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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Hi Xpatch and Heather.. I'm glad you're finding the thread useful.. it's become a great collection of recipes from many people.. all tried and true.. Have a lovely day Everyone.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-10-07 02:37:00

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heather275 - 2008-10-07 06:08:00

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heather275 - 2008-10-07 13:47:00

Hi Heather.. I don't know a recipe to help... bumping so hopefully someone can help.. Have a lovely weekend.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-10-11 03:09:00

up you go again to good to be lost!!

cathp1 - 2008-10-11 22:59:00

Bumping.. If I only had time!

juliewn - 2008-10-16 01:17:00

heather275 I am sorry, but ALL soaps are made with Lye - otherwise known as Sodium Hydroxide (or Potassium Hydrodixe for liquid soaps)

accroul - 2008-10-16 20:41:00

bumpity bump bump

boofy11 - 2008-10-18 12:37:00

This is a great thread!!! Thanks Julie for starting this thread. My daughter found it during the week and I've just spent a couple of hours reading all the posts and copying the ones I want to try.
It is even a cure for a headache. I had a nasty niggly one, made a cup of tea and sat down at my computor. Now a few hours later I don't have the headache. Thankyou everyone. I hope I am allowed to post the address of a site that I have found most helpful ? ? It has a wealth of ideas on keeping the costs down.

mrsyuri - 2008-10-18 19:03:00

Hi Denise.. I'm glad you're finding recipes to try.. :-).. and please.. add some of your own if you'd like to.. Thanks for posting the site addy.. it's very interesting.. I've saved it to favourites so I can have a look when I have more time.. Have a lovely Sunday.. Cheers.. Julie..

juliewn - 2008-10-19 00:28:00

Juliewn, Jo Seagar's Beer Bread ? Should it be a really really runny mixture?
I tried this recipe last night for a late dinner with sausages and baked beans. I used 1c plain flour, 1c wholemeal flour and 1c oatbran, salt, 330ml beer and 170ml water. It was really wet so I added about three quarters of a cup of wholemeal flour to make what I thought was a better mixture consistency. It was cooked by 30 mins. I cut it while still hot and it was sort of crumbly but OK to dunk into the bean sauce.
I've just tried a slice or two of it again this morning and it slices nicely, it is moist not dry and tasted great with butter and jam.
The reason I used such a mix of flours was because I only had 1c plain flour left - I really need to go shopping - but it is good to try to use up what is lurking in the pantry.

mrsyuri - 2008-10-19 09:47:00

Hi MrsYuri.... you sound like me.. mixing a variety of whatever is to hand and ending up creating new recipes.. and it's fun to do.. :-) The batter is thick - kind of like a muffin batter consistency.. you could try leaving out the water and add the beer only.. or continue as you've made this one, using the beer & water and using the extra flour to make a slightly larger loaf. I hadn't thought of adding Oat Bran to the recipe, and will try that - I like to include Oat Bran where I can in baking as it's so good for us - and good for reducing cholesterol.. thanks for posting about adding it..

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:47:00

Recipe-In-A-Jar - great for Christmas Gifts.. or make up several jars to tuck in your pantry to make up when you want something yummy, and are short of time.. I've made this using a chocolate chip and
bran muffin mix.. For this, I measure all the ingredients out into small containers or cups, then place a little of each ingredient into a preserving jar, placing them against the side of the jar, a spoonful or so at a time, alternating the colours and textures, and turning the jar as I go, to form uneven layers. The recipe will fill a preserving jar - or one of the older style barrel-look coffee jars with plastic lids that are available at Opp shops sometimes. You can also use the tall pasta jars, etc..

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:57:00

To give as a gift, I place a good sized circle of Christmas paper or fabric over the jar lid and tie it with curling ribbon. I make a mini Christmas card and write the recipe instructions on, and tie that onto the curling ribbon. You could also put the instructions onto an adhesive label and stick it onto the side of the jar. Here's my recipe... next post...

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:58:00

Chocolate Chip Bran Muffin for Recipe-In-A-Jar: Dry Ingredients for the jar: 1 & 1/2 cups flour, 4 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1 & 1/2 cups baking bran flakes, 1/2 cup sultanas, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup coconut, and 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Into one bowl, sieve the flour, baking powder and baking soda. Into separate bowls, one for each ingredient, place each of the other ingredients. Have cinnamon and ground ginger handy - use 2 tsp of each.. 1 tsp at a time, as the colours of these form a nice contrast too..

