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T'is very quiet - must have something to do with the weather maybe or the time of year or whatever - where has everyone gone!!

rema - 2011-08-12 08:35:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-12 20:41:00

Sorry Winnie - had an important medical assessment and my support person couldn't come at the last minute - been in PANIC mode finding a replacement. Now part one (of 3) is over I'm just exhausted. I want a massage.

calista - 2011-08-12 21:37:00

I am around... just... This week training has left me more shattered than usual as its easier to do things yourself than show someone, and our system takes a while to get your head around to start with... but its all good and yestererday I saw a glimmer of hope.... phew.. about time.

Been keeping up my training but in saying that I am not going this morning, I have had a searing pain.... in what would be my appendix if it were the other side lol... Thursday night was bad and now its easing... If it doesn't go away I guess I will have to see the doctors.... could be a ladies thing, or maybe even a kidney thing.. not too sure.. just know it hurt !

Chilling this weekend the housewife kind of way, masses of washing and we have people coming for dinner so need to make the place look respectable.... Netball with Miss 17..... thats Saturday taken care of and then chiiling on Sunday... DH has a car run... not sure if I am going yet... may compromise and have a wander around a farmers market that is close by first.... then just join them for lunch.... mmm that sounds like the idea.

So not much going on in my life either... has been very quite on the thread... maybe its missing Pam.

Have a fab weekend all JBx

toadfish - 2011-08-13 06:37:00

Morning all,
nice to find some others are still around :)
Wish you had better news though - Calista - hope you get that massage & things are sorted ok!
JB - we have told you before - you are not superwoman ... even though you're pretty super! Take care of you & make sure you schedule in some chillaxing time this weekend!

As for me, another assignment & another exam done & passed :) Two weeks to go ....
My house/dog sitting job comes to an end today so I'm moving in to Mum's until I finish then it's off to Nelson.
I'm excited, sad, and very tired all at the same time.
Insomnia has struck me hard but I do have alot on my mind at the moment so I guess it's understandable. Frustrating lying awake in the middle of the night when you know you need the sleep!
Hope everyone else is doing ok ... have a great weekend all xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-13 10:14:00

Husband's 60th birthday today so a pretty full on day with family. I'm sure your insomnia will vanish once you're established in a nice little house by the sea at Marahou or somewhere similar, listening to the waves at night, Winnie. Did you see the article in the Press on Thursday? It seems the tourist industry is set for major expansion with over half od 300 firms planning to increase staff numbers in the next three years (except in poor old Canterbury). Sounds like a good time to be graduating from your course. WIll have to tear husband away from his new i-phone and Kindle soon if we're going to be in town for dinner at 7.00pm - he's all techologied up and may never speak again.. Like a twit I asked the restaurant on Worcester Street about parking and he said very politely "the one thing we're not having trouble with here is parking Madam". I guess I'll get used to the lack of city sometime! Have a pleasant evening everyone.

greerg - 2011-08-13 17:36:00

Funny greerg! Hope it is a nice meal (Cooking with Gas maybe?)

sumstyle - 2011-08-13 18:21:00

Morning all,
greerg - the picture you paint of my new life in Nelson certainly sounds wonderful! Now I just need to make it happen (listening to Pam & the secret) ...
I hope you had a lovely birthday dinner. Where did you go? Glad to hear the i-phone was well recieved lol. Your turn next!!
Wintery wave to sumstyle & anyone else in line with the polar blast! Hope you all have plenty of soup & trashy novels ready.
Happy Sunday all xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-14 09:12:00

I took the dog out for a walk and got emergency supplies...of chocolate. The fire is going and in case of power cuts I have individual pies that can be wrapped in tinfoil and reheated in the fire's embers. Plenty of books at the ready, plus wine (a real indulgence for me), and to top it off, our bosses said don't come to work if it has snowed!

sumstyle - 2011-08-14 18:00:00

Sumstyle has it sussed!

lennyb1 - 2011-08-14 19:26:00

I hate snow - but I could learn to love it cos I got a heap of books out of the library, more tea bags, milk and the makings for a simple red lentil and tomato soup that is quick to make. Oh, and a cuddly Georgie to keep me warm.

