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easy pumpkin soup recipe please


Does anyone have a recipe for pumpkin soup that doesnt need a blender or exotic ingredients

tansmum - 2012-05-20 20:46:00

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angel404 - 2012-05-20 21:18:00

cut up small pumpkin , onion , carrot and boil till carrot is tender - mash .
In another bowl bowl add 1 cup water and heaped teaspoon of maggi chicken stock - heat in microwave - chuck in to pumpkin mix.....stir and heat up till hot enough to eat.

garlic bread is nice with this and a blob of sour cream once in soup bowl tops it off - and lots a pepper and salt over that !!


Edited by flagheaven at 9:32 pm, Sun 20 May

flagheaven - 2012-05-20 21:31:00

yay thanks heaps Im going to make a big batch and freeze some since I can feel my self getting a cold and dont want to cook all week hehe thanks :)

tansmum - 2012-05-20 22:38:00

same here just cub pumpkin ,onion kumera potato season add cummin into chicken stock boil until tender then mash

bobcat_6 - 2012-05-20 22:55:00

You don't need a blender (I do use a stick one know though I'll admit), just frizzle some onion in maybe 50gms butter, chuck in chopped up pumpkin (if you nuke if first 'till it's soft that's helpful getting the skin off) and chicken stock to cover.. could be out of the box stuff, or oxo cube. I tend to add a bit of potato just to make it go further, and a bit of curry powder. Depends how much your making, how much curry? My big pot is a teaspoon full, if I was doing a big stock pot full I'd do 3t full... but that's all to taste really?

nik12 - 2012-05-21 00:13:00
tansmum wrote:

Does anyone have a recipe for pumpkin soup that doesnt need a blender or exotic ingredients

Grate or finely dice up about 1kg pumpkin, onions, a clove (or 2) garlic. Saute the onions & garlic then stir in your pumpkin & stir to coat. Add in chicken stock & bring to the boil. Simmer until pumpkin is cooked soft. Then mash the lot. If you want it smoother, then push it through a sieve & return to the pot. Whisk in some cream and a little more stock to thin it out & heat through. Salt & black pepper to taste.

rosel4 - 2012-05-21 01:06:00

pumkpin, orange kumara..cut into cubes and cook till tender..blend then put back into a large pot. add some coconut milk, curry, bit of nutmeg, some sugar, bit of salt. add more milk or cream to make soup a thinner consistency

crumpy06 - 2012-05-26 08:06:00

I always put onion and celery into the pot with my pumpkin. If I don't have celery, I use celery seed instead. Mmmm - might be an idea for our lunch guests tomorrow.

gardie - 2012-05-26 08:19:00

How much water, or is it just covered. Has someone got a way to do it in the slow cooker. Many thianks

pigletnz25 - 2012-05-26 13:26:00

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elliehen - 2012-05-26 13:57:00

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woodsboro - 2012-05-26 16:12:00

adding a tablespoon or two of peanut butter makes it fab!

takemeopshoppin - 2012-05-26 17:35:00
woodsboro wrote:

I always roast the pumpkin in the oven first, gives it a lot more flavour.

Same here, made last night for my family, roasted pumpkin& garlic bulb , while that was roasting cooked some onion & bacon pieces added vegestock,mashed pumpkin in oven dish squeezed garlic out with it, mixed all together added a Lil cream was so yummy, but defiantly roast pumpkin all the time now

trader125 - 2012-05-26 18:17:00

Cooked up a large grey pumpkin today, carrots, onions, garlic, an old brocollie that was going limp, whizz it up with my stick, then I added sweet chillie sauce just to give it a bite. Yummy

chooky - 2012-05-26 18:20:00

coconut milk and some Thai seasoning is good as well

sossie1 - 2012-05-26 18:22:00

ooh - thats what I can try - coconut milk. Just had the pumpkin, onion, kumara, stock and curry powder in the crockpot all day and used the stick blender on it when I walkedin. Easy as. I forgot the nutmeg though. And I never thought of peanut butter. That sounds like it could be interesting.

kismet41 - 2012-05-26 18:50:00

Just a quick addition ....if you have no coconut milk, just use ordinary milk and flavour with coconut essence. Does the trick! I always do this instead of buying coconut milk.

tramore - 2012-05-28 13:37:00

I always put my pumpkin in the microwave first, makes it very soft and easy to peel. I also add a couple of tins of creamed sweetcorn, potato and onion.

skata - 2012-05-28 14:21:00

I just made some in crook pot, pumkin, garlic (3 cloves) red onion and chicken stock. On high for 4 hrs, them mash it up.
Yummy as. its for tea tonight

catpole - 2012-05-28 16:23:00

I used to just cut the lid off a pumpkin, scoop out pips, pour in chicken stock and microwave. Then scoop out all flesh into pot and add anything else I felt like adding. Was very simple and very yummy way of making it.

mopsy3 - 2012-05-29 12:24:00

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vintagekitty - 2012-05-29 13:08:00

About half kg of pumpkin, peeled, deseeded, one onion, two tomatoes (tinned ok or even T or more tomato paste) 1 -2 cups chicken stock. Cook till soft. Blend or whizz. Then adjust flavourings eg salt, pepper, more stock to taste. Can add a little lemon juice (nice) and/or 1 -2 t curry powder and half t brown sugar. But I made it last night without the curry powder and sugar and also used tomato paste as had run out of tomatoes.

