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Cold easterly in Christchurch today which matches my mood :-p

Got a call from Dad in the rest home saying he wants to move out of this one and it just his negative nature as the home has been top notch compared to the last two. As he doesn't bother to control his bad behaviour I think that his next step will be to a dementia unit where they are more used to bizarre behaviour. Sadly all he wants to do is die and yet he keeps living very poorly.

Quite stressful for me and my sister, and for me particularly as I have decided to look for another job and it's hard to do this when a lot of energy goes towards dealing with Dad.

sumstyle - 2011-10-01 13:23:00
sumstyle wrote:

Cold easterly in Christchurch today which matches my mood :-p

Got a call from Dad in the rest home saying he wants to move out of this one and it just his negative nature as the home has been top notch compared to the last two. As he doesn't bother to control his bad behaviour I think that his next step will be to a dementia unit where they are more used to bizarre behaviour. Sadly all he wants to do is die and yet he keeps living very poorly.

Quite stressful for me and my sister, and for me particularly as I have decided to look for another job and it's hard to do this when a lot of energy goes towards dealing with Dad.

I work with these people everyday,we have some that try to get out the door to return home,and some that ring home,to get them out of there.
It is very stressful for all concerned,it makes my heart ache.
It does get better,the poor things,just recently I felt the same way when I was in Hospital,all I wanted to do,was go home.
They get very home sick,but they are in the right place,and i would like to know they are well cared for.
If they were in my care they would be,I give them hugs.
I know how you are feeling,time does heal,you have done the right thing.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-01 13:34:00

Thanks for your comforting words from experience earthangel - this home is fantastic, so it is distressing to hear he does not see how kind and caring the staff are to him. We think they are amazing!

Edited by sumstyle at 1:40 pm, Sat 1 Oct

sumstyle - 2011-10-01 13:39:00

Please, may I say it is refreshing to read of a close relative understanding it is their loved Dads behaviour, so often we read or hear of unhappy residents who have family automatically place the situation back on the rest home.I hope he settles and is upgraded to the Care and meds he maybe requiring. Hugs...I know soon I will be crossing this path.

jbsouthland - 2011-10-01 13:48:00

JB and EA - thank you both for your words - I read out your posts to my sister and we feel we are right to be placing our confidence in the rest home staff.

sumstyle - 2011-10-02 20:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-02 21:27:00

Thanks cooke - I feel for any person in a rest home who doesn't have someone available to advocate on their behalf, because it is very tiring standing up for your own rights, however in this case it's harder having to be firm with Dad and pointing out that his perception of his treatment is likely to be wrong. I think he's going do-lally.

sumstyle - 2011-10-03 07:34:00

Sumstyle,thinking of you,and just know you and your sister have done the right thing,and like you have said,it is sad with the ones that have no family.
Does your dad get out on weekly trips with the rest home he is in,and do they get him doing actiitves so he does not think too much.
over here they have 6 days of doing things,baking,music,outings,it-
is so awesome to see them all getting envolved,but some like there on company,very sad.
I am thinking of you,and do post to let us know how he is getting on,if I can help you,that is even better.
I know you are stressed,I see some sad cases,it really gets to me.
Wished I was there for you,

earthangel4 - 2011-10-03 08:03:00

Earthangel - there are lots of activities for my dad to be involved in at his resthome but he chooses not to. Also he has kind friends and relatives who visit him often and who offer to take him out for drives - but he doesn't want to go. Then he heaves big sighs over the dullness of his life and wishes he wasn't in a resthome - it is very frustrating. However I feel very confident when I walk out the door after a visit that he is in the best place for him with people who really do care and who, unfortunately, have to put up with his bad attitude. And although many will think I am a terrible child for saying it - I am sincerely glad it isn't me looking after him full time because as much as I love him, he would drive me to my grave!

supersapper - 2011-10-03 09:03:00

i worked part time in an old folks home many years ago and enjoyed the company of many of them, but some were difficult was in their nature and you couldnt change them or make them happy. My grandparents were all great people apart from my mums mum...she was an unhappy person and it showed, never had a good word to say about anyone

