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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Morning all,
yesterday was such a nice day!
Had a great wander around the market ... 100s of people all out enjoying the sun, maori chap singing nostalgic songs on the green, tummy-rumbling smells in the air from all the food stalls, just lovely :)
School holidays for me this week - not sure what I'm going to do with myself ... some housekeeping & lots of chillaxing I guess.
Have a happy Monday all & motorbo - special cyberhug for you.

winnie231 - 2011-07-18 07:09:00

At face value I would envy you your holiday Rae, but you probably have some homework to do as well.

My desk is being shifted in our office today - right down the other end of our team so maybe "a change is as good as a holiday" ?

sumstyle - 2011-07-18 08:03:00

No - no homework, no nothing, completely up-to-date :) So envy away lol!
I do need to refresh my cv though & chase up some references from the Casino so that's at the top of the to do list.

winnie231 - 2011-07-18 08:22:00

I miss you,have not stopped thinking of you,please come back,I really mean it.
It is so cold here,sign,not a winter baby at all.
Sending hugs to you all,and special ones too Motorbo.xxxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-07-18 09:25:00

motorbro, I am in a similar position -- two full time employees were doing the job that I have been allocated for the next six months, starting yesterday. Both of them resented me being promoted to the same level as you, and have quietly undermined my ideas and reputation with the staff under me.

It has been stressful leading up to this role swap, so I have started going to counselling to help me see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Is this something you could do too? Even if it's to help you put together an exit strategy for finding a new job?

sumstyle - 2011-07-18 22:21:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-18 23:32:00

thats a lovely post charlie, and thank you that was exactly what my post intended, having had the luxury of having some councelling a few years back it made me look at my life in a whole different way, not to say I always am bright and cheerful, the other week I felt dreadfully down which is what I was saying in my post. I like that earthangel read it and absorbed that its meaning was, sometimes a post like that can have a light bulb going off, or bomb - lol sorry if you took offense Motorbo.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-19 08:07:00

Morning all,
2nd day of holidays & I'm at a loss what to do with myself!!! In the past I would have gone for a nice wander downtown ... I miss that.
I just growled at the dog & now she's got the pip with me & is lying in her beanbag with her back to me lol!
I'll let her stew a bit longer then I might mention the 'W' word ... I'm sure she'll forgive me then ;)
Job stress is a hard thing to live with ... I hope everyone gets their situations resolved. Happy day all xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-19 08:42:00

Good morning dear friends,
Another cold day here,but Awwww so warm inside,must not complain,lol lol.
Motorbo how are you?,you are on my mind.
Work was really good last night,had a talk with boss,she said I am a loner,and doing very well,but I would like to work on my own,that is me,lol.
Anyways enough of work,it is going to be a beautiful day here,so I have washing to do,lol.
Angel hugs to you all,and special one to Motorbo xxxxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-07-19 08:45:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-19 08:57:00
winnie231 wrote:

Morning all,
2nd day of holidays & I'm at a loss what to do with myself!!! In the past I would have gone for a nice wander downtown ... I miss that.
I just growled at the dog & now she's got the pip with me & is lying in her beanbag with her back to me lol!
I'll let her stew a bit longer then I might mention the 'W' word ... I'm sure she'll forgive me then ;)
Job stress is a hard thing to live with ... I hope everyone gets their situations resolved. Happy day all xx

Awww my dog does that,it is funny what they do,but she will soon forgive you,it won,t take her long.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-19 11:49:00

The mini-library the council has opened in South City mall is great. Spent an hour there then onto Robert Harris for coffee - I'm getting my life back.

Riccarton Bush is one of my favourite haunts Charlie. It's good to sit there quietly and realise some of the trees are older than the city. Also it's a place of hope too as it's used as a creche for kiwi chicks before they are released into the wild.

Winnie, I was thinking of going to Riccarton Market last Sunday too but didn't feel up to the distance - I don't know if it's the cold but I've been feeling a bit achy lately.

Motorbo if you're reading this I hope you're feeling a bit better. I know sometimes when I'm feeling a bit fragile I need time out too. Look after yourself in whatever way is most caring for you.

calista - 2011-07-19 18:32:00

im posting as i dont want you to think i took offence, you dont know me Ali and i cant spill everything here its a public forum its not me and i dont need the bomb to go off, there are 5 of us here that all do not like how we are over worked and unsupported i could say more but i cant, as i said its a public forum, i wont say anymore now as its not doing me any good at all

EA your a hunny (HUGS) and have so much more to worry about than me, thanks for the kind words from others, but im gonna have a short break, i will read from time to time, but may not post, i need to protect my emotions, i need to get through this, maybe its time to move on and look at australia, i dont know.

, or bomb - lol sorry if you took offense Motorbo.[/quote]

motorbo - 2011-07-19 20:41:00

I think you're wise to be aware of the public nature of the boards, motorbo. (At my last job, one of the co-workers found a question I had asked on the MB about sick days and dobbed me in to the boss. I was able to clarify the matter with her, but it could have gotten very awkward).

