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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Wow.. you'll all be as fit as anything.. thinking of you all.. take care there..

Hi Calista.. wishes for a speedy return to good health are being sent.. hugs.. thank goodness for our feline friends and lots of cuddles..

Hi Earthangel.. haven't seen you posting.. hope you're ok.. x

Perfect timing to have more time with your Darling, Rae.. :-)

Bigger frosts than usual here over the past few days.. am glad to have them as the fairly constant rain over the past few months has meant a warmer climate than usual, and my growing fruit trees need some chilling to help them fruit this coming summer.. hopefully the frosts we're having now will help with that.. as well as they're making for stunning clear-sky days afterwards - so much appreciated after the continual rain..

Visited a friend this afternoon, came home to set the fire, close the house up, etc.. gathered up goodies for a fruit salad and went back for a shared dinner.. she's Malaysian.. and her meals are spicy and fragrant and hugely flavoursome.. tonight, a fish curry, whole spices crushed and sizzled in ghee, sauces and goodies and the fish added.. a potato and vege side dish too.. including with similar spices.. and chapattis she made and served hot with the curry and vege dish.. yum! A Malaysian sago, vermicelli (different to those available here) and raisin dessert, with whole spices.. a dish made for special celebrations.. and the fruit salad.. truly a feast..

The car covered in ice when coming home - very careful driving on icy streets, and very glad to be home, fire lit and warmth spreading through the house..

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone..

juliewn - 2011-07-27 04:59:00
charlieb2 wrote:

I was thinking today while shovelling that I'm sure in USA people have to clear their 'sidewalk'. I may do the path outside tomorrow if my body is up to it. Same with the liquefaction... we cleared our paths, put where people havent, everytime it rains its just dangerous....

In Germany we had to keep our piece of the footpath clear too - you could be prosecuted if someone slipped over!
Alot of people used salt or special salt-based products to stop it from freezing but that wasn't so good for the environment.

winnie231 - 2011-07-27 06:44:00

Well it's back to school for me today so miss 14 will have to entertain herself for a few hours. Thankfully classes end at 1pm so it's not the whole day. Better go finish my cuppa. Have a great day all & stay safe.

winnie231 - 2011-07-27 06:46:00

Good Morning all,and waving to dear Julie,I love your posts.
DP has the flu,and I have another chest infection with asthma,so just in here now and then.
Just wanted to say hello,and send you all my angel hugs.
Welcome back cooks,I have missed you so much,and good to hear about your trip,so exciting,I have never been over seas,dp is going next year with a crew.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-27 08:34:00

Calista reports in - doing the estatically happy dance -- Fletchers rang they are assessing on behalf of EQC and are coming in Aug 5th. YaY!!!

My breathing is *so* much easier thanks to ventolin - if they could develop an antidepressant that was even half as effective life would be fantastic. I usually only get asthma when I have a cold and am not very experienced at managing it so have decided to ask the Practice nurse for advice. Knowledge is power.

Be careful with the snow shovelling, my younger bro used to live in New York and the amount of deaths due to heart attacks peaks when it snows due to people clearing their cars..

calista - 2011-07-27 13:33:00

I'm glad you've had the time off with Miss 14 Rae - the snow was very opportune. And fantastic news about your assessment Calista, getting that sorted will be a real lift I'm sure. I slipped in our driveway this morning, was unhurt but fell into the very wet sloppy pile of snow on the side of he drive so had to get completely changed before I left. At least there were no witnesses, except the dog and he had the sense not to laugh out loud

greerg - 2011-07-27 13:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-27 15:06:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-27 17:23:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-27 18:21:00

Waves to Earthangel (。◕‿◕。)

Canterbury People - this looks interesting, though from the feedback, maybe best to pay on arrival!