I was going to make a carrot cake too, but forgot the carrots.

calista - 2011-08-14 21:29:00

-7 in Christchurch this morning,my heart and soul are with you all.
I have been trying to txt my son,but it is still too early,sure hope they are all ok and nice and warm.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-15 06:57:00

Thanks earthangel. Wish I was the type who could stay in bed and sleep in, but I'm not. Boss drove in to work before 7 and said it was "blizzard" conditions (he's from Gisborne) so work is cancelled as expected. So far the snow isn't as thick as last time, but I think I will make more effort to shovel the driveway early on, so that it isn't such a mission once the cold front passes.

sumstyle - 2011-08-15 07:50:00

Good morning,
what a white out!!! We stocked up on everything from food to books so we'll be fine here. No chocolate or wine though .... probably just as well!
Sir Winston is most disgusted with the snow ... he had to use his litter box which he considers rather uncouth these days!
Keep smiling all - and keep warm :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-15 08:02:00

Poor Winston - my Burmese would like to use a litter box all winter so he enjoys the snow which is the only time he gets one. It was Cookin' with Gas Sumstyle and we had a lovely meal. Both boys want me to write to Cuisine and see if I can get their chicken parfait recipe. Work is cancelled for me too and I must admit that I'm sitting up in bed looking out the glass doors to a perfectly white lawn feeling very comfortable with the trashy novels and my second coffee of the morning. I will have to get up and produce some baking and a cassserole at some stage because I expect the boys and friends will turn up and some stage wet and starving. One had the foresight to borrow chains for his 4WD on Friday so he would be ready to go and play in the snow when it happened.

greerg - 2011-08-15 08:54:00

Yes very cold in ch ch,I hear,just heard from my dd,he is at work,glad he made it there ok,sure hope he gets home tonight,hopefully it is all melted by then,and sure hope he is careful.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-15 09:00:00

Oh my goodness, -7.. that sure is low! - and this icy blast, as it's being called in weather reports, sure has brought some snowfall in unusual places.. Miss 21 in Hamilton walked in the snow with friends there this afternoon.. she said she can't remember being in this level of cold ever before.

Keep warm wherever you all are.. and Sumstyle.. you have some style yeah I now, corny! - I just like your style.. when buying emergency rations, include chocolate!

juliewn - 2011-08-15 20:00:00

Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all coping with the big freeze & haven't run out of chocolate yet!
Things are about to get very messy around Chch. No more snow over night & it's raining this morning which equals mucky slush :/ Classes are cancelled for me for another day so atleast I don't have to go out in it.
Stay warm, be careful out there & have a good day.

winnie231 - 2011-08-17 07:35:00

Yes just heard you have rain over there winnie,keep warm hun,and everyone else in chch,I really feel for you all,and sending you angel hugs xxxooo
My ds has gone to work,and has done all week,it really worries me,him driving in the snow and all,but he txts me everyday.
Waving to julie,and everyone else,hope you are all well.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-17 07:41:00

You're lucky Winnie - our campus is open so I'm just off to brave the ice. Not a comfortable feeling on my dodgy knees - there's nothing like a really undignified fall in front of lots of students for the ego!! Did that last winter and even though they were very helpful I did feel very foolish. We had an email to tell us to wear lots of clothes as the heating has been off so I'm really glad that our rickety old building has electric heating and isn't connected to the main boiler system. For once we'll be warmer than everyone else. Keep warm everyone.

greerg - 2011-08-17 08:44:00

We've been told to come to work in mufti - thank goodness (not that I'm the type to totter in on high heels!) and now received another text from the boss to say the carpark is complete mush so wear waterproof shoes...did you hear that Christchurch sold out of gumboots this weekend?!

