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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2011-10-12 11:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-12 12:18:00

ha ha i like it elliehen....and yes your right cookes, the holiday will come....just not sure when atm :)....havent been up your way due to the weather among other things, but i will at some stage

motorbo - 2011-10-12 13:31:00

has had an awesome day with miss 14 out on a boat trip in the Abel Tasman :D
Baby seals playing in an estuary, a pod of Dusky Dolphins leaping clear out of the water off Totaranui & the good company of my daughter.
I'm happy!

winnie231 - 2011-10-13 21:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-13 21:48:00

omg i cant wait to be able to visit that area of nz

winnie231 wrote:

has had an awesome day with miss 14 out on a boat trip in the Abel Tasman :D
Baby seals playing in an estuary, a pod of Dusky Dolphins leaping clear out of the water off Totaranui & the good company of my daughter.
I'm happy!

motorbo - 2011-10-13 21:50:00

And plenty more who'd like to Elliehen, but the ties to Canterbury are pretty strong. I figure if my ancestors could walk over that hill and look at some shacks in a swamp and carry on then so can I (with fairly frequent trips to Tasman District to recharge the batteries).

greerg - 2011-10-13 21:58:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-14 09:31:00
motorbo wrote:

omg i cant wait to be able to visit that area of nz

How did your job interview go hun?
I care about you,also have been eating Freya,s mixed grain bread,it has not made any difference to me what so ever,I think mine is mainly sugar and caffeine,also I am careful where I post these days,I know in here,they do not judge.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-14 15:40:00
cookessentials wrote:

Morning morning! A gorgeous day here in the Wairarapa which is nice. Hoping for a good weekend so we can get out in the garden. Our gingerbread house making workshop last night was a huge success, we even had people walking past looking through the window and coming into the shop to watch how it was was great fun. We munched on beautiful cupcakes and drank orange juice and generally had a great time, but also learnt heaps and everyone went home with their own creation in a cake box. Have decided to do another one on Nov 17th once we are back from Noosa. I am going to be putting up some photos on the facebook page today.

cooks to hear about your success makes me smile,good on you.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-14 15:41:00

Hi All,
I am getting so excited,not long now before we move,7 more sleeps,lol.
It will be good to come home and not live in fear,our neighbour found a guy on her couch asleep last night,it makes me so scared when dp is away.
Dp is going away when we move,I am unable to go,but next time,he is off too aussie to visit his family,I get to have presents when he gets back lol,I sound like a kid.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-14 15:44:00

cheers EA, i hope it went well i think it went well but gosh im no mind appyling for at least one job a day so something has to give soon i hope before i run out of money...i will try freyas thanks...that buzzy sure is nuts...i swear he or she needs to get a life anyways ...ive found oats as in porridge for breaky really good for me gives me the fibre i need and no tummy worries....but gosh i miss a good sammie and cheaper bread right now would be good. omg your neighbour found someone on the couch??? what on did they get in and why would they wanna.

earthangel4 wrote:

How did your job interview go hun?
I care about you,also have been eating Freya,s mixed grain bread,it has not made any difference to me what so ever,I think mine is mainly sugar and caffeine,also I am careful where I post these days,I know in here,they do not judge.

motorbo - 2011-10-14 15:52:00

oh and yah for 7 more sleeps Jumps with exictment for EA

motorbo - 2011-10-14 15:53:00
motorbo wrote:

cheers EA, i hope it went well i think it went well but gosh im no mind appyling for at least one job a day so something has to give soon i hope before i run out of money...i will try freyas thanks...that buzzy sure is nuts...i swear he or she needs to get a life anyways ...ive found oats as in porridge for breaky really good for me gives me the fibre i need and no tummy worries....but gosh i miss a good sammie and cheaper bread right now would be good. omg your neighbour found someone on the couch??? what on did they get in and why would they wanna.

drunk and on drugs,I am not sure how they got in,I just want to get out of here.
I enjoy porridge for breakfast with cream,yum.
I am sure you will get a job real soon,it will all be good.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-14 16:10:00

hey EA what happened to the stop smoking thread in general..i just realised now that ive forgotten to post in it for ages and ages

motorbo - 2011-10-14 17:47:00
motorbo wrote:

hey EA what happened to the stop smoking thread in general..i just realised now that ive forgotten to post in it for ages and ages

I am not sure,it may be gone,have not seen it in ages,as for me,I am stressed to the max,so will set another date,after I move.
It has been a hard year for us,but next year will soon be here,and just know it is going to be a good year.
With stress at work,and stress with my health,it has to be better next year.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-14 18:13:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-15 19:37:00

Morning all, just back from a week away on our Bargain Cruise... and it was just that... a bargain. The food as usual was lovely and plentiful and the weather although it could have been better we were able to have a stroll around Gisborne, Napier and Tauranga without getting wet which was nice. A week back at work then a long weekend.
We have health issues in thehouse at the moment that have reinforced our need for healthy eating. Hubby is committed to the change which in the past has been a sticking point. I have always eaten realtively healthily ... just too much lol. But all in all the new regime is working and apart from the blip on the boat we stocked up the cupboards with fresh and healthy foods.... so back on track again.
Have a great day all.... I am going to tacke the mess that is my walk in wardrobe.... if I don't post in the next few days please send out a search party as I have been lost under the rubble...

toadfish - 2011-10-16 08:02:00

What has happen to all my friends, we ended up on page two !!!!
Hoping all have survived thus far in the world cup
Have a great day

rema - 2011-10-17 09:04:00

Good Morning all,I got to watch what I could last night,while at work,was a good game.
Motorbo,I see the no smoking thread has been bumped up,the must of heard you lol.
Have a wonderday day all,it is sunny here atm

earthangel4 - 2011-10-17 09:25:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-17 10:21:00

