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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Mum's got the '76 one too - but she won't give it up! I'll inherit it one day ... but I'd rather not wait that long!!!

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 22:05:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-08-01 22:08:00

Hi Calista.. thinking of you and sending hugs..

Ohh Charlie.. great that you've had the check now.. hope it's helping with a way forward for your home..

Hello Rae.. a real Kiwi Bach kind-of place.. special and rare these days.. I love the way I can mix a myriad of eclectic styles.. hope it waits for you..

Hi Earthangel - hope your tests have gone well today..
Take care Everyone..

juliewn - 2011-08-01 23:45:00

Morning all,
another chilly start here.
Yes it is Juliewn & although I would look for a 'real' house eventually, a summer season in rural bliss like that is just what I need to sooth my soul after a rather challenging year in Chch.

Calista - hope it goes well for you this week. Have you got someone who could come round & give you a bit of moral support while Fletchers & EQC are there?

Have a nice day all ...

winnie231 - 2011-08-02 06:57:00

Calista, having someone (my uncle) at home when EQC came in December made a real difference for me, so winnie's idea could be a good one for you? It must be incredibly frustrating to feel you are not coping when you are coming up to 2 important situations in this whole sorry mess. For me, I feel mentally tired at all the decisions I have to make alone, and I am already a bit of a procrastinator...

sumstyle - 2011-08-02 07:46:00
juliewn wrote:

Hi Calista.. thinking of you and sending hugs..

Ohh Charlie.. great that you've had the check now.. hope it's helping with a way forward for your home..

Hello Rae.. a real Kiwi Bach kind-of place.. special and rare these days.. I love the way I can mix a myriad of eclectic styles.. hope it waits for you..

Hi Earthangel - hope your tests have gone well today..
Take care Everyone..

Thank you Julie,yes it all went well,I don,t have cancer,and have to stay gluten and dairy free,but otherwise all is good,was so scared I had the dreaded c,so have been given a second chance,thank you for asking.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-02 09:20:00

Morning all, a lovely spring day here,have no energy to do much as still have cough,but will have to get up and do something soon as we have house inspection on thursday.
DP looked at a house by the beach last night,he sent an email saying we like the house,but we have a dog,is that a problem,have not heard back yet,so it is a wait and see game.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-02 09:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-02 15:37:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-02 23:46:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-02 23:50:00

Have a fab time Pam....
Think you have made a wise decision Winnie... although looking at where you want to move to made me chuckle....isn't it funny how one persons dream can be another persons nightmare, guess I am a city girl... and even though I dream about going "rural" I am still ltalking 10 mins to the local shopping centre.... lol... not that I am a shopper.
These busy few weeks have been financially good.... haven't had time to spend a thing lol.
You wouldn't read about it but my new lady starts Monday and my other lady..... has been off sick.... I have been 1 person doing 3 peoples... mmm although its been a slow week and everyone has been amazing and are helping out and I have been incredibly calm... which actually makes you quicker I think. Makes me look forward to my break all the more..... (And my bosses are now sure I have a "s" for superwoman under my shirt)
Anyhoo I must be off.. Miss 18 has an early start and I get to have brekkie with her before she goes....

toadfish - 2011-08-03 05:41:00

o toadfish, you are a dedicated mum - so early to be up!

sumstyle - 2011-08-03 07:56:00

Good Morning all,a beautiful day here today,we went for a walk along the beach yesterday,with our little doggy,such a lovely evening.
I have a rolled roast beef in the slow cooker right now,so a lovely roast for dinner tonight,and cold meat tomorrow night,so have 2 days planed.
We missed out on the house dp looked at,owner said it is not suitable for dogs,so will keep looking,something will turn up before the winter,next year.
Pam have a wonderful time away,I am sure you will.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-03 09:46:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-03 13:14:00

Ooo Ellie -sounds wonderful.

I rang Fletchers again and got hold of a liaison person who was wonderful and sorted EQC for me. Now Fletchers only are coming on Friday. I did organise someone to be with me for today's assessment that didn't happen, so he mowed the lawns instead (his usual fortnightly job) and we went out for some sinful carrot cake.

I think it was the bossiness of the guy who contacted me from EQC and them ignoring (yet again) what I was saying that was most upsetting. Just because I have difficulty hearing doesn't mean he can treat me like that.

calista - 2011-08-03 19:00:00

Exactly, there is no need to be treated like that. Good on Fletchers and their liason staff.

sumstyle - 2011-08-03 19:02:00

Calista - so happy to read your news :) I hope Friday goes well for you!

Ellie - that's a pretty accurate summary of your area :) Can't wait to move!