We will keep sending you warm thoughts and hope on your behalf some positive progress is made before too long.

sumstyle - 2011-07-19 20:55:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-19 21:07:00

Hi Everyone..

I hope you're ok Motorbo.. I'm sending thoughts and hugs too.. good for you for taking care of you.. I can see how what was written could be read in both the ways it has been above.. I guess one of those times when what's right for someone isn't right for someone else, and neither way is wrong.. thank goodness that's how we human beings are, so we have a variety of all of us in this world we all call home.. take good care..

Gosh Sumstyle.. I'm thinking it would have been a shock when that happened from the co-worker..

Hi Calista.. yay for libraries! I'd be lost without them too.. how is everything going for your home?.. I hope there's been some progress for you there..

Hi Earthangel - how are you? hope all is well for you..

Pam must be home soon - hope you're having a lovely holiday Pam.. and safe travels home..

Take good care..

juliewn - 2011-07-20 01:10:00

Goodmorning everyone & BRRR - it's a bit of a chilly one!
-2 in Chch just now ... hope we are going to see the sun :) I've had a sleep in ... well to 7am which is a sleep in for me & am now back in bed with a nice cup of tea (thanks to Pam - the tea she has in her shop is very good!)
What a great way to start the day!
Happy hump day everyone :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-20 08:08:00

Waving to Julie,so good to see you hun,and to Motorbo,Charlie,Ali,winnie,toa-
die,Pam,hope I have not missed anyone,if I have good morning to you.
It is going to be a nice day here,me thinks,have sheets to wash,and the house to clean.
Yay we are house hunting,woohoo I am so excited,to be getting out of here,sure hope we find something nice.
Have a wonderful day all.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-20 08:25:00

Winnie, now I am not really up with the play as far as modern meanings of words are concerned but what did you really mean with the last line of your posting?? Not something I really expected to be wished but maybe I have it all wrong. Gave me a smile to start the day!!

marywea - 2011-07-20 08:42:00
marywea wrote:

Winnie, now I am not really up with the play as far as modern meanings of words are concerned but what did you really mean with the last line of your posting?? Not something I really expected to be wished but maybe I have it all wrong. Gave me a smile to start the day!!

LOL Mary ... all very proper I assure you :)
From the Urban Dictionary - "The middle of a work week (Wednesday); used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week.
After hump day, the weekend gets closer."

winnie231 - 2011-07-20 08:46:00
winnie231 wrote:

LOL Mary ... all very proper I assure you :)
From the Urban Dictionary - "The middle of a work week (Wednesday); used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week.
After hump day, the weekend gets closer."


earthangel4 - 2011-07-20 14:35:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-20 15:24:00

Very helpful friend came around with an electric drill that looks like the little brother of those jackhammers they use to cut through concrete or the tarseal on roads and used it to break up the brick gate post which has been lying over the berm since the June shake. It's been bugging me because it makes the postie's job a bit more difficult, but was far too heavy for anyone to lift.

Now the broken bits of brick are alongside my driveway and all that's left on the berm is a bald spot with a scattering of brick dust. Not exactly a good thing to do when you already have a cold and a sore throat, but at least it's done now and I took him to afternoon tea as a treat.


calista - 2011-07-20 17:34:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-21 00:00:00

Morning morning...
Well this week as been busy.... again... sound like a broken record... 6pm finish Monday 6.35pm Tuesday and I made myself finish at 5pm yesterday as I had the potatoes in the car for tea... plus I was shattered, but then managed to do an hour at night..... Will be so glad when we recruit. My family have been super supportive, as those that know me know that I am a family first kind of girl but they know the company is hugely supportive and that its only short term.... I am no career girl believe me, I am a work 8 hours and do a happy dance on pay day.

We have decided to go to Cairns (Barrier Reef)... originally next July but the troops pointed out they both finish late November so maybe then... and much closer. Flights are sorted air $$$ wise... will double check accomodation options with Pam, as her place sounded good and looked great, but I have found a cheaper place that looks good also... will start frequenting Travel to find out if anyone has been there but trip advisor looked good.... so will start planning that for something to look forward to.

Off to the Hilton on the weekend to the "Oceanview Buffet Restaurant" it was a one day deal that we brought and booked ages ago and have requested a window seat overlooking the harbour bridge, we are taking Ma & Pa so really looking forward to that as we haven't seen much of them lately...

So that's me really...

Take care everyone JBxx

Edited by toadfish at 6:53 am, Thu 21 Jul

toadfish - 2011-07-21 06:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-21 11:07:00

as those of you who are friends of mine on facebook know, I was the recipient of an act of kindness yesterday.
I recieved a queen-size quilt made by a lady from Maine, USA as part of a 'Quilts for Christchurch' initiative to share a bit of love with people who had their lives turned upside-down by the EQs :)
What a lovely thing to do for someone on the other side of the world!!! Here's a pic of my hand-crafted blessing ...

winnie231 - 2011-07-21 18:23:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-21 20:56:00

That's lovely Winnie.