Thankfully it's always warm in our office, to the point I think I'm starting menopause cos of hot flushes! Better than my last office building that got down to -2 one winter -- kissed that job goodbye with glee :-)

sumstyle - 2011-08-17 09:00:00

2halls - hope you've been ok up on the hill?

sumstyle - 2011-08-17 09:00:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-17 11:32:00
cookessentials wrote:

Well, for those of you with access to my facebook page, I have uploaded a short video on our snowy front yard. Much of it has melted today apart from patches on the lawn and still a bit on the roof. The forecast blizzard did not eventuate here last night. We flew in on Sunday afternoon from Auckland and we got over the hill before the snow started which was good,otherwise it would have been a long trip around to get home. I'm loving the the rain any day and as they say "snow showers bring Spring flowers" I have that on my blackboard outside the shop today.
Had a wonderful time away,albeit busy but saw alot of new things and some great ideas. managed to buy a heap of new aprons and tea towels that went into my luggage as well as chestnut cutters, crepe spatulas and chef's buttons. KitchenAid have a new hand held electric beater which will be available in October and they have bought out the pink blender to match the stand mixer..this helps raise funds for breast cancer awareness. Shop reasonably busy while we were away as we have $100 off the stand mixers for August and have sold three so far with another going on layby with a lovely lady off Trademe. We had four days at the Mornington Peninsula after the show. We hired a car and drove down there ( which is only an hour) it certainly is a lovely spot and we saw lots of great things, including all the brightly coloured beach huts. Went inland and did Tyabb which has the largest antique store under one roof in Australia ( boy, I wish I had a container and lots of spare cash!) Went through Red Hills which is a large wine growing area with lots of cellar doors, restaurants and cafe's and general stores. Ended up at "Ten Minutes By Tractor" which is a vineyard and restaurant...bought a nice bottle of pinot gris which I took back in my luggage ( it didn't break!) had that while we stayed overnight with my parents before flying home. Went to Sorrento and Portsea ( ridiculously expensive...two coffees a piece of passionfruit sponge and a vanila slice was AUD$26.90!) now I know why every second car in Sorrento was either the latest Mercedes, Range Rover or Audi!! ...would take a packed lunch next time. Loved Flinders, it was very pretty and I would love to spend a couple of nights there to get a better look at everything.
Of course, South Melbourne Market is our market of choice and we hd breakfast there on the days they were open...usually Turkish bread, toasted with ricotta and sour cherries which sounds odd but is delicious. Lots of fresh fruit including strawberries and great coffee...althugh, be aware that most coffee places in Australia serve single shot which when it's in a flat white, makes it very I ordered double shots. Got all the way out to Point Nepean which was used as a quarrantine staion in the 1850's to quarrantine animals ( and some humans) that were bought over by families settling in Australia. On one ship, some 340 of the 800 passengers contracted typhus and family had four of their children and the mother die withing two months of each other, it must have been a very bleak and lonely place back then. They are all buried at the point. So, now, it's back to the real world and getting stock ordered and paying accounts. Not away again until October when we shoot off to Noosa for a few days. It certainly seems to have been very quiet in here. Hope you are all well and have got rid of the bugs and things that were bothering some of you before I left. How's Charlotte Earthangel? hope she has lots of eggs in her LOL.

Hi there,loved reading up about your trip away,so wished I could go,but have never been out of nz,oneday soon would be nice,lol.
We have been staying in a motel,while they fix up our home,with new fire,carpets,stove and bats in ceiling and walls,now we are home,and I am feeling wonderful,full of energy and all.
It is so good that you a

earthangel4 - 2011-08-17 12:02:00

oops the phone rang,and I pressed send,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-08-17 12:03:00

Welcome back Pam,
glad you had such a fab trip to Oz. Look forward to seeing all the new products on your shop's fb page :)

Woohoo ... I'm dancing! I've had 4 expressions of interest in me regarding work in Marahau this summer!!!
Think positive ... think positive!!! And the wee cabin I want is still available ... at this stage ... so I'm picturing myself living there. I need everyone else picturing me living there and working in Marahau too please. The more positive vibes directed towards my wishes for this next chapter in my life the better!
Watch this space .....

winnie231 - 2011-08-17 16:43:00

Am going stir crazy and I've mislaid my library book.

Finally finished the lentil and tomato soup (which has the advantage of being a 'storecupboard' soup) now making a chickpea one in the c/p

calista - 2011-08-17 16:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-17 17:47:00

Nice one! Thanks ellie :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-17 18:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-17 20:45:00

Morning all,
back to school for me today ... and straight into an assessment involving role plays about conflict management. Oh joy!

