins or until mushrooms are very soft.
Sprinkle over the flour. Continue cooking over a low heat, stirring the flour in well, for 2-3 mins. Off the heat, mix in the beans and season well. The consistency should be soft but not sloppy. Chill for several hours or overnight.
Shape, dip into egg then oatmeal. fry in hot oil for 4-5 mins each side. Serve hot.

I often do a double batch of beans when making any of these patties. half I freeze, it saves time later when wanting to make them again.

cgvl - 2012-08-14 11:15:00

one for vegoes

bev00 - 2013-08-14 21:56:00

beaker59 - 2013-08-14 22:29:00

these make me go mmmmmmmmm!

bev00 - 2014-08-15 00:41:00

If geldof is around I would like your tofu and mushroom recipe please. Sounds good.

frances1266 - 2014-08-15 09:56:00
raewyn64 wrote:

daisyhill thanks so much - I am certainly open to ideas for the bbq so thank you for yours :)

raewyn, I regularly make both types of vegetarian sausages from the vege thread ...My vege niece requests them & even meat eaters like them. You can add all sorts to them if you wish.

samanya - 2014-08-15 12:47:00

Going through some old recipe cuttings and I found this recipe which I have not tried but the recipe contributor made these notes "I have found these fritters to be a very acceptable meat alternative. The first time I served them to my family they were fooled by their rissole-like appearance and asked what meat had bee used. The fritters are quick to prepare and I recommend serving them with hot vegetables or a salad. They are also a tasty addition to a lunch box or picnic hamper."

250g mung beans
2½ tsp green herb stock powder
1 tsp each of garlic powder and celery salt
125g wholemeal flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 large eggs
vegetable oil

Place the mung beans in a bowl of cold water. Leave to soak overnight.
Next day, strain and cook in boiling salted water for 20-30 minutes, adding more water, when necessary. Strain.
In a bowl combine the cooked mung beans, green herb stock powder, garlic powder, celery salt, wholemeal flour, baking powder and eggs.
Heat oil in a frying pan and drop spoonfuls of the batter. Cook for about 5 minutes on each.
Makes 8 fritters. :-))

245sam - 2014-08-15 16:30:00

bumped in the hope that geldof sees frances1266's request at #25. :-))

245sam - 2014-08-15 20:14:00

The nicest patties I've tried are in the current 'Food' mag, I've done them twice now, once in burgers and once with steamed veg and tzatziki. They're chilli bean based and use almonds and sunflower seeds too, so so nice.

wildflower - 2014-08-16 15:12:00

could you post recipe please :)

wildflower wrote:

The nicest patties I've tried are in the current 'Food' mag, I've done them twice now, once in burgers and once with steamed veg and tzatziki. They're chilli bean based and use almonds and sunflower seeds too, so so nice.

motorbo - 2014-08-16 15:47:00

Par boil potatoes then grate into a bowl with an egg, herbs and about 1/4 cup flour. Mix together until just combined and cook in a hot pan until golden.

lcl2 (465 465 positive feedback) 8:04 pm, Thu 9 Jan #2
mine called Danish Fritters
Grate 2 or 3 raw spuds then squeeze out the starch add small chopped onion 2 egg about 2 tlsp flour season parsley mix altogether and fry both sides

bobcat_6 (296 296 positive feedback) 8:31 am, Fri 10 Jan #3

bev00 - 2015-01-12 00:35:00

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hd07 - 2015-01-13 13:54:00


Broccoli is a superfood with a high nutritional value and it is a great source of fibre. It also contains diindol-methane (DIM) which helps to break down and eliminate excess oestrogen from the body. I frequently recommend that people eat it more often (ideally steamed/stifried/cooked rather than raw).

This recipe comes from Julia & Libby's website, which was featured in this month's Taste magazine.

