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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


tea cups as mini pot plants would be cute...great idea......gosh winnie i found out all about welly wind last night!!! and got a parking ticket today cos i couldnt park and walk to work as the rain was so heavy......

ive had this feeling lately that im not alone and it was confirmed last night ....but did it have to be my 11 dollar loaf of bread dammit......i got up to go into the kitchen and yes there is the clear bread bag, with the mouse inside the bag having his dinner !!@@#$$#@@!@!@, then i had an awful sleep...dunno if the mouse had anything to do with it, i cannot shake the restlessness...the feeling that im here for a short time. not on the planet ha ha but in welly

motorbo - 2011-07-11 18:25:00

hugs motorbo, I cannot stand mouse's and especially rats have total nightmares about the things, what on earth was in your loaf of bread it it was 11 dollars!! - phew.
open your self up to being there longer you might just miss something good that you were meant to find, things happen for a reason so be open to what living in wellington can entail, a great job, new friends potential partner (sorry dont know if you have one or not!!) just been to docs another lot of anitbotiics and when I got to the chemist I now have a your drugs are free card yippee!! or not hope things will improve.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-12 16:22:00

Hi all,
Motorbo - you're not alone in having moments of "what the hell am I doing here?" ... but Ali is right in saying you need to embrace where you are - right now. It may well be that you're not in Wgtn for a long time but don't "tread water" while you're there. Embrace the experience & take from it what you can - short or long term :)
As for your companion '- if I was closer I'd help. My cat would bring them in to play then let them go! I have become very good at catching a speeding mouse by the tail then teaching them to fly!! Just have to watch their teeth - had one double up on itself and bite my finger - hard!
Life's good here - today! I've learnt to embrace the good times & leave the rest.
I've started my last module in my diploma course! Can you believe it??? I can't believe it's approaching 12mths since I started this chapter of my life!!!
We had an exam this morning which I think I aced :) Another one tomorrow ... feeling good about it too. Human Resource Management - you can't scare me!
Waