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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 07:21:00

Thanks for the tip Pam ... unfortunately I'm one of those random freaks of nature who doesn't really like chocolate!
However miss 13 makes up for me so I'll take her when she comes down Labour weekend.

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 07:54:00

any chance in ringing them they could be trying to decide whom to let the flat out to, and just a put a memory of you in the front of their minds? make it happen and all that secret stuff!!

auckland_ali - 2010-08-16 09:09:00

Thanks ak-ali but he did have atleast 40 people through & said that the successful applicant would know Sunday night.

I'm not remotely worried about it - I've just got off the phone with a lovely English chap who has a place that's about 5min walk from my school & it's just had a total refurbish ... including all new bathroom & heatpump!
Off to see it at lunchtime :) ... and another one about 10 doors along, seeing as I'm in the neighbourhood.

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 09:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-16 09:26:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-16 09:26:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 09:35:00

Thanks charlieb ... I went to the Ric Racecourse one years ago ... must check it out as I'm sure it's changed a bit since I was there.

I hope Seagers Cafe is still worth going to ... only one way to find out! If we end up out that direction I'll report back what I thought of it.
Mr D is taking me to dinner & a movie on Wed night ... I don't think I went out this many times in the last 3 years!!! Probably had something to do with living 40km from anywhere lol!
Sure making up for it now :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 09:39:00
cookessentials wrote:

Oh dont worry Rae, there will be plenty of other things to tempt you!

On that - I'm sure!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 09:40:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-16 09:50:00
elliehen wrote:

An apt pet-name for Recipes! Sounds all herby and spicy ;)

He's definitely adding flavour to my world!!!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 09:57:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 10:17:00

I told him my nickname for him ... he laughed & said I'm good for his ego!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 10:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 10:29:00

You're right there Pam.
I don't know what the future holds ... but I'm determined to enjoy now!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 11:18:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 11:52:00

Hi everyone. Thanks to those of you who have been wondering where I am and what I'm up to. I'm still around, although I'm pretty silent nowadays. Early this year we had a German student living with us and everytime I turned around she was on the computer and I never got a chance to post anything anywhere. We had a fantastic time with her though and in the 10 weeks she was with us we managed to get her to go horseriding on the beach, do a bunjy jump in Taupo as well as see some of the amazing things that NZ has to offer. We even took her and the kids up the Bay of Islands via the Dargaville and the Waipoua Forest. We all did the hole in the rock trip and saw so many dolphins, penguins and even a pod of orca. Incredible place we live!
We then had a really busy time on the orchard - thinning the fruit, picking our first harvest, seeing it all going through the packhouse was so exciting. We only have 0.5 hectare of green kiwifruit but managed to get nearly 5000 trays out of it. Pretty good since the season was down in numbers everywhere due to the drought.
Since then we've had a Japanese boy move in with us. He was with a family that didn't treat him very well and the whole thing was pretty awful for him - or so we thought. Before the first two weeks were up Mr Maggie was ready to send him packing. Computer - 4am - google search things that only a nearly 17 yr old boy would be interested in... Not great to have around. When he was told off for this, he walked out and didn't tell us he was going, where he was going or anything. I thought he was happily in his room until Mr Maggie phoned me wondering where I had dropped the boy off in town. Amazing how many rules we've found that we have for children/young adults when we never really had any for our kids (aged nearly 13 and nearly 16)

maggieb2 - 2010-08-16 13:25:00

more blah blah blah: Once we had him settled in again (if it doens't make it with us, he has to go back to Japan at great shame to his parents) life has continued to be busy. He really has caused us a lot of stress and unhappiness that we've felt quite out of control about. Hopefully things will pick up now since he had a visit from his Japanese teacher last week and a meeting that was supposed to be 30 minutes long turned into nearly two hours. Somewhere along the line we've also both got full-time jobs, children to see to and all of that. Miss nearly 16 spent 11 nights in Singapore in May on a school exchange. Incredible experience and one that she will remember for all of her life as well as staying friends with many of the Singaporeans forever. Master nearly 13 has also kept us busy, not with sport but with talking - he's a real chatterbox - long may it last. Can't imagine him being a teenage boy grunter, but I'm sure it will happen. Miss nearly 16 and I took the Grinmiester (my mother) to Swan Lake on Ice a few weeks ago - we all loved it. If only I was 30 years younger and 30 (maybe more) kgs lighter!!! Work has been fantasticly busy - two new supermarkets opening in my territory in the next two months, food demos, food shows etc etc etc. It's great. I've also got to go and sort out a new car for myself - how time consuming is that when I really don't care what I drive!
That's enough from me for now. Obviously the terrible weather this past weekend was confined to my area - we haven't been able to put a toe outside all weekend with all the rain! Hope all is well with everyone else. I haven't forgetten any of you and hopefully things will settle down enough soon so that I can be around more, post more, catch up more and get to know the newbies as well as I know the oldies. Thanks for listening!

maggieb2 - 2010-08-16 13:33:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 13:37:00

Hi Everyone.. just catching up on all the lovely things you've all been doing..

