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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


ya probably want the page to turn ova.

pickles7 - 2011-10-20 17:17:00


pickles7 - 2011-10-20 17:17:00


pickles7 - 2011-10-20 17:18:00

is about to have a wine cos im over whining :)

motorbo - 2011-10-20 17:33:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-20 17:34:00

no cooking sherry here, I turn every thing with alcohol in it, into

pickles7 - 2011-10-20 18:10:00

Lives get busy ... people come & go ... the circle holds strong as all are welcome to come & share in friendship.
Just remember to wipe your feet of any foodie politics before entering :)

My news for the day is .... my caravan has been moved into place - YAY!
And it's level!
Tomorrow (hopefully) power will connected (some logistics involved) & then I can give it a spring clean before moving in :)
As for the rest of my day - wrapping my head around our booking system (not as hard as I thought it would be) & working on product knowledge. Next week I start work proper so still lots to master before then.
Hope you've all had a good day xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-20 21:45:00

Hi all - busy sorting my house. The moving woman comes to do a quote on Tuesday and I move out the following Monday. PANIC

Sumstyle I'm afraid that we may be reaching a simililar place with my Dad. I'm consulting with a more knowledgable cousin in the weekend.

calista - 2011-10-21 07:46:00

That's really difficult for you calista with your house issues taking so much of your time. Two weeks notice is really putting the pressure on.

winnie! Another caravan experience - tap in to your inner seem to be drawn to caravan life heh heh

sumstyle - 2011-10-21 07:51:00

Good luck in your search Sumstyle - I have been through a similar time with my Mum at the end of her life and was pretty hard. Glad things are still going well Rae - Pip will be in touch soon. Happy birthday to you and Pam.

greerg - 2011-10-21 10:35:00

i got a job!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh i truly do feel blessed today!!

motorbo - 2011-10-21 13:54:00
motorbo wrote:

i got a job!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh i truly do feel blessed today!!

Well done you...! As a lurker mainly , this thread needed some Great News and you have provided that ! Do wish you sincere heartfelt wishes...!

jbsouthland - 2011-10-21 16:17:00

thanks jb!!!! the weight off my shoulders feels so good...being without work for the short time made me look at many things differently and appreicate what i do have even more!!!

motorbo - 2011-10-21 16:28:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-21 16:49:00
motorbo wrote:

i got a job!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh i truly do feel blessed today!!

HOORAY!!! Congrats motorbo ... I hope this one worls out well for you :)
Thanks sumstyle & greerg ... it's so hot here today I got back from work & changed into an Indian cotton top ... hippy clothing at it's best lol!
I'm going to have an awesome birthday tomorrow - I'm going out on a full day kayak trip ... approx 6 hrs paddling time plus stops along the way & the 1hr water taxi up to our starting point in the morning :D Can't wait!
Life is grand!!! xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-21 16:50:00

thanks grannymum and this stage the job is fixed term only but hey maybe i can impress them and they wont want me to leave ha ha

have u lost weight winnie? all that kayaking ....(with a tiny tinge of jealously ha ha)

motorbo - 2011-10-21 16:55:00

Ooo motorbo - how exciting for you - a great effort \O/ \O/ \O/

Now, go and enjoy your weekend with a light heart :-)

sumstyle - 2011-10-21 22:00:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-21 22:08:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-22 08:19:00

Happy birthday Winnie - sounds like a fabulous day - enjoy

rema - 2011-10-22 10:57:00

Fantastic Motorbo - that was pretty quick.

greerg - 2011-10-22 11:40:00

Hi everyone & thanks for the birthday wishes :)
Unfortunately I'm not out on the planned kayak trip as they ran out of spaces (the down-side of being staff is we get bumped off this list to make room for paying clients) so I'm having a quiet day by myself & will try again for the kayaking tomorrow.

winnie231 - 2011-10-22 12:34:00

Rats man. O well, good that you enjoy your own company (just like me!)

Hippo Bathday Rae

sumstyle - 2011-10-22 13:09:00
sumstyle wrote:

Rats man. O well, good that you enjoy your own company (just like me!)

Hippo Bathday Rae

Thanks sumstyle :)
It's been a nice day - just me, the cat & 1 million sandflies!