Edited by motorbo at 9:12 am, Mon 3 Oct

motorbo - 2011-10-03 09:12:00

Sadly that is often the case of the Elderly the brain changes ...but some have such a marvellous attitude they make the place light up and contribute so much .The key to the " less happy " is as a Support worker find out their lifestyle...families can help here...these people have had a youthful life once,full of interests and activities.We encourage a short life story written ... so the carers can have an understanding of the younger " Mrs Jones ". My partner has in the space of just over a year incorporated changes that initially some staff were opposed Breakfast no longer happens at the Dining Room at a certain timeslot...can be in bed,at a table in their room and or still at The Dining room.. ( one married couple love that meal time in their room together) or at much later hour .In retirement who wants to be regimented so early in the day...same as having to" have" your showers,vacumning in rooms on a Sunday now is not happening if residents don't wish it ...allowing Residents a say hence regular residents meetings... back to home baking not large slices/ bikkies brought in that no one ate... if some are slightly burnt ..they love it ..something to rib about lol.. Residents using Toilets that say Visitors ..offering an alcoholic drink to a group sitting chatting together ..not just at happy Hour time...a lovely cat adopted from SPCA now happily residing in the Dementia Unit...letting those who believe in Alternate type Meds have them...and so on. Families are thrilled the place still runs to Health & Safety etc but more relaxed.first and foremost it is the Residents Home...and I truely believe a Male Reg Nurse in Management is a great thing , esp for the male residents....and many of the ladies love him...!

Edited by jbsouthland at 10:56 am, Mon 3 Oct

jbsouthland - 2011-10-03 10:53:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-03 14:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-03 14:44:00

ditto, hope all is okay with them, i have been thinking of them

motorbo - 2011-10-03 15:00:00

...supersapper is my sister by the way - not me posting under another user name...

sumstyle - 2011-10-03 21:36:00

Just going to blow the whistle on "living-in-paradise Winnie231". Drove over to see her on Sunday to find her rugged up in work boots, thick jersey and jeans sheltering from the pouring rain in the Marahau Cafe! It was nice to catch up with you Rae. I think we must have struck Nelson's worst weather of the year but still had a very enjoyable long weekend - particularly as daughter heard today she has the job she really wanted for next year. Too much food and too much wine though, so a week of salad and abstinence coming up now.

greerg - 2011-10-03 23:05:00

Oh Glen - how could you? LOL!
It was great to catch up with you too & meet your daughter.
You have to admit - it's still a slice of paradise where I'm living & the view is pretty spectacular ... even in the rain!
I'm going into withdrawal from lack of kayaking though - hope the rain is about done for now.

Edited by winnie231 at 8:04 am, Tue 4 Oct

winnie231 - 2011-10-04 08:03:00

I do admit it Rae - even in the rain it is a fantastic spot but boy it can rain! It's wet back here in Christchurch today too but not with the same intense "sheets of water" effect that we had yesterday in Nelson.

greerg - 2011-10-04 10:13:00

I'm just back from a night out in Takaka ... miss 14 performed in a teen theatre production which was well worth the drive over the hill for. The play was based on the Heavenly Creatures story about Juliet Hulme & Pauline Parker ... they were 2 very disturbed girls!
Finally the rain has stopped so I'm hoping to go kayaking tomorrow ...
Have a good day all xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-05 10:30:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-05 11:23:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-06 00:16:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-06 06:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-06 10:41:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-06 13:38:00

A big bump back from page 2!
How's everybody? I've had a great couple of days ... out for a big walk in the park yesterday & a full days kayaking today. All ready for the weekend now & alot of rugby watching :)
Have a good weekend all xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-07 20:00:00

u must be massivly fit now winnie, jealous ha a job interview next week ...fingers xed i just wanna be working again

motorbo - 2011-10-07 20:29:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-07 21:19:00

Good morning all,hav not been in of late so busy packing and cleaning.
I dug up some of my spring bulbs yesterdayto take with me.
Where we are moving to,it has a small vege garden,going to plant tomatoe plants,lettuces,and some herbs,have not done this before.
In the garen there is parsley,reburb,and a flax that I will dig out.
Is it too late to plant strawberry plants?
Motorbo hope you get that job hun,you so deserve it
Sumstyle how is your dad doing?Thinking of you and your sister.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-08 06:47:00

earthangel I think you'll still have time to do strawberry plants - that's the good thing about the South Island being a bit behind the times!

Dad is muddling along, but making regular comments about things being stolen from his room and insisting it is staff doing it. My sister is so good about visiting and getting his thinking back on track.

Back to you - the garden will be a great thing to nuture, so satsifying :-)

sumstyle - 2011-10-08 08:49:00

hope there wasnt too much damage exciting for you EA to finally move somewhere nice the garden its so son is a keen gardener....nothing bets produce from your own garden

motorbo - 2011-10-08 09:19:00

Everyone in ChCh OK? That was a really long loud rumble.

greerg - 2011-10-09 21:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-09 21:22:00
greerg wrote:

Everyone in ChCh OK? That was a really long loud rumble.