Mr Delish sounds lovely Rae.. and best wishes for your studies.. when do you start..

I agree about La Cigalle in Auckland - a must visit when there.. the almond croissants at the cafe there are yummmmmmmm!!!

A sunny day here after a lot of rain.. flooding in many places, mostly caused by rain in the headwaters of the rivers.. a time to stay inside with the fire lit..

Have a great week Everyone :-)

juliewn - 2010-08-16 13:56:00

****** I HAVE A NEW HOME ******

Whoop, whoop ... does a mad dance around the room!

Sorry - trying to contain myself but failing miserably :)

I am over-the-moon!!!!

The landlord is just amazing. He's a hard case pom & was ready to go with his gut instinct on me as I was on him!
He says "just name whatever furniture you need & I'll organise it" so I'm sorted for washing mach, fridge & freezer, bed, sofa, chairs ....!
Saves me big $$ shipping mine down from Golden Bay.

The secret works!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 15:29:00

So thrilled for you Rae, have been reading your posts, what with a Mr Delish and now a new home - wishing you all the very best

rema - 2010-08-16 15:47:00

Thanks very much rema.
The last couple of years have been really tough ...
and now life is so good :)
I feel very fortunate ... just goes to show what a little positive thinking can do!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 16:01:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-16 16:05:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-16 16:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-16 16:15:00

RAE, great news about your new abode. Lovely to read all your news Maggie.

510 - 2010-08-16 16:51:00

lol charlieb ... not quite neighbours - but the same side of town!
My new abode is on a 'saucy' street ... you know - 'W........' and only 650m from my school!
I've just been back over there to pay a deposit & the l-lord gave me a hug when I left ... not a dodgy one either - it's just like we're old mates already. And he had 'grand-pops' there painting the lounge - a really sweet old english gentleman.
I'll be well looked after.

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 17:42:00

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fisher - 2010-08-16 17:59:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-16 18:12:00
charlieb2 wrote:

"Mr Delish and Winnie of 'saucy' street" ...tune in for the next episode!!!

Love it! It'll knock "Sex and the City" clear into space!! lol

Love it charlieb!!!

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 18:16:00

fisher - small kitchen but brand new bench tops & cupboards.
Definitely workable!
As for the herbs - it's got 2 fire escapes & a small flat roof (2x2) outside 3 windows so plenty of space for a container garden.
Nice spot for rosemary down by my frontdoor too.

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 18:19:00

well done winnie is that the one with a brand new heat pump in it as well? gosh and a lovely posting from maggieb, sounds like you have really been challenged with your overseas student, bloody hard to be hard ball when they are not your kids, you cant beat them black and blue like I do mine :) !! grins!! - daughter has a job and starts tomorrow, yeah boys at school and uni so back to having the house to myself a bit more, I find I head out when its not mine cant stand the mess being made constantly!! scotch fillet steak for tea here so will start to make it now!!

auckland_ali - 2010-08-16 19:04:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-16 19:29:00

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fisher - 2010-08-16 19:54:00

That won't happen any time soon ellie ... I don't write anything here that I'm not comfortable having out in the public arena.

We can read about so many sad/bad/negative things happening in the world ... I'm happy to share a little sunshine around for a change.

If someone's day is made brighter by sharing in my adventure vicariously ... then I'm the richer for it too :)

*edited to add ...

A re-read of what I wrote in posts #10, #29 & #32 on the first page of this thread confirms what I'm here for and why I'm happy to share my 'good tidings'.

Edited by winnie231 at 8:08 pm, Mon 16 Aug

winnie231 - 2010-08-16 19:56:00

Winnie, that's wonderful news!

kirinesha - 2010-08-16 20:35:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-16 22:21:00

That's fine ellie ....

I can assure you any adventures with 'Mr Delish' up 'saucy street' won't be featured here!

Some secrets need to stay in the ... ah ... kitchen!!!

winnie231 - 2010-08-17 06:40:00

Fantastic news Winnie... And great to hear from Maggieb, Maggieb and I have known each other.... probably 25 years and I have to catch up with what she is doing on a Recipe forum.... funny really. But life gets so busy for both of us and we might not see it other for ages and luckily we just pick up where things left off.... a special freind. Sorry to hear about your international student Maggieb.. I had heard that boys were worse.. i am sure you and Mr B have him in line... but so unsettling for you all. He is lucky to have such a fabulous place with great people to hang out.... is he a city boy?
(Maggieb lives in my dream home). The rural thing is in our future but the girls are doing stunningly at the local school so we won't shift till Miss 16 is settled into Uni.... which is about 3 years away..
Its nice to have something to save & plan for though... with every month that goes by we are better prepared for the move, have been looking at Ramarama.. and surrounds, just 5 mins from the Motorway.

I am typing this on the laptop as our limping computer finally gave up the ghost and was carted off by an ambulance yesterday, still waiting to hear if it is able to be resusitated (sp) or Euthanaised...
It is about 8 years old so am trying to stay optimistic, but am thinking realistic.