Toady - I'm happy if it's not everyone's cup of tea ... less to share it with ;)

winnie231 - 2011-08-03 19:14:00

Its not that it doesn't look beautiful... but for me it would be somewhere to visit as opposed to live...
Good luck Callista.... if you ever need someone to be assertive on the phone... send me an email, tell me what you need. and I'll fight in your corner for you.... Its the event manager in me coming out. My M&D always say they are grateful to have me on their side when health events come up....
Well we are back to 2.... with my lovely number 3 dropping her contract back yesterday... phew, can't wait for Monday when things change.... And my "new" role begins.... Once the training is over I am going to have some serious time off.....Miss 18 has Thursdays off Uni... so I though maybe a few weeks of Thurs/Fridays off.... Then I have holidays booked in October..... yipppppeeee Light at the end of the tunnel,

Have a great day all. JB

PS I MISS ALI !!!!!!! COME BACK ALI !!!!!!!
Don't let a difference of opinions keep you away... I always look forward to your posts... yours too Charlie......

toadfish - 2011-08-04 06:48:00

Morning all,
toady - you'll be most welcome to visit me! ;) As will the rest of my TMC family ..... that's if the place stays available until the end of the month when I move.
Otherwise I'll simply find another slice of paradise for me :) But 1st I have a diploma to finish & assignments to do ... better get moving!
Have a good one everyone xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-04 07:16:00

well done Winnie, where to once the diploma is done

motorbo - 2011-08-04 14:02:00
winnie231 wrote:

- a week ago I still didn't know but after last week with miss 14 the answer to that is now yes :) I have decided to move to Nelson.
No idea where I'm going to live or what I'm going to do yet .... but I'm up for the adventure!
Missy will be 1.5hrs away so I'll get to see her alot more which I'm really looking forward to. I'm also a bit sad to be leaving Chch but I won't miss the shaking!

This is my news motorbo :)
And this is where I'd like to live -

winnie231 - 2011-08-04 16:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-04 16:22:00

Had the same thought ellie ... and I've got a gas burner I could set up on the deck to use with my wok :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-04 17:14:00

i do like quirky wee places too.....well done my girl, am so pleased for day next year im going to visit nelson so will have to catch up HUGS

winnie231 wrote:

This is my news motorbo :)
And this is where I'd like to live -[/q

motorbo - 2011-08-04 17:59:00

Morning all,
It's Friday - hooray!!! Hope it's a good one for you xx

winnie231 - 2011-08-05 06:54:00

Tea is in the crockpot and I'm taking a break from trying to ensure underfloor access for Fletchers this morning. I swear if I am ever reincarnated it will be as a tidy person.


Hope it's good for you too Winnie,

calista - 2011-08-05 07:12:00

Calista, hope it went well for you yesterday and it wasn't too tiring. I couldn't find my underfloor access for the December inspection, but I know where it is now, so I reckon I'm all set...for whenever EQC decide to come back!

Nice mild morning in Chc - time to take the dog for a walk, and call in at either Metro cafe in Ferrymead or the Castle Rock cafe, then the garden shop is the next stop for some sheep pellets. <- starting my planning for the next crop of tomatoes.

sumstyle - 2011-08-06 08:51:00

sending angels hugs to all those in chch,it sure is a long hard road for you all,glad it is a mild day for you all.
It is raining here,but it is not cold,and all is good,as the lawns and gardens are done,and all looking nice.
Have a wonderful weekend all.

earthangel4 - 2011-08-06 10:38:00

Hi to everyone.. hope your days are going well.. cold here.. about to preserve 20kgs of Granny Smith apples from a local orchard.. will preserve some juice too. Will get another 10kg bag to make our favourite apple chutney in the next few days.. as usual some of the preserves will be off to Melbourne and to Hamilton.

Enjoy your weekends..

juliewn - 2011-08-06 16:07:00

sumstyle, I hang out at the Metro cafe. It is one of the places that has helped me get through the quakes and the staff are so friendly.

OOpps . running late =will post properly this arvo

calista - 2011-08-07 07:46:00

What a cold, grey day in Chch today. I feel tired & totally unmotivated to do anything! Thank goodness for sky tv :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-07 11:43:00
winnie231 wrote:

What a cold, grey day in Chch today. I feel tired & totally unmotivated to do anything! Thank goodness for sky tv :)

Yes same here Winnie,lucky I have work this afternoon,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-08-07 11:52:00
calista wrote:

sumstyle, I hang out at the Metro cafe. It is one of the places that has helped me get through the quakes and the staff are so friendly.