Ingredients (makes 8 fritters)

1 medium sized broccoli
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
4 eggs
1 small bunch of parsley, chopped
150 grams of gluten free flour or buckwheat flour (put an extra 50 grams aside in case mixture is too wet)
80 grams of feta cheese
1/2 cup of pine nuts
1 lemon
Salt and pepper
Dash of olive/coconut oil


1. Chop up the broccoli finely and steam for 5 minutes.
2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and add the flour, garlic, salt and pepper and parsley.
3. Chop up the feta cheese into small cubes and place into the mixture.
4. Place the pine nuts in a fry pan on a low heat and gently roast for 4-7 minutes or until pine nuts are slightly golden. Once cooked add them to the mixture.
5. Before adding the broccoli into the mixture make sure it is finely sliced. I found that I needed to add an extra 50 grams of flour to the mixture as it was too wet.
6. Heat a large frying pan over moderate heat and add a dash of oil.
7. Scoop 1 large tablespoon of mixture into the frying pan, then flatten it slightly with a spatula. The mixture should make around 8 fritters. Cook the fritters for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden.
8. Place fritters onto a paper towel to soak up any excess oil.
9. Drizzle with lemon juice before serving. Enjoy!

bev00 - 2015-05-20 18:52:00

yum thanks Bev

motorbo - 2015-05-20 19:16:00

Beetroot burgers are yum..... Sauté finely chopped onion , 3 crushed garlic cloves , cool.
Into food processor put 1med beetroot coarsely grated , 1/2 cup fresh breadcrumbs, 1 egg , 1/3 cup of chopped mint , 2 tins of drained chickpeas , sea salt , pepper ..... Add onion etc.... Pulse till mixed but not too mulched .

Form into patties sized to fit hamburger buns .
30 mins in fridge
3 mins each side approx cooking time with small amount of olive oil in frypan.

jbsouthland - 2015-05-20 19:37:00

Kumara patties with poached eggs

from Angela Casley

uli - 2016-05-09 20:58:00

great thread

bev00 - 2016-05-14 00:32:00

I make them with red kidney beans as a base and change what I add to them. Just throw everything in the blender. You can add mushrooms, garlic, onion, tofu, chilli, curry, herbs, spices, roasted eggplant, zucchini, or kumara. You can add what ever you like really.

mousiemousie - 2016-05-14 10:42:00


bev00 - 2017-05-12 23:01:00

keeping alive

bev00 - 2018-05-13 01:08:00

l posted this recipe for Glamorgan sausages a while back. I make them regularly not because l'm vegetarian but because they're really yummy.
l made a few adaptations to use what I had, I've put them in brackets
Here's the recipe:
Glamorgan sausages
175-200g fresh white breadcrumbs (4 slices toast bread incl' crusts)
150 g Caerphilly cheese crumbled or grated (2/3 feta 1/3 grated tasty) half a leek or 6 spring onions, very finely chopped (used white of 1/2 leek)
1 tbsp chopped parsley
half tsp thyme, leaves only
black pepper
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 1/2 tsp English mustard or Dijon mustard
2-3 tbsp milk (didn't need the mik)
45 g butter or 3 tbsp sunflower oil (used butter and oil)
(I did stage 2 first and just added the rest of the ingreds into the same bowl and mixed well with a fork - worked fine.)
1. Mix together 150g of the breadcrumbs in a bowl with the cheese, leek or spring onion, parsley, thyme and plenty of salt (glad I didn't use salt 'cos of the feta) and freshly ground pepper, blending well.
2. Beat the eggs with the mustard. Set aside 2 tablespoons of this mixture and stir the remaining egg mixture into the breadcrumb mixture. If it seems a little dry add a touch of milk to help bind it together without making it sloppy. (Didn't need to add milk)
3. Divide the mixture into eight and shape each portion into a sausage about 2.5cm thick. Put the reserved egg and mustard mixture into a shallow bowl and spread the remaining breadcrumbs onto a plate. One by one dip the sausages into the egg mixture and coat in the crumbs. If you have time, chill the sausages in the fridge for at least half an hour to firm up. (chilled them - think they wouldn't have cooked as nicely otherwise)
4. To fry the sausage, heat the butter or oil (and) in the frying pan and fry the sausages briskly for about 5 minutes until brown, reduce the heat and fry for a further 3-4 minutes. (I cooked them enough to seal the crumbs then cooked them on a lowish heat to make sure the leek cooked - same as for meat sausages really)

bella95 - 2018-05-13 04:24:00


bev00 - 2019-05-07 21:58:00

I give a massive thumbs up for Glamorgan sausages. I love meat, but these are divine.

jan2242 - 2019-05-09 06:45:00
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