Work is going well, never thought i would settle in so well to full time work but think because it happened at the right stage of the girls life (15 & 17) the transition has been really smooth and we are all loving the changes that an extra wage brings....

So thats me in a nutshell.....

i am thoroughly enjoying your journey Winnie.... Life just gets better and better as the days go by. And charlie.... did you get your foot checked out... Woohoo for Miss Auckland_ali getting a job... good for her... although i am not surprised as they will be lucky to have her!

Waves to cooks, put a friend onto your website she was looking for metal loaf tins, for bread and hates to shop.. i said... "Have I got a site for you... so if a JW from the shore orders.... thats my friend.

Well thats me in a not so small nutshell.

Have a wonderful day all.


Treasure yesterday, Dream about tommorrow but Live for today.

(I have a metal tyre cover cover on my 4x4 and i am going to get that printed on it... imagine how many people will read it travelling around Auckland)

Edited by toadfish at 6:53 am, Tue 17 Aug

toadfish - 2010-08-17 06:51:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-17 07:11:00

Know who you mean and I am very happy to help out.... don't have my emails at the mo, but if you email me i can email you back (can get it off the server) with numbers... as real life talking may get us further....

toadfish - 2010-08-17 07:14:00

Good morning toady ... and everyone else.
I enjoy reading others news as well ... new jobs, kids growing up, computers crashing, holidays abroad ....
we could be clinical and stick strictly to discussing food & recipes but I find it lovely to get to know the people behind the postings.
If I just wanted a recipe, I can go google ... but I'd rather discuss and share and learn and make friends.

Toadfish - I like the saying!
It definitely sums up how I'm living my life now.
I'm sitting in bed wondering about work ...
I've found a lovely man, the right apartment ... now I just need a job.
And it's funny - I'm not remotely worried about it.
I just need to decide first what exactly I'd like to do, where, how many hours, etc ... then I'll go find it.

Have a great day one & all :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-17 07:27:00
cookessentials wrote:

Wacko and well done - see, I told you!
Now what arrives tomorrow will be timely as I knew it would be LOL.

Hi Pam ... now I understand what this comment meant!!!

Thank you very much for the housewarming gift :)
It is a lovely gesture from you & I will treasure my new toy!!!
I'll be using it alot too!

Amazing timing!!!

To the rest of you - Pam got me a copy of the Masterchef magazine while she was in Melbourne which I was expecting to arrive today. When the courier knocked on my door - I was puzzled as to why it would need such packaging ... but all was revealed as I opened my package to find not only the mag, but a lovely card & very sharp microplane.
Needless to say it got a bit teary around here for a moment!
It was an overwelming act of kindness from a friend I haven't met yet :)
Bless you Pam.

winnie231 - 2010-08-17 08:33:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-17 08:55:00

I am walking on air charlieb!
No gloomy Chch day can bring me down!!!

I sent Mr Delish a text late last night saying "I'm so happy I can't stop smiling. Life is good!!"
He promptly rang me sounding very blocked up & snuffly and thanked me for giving him my cold.
The fact he could have got it from any number of people didn't enter into it! I think he'd rather blame me so he can get some guilt induced tlc :)
Needless to say - I'm happy to oblige!

winnie231 - 2010-08-17 09:15:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-17 09:32:00
winnie231 wrote:

I can assure you any adventures with 'Mr Delish' up 'saucy street' won't be featured here!
Some secrets need to stay in the ... ah ... kitchen!!!

The mind boggles winnie - as there is the saucy kitchen table etc etc. ... :)

Great to see you are having fun and the transition went very well (thanks to the secret) - hope you can have a little container garden and keep going with your "wild fermentation"...

I am just about going to pick some more "Meyers" to ferment. Last years was a great success and I made many a lovely salsa out of them (with parsley, garlic etc) - with people having no idea what it was :)

Good luck with your new life - and hopefully Mr. D :)

uli - 2010-08-17 10:15:00

Toady!!! 25 years - I can't believe I'm that old... It would have to be all of that - way back in the air freight days - so many lifetimes ago.
Charlie - once our fruit leaves us, it goes to the coolstore, then gets sorted so that the reject fruit is taken out. Some of it was then packed into trays and sent off overseas where somebody is enjoying it as we speak. We also have some in temperature controlled storage, waiting until it is needed. It was a real thrill to see it being picked then put into bins, taken by tractor to the truck then by truck to the coolstore. Sort of like sending your first baby off into the world (well not really, but you know what I mean).
Toady, arrange a night and come and stay - even with our extra we still have plenty of room.
Congratulations to Winnie for your new home - how exciting! and to Ali for getting a job - yehaa!!! You'll be wanting to leave again soon as your beautiful home will need more attention!
Take care everyone and I'll try not to be such a stranger...

maggieb2 - 2010-08-17 13:42:00

Hmmmmm *looks thoughtful and wonders how Mr Delish got Ms Delishes cold???* hmmmmm.. lol..

Hi Everyone.. :-).. it is lovely to see all the posts and see all the lovely things happening for everyone..

Have the best afternoon.. :-)

juliewn - 2010-08-17 14:55:00
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