Edited by winnie231 at 8:53 pm, Sat 22 Oct

winnie231 - 2011-10-22 20:52:00

thank you...the beauty of living in the bigger cites if i was still back in tauranga i wouldnt be smiling now

greerg wrote:

Fantastic Motorbo - that was pretty quick.

motorbo - 2011-10-22 21:41:00

Morning all, happy belated birthday Winnie.
We are offline at the moment, our computer has "packed a sad" I am hoping its just the on off button but it couldn't be looked at till tommorrow,
Watched my first game of rugby from start to finish... and wasn't it a nail biter. Go THE AB's.

Life is pretty uneventful at the moment which if you are me is always a good thing.. busy at work, but whats knew.. helps the day go fast,

Enjoy Labour day everyone and recharge those batteries.

Take care JB

Edited by toadfish at 7:38 am, Mon 24 Oct

toadfish - 2011-10-24 07:37:00

Lovely morning here in Christchurch and my dog is patiently waiting for me to take him for a walk.

I bought myself a lawn mower last week and it makes such a different to the yard looking tidy :-) not to mention the clippings feeding the new compost bin I made yesterday.

The local pastor called in yesterday off the cuff so I made the most of his height and got him to put the roof back in to place on my glass house (can you imagine = the earthquakes have shaken it so much the glass had bounced and shifted by 6 inches! Now I can plant some tomatoes in there and start planning the rest of my vege garden.

sumstyle - 2011-10-24 08:26:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-24 16:45:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-25 17:01:00

good laugh and typical male teenager !!!! thanks ellie

motorbo - 2011-10-25 17:20:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-26 12:30:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-26 14:50:00

thank u cookes...i start tomorrow....Happy birthday!!!!

cookessentials wrote:

Well done!! you deserve it.
Enjoying warm temps here in Noosa. Spent part of yesterday out boating and today is a lazy day. Being taken to a secret location for dinner tonight. Have indulged in tiger prawns, mangoes, pineapple, watermelon, spanner crabs and banana prawns since we got here. It is our second home and we love it;. Noosa Triathlon starts today so its going to be very bust with over 11,000 althletes.

motorbo - 2011-10-26 14:59:00

Today's the day motorbo - hope it goes really well!

sumstyle - 2011-10-27 07:41:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-27 12:49:00

thanks sumstyle, it was a good first day, really nice people and a very relaxed and quiet working atmosphere and my boss has arranged lunch out tomorrow to welcome me...ive never ever had that before !!

sumstyle wrote:

Today's the day motorbo - hope it goes really well!

motorbo - 2011-10-27 17:19:00

Wow, that's a nice way to start!

sumstyle - 2011-10-27 18:04:00

Motorbo - that's fantastic. So pleased for you.

I'm sorted and I'm moving out - going to sunny Nelson while my house is fixed. I found someone on here who wanted a p/t job and she has been helping me. It has been a mission because I have craft stuff everywhere, but it's now neatly in boxes waiting for the movers on Monday.

If there's anything in re-incarnation I'm coming back as a tidy person.

calista - 2011-10-27 19:24:00

Good morning all,back from our house move,so glad it is all over.
We are so happy here,so nice and sunny.
A very happy belated to those that had birthdays,so sorry I missed it.
Motorbo so very very happy for you,I felt so positive for you.
Sumstyle thinking of you and your sister at this time.
Calista,hope all goes well for you,thinking of you.
Thinking of you all.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-28 09:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-29 00:17:00

Morning Lovely people.
I am sitting typing this on my new computer. My old computer was over 10 years old and the power supply went. My computer "Angel" took my old computer saved everything and loaded it onto my flash new one... I am one relieved person not to have lost things.
So now its possible to catch up with things in the morning rather than hurridly looking from work. Very Blessed.

Things are going well here (apart from the computer meltdown) Got some good news that my cousin from KL is coming again.. I only have 3 cousins so very special.

Have a fab relaxed weekend everyone.

toadfish - 2011-10-29 06:25:00

sounds like a good plan clasita...EA thrilled you have thinking about it but need to find the right place first otherwise its not worth it...toadfish i so know and feel your relief...i must get some cd`s and back up myu computer so i dont need to worry about it ...i sold my old once recently and use a laptop now decision i ever made!! well my first two days of work were slow but good, so im looking forward to next week...i do hope this job lasts longer than one year

motorbo - 2011-10-29 08:36:00

Hi Calista- I am really needing someone to help me pack up, clean up and all the drama. Did you person work out well? If so and you would be happy to pass details on I would really appreciate it. Thank you.

suzanna - 2011-10-29 09:32:00

Hello everyone.. just catching up on the thread and all your news.. congratulations on your new job Motorbo.. Happy Birthday Pam.. and enjoy your holiday.. Enjoy your time in Nelson Calista.. I hope your home is all you're thinking of and more, when you return home.. Hi Earthangel.. glad you have a lovely new home.. enjoy.. Glad you've found a job you love Rae.. very cool.. lots more to read here..