Edited by juliewn at 11:28 pm, Wed 27 Jul

juliewn - 2011-07-27 23:17:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-28 00:34:00

a brisk 2C here today & lots of sunshine on the way.
Mum heads for Nelson with miss 14 after lunch - boo hoo :( It's been so good having her here but only a month till I can see her again. I got home from class yesterday to find she had made cheese scones for our lunch & they were so light & fluffy & MMMMM!
They are driving via Blenheim - the Kaikoura coast will be looking spectacular after the recent snow :)
I've got my next exam today so better keep moving.
Have a good one xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-28 06:59:00

Good Morning all,a cold morning here,I see my spring bulbs are starting to flower,will dig them up soon and take them with us.
Winnie the drive via Blenheim is so beautiful,your dd will get to see the seals at Kaikoura,a beautiful drive in deed,makes me so home sick.
DP is still ill in bed,not like him at all.
Ali where are you,am missing you,hope you are well.
I am back on antibotics again,so should be well again soon.
Winnie good luck with your exam today,sure you will fly though.
Have a wonderful day all xxx

earthangel4 - 2011-07-28 08:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-28 10:29:00

Just dropping by to report that today I am finally discarding my "Bonco" triangular grater, which I bought in 1971: replacing it with one in good order which I bought second-hand several years ago. I have another, back-up, as well, but somehow think they may outlast me :-)
Do they still make graters that endure?
[cg's Mom]

countrygirl17 - 2011-07-28 16:11:00

The night owls must have flown the roost!!

Morning everyone,
feeling a bit down here today - never missed my darling daughter this much after a visit before ... but this morning I've woken up with a real sense of emptiness :(
Mum's eh??!!!
Another exam today so that'll soon take my mind off things .... have a good one all & hoping the ill ones amongst us are feeling better :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-29 06:54:00

Waving to Winnie,big hugs to you,it is not nice,have felt that way before.
Dp has gone to work today,he said he is feeling a lot better.
I am now stuck with it,sign,never mind nearly the end of winter.
It is still dark outside but not so cold,I think it is forecast for rain today,not too worried,and I am up early,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-29 07:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-29 07:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-29 14:22:00

Alison and Simon Holst have a new slow cooker book out (well i've just noticed it) - $24 but 25% off at Paper Plus at the moment.

I went to talk to the Practice Nurse about asthma. She said that it shouldn't effect everday life, that there were Olympic athletes with asthma - so I'm thinking of signing up for the long jump (Yeah - right). I explained that i had been having difficulty even talking and she spoilt the original gung ho approach by admitting that people still die of asthma in NZ - which I didn't have to be told as my first boyfriend did (which is why I'm probably overreacting about it.) I think dust is one of my triggers, so I need to get it under control before summer, given the number of building being demolished here.

Anyway I got the spacer (much smaller than it used to be) and the peakflow meter so I'm set to graph my breathing.

Cooks - I think it's brilliant to have fun things like that in the dead of winter.

calista - 2011-07-29 20:10:00

Hi Calista.. I hope you're feeling much better quickly.. hope you have lots of relaxing, restful times over the weekend..

Hugs Rae.. I know that feeling too.. saying goodbye - have watched with tears in my eyes as planes have gone into the sky as my Kids have flown away after have time at home here.. they've been happy tears too.. it means a lot to me that they both have lives they're living as they'd like them to be.. and that they each make many opportunities to be home..

Pam.. your foodie evening sounds great.. wish I lived closer!

How are you all there in Canterbury.. are the shakes easing.. I truly hope so..

Have a lovely weekend Everyone..

juliewn - 2011-07-30 02:38:00

Julie the quakes do seem to be easing -and the good news on Stuff today was that the library building is OK. Apparently the Farmers building next door will have to come down though.

The other building that seem to be OK (according to Stuff) is the brick "our City Otautahi" one but it's not insured so no one is allowed in.

calista - 2011-07-30 15:01:00

Hi everyone,
thanks for your sentiments. I look forward to seeing Miss 14 again at the end of Aug. Have just been texting with her - Mum has her at the I-site in Nelson just waiting for the Golden Bay Bus to arrive.
The funniest thing happened this morn - she was roaming Nelson CBD when a guy at an elections stand stopped her & asked if she was enrolled to vote!!!
Suddenly I'm feeling very old lol!