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:58:00

Using a tablespoon, place a spoonful of the flour mix into the jar, so it goes unevenly up the sides of the jar a little. Turn the jar, and do the same with a tablespoon of bran, then a little brown sugar, etc..etc.. alternating the colours and textures. Each ingredient can cover just a small part of the side of the jar, or have some spoonsful cover bigger amounts, so the layers are uneven - like in the coloured sand bottles that are sold in tourist shops.. You will need to press the ingredients down at times with the back of the spoon, to fit them all in - the jar will be packed tightly once the ingredients are all used. When all the ingredients are in the jar, place the lid on and turn tightly.

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:59:00

On the tag/label, include the instructions: "Chocolate Chip Bran Muffins: Preheat oven to 210°C. Melt 100gms butter, and 2 tablespoons golden syrup. Lightly beat 2 eggs and add 1 cup milk. Place the contents of the jar in a bowl and whisk or stir well to combine. Mix the liquid ingredients together and add to the dry ingredients and stir till the dry ingredients are just damp. Place into muffin pans and bake 15-20 minutes. Makes two trays. Enjoy!"

juliewn - 2008-10-19 21:59:00

Juliewn help please Thanks for the positive comments. I have been copying and pasting a lot of the beaute recipes from this thread but how do I get them to look like regular typed recipes. They are all in boxes and will waste paper if print them as they are. I'm sure that there is a simple answer to changing the format, I'd appreciate your help. Make it simple so that this two finger typist can work it out, please.

mrsyuri - 2008-10-19 22:39:00

copy and paste If you copy only the back writing, then put your own title on your document, you don't get the boxes etc.

kennymac - 2008-10-20 07:09:00

..... That should read black writing..

kennymac - 2008-10-20 08:20:00

does anyone have a healthy dressing for putting on coleslaw please

chab - 2008-10-21 11:14:00

depends what you class as "healthy".... I use cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar mixed together with olive oil, salt and pepper.

uli - 2008-10-21 17:20:00

Hi Chab.. this tastes great and is healthy too.. Mix some hummous with a little of your favourite vinegar, so it's a good consistency for coleslaw.. season to your taste and toss through the veges.. I use apple cider vinegar - wine vinegar, spiced vinegar and balsamic vinegar all taste good too..

juliewn - 2008-10-22 00:34:00

thankyou for that by healthy I mean i have a granddaughter with lots of allergys,peanut being one, so I have to pick and choose what I buy with dressings,i had been mixing 2 dressings tog but not sure if i'm doing right as one of the creamy dressing I use has canola oil in it and i have heard that it's not good to use it , what do others think any feedback would be gratefully accepted thanks

chab - 2008-10-22 11:45:00

hey there great recipes!!!!! any for ginger cruch. I make the one from edmonds but my icing never seems to set.

chelin1 - 2008-10-22 12:42:00

I wouldn't use Canola myself. It is the new name for rapeseed oil, which was originally only used for industrial purposes. They have now bred some less toxic strains and re-named it "Canola" so people buy it. Not a healthy option in my eyes. I use olive oil for most cooking or sunflower or safflower (thistle seed) oil. I use organic stuff as it will be cold pressed rather than leached out with kerosene or any other thinner) which is the commercial way, as you get more oil out. However 0.1% residue is allowed in the end product. That is one milliliter per liter! Not that small a residue.

uli - 2008-10-22 12:57:00

Hi julie :o) big day for you today huh! Have an awesome day :o)

jenna68 - 2008-10-25 06:53:00

Hi Tracey.. thanks.. yes.. Chris is safely home.. a great reaction when he saw our new home - Wow!!!! and then.. is that window to my room?? Tears in my eyes stuff.. Hope all is well for you all there.. hugs.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-10-27 03:52:00

Jeez, don't say that lol... got tears in mine now lol, how special for you...:o)

jenna68 - 2008-10-27 08:14:00

Tomato Salsa recipe please - like bought in jars I want to preserve our tomatoes as salsa this year. I'm not wanting fresh salsa, I want it to be like you get in jars at supermaket - any help would be appreciated - cheers

yduj - 2008-10-27 15:03:00

bumping cos I need this - please .

yduj - 2008-10-28 12:20:00

yduj-check out the odds and ends drawer may have something there that you could adapt - there was a spicy tomatoe relish that may suffice if you change it a bit to your own taste?

risey - 2008-10-28 12:59:00

Hi Yduj.. if you have a jar of the purchased mixture you're looking for a recipe for, could you post what the ingredients are please, so we can help with a recipe for you... thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-10-31 01:48:00

fleas what are some people friendly things to get rid of fleas, Ive heard eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil but is their any thing that doesn't have a really strong smell.