Probably need the sugar when using fresh tomatoes.

I do this in the microwave and use one of those new microwave casseroles/vegie steamers but would imagine would work in any covered microwave proof bowl.(microwaves in 7 mins) So only takes me about 15 - 20 minutes with the chopping. (I do this pretty roughly and quickly).

We often eat this with with what we call 'roll ups" - those turkish wraps with salad and whatever I have to hand. Last nite had some chickpeas - quickly fried from tin with tamari (ordinary soy probably ok) and some grated ginger (grate from freezer) and yoghurt and salad but have put leftovers and all sorts in these wraps to eat with soup. Sometimes use peanut butter or tahini spread on wrap first.

hesian - 2012-05-29 13:23:00
vintagekitty wrote:

I have just made the best pumpkin soup ever - The very best soup ive ever tasted before. The king of pumpkin soups. I have just had 2 bowls for lunch YUMMO

Please share your recipe?

janny3 - 2012-06-01 00:35:00

I don't own a blender, I use a masher!
*waits for shocked inhales of breath*

ok edit to add I just actually read the other posts and see some of you do the same - but honestly, what do people think was done before all these gadgets were invented? Same goes for crockpots, rice cookers, breadmakers, etc. You do not need them! You can still cook delicious meals to the consistency and texture you want without them!

Edited by tigerlilly16 at 1:08 am, Fri 1 Jun

tigerlilly16 - 2012-06-01 01:02:00
rosel4 wrote:

Grate or finely dice up about 1kg pumpkin, onions, a clove (or 2) garlic. Saute the onions & garlic then stir in your pumpkin & stir to coat. Add in chicken stock & bring to the boil. Simmer until pumpkin is cooked soft. Then mash the lot. If you want it smoother, then push it through a sieve & return to the pot. Whisk in some cream and a little more stock to thin it out & heat through. Salt & black pepper to taste.

made this recipe It was yummmmmm

rosiemoodle - 2012-06-01 08:36:00

Sometimes my old mum used a potato masher and sieve or an old fashioned hand operated baby mouli to make us creamy potato (etc) soups.

rosiemoodle wrote:

made this recipe It was yummmmmm

Its one of my favourites too, very yum and easy.
Here's Jax Hamiliton's coconut cream & pumpkin soup:

janny3 - 2012-06-02 02:03:00
janny3 wrote:

Sometimes my old mum used a potato masher and sieve or an old fashioned hand operated baby mouli to make us creamy potato (etc) soups.
Its one of my favourites too, very yum and easy.
Here's Jax Hamiliton's coconut cream & pumpkin soup:

I have just made this and it is VERY spicey, hubby will love it but I'm not keen on spicey food, I will tone down with cream or more coconut cream but dont like it too thin either, so if you dont like spicey maybe halve the curry powder and other seasoning.

seniorbones - 2012-06-04 16:00:00
seniorbones wrote:

I have just made this and it is VERY spicey, hubby will love it but I'm not keen on spicey food, I will tone down with cream or more coconut cream but dont like it too thin either, so if you dont like spicey maybe halve the curry powder and other seasoning.

I know what you mean. It works ok with just a little curry powder.

janny3 - 2012-07-24 00:22:00

With Jax Hamilton

Roasted Pumpkin and Coconut Soup

This is the perfect example of an amalgamated Jax creation. I never, ever ate pumpkin until I came to kiwi-land. I don't even remember seeing it for sale in my local supermarket, grocers or market. However, it is sold in abundance here. Of course, you all know my favourite food is soup and I love anything spicy! What more is there to say. Oh yes, AND I love coconut.

Prep Time: 15 mins Cook Time: 40 mins Serves: 8

2 tbsp peanut oil
1/2 crown pumpkin - peeled and diced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 medium brown onion - diced
2 garlic cloves - crushed
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp all purpose seasoning
400ml coconut cream (reserve 100ml to drizzle)
600 ml stock (chicken or vegetable)
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 180C.
Drizzle 1 tbsp of peanut oil on a baking tray and rub 1 tbsp into your pumpkin.
Season your pumpkin with plenty of salt and freshly ground black pepper, place on your tray in the oven and cook for 20 minutes or until it is golden and tender.
Meanwhile in a large saucepan, heat the remaining oil and cook your onion and garlic.
When translucent throw in your spices and toss the onion mixture around until well coated.
Remove your pumpkin from the oven and throw in with your onion mixture.
Toss around until well coated.
Pour in your coconut cream (350ml) mix well then add your stock.
Cook your soup for a further 20 minutes.
Remove from the heat and allow to cool slightly.
Wizz with a stick blender and season to taste.