Calista - have you considered consulting with a holistic doctor? Someone with the medical training but who looks at the big picture. We consulted all sorts of 'specialists' when trying to get DD's respiratory problems under control. A holistic doctor combined the best of the medical & natural/natropathic approaches for us.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-30 15:20:00
winnie231 wrote:

Hi everyone,
thanks for your sentiments. I look forward to seeing Miss 14 again at the end of Aug. Have just been texting with her - Mum has her at the I-site in Nelson just waiting for the Golden Bay Bus to arrive.
The funniest thing happened this morn - she was roaming Nelson CBD when a guy at an elections stand stopped her & asked if she was enrolled to vote!!!
Suddenly I'm feeling very old lol!

Calista - have you considered consulting with a holistic doctor? Someone with the medical training but who looks at the big picture. We consulted all sorts of 'specialists' when trying to get DD's respiratory problems under control. A holistic doctor combined the best of the medical & natural/natropathic approaches for us.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend :)

Winnie,I would be interested in this as I have had nothing but big problems this year with respiratory,now another head cold,and I have taken garlic,vit c,olive leaf ect.
I feel it is nothing to do with the house.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-30 15:46:00

EA - not sure if there is a holistic doctor on the coast but here's a couple of links for Chch. I'm not vouching for them personally ...

winnie231 - 2011-07-30 16:00:00

Hope the exams went well Winnie, although I'm sure they will have. The saying goodbye thing probably does never go. Daughter has been away from home for the best part of eight years now but it still gets me sometimes, and although No 2 son has been away at uni for four years I still felt a pang when he moved to a flat last week because for the first time he's not just gone for the term. No logic! Haven't had to face the living overseas issue yet but expect that will happen sometime next year. The day after tomorrow you'll be seeing her "this month" and as you've said yourself life may not be great in Christchurch but time sure is passing really quickly.

greerg - 2011-07-30 16:05:00

Thanks greerg - passed all so I'm a happy camper!

winnie231 - 2011-07-30 16:22:00

Go you Rae.. very cool :-)

Hi Calista.. hope you're feeling better today.. great that the library is able to be saved.. gosh.. there'd have been books everywhere after the times they've been shaken from shelves.. have a feeling that in the re-shelving process they'll have found a few books thought to be lost, that have been filed in a different place to that intended.. sure would be a time to update their inventory!

Hi Greer.. you might find when your Kids are overseas, that there's even more contact with them.. since my Son first went overseas in later 2004, we've actually had more contact than when he was studying in Hamilton - although he was home every couple of weeks then.. in March last year, on one of his visits home, I thanked him for taking the time and flights to come home as often as he does - usually twice a year - and sometimes for a month.. and he said 'course I do cos you're my Mum'.. awww..
We talk often, and at length (often a couple of hours) on the phone and with emails, facebook, and texting, there's lots of shared conversations and messages, where we'll talk about anything under the sun.. I love that we can and we do..

With my Daughter, we have long conversations too.. lately I've driven down to the river mouth here - The Heads - and phoned her (thanks Vodafone for their Bestmates package) - and as the sun shines on the sea as it goes slowly down, and the colours change in the sky.. and there are birds around, and people enjoying the area, we chat.. is really lovely. :~)
Thanks sure go from me to all the people who have invented and perfected the internet, mobile phones, etc.. they bring our loved ones so much closer.. :-)
Time to light the fire.. Annabel Langbein Cooks is being repeated on TV1 if anyone wants to see the show..

Edited by juliewn at 5:43 pm, Sat 30 Jul

juliewn - 2011-07-30 17:40:00

Thanks for the info on alternatives Winnie. I think I'll stick with a course of what my GP has prescribed for now and give it a chance to work, as she has been spot on with various conditions I've had. I did think the Art therapy offered at Helios look interesting though and may enquire further about that.

I'm bot a mum, but the brother I was closest to growing up is in the US and I miss him dreadfully at times, it must be even harder if it's your child.

calista - 2011-07-30 22:30:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-31 00:07:00
winnie231 wrote:

EA - not sure if there is a holistic doctor on the coast but here's a couple of links for Chch. I'm not vouching for them personally ...