Wow.. thanks so much to you all for your lovely words and good wishes for Jenni in the thread here.. I've just arrived back tonight, and though I've been online briefly, am catching up with the thread here now.. thanks too for your message in the auction Pam.. have received that now.. your message helps too, as do all of the lovely words in the thread here.

Jenni is getting better slowly.. the neural muscular disease thankfully isn't a factor, however her back - particular the upper and lower back areas, and her neck, have compressed, causing pain, pressure, loss of feeling and numbness.. etc.. She was able to start physio this past Monday.. the lady said that Jenni's back appears to be pivoting at one joint, with the spine above and below that moving in one piece each, when she bends forward. She was lifting a heavy object at work, with another staff member, when it fell, and trying to stop it, her arms were dragged down, causing these injuries.. she's on several types of pain meds, plus anti-inflammatory tablets and needing to rest a lot.. The physiotherapist thinks she'll be able to help, with Jenni doing the exercises too.. She usually does yoga and Swiss ball exercises daily, plus swims at the pool near her home.. with none of these allowed currently, she's missing them all.. the specialist said doing the yoga might not be possible again.. she says.. just watch me!

She's going to get the physio working well, and will probably come home soon, and be here for a few weeks as she recovers. The specialist thinks she may have some degree of hyper-mobility in her joints that has compounded the problem - she does in two of her fingers, causing him to think this may be in other joints.. It's worrying that this has happened.. was a very careful trip to Hamilton in the early hours of a frosty morning.. and so thankful to get there and be able to hold her and be there for her.. she heard my voice asking a nurse where she was, and said 'ohhh that's my Mum"..

Her Boyfriend has been and is just amazing.. very caring, supportive and helpful, as well as loving and gentle with her.. I'm so thankful to him for really being there for Jenni.. it makes a huge difference when I'm 2 & 1/2 hours drive away.. knowing he's there helps a lot. I said that to him when we were all at the hospital at one stage.. later he said to Jenni.. 'You and your Mum don't have to wonder if I'm here for you.. I just am, and you can rely on that.' I'm very happy she has him in her life.. There have been many calls to and from my Son Chris in Melbourne.. he's worried too.

Lots to catch up on here.. and I'm glad to be a part of this thread.. thank you all very sincerely..

Hugs.. Julie

juliewn - 2011-10-30 00:19:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-30 00:30:00

Hi Julie
I have tears in my eyes, I am so pleased to see this message from you. I am like so many others on this board who feel a connection with you. I read your messages and recipes and have been very concerned for you and Jenni and of course your family. I know others have been too. You have always posted supportive messages for others in tricky situations.
Clearly Jenni has much support and I believe she will be in a fantastic position to heal at home with her Mum in the wonderful weather we are expecting over the summer. It's one step at a time and I hope to hear about the progress. Remember to take moments when you can too Julie for yourself and use them to refresh your wonderful spirit.
Take care. Erica

evorotorua - 2011-10-30 07:22:00

Hello Julie,like others was so worried,good to hear from you.
Your Jennie and all, are in my daily thoughts.
Have a wonderful Sunday all.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-30 08:12:00

Good to hear from you Juliewn, looks like it is accident related, I know a wee bit about ACC if you need any advice or feel Jenni's needs aren't being met.

toadfish - 2011-10-30 08:47:00

hi Julie, so good to hear from you...gosh young ones go through so much without health issues on top...but its incredible what we do and what we can do...and with her family and boyfriend there for her...i wish her as speedy a recovery ....and i do feel for her re: missing her exercise ...never though i would ever say i would ...but if i couldnt i would!!! anyways welcome back Julie good to see you here....and to finish the weather here so far is beautiful today so its the gym then maybe a walk down the beach!!

motorbo - 2011-10-30 08:56:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-30 11:47:00
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