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Gluten Free Recipes


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herika - 2009-05-13 19:38:00

and up it goes

earthangel4 - 2009-05-15 14:00:00

x... x

jenna68 - 2009-05-20 07:04:00

bumping this awesome thread up for all

earthangel4 - 2009-05-22 15:56:00

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tazzat - 2009-05-23 17:15:00

Easy Fish Pie Peel and have potoatoes on to cook. Make white sauce using butter or margarine and flour of choice (I use cornflour or potato flour) and milk. About 1 - 1.5 cups sauce is more than enough. Open and drain a tin of smoked fish fillets or canned tuna (about 400g tin size if feeding a family). I usually run a knife through the fillets in the tin first, then I add them to the sauce. Mix well. Drain and mash potatoes with a little butter/marg and milk Not Too Wet. Put fish mixuture into casserole dish and top with mashed potato. Bake in oven until top is brown. Can also place casserole dish in a crockpot with enough water to come up the side of the dish 1cm or so. 4 -8 hours on low. Top doesn't brown in crockpot.

trevk - 2009-05-23 17:40:00

If wanting to freeze the pie I would make it in the tinfoil dishes you can buy at the supermarket unless your happy with your casserole dish going in the freezer.

trevk - 2009-05-23 17:42:00

oops sorry I also hard boil 3 eggs slice and add to the fish mixture. Also if you want an all in one meal you can add corn kernals and / or sliced mushrooms for extra nutruitian.

trevk - 2009-05-23 17:47:00

ah Trevk your fish pie sounds nice,something else for me to take to work,yumo.

earthangel4 - 2009-05-23 18:12:00

and another thread up it goes

earthangel4 - 2009-05-25 13:55:00

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tazzat - 2009-05-26 22:14:00

tazzat pleased you enjoyed it. Its a food both my boys love. You can also make it using fresh fish, but its more time consuming as you need to poach or steam the fish first. Its a great dish to have after sports in the weekend especially if you had cooked extra spuds the night before its really quick.

trevk - 2009-05-27 08:31:00

Here's another one Smoked fish chowder. Dice up 3-4 potatoes and an onion. Place in large pot or stockpot. Sprinkle over 2 tsp salt and add 3 cups water. I cheat here and use boiling water. Once come to the boil add contents of a drained tin of smoked fish fillets to the pot. In another pot or microwave dish if you prefer, 4 Tablespoons butter/marg, 4 Tablespoons flour (corn or potato) melt then add 1 tsp mustard, enough pepper to suit, a good solid blob of G/f worchestershire sauce and 2 cups milk. Cook til thick then add 1 cup grated cheese. Add this to the fish mixture stir through and enjoy. You can also add a tin of tomatoes (it does taste great although looks pink), corn kearnals, peas etc. Is able to be frozen also.

trevk - 2009-05-27 08:36:00

g/f recipes bumping

frances1266 - 2009-06-01 11:21:00

2halls may I have your rice recipe please,I thought I had written it down,but have hunted everywhere for it,this time will write it in my recipe book.
Sorry to do this to you,I dont need it till friday as thought I would have it for tea at work,many thanks to you

earthangel4 - 2009-06-02 12:09:00

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herika - 2009-06-02 13:26:00

New to Gluten Free Hi, I am in the middle of finding out our wheel for gluten free cooking and products. Hope to find some fantastic advise on recipes here.

ubbelino - 2009-06-04 13:00:00

Good Flour Recipe Hi there.
I am currently using the "Simple Baking Mix" as my flour but a, looking for a cheaper but just as good option - does anyone please have a good flour recipe - Please

madaboutmoos - 2009-06-04 13:22:00

g/f .....

frances1266 - 2009-06-08 09:01:00

g/f ....

frances1266 - 2009-06-12 10:30:00

gf... ...

snapphappy - 2009-06-15 19:45:00

g/f ....

frances1266 - 2009-06-18 16:33:00

g/f dont want to lose this thread

frances1266 - 2009-06-23 08:35:00

bumping up for the glutenfree

earthangel4 - 2009-06-25 09:25:00

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herika - 2009-06-25 16:30:00

herika - can you take your extreme views somewhere else! Everytime someone contributes to this thread you criticise and condemn the ingredients they use so kill the thread. What makes you think you are always right. You mention msg as not being okay for gluten intolerant people (maybe not for you but then you are not the majority) I have a list put out by Auckland Hospital which says it is fine! Carrying on like you do must be making life intolerable for gluten free people as they can't eat anything even if recommended by the professionals

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-25 18:58:00

bumping this thread up for holz22

earthangel4 - 2009-06-26 10:46:00

bumping up again for all gluten free people starting out

earthangel4 - 2009-06-26 13:32:00

Gluten Free Breadmaker Bread (almost like the ordinary commercial type!) Make up the bread mix first. 4 cups white rice flour, 1 ½ cups potato flour 2/3rd cup tapioca flour(Recipe says it makes 4 loaves but they are small so 1½ times this recipe for for one loaf) 2 cups gluten free mix 2 tbsp sugar 2 tsp xanthan gum 1 tsp salt 1 ½ tsp active dry yeast 1 cup lukewarm milk or milk alternative 2 tbsp oil 2 eggs and ¼ cup water and 1 tbsp linseeds 1 tsp cider vinegar - method
Sift dry ingredients and add yeast Blend milk oil eggs or egg replacer and vinegar. Add to dry ingredients and mix to combine. Press into bread pan. Close the lid and bake following breadmaker instructions for a white loaf(about 3 hours) Cut when cold and freeze in slices unless going to eat. Very soft and spongy and holds together very well - its the best recipe I have come across! Don't forget to 1½ times the recipe.