Coffee spilt all over the carpet - but that was the only casualty. Definitely thought it was winding up for something even more spectacular - so loud.

sumstyle - 2011-10-09 22:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-10 09:39:00
cookessentials wrote:

5. something apparently. I am concerned for Julie and also charlie and some of the other girls from ChCH...let us know that you are all ok.

Amen thinking of you all xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-10-10 09:53:00

Hi there from Christchurch, I'm sorry everybody ... I haven't posted for ages, but have been looking in occasionally. I have had such a lot on my plate of late. All fine here, albeit - very, very shaken. I got one heck of a fright, and it did go on for (what seemed) like a long time. I don't feel like my nerves have gone back to normal yet. How's everybody else ? :-) ps- had a cat glued to my lap for the rest of the night !

2halls - 2011-10-10 15:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-10 15:48:00

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grannymum - 2011-10-10 15:52:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-10 16:17:00

i do feel for you all down there, and dont think i would cope well, hope your nerves recover swiftly

2halls wrote:

Hi there from Christchurch, I'm sorry everybody ... I haven't posted for ages, but have been looking in occasionally. I have had such a lot on my plate of late. All fine here, albeit - very, very shaken. I got one heck of a fright, and it did go on for (what seemed) like a long time. I don't feel like my nerves have gone back to normal yet. How's everybody else ? :-) ps- had a cat glued to my lap for the rest of the night !

motorbo - 2011-10-10 16:54:00
2halls wrote:

Hi there from Christchurch, I'm sorry everybody ... I haven't posted for ages, but have been looking in occasionally. I have had such a lot on my plate of late. All fine here, albeit - very, very shaken. I got one heck of a fright, and it did go on for (what seemed) like a long time. I don't feel like my nerves have gone back to normal yet. How's everybody else ? :-) ps- had a cat glued to my lap for the rest of the night !

2halls! How good to hear from you. I struggled up your hill last week in the rain, hard work. My dog wasn't happy with the EQ last night (thus the spilt coffee on the carpet) but the cat was remarkably calm.

sumstyle - 2011-10-10 22:34:00

It was a nasty shake. Georgie woke up so I knew it was over 5. No further damage I can see.

Have been busy getiing the house ready for the packers at the end of the month when I have to move out for 3-4 weeks. I am panicking I won't get it done.

I have a Christmas cake in the oven. Alsion Holst's easy mix rum and raisin. I accidently started it at 180c rather than 150c, but caught it after 20 mins - hope it is ok.

Ah well - back to the sorting...

calista - 2011-10-11 10:54:00
calista wrote:

It was a nasty shake. Georgie woke up so I knew it was over 5. No further damage I can see.

Have been busy getiing the house ready for the packers at the end of the month when I have to move out for 3-4 weeks. I am panicking I won't get it done.

I have a Christmas cake in the oven. Alsion Holst's easy mix rum and raisin. I accidently started it at 180c rather than 150c, but caught it after 20 mins - hope it is ok.

Ah well - back to the sorting...

Thinking of you at this time,you look after your health.

earthangel4 - 2011-10-11 11:45:00

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elliehen - 2011-10-11 11:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-11 12:45:00
elliehen wrote:

Just heard a shining cuckoo in my garden!

There's one here too Ellie ... I love listening to them :)
Glad everyone in Chch is ok (charlieb is fine) - can't say I'm missing the rocking & rolling!

winnie231 - 2011-10-11 15:18:00

Good Morning all,up early this morning.
Motorbo,how did you get on with job interview,hope all went well for you?.
Not sure what today brings,but I still have much to do.Only 9 more sleeps before we move,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-10-12 07:04:00

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cookessentials - 2011-10-12 07:10:00

hi EA, thanks for thinking of me...esp when you have so much on your mind, interview is tomorrow, funny i applied thinking if i get it its a job, now i look at it more and i really want well as need it, being unemployed is too much for me...i will admit alot of my self worth comes from being employed.....anyways back to exciting a new home and i hope no more damp times for you HUGS....oh fabulous Cookes...i was planning on my first overseas trip in 20 odd years then losing my job i cant spend the money..oh well i got the passport ha ha,,be like the last one i got, it will gather dust. have a good day all even if its bleak out your window too

motorbo - 2011-10-12 10:16:00

Hi all,
I've got miss 14 coming today for a few days holiday with me ... can't wait to get her out kayaking with me although she reckons I'm very brave to want to share a kayak with her lol!
EA - hope your move goes well & Pam - have a fabulous holiday. What a great place to celebrate your birthday :)
Happy day everyone xx

winnie231 - 2011-10-12 10:18:00
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