Winnie,thank you so much,did your daughter have to go gluten free and dairy free?
I think I will take another trip to Chch,it is well worth it,for me to get better,so over it..

earthangel4 - 2011-07-31 08:05:00

Good Morning sunday all,and tis going to be another beautiful day,I am off work until thursday,so am going to enjoy it.
I have hospital tests all day tomorow,to find out why I am getting chest infections,and asthma all the time,I feel it is nothing to do with living here,as we have a nice sunny warm home,but a lot of wind,in this area.
Winnie congrat hun,you are doing so well,and I see you were given a quilt for your bed,yo
Waving to all the other lovely people in here,happy sunday everyone.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-31 08:09:00

Hi EA,
we were living in Germany when DD was so sick. She constantly had asthma, bronchitis, colds, flu, pneumonia or any combination of the above.
Her triggers were industrial polution (we were living 20km from the huge Rhein-Main Airbase & near a couple of major autobahns).
We were sent to the north of Germany to a health/spa town where she had things like steam therapy & nasal irrigation, as well as alot of time spent out on the kms of mudflats which are considered very healthy because of the high content of salts & minerals in the air over them.
We also started giving her alot of Spirulina (which she still takes) as it is an amazing super food.
Diet wasn't a factor for her ... but it all depends on your triggers. She does well living in Golden Bay but can't spend too much time in Chch or it starts to show again.
Good luck getting your health sorted out.

winnie231 - 2011-07-31 09:58:00

Thank you winnie,while in chch I did not get it,but am wondering about the coal fire,we have here,and the barber,as I have had all the above,it started off when I had Pneumonia,in Dec.
I am not able to take spirulina,there is something in it that makes me vomit,have tried taking it several times,but thank you.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-31 10:10:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 00:14:00

Morning all,
hope August is a good one for you!!!
Last month of my diploma - wow! Doesn't time fly when you're having ... ah ... fun?!! LOL ;-)

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 06:28:00

-3 in Christchurch this morning, and was woken after 3am by an aftershock - first one that I have noticed at night for ages and it was really loud so I got quite a fright. Not the night for broken sleep and now I am running late for work!

Made "trailer trash pot roast" yesterday. Bolar roast with a can of coke, and packet of onion soup and (in theory but not in practice) a bottle of chilli sauce (I used only about a third). Put it in the crockpot. The coke and chilli are there to break down the toughness in the meat. Nice enough, but really glad I didn't go for the whole bottle of chilli.

sumstyle - 2011-08-01 08:12:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-01 11:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 12:52:00
cookessentials wrote:

Rae, do you leave Christchurch once you have your diploma?

Pam - a week ago I still didn't know but after last week with miss 14 the answer to that is now yes :) I have decided to move to Nelson.
No idea where I'm going to live or what I'm going to do yet .... but I'm up for the adventure!
Missy will be 1.5hrs away so I'll get to see her alot more which I'm really looking forward to. I'm also a bit sad to be leaving Chch but I won't miss the shaking!

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 13:31:00

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cookessentials - 2011-08-01 13:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 15:00:00

Thanks ellie - I'm in love with this place ... but only if I get work in the area.
I'm watching the auction but aren't going to bid again till near closing. Don't want to start a bidding war!

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 15:07:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 15:12:00

I'm hoping for something more tourism than hospo ... like one of the water taxi or sea kayak companies ... or ...
Sending my cv to everyone & seeing who bites :)

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 15:21:00

Sorry to be whinging again. My happy news that Fletchers are coming on Friday was swamped by EQC ringing to say they are coming on Wednesday. I suggested they come on Friday too and we have a party, but no go. I've rung Fletchers and an waiting for a call back.

I'm not coping well with all this stuff.

Edited by calista at 3:36 pm, Mon 1 Aug

calista - 2011-08-01 15:35:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 17:18:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 21:06:00

Thanks Ellie, I've got it on my watch list.
I'll get one sooner or later ... & the older the better!

winnie231 - 2011-08-01 21:17:00

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elliehen - 2011-08-01 21:57:00
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