Playing "Bob the Builder" yesterday annoyed my asthma. It's the mortar that is so lethal - back to the GP for an inhaler, I am so dumb, the only other flare up in the last 5 years was when we demolished the chimney which is why the Pothole People did the other one,

Had a call from Fletchers today which sounded promising - until I said EQC had yei to do the full assessment, Oh well, if I don't hear from them by next Thursday I will ring again,

calista - 2011-07-21 22:54:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-22 07:17:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-22 15:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-22 15:46:00

Winnie, how fabulous. Do tell the lady what joy your friends received to think someone had used so much of their time for someone they didn't know. What a loving heart she must have.

marywea - 2011-07-22 16:42:00

Hi Winnie, that is absolutely gorgeous. The pattern resembles links of love, how gorgeous. What a treat for you. :-)

2halls - 2011-07-22 16:49:00

Hey there 2halls -- how are things on the hill? Haven't been up there fore ages...

sumstyle - 2011-07-22 18:23:00

It really is beautiful... and the hours hone into creating it would have run into hours... a family heirloom now.

We had team building yesterday, running thourgh bush with a gun... just like me... yeah right... I found my niche as a defence sniper. Had a fab time, only downside is that its into work to catch up this morning.
But it will end soon,

Finalizing the dates for Cairns... so excited... was looking at Trinity.. but am thinking with Miss 17 & Miss 18 that staying at a resort in Cairns maybe better for them.... and then day tripping.... mmmm still thinking, just waiting to hear back from school for there finishing dates.... I am amazed at how much this has changed my mindset, having a holiday to look forward to makes this hard temporary slog at work so much better.

So thats me, off to cook up a family breakfast before everyone heads in seperate directions... only DH doesn't have work.

Take care one and all JBxx

toadfish - 2011-07-23 07:24:00

Morning all,
I am so lucky aren't I :) It is a beautiful quilt & I will treasure it. And yes Mary - I will.
I have woken up with an impending cold so will be off to the chemist soon. Blah - the down side of winter!
On the bright-side, I have miss 14 arriving today for a 5 day visit. YAY!!!!! Sooo looking forward to seeing her :) Ellie - looks like I'll be joining you in the sunshine region soon.
Welcome back Pam - hope you got all the R & R you needed as it sounds like you're going to be busy!
Toady - sounds like you're going to need some serious R & R! Glad you are getting some plans together :)
Calista, sumstyle, 2halls, charlieb, greerg, 245sam, ... hope everyone is no worse for wear after our latest shake.
Have a good weekend, Rae xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-23 08:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-23 09:03:00

I was expecting it to be raining this morning, which is great forced motivation for doing housework, but it is just cold and windy so still had to walk the dog and do the grocery shopping. Housework can't be put off any longer though as the untidyness has reached the stage of if-anyone-visited-now-I -would-be-mortified!

Finally found bulk Kikkimon soy sauce so I now can try to cook chicken adobo.

sumstyle - 2011-07-23 11:10:00

I feel like I am dying of a cold + asthma. All my abdominal muscles ache with coughing and I am feeling v sorry for myself. My GP told me to go back to bed, so I did. I am feeling guilty because I was meant to collect for Refuge today, but I don't think that would be good for me or anyone else.

Yesterday I stocked up at the library, chemist and supermarket, so have enough supplies to last out. Ah well, back to bed

calista - 2011-07-23 12:12:00

How miserable, calista. Keep warm eh

sumstyle - 2011-07-23 12:55:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-23 13:02:00

Oh calista - poor you! It's not a very flash day outside anyway ... stay in bed & give yourself time to recover1 Hope you're feeling better soon :)

sumstyle - you mean I can't drop in with a supreme coffee in hand to say hi in person then?

winnie231 - 2011-07-23 13:15:00

Hi winnie, all fine here ... how about you ? I'm a bit out of the loop .. are you still in caravan ? Calista - I hope you are feeling much better very soon. Keep cosy and well hydrated :-)

2halls - 2011-07-23 13:41:00

Hi 2halls - no - I'm over in Bishopdale house/dog sitting for macwood2's neighbours who are in England for 2.5 mths. They come home 13th Aug & my course ends 26th Aug so I'll have a couple of weeks back at Mum's in her spare room & hopefully by then I'll know what I'm doing next.
Nelson is looking very appealing right now ....

winnie231 - 2011-07-23 13:58:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-23 14:45:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-23 14:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-23 15:30:00

If it was just DH and I it would be Trinity without a doubt, but i thought the girls could do a bit of exploring around the city shops while we relax, as they won't be able to drive over there. And I had heard about the flight path as when I asked a girl at work where she stayed she said her it was "under the flight path"... yuck... At least i know where she stayed and can avoid it.

toadfish - 2011-07-23 16:46:00
winnie231 wrote:

sumstyle - you mean I can't drop in with a supreme coffee in hand to say hi in person then?

NOW you may!

It didn't really take long to put right but man it was cold while I had all the doors open to air the place out. Looking forward to the next round of EQC assessments as the drainlayer reckons there's liquifaction under the front of the house, namely under my bedroom and hallway so I hope it's not a broken sewer pipe, leaking away!

sumstyle - 2011-07-23 18:29:00
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