Pam, I'm leaving Chch about the 30th of Aug & will arrange for interviews in Marahau later that week. Here's 'MY' cabin ...

Hope everyone is warm & well ... take care xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-18 06:44:00

Oh - and calista, I hope you've found your library book!

winnie231 - 2011-08-18 06:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-18 07:21:00

Good Morning friends,
A lovely frosty morning here,will be a beautiful day.
Winnie,not long to go hun,and like Pam has said your name is all over it.
You will love Nelson,a good move.
Calista hope you have found your book.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-18 09:08:00

Thanks Pam & EA. I'm really looking forward to it :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-18 19:38:00

Wow Winnie that's fantastic. It's so nice to hear about good things happening to people and Marahau really lovely. I imagine you'll be super busy over summer in a tourism job there.

greerg - 2011-08-18 21:46:00

Hi everyone,
But it's a good Firday ... & I have another good one coming. I've just been rung by one of the companies interested in me & I have an interview with them on Friday 2nd Sept in Marahau. Woohoo!!!!!

I'll look forward to a visit greerg when you're up in the region!

winnie231 - 2011-08-19 12:59:00
winnie231 wrote:

Hi everyone,
But it's a good Firday ... & I have another good one coming. I've just been rung by one of the companies interested in me & I have an interview with them on Friday 2nd Sept in Marahau. Woohoo!!!!!

I'll look forward to a visit greerg when you're up in the region!

very good news Winnie,you are going to do well,and keep looking forward not backwards.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-20 08:58:00
greerg wrote:

Wow Winnie that's fantastic. It's so nice to hear about good things happening to people and Marahau really lovely. I imagine you'll be super busy over summer in a tourism job there.

yes,nice to hear good news,summer is coming,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-08-20 08:59:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-20 09:06:00
earthangel4 wrote:

very good news Winnie,you are going to do well,and keep looking forward not backwards.

Thanks EA ... I really appreciate your comments on this having seen the accuracy of your insight with another member of the circle here :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-20 12:15:00

Pam - I hope you still have an enjoyable weekend.
The sun is shining here in Chch today & it feels sooo good! We have opened all the windows to give the house a good airing & the washing machine has been busy all morning.
I'm down at the library now printing out everything I can find about the Abel Tasman to get my knowledge up-to-date. I'll need it to do a good job & I figure it'll improve my chances to get a supervisors position :)
Happy Saturday all xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-20 12:20:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-20 13:47:00

You would be most welcome to come for a visit Pam :)
I used to head out to Totaranui every chance I got when I lived in Golden Bay but haven't done the whole track in years & aren't up-to-date on the times/distances between huts, kayaking times & so on ... hence the research.

winnie231 - 2011-08-20 15:14:00

Big clean up here today thanks to Sandra who advertised as looking for work on the Earthquake help thread (she's brilliant!) and I found a couple of missing books - which was a bit weird because I thought I only had one, but the callphone is still awol. I remembered texting a message to Fletchers, then marching straight to the fridge to attach the card I had taken the number from. I was so focussed on not losing the card I switched off the phone and put it down somewhere.

Has anyone else been to the Dunkley's craft show" Ends Sunday in ChCh? . I picked up a nice warm hat and everyone was really friendly, but they didn't have quite the usual variety of stalls.

calista - 2011-08-20 21:01:00

Hey Winnie congrats on the interview,

The Department of Conservation may have some helpful info on the Park too. I don't know where they are at present, but a phone call should find them.

calista - 2011-08-20 21:07:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-20 21:32:00

Hi Calista. Glad the books have turned up! Hope the phone reappears soon ...
I went to Sth Library today & printed off the DOC brochure on the Abel Tasman Coastal Track so I now have lots of reading to do.

winnie231 - 2011-08-20 21:38:00

Great place to stay in Akaroa cooks...

Akaroa Bed and Breakfast Accommodation.

jbsouthland - 2011-08-21 12:12:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Great place to stay in Akaroa cooks...

Akaroa Bed and Breakfast Accommodation.

hello jb good to see you,does anyone know where charile and allie are?
I miss them posting.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-21 13:16:00
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