kokopuff - 2008-10-31 16:53:00

Salsa Hot - Pam's Brand - thanks Julie Tomatoes(55%)' rehydrated veges (onions, capsicums), water, sugar, modified corn starch(1442), salt, food acid(260), spices

yduj - 2008-11-01 16:45:00

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jimness - 2008-11-01 20:07:00

Great Mozzie Repellant & really Cheap Get a small plastic bottle with a good screw cap, or get one at payless plastics.
Fill to 1/3 with Dettol
then add Baby Oil to the 2/3 mark.
Leave the other 3rd empty for shaking room. It will separate, but just shake it together before using. Its so cheap you can really slather it on the kids and it does do a great job without smelling too bad !!

woolfemme - 2008-11-01 21:05:00

bumpin for another trader :o)

jenna68 - 2008-11-02 10:21:00

bump I am promoting this thread in "opinion" where I have started a thread called "who else is running a mile from processed food"

javlin - 2008-11-03 22:03:00

Hi Yduj.. I'm sorry for not replying earlier.. building our new home plus an early house warming party in the 3/4 finished house so my Son could be here too before flying to Australia, have taken a lot of time lately.. I'd follow what Jimness has posted.. and you'll have your own delicious tomato mix that's very similar, if not the same, to the one you've purchased.. Let us know how you get on.. and enjoy making your goodies.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-11-05 01:24:00

I've heard of that recipe Woolfemme, however didn't have the ingredient quantities.. thanks for posting it.. :-)..

juliewn - 2008-11-05 01:25:00

Hi Javlin.. :-) could you post the link to your thread please.. it would be good to have a look for more ideas.. thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-11-05 01:26:00

Hi Juliewn Just go to the "message board home"
scroll down to "opinion" and look for a thread called "who else is running a mile from processed food"
I'll bump it up :)

javlin - 2008-11-05 02:11:00

Link to above thread..

jenna68 - 2008-11-05 06:47:00

Hiya Tracey.. thanks for the link.. .. your thread is inspiring Javlin.. thanks for bumping it for me..

juliewn - 2008-11-05 23:27:00

Bumpety bump.. ~~~~~~~~~~~

juliewn - 2008-11-09 02:03:00

Hi Everyone.. a new recipe.. Savoury Crackers: .. an Alison Holst food
processor rcipe: Savoury Crackers: Put the metal chopping blade in the food processor bowl. Add 2cups flour, 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt, and 50gms very cold butter chopped into small cubes. Add 1 or more of the optional ingredients listed below if you want. Whizz together, then add about 1/2 a cup of cold water in a thin stream through the spout, stopping when the dough particles will only just stick together to form a ball. Roll out very thinly on a lightly floured surface, then cut into squares or rectangles, or other shapes using biscuit cutters. Pile dough scraps together, roll out and cut more shapes until the dough is used. Bake at 190°C for 10-15 minutes until they are a pale golden colour. Leave to cool, and store in an airtight tin.

juliewn - 2008-11-09 16:14:00

Optional ingredients: 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds. 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese. 1 tablespoon poppy seeds. The recipe includes that the crackers taste best several hours after baking as the flavour develops - it also says that they don't usually last that long in the Alison Holst household unless she has found a particularly good hiding place

juliewn - 2008-11-09 16:15:00

Other variations can include your choice of one or more of the following: 1/2 to 1 tsp curry powder or 1-2 tsps chicken or other stock powder - leave out salt if using stock powder. 1/2 cup toasted sunflower seeds. 1/4 cup ground almonds. Add 1 to 3 tsp of your favourite pesto. Add 1-2 tsps or to taste of chopped fresh or dried herbs - basil, parsley, mint, thyme, lemon thyme, sage, etc.. You could also use some wholemeal or wholegrain flour instead of 1/2 a cup or more of the white flour. Add some wheatgerm, or cornmeal, etc.. too.. increasing the baking powder by 1/2 tsp for each 3/4 cup of grains, etc.. You can change the ingredients to suit your taste - this is delicious.. change 1/2 cup white flour to 1/2 cup wholemeal flour, and add 1/2 tsp extra baking powder plus 1/4 cup fine or medium ground cornmeal, 1/4 cup sesame or sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup wheatgerm & a little extra salt to taste if needed. Make and bake as above.. enjoy.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-11-09 16:16:00

bumping to the top! .

beagle12 - 2008-11-11 07:13:00
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