Have an awesome trip.cooks.
may not be back in here till after we move,so very busy atm,so will be thinking of you.
Beautiful day here in grey,want to get all the windows and nets washed today,before I head out the door to work.
Have a wonderful day all.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-17 11:25:00

oh i will go andf look EA, thanks....have an awesome trip away cookes

motorbo - 2011-10-17 13:58:00

Hi everyone,
I just finished my 1st day for Aqua Taxis :D
We're training this week so it's not really work but I'm being paid so YAY!
Miss 14 had 4 great days here with me & has some casual work lined up cleaning kayaks for the company over Christmas so she's a very happy girl.
Welcome back Toady ... glad you had a great cruise :)
Have a wonderful holiday & birthday in Oz Pam.
Happy moving EA & motorbo - any news on the job front yet?
Smile all ... we're about to win the Rugby World Cup! Go the ABs!!!

winnie231 - 2011-10-17 16:30:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 04:11:00

Awwww cooks,I thought your birthday was coming up,and a special one at that.
Have a wonderful birthday and a very happy holiday,you deserve it.
I am so glad everything is working out for you,you have worked so hard.
Hugs to you xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-10-18 07:27:00

it sounds fantastic Winnie....if i had the money to spare i would be there..but its a bit busier this week with two interviews, one today and one tommorrow, not great jobs but hey a job is a job, going to get on a train for the first time too lol as im heading into the city. OHHH i hadnt realised it was yoru birthday Cookes, happy birthday!!!

motorbo - 2011-10-18 08:40:00

Hi Pam ... is this the big birthday for you like I just had, I have a feeling it might be ... I celebrated mine in Paris and it was absolutely amazing .. hope life is treating you and Brian well :) ... hi to all the other friends in there from the previous weight loss thread ... hope all is well in your worlds :)

possumeyes - 2011-10-18 08:58:00
motorbo wrote:

it sounds fantastic Winnie....if i had the money to spare i would be there..but its a bit busier this week with two interviews, one today and one tommorrow, not great jobs but hey a job is a job, going to get on a train for the first time too lol as im heading into the city. OHHH i hadnt realised it was yoru birthday Cookes, happy birthday!!!

Good luck motorbo,sounds positive.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-18 10:13:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-18 14:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 14:52:00

thanks, didnt take the train it worked out too far from the interview so i bused it in...not sure but i will find out friday if i get an interview with the company...the work is up my alley but low paid ...gosh my income has just gone down and down this year!!
hope julie and her daughter are okay too

earthangel4 wrote:

Good luck motorbo,sounds positive.

motorbo - 2011-10-18 15:08:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 20:26:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 20:27:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 20:30:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 20:31:00

thanks not too far behind u in years!!! i loved how u said my boy and i ...then thought maybe u didnt mean your son? pak in save have some 80`s specials tomorrow so will get up early for that one...whilst on a budget i have no choice ..

motorbo - 2011-10-18 20:44:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-18 20:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-19 07:30:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-19 09:14:00

oh waves goodbye to Pam have a fabulous time, thanks blown away with how good winz have been, it was so hard to go to them for help but apart from the strange cross dressing male ha wasnt too bad and i get my first payment next week so feel a huge sense of relief to know i will manage until that job comes along...which im hoping will be by friday!!!

motorbo - 2011-10-19 10:35:00

I am loving my job!
Just back from a famil day out in the park (like I don't know it well enough already lol) ... a very enjoyable day & a great chance to get to know my work mates better :)
I'm pretty tired now though ... alot to learn & tomorrow I start on the computer system ... ugh :/ I'm sure I'll get the hang of it though.
Looks like my birthday will be a quiet one here in Marahau - want to swap Pam??? Not our ages though lol! I'm hoping for fine weather so I can get out for a kayak. Fingers xd.
Hope to hear some good news from you soon motorbo!!
And I hope all our Chch friends are coping with the downpour & flooding.

winnie231 - 2011-10-19 17:58:00

Dad had his psych assessment today and they said that he does not have dementia. Yay you might think, but they went on to say that it means he is making clear decisions to behave the way he is ie running away from the rest home, being aggressive etc.

Upshot is that they have asked me to move him out, and I won't be able to get him into any dementia unit because of his assessment. They said the time frame is two weeks - gulp.

Such a shame as they was such a good place for him.

sumstyle - 2011-10-19 18:00:00

Sorry to hear that sumstyle ... I hope you can get something sorted with a new home for him in time. Hugs xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-19 18:05:00

can u not ask for a review? sorry just trying to think what you migth be able to do....

oh winnie thats one part of nz ive always wanted to go...and im going to next year!!! so great that its falling into place for u

sumstyle wrote:

Dad had his psych assessment today and they said that he does not have dementia. Yay you might think, but they went on to say that it means he is making clear decisions to behave the way he is ie running away from the rest home, being aggressive etc.

Upshot is that they have asked me to move him out, and I won't be able to get him into any dementia unit because of his assessment. They said the time frame is two weeks - gulp.

Such a shame as they was such a good place for him.

motorbo - 2011-10-19 18:53:00

Unfortunately Psych Emergency were not able to give the rest home much notice of the appointment, so I did not find out about it in time (I usually sit in on them). Anyway Dad Told them he wanted to move out, and the rest home is saying fine, off you go! I don't blame them. I can probably eek out a bit more time while we find somewhere, they have been such a good rest home.

sumstyle - 2011-10-19 22:53:00

You all on holiday, in here,,
c'mon news...........

pickles7 - 2011-10-20 12:02:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-20 12:59:00

Our place is as boring as it is in here. .Could be a bit of DID goin on in here.

Edited by pickles7 at 3:46 pm, Thu 20 Oct

pickles7 - 2011-10-20 15:37:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-20 16:20:00
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