OOpps . running late =will post properly this arvo

I agree the staff are amazing - not too in-my-face with their cheerfulness, just a nice balance of friendliness.

sumstyle - 2011-08-07 12:54:00

Me back again.
Totally agree about Metro cafe staff not being over the top, sumstyle. One of the women suggested I ask for steamed milk with coffee in a jug on the side which allows me to have as little as I want.

Fletchers on friday were wonderful, but I didn't realise the extent of the cracks. Having said that they were all superficial, so that's a relief. The builder who is managing the repairs is coming back on Tues with a specialist roofer and a plasterer/painter to quote on the job. I will have to move out for 3 weeks while the work is done and stay in a motel. Georgy Porgy will have to go into a cattery, which she will be less than pleased about. Initially I was a bit overwhelmed by it all, but I am strategizing the sequence of events and, although it's daunting in the short term, I think it will be mangeable (and I will get a new paint job in every room of my house except the toilet).

calista - 2011-08-07 16:20:00

Hi calista,
so pleased your home assessment ended up being a positive experience for you!
I really want to meet my Chch cyber-friends again/for the 1st time before I leave Chch at the end of the month & you and sumstyle are important on that wishlist so I'm happy to make it the Metro if necessary.
I know sumstyle has also checked out a cafe I love which is a little closer to town called Castle Rock Cafe. They are in Heathcote - 21 Mary Muller Drive.
Hope we can get together!
As for fat & furry - when you're getting the work done, check out ...

winnie231 - 2011-08-07 16:48:00

Following my last post - it's time to say - byebye Christchurch from winnie ...
To the friends I have met ... and those I haven't yet (like charlieb, calista & sumstyle ...), I would love to have a get-together before I head off into the wide, wild, unknown of Nelson.
My suggestion would be The Castle Rock Cafe but I'm open to suggestions ... date-wise I'm a little more fixed .... it would need to be Sat 26th or Sun 27th of this month ie. August. My preference is the Sunday.
Please get back to me asap on this ...

winnie231 - 2011-08-07 16:55:00

Yep I'm keen :-) and not worried about where we go either.

sumstyle - 2011-08-07 17:57:00
sumstyle wrote:

Yep I'm keen :-) and not worried about where we go either.

Will wait to hear from others .....

winnie231 - 2011-08-07 18:01:00

I'd love to Winnie but we will be in Nelson. Perhaps we could catch up in October when I'll be up there again. Maybe even with that nice young dentist?

greerg - 2011-08-07 19:54:00

It's a date greerg!

winnie231 - 2011-08-07 19:57:00

I think I'll be around then Winnie. And it has the advantage of being on my bus route, however if you decide on anywhere else buses go almost anywhere. On Sunday an afternoon is better than morning for me.

calista - 2011-08-07 23:00:00

Right - let's make it official .... we'll meet at Cafe Metro in Ferrymead on Sun 27th August at 2.30pm. I haven't been there but 2 recommendations are good enough for me :)
Really looking forward to this one last get together ... don't leave me sitting there alone people! I'll be the one with the short red hair for those of you who don't know what I look like ;)

winnie231 - 2011-08-08 17:11:00

You look like Annie Lennox, I look a little like Alison Moyet...with hair....

sumstyle - 2011-08-08 18:10:00
sumstyle wrote:

You look like Annie Lennox, I look a little like Alison Moyet...with hair....

Lol - You mean your facebook pic isn't the real you?

winnie231 - 2011-08-08 18:21:00

Where is everyone? Out enjoying the lovely sunny day I hope ...

winnie231 - 2011-08-09 15:15:00

Halllooooo ....

winnie231 - 2011-08-10 14:12:00

My poor brain is overworked. I've lost my cell phone, which I really need on Friday and the lovely possum and merino hat a friend in Oz knitted for me.

Honestly I feel like I need a keeper or something.

Winnie, the meeting at Metro sounds great. Please do remind me nearer the time - I'll also write it on the calendar. Somehow I need to keep on top of things.

calista - 2011-08-10 18:48:00
winnie231 wrote:

Lol - You mean your facebook pic isn't the real you?

stwangely enough, no - it isn't!

sumstyle - 2011-08-10 20:15:00
sumstyle wrote:

stwangely enough, no - it isn't!

Sheesh ... and you think you know someone!

winnie231 - 2011-08-10 20:33:00

Ok ...... so everyone else has been sucked up by a higher force and is at this moment enjoying bread & dips with the circle on a higher plain .....
and being a lowly student - I couldn't afford the ticket!
Otherwise ... where are you???????????????????????????-

winnie231 - 2011-08-11 19:41:00
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