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-27 10:04:00

Gluetn Free Christmas Cake
850g dried mixed fruit
1 cup brandy
150g butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
3 eggs, at room temperature
1 cup gluten-free plain flour
1/4 cup gluten-free self-raising flour
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
3/4 cup blanched almonds
1/4 cup apricot jam
Place dried fruit and 2/3 cup brandy in a large airtight container. Mix well. Cover and stand overnight or preferably for 1 week, stirring occasionally.
Preheat oven to 150°C.(continued)

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-27 18:33:00

Gluten Free Christmas Cake continued Lightly grease a 7cm deep, 20cm (base) round cake pan. Line base and side with double layers brown paper and baking paper (see note). Using electric beaters, cream butter and sugar in a large bowl until pale and creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.
Sift flours and spices over butter mixture. Add fruit mixture and stir until well combined. Press mixture into pan. Smooth surface. Decorate top with almonds.
Bake cake for 2 to 2 1/4 hours or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Pour remaining 1/3 cup brandy over hot cake. Allow to cool completely in pan.
Place jam in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on HIGH (100%) for 30 seconds or until warm. Remove cake from pan and brush top with warm jam. Allow to set. Serve.

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-27 18:35:00

and back up to the top getting lost on the second page.

trevk - 2009-06-28 15:56:00

melford you mentioned that you just use any baking recipe and substitute with GF flour - so does that work for ANY recipe? I've been wondering that, as I feel I'm spending half of my life searching for GF recipes at the moment lol and it would be good to be able to use my normal fave recipes and just substitute. I guess it will be trial and error... but the GF flour is so expensive I'd rather not have error!

nzmar - 2009-06-29 10:24:00

I use Bakels Gluten Free Flour and yes I have no trouble at all substituting that in recipes BUT I always increase the baking powder by 1 - 2 tsps. I make loaves, lemon meringue pie, pies,scones, date shortcake, magic whizz orange cake, chocolate cake etc and have never had a failure. When we first went gluten free I tried using mixes, rice flour etc and it hard getting the right amounts and the texture was often poor.

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-29 10:49:00

Melford can I ask you for your recipe for pies and scones please,I really love your recipes,thankyou

earthangel4 - 2009-06-29 12:07:00

Thank you Melford! I also have Bakels flour here so that's great, I won't stress about finding 'special' recipes now! I have responded to you about my daughter in the lunchbox ideas thread, thanks.

nzmar - 2009-06-29 12:59:00

melford Just found your scone and pie recipe,you must of gave them to me,some time ago,thankyou

earthangel4 - 2009-06-29 13:27:00

gluten free pasta dead easy to make. 1 egg and 100g of buckwheat flour. water to add moisture as required. vege gum if you want to hold it all together a bit better. easy peasy.

ken_williams_nz - 2009-06-29 13:29:00

thanks ken_williams - that's one thing I hadn't found a good recipe for. Use the buckwheat flour for making pancakes to serve with maple syrup and bananas for breakfast so i will definately be trying that recipe for pasta

nanee2jlp - 2009-06-29 19:11:00

g/f scone recipe Am looking for a good gluten free scone recipe please.

frances1266 - 2009-07-01 08:13:00

Scone Recipe 3 cups Bakels Flour
5 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup sugar
Any amount of sultanas or chopped dates
In the microwave put a knob of butter (about the size of a walnut)with a cup of milk and melt.
Now add a further cup of milk to that. Pour into the dry ingredients and mix really fast until the mixture all clumps together. Add more milk if necessary but only until it clumps together. Cut into squares on a floured board and brush the tops with milk. Bake 180C for 10 minutes

nanee2jlp - 2009-07-01 09:44:00

melford could I leave the sugar out,would it make a difference,many thanks to you

earthangel4 - 2009-07-01 10:47:00

can leave the sugar out if you want to no problem

nanee2jlp - 2009-07-01 10:56:00

thanks melford

earthangel4 - 2009-07-01 11:38:00

This thread rocks I agree with Melford that you can exchange the flours from a normal recipe to gluten free flours. I try not to substitute anything that has more than two cups of flour in it. My flour of choice is Healtheries simple flour, mainly because it has no soy flour in it.

cathnjim - 2009-07-01 18:33:00

cathy - can you not have soy flour? Soy flour is not a restricted food for those on a gluten free diet so do you have an additional allergy to it?

nanee2jlp - 2009-07-01 21:11:00

Gluten Free Pizza 2 cups Bakels flour
4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil

Mix with milk until the dough forms a clump (can use So Good Lite Gluten Free)
Pat into a round shape on a baking tray and top with chopped
fried Verkerks Bacon, chopped fried onions, grated cheese, tomato, pine nuts, salt and pepper. Bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes

nanee2jlp - 2009-07-01 21:36:00

Gluten Free Crumble Topping 50 gm butter or (olivani if dairy free as well)
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tbsp coconut
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup cornflakes.
Process in food processor and sprinkle on top of any hot fruit and bake 25 minutes 160C

nanee2jlp - 2009-07-01 21:42:00

Melford Soy seems to give me wicked stomach cramps etc, so I try to minimise how much of it I eat. Everything else, even dairy products, seem fine.For a long time I thought there was gluten hidden in everything as I wasn't feeling better, but now I realise it was soy doing what I thought gluten had been doing. Now if I eat gluten I get violently ill and spew!!! But I can eat msg if I want to, I can use vanilla essences and spices, as long as gluten free.

cathnjim - 2009-07-02 06:31:00

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herika - 2009-07-02 06:37:00
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