toadfish - 2012-07-24 06:35:00

bumping cos its pumpkin soup weather

bev00 - 2013-07-24 23:00:00

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elliehen - 2013-07-24 23:27:00

I dont usually blend mine just boil it up in the stock and mash it well then mix it with a wooden spoon - my kids adore Butternut - cut up and dry roasted for an hour then peel and rough cut - same with a couple of orange kumara, I also roast in oil and foil a whole head of garlic - then in the pot I pop a wee bit of oil cook down an onion diced and a leek sliced - then add the chopped veges and squeeze the garlic - I add some grated ginger, a tsp of ground coriander, same of paprika and turmeric, a pinch of chilli, ground pepper then I add about 4 - 5 cups of stock - just 3 or 4 tsp of stock powder and water if you in a rush and havent made your own stock - bring to boil then simmer for half an hour until all veges nice and soft - then mash well and stir till nice and soupy then I stir in 2 big tablespoons (sometimes more) of crunchy peanut butter - I usually make this with yummy cheese scones - soup is so filling and so cheap for a winter meal -

wahinetoa62 - 2013-07-25 00:02:00

Never peel the pumpkin if I'm going to blend it all together.!!

quiz3 - 2013-07-25 07:22:00

Easy........Cut up and boil skinned pumpkin, potatoes, onions, carrots, bit of broccoli, 1tsp powdered bacon and green herb stock, and curry powder, cook altogether in either water or chicken stock.......blend till very smooth, or mash if you have no blender = tell your young kids it's Magic Soup, a good way to get them to eat their vegetables. A recent recipe from our local rag.....might have to leave the curry out depending on your children's taste....

rainrain1 - 2013-07-25 08:25:00

helpful tips for easy peasy soup

bev00 - 2014-07-26 00:54:00

Put one whole pumpkin in the oven on about 150 fan bake don't cut it, bake it whole, use a roasting pan, bake for about an hour or until soft.
Once cooked let to cool for a bit, cut in half scoop out the seeds, peel off the skin. Fry up some onions and garlic, chop up parsley, season.
In a big pot add all ingredients together with either milk or cream to a consistenty you like and mash or blend with a stick blender.
Such a easy recipe, no cutting of pumpkin which can be very hard for some people, and a intense flavor from the pumpkin, the last lot I did I mixed 2 diff pumpkins together, yummy.

debsaid - 2014-07-26 03:11:00
quiz3 wrote:

Never peel the pumpkin if I'm going to blend it all together.!!

Never peel the pumpkin ever, eat the good roughage.

lilyfield - 2014-07-26 08:18:00

If you like the pumpkin then it is too late to grow some more if you have just roasted the lot without taking the seeds out :)

If you bought them however they could have been hybrids and not come true to type anyway.

uli - 2015-07-23 18:12:00

I just chop pumpkin, a couple of apples, grated and juiced oranges, ginger, garlic, curry powder and chicken stock. The only pumpkin soup my kids will eat!

clareo - 2015-07-24 18:58:00

All the above and just remember some people don't like it too thick (my husband for one, says its like baby food) so its almost a consistency issue as well as a flavour issue.

karlymouse - 2015-07-24 20:19:00


uli - 2016-07-21 12:21:00

and again

bev00 - 2017-07-20 20:55:00

and again

bev00 - 2018-07-09 22:33:00
tramore wrote:

Just a quick addition ....if you have no coconut milk, just use ordinary milk and flavour with coconut essence. Does the trick! I always do this instead of buying coconut milk.

thanks for that idea must try it

slimgym - 2018-07-10 22:46:00

I have a couple of methods. The one I just made is
Fry an onion in olive oil.
When the onion is soft, pour in chicken or vegetable stock. Bring to the boil & add chopped pumpkin. Mash when cooked, then add chopped fresh herbs.

I'm going to try the tip upthread about putting the pumpkin in the microwave before peeling.

maplekiwi1 - 2018-07-19 07:27:00

easy pumpkin soup
1 pkt onion soup mix with water as per instructions on packet
1 onion chopped
4 cups of chopped pumpkin skin on
herbs mixed (only if you want to)
Place all in a saucepan and cook till pumpkin cooked puree season to taste
then enjoy
from Attuite to life group

slimgym - 2018-07-22 06:13:00


bev00 - 2019-07-20 21:56:00

I halve my pumpkin and remove the seeds, peel and halve an onion. Put them cut side up in a roasting tin and sprinkle with oil and your choice of spices - cumin, cardamom, five spice, garam masala and chilli flakes for me usually. Roast at 180 until soft and slightly browned. Scrape pumpkin off the skin and blend with the onion. Put it in a large saucepan and add liquid until you get the consistency you want - I use some coconut milk and chicken stock.

sarahb5 - 2019-07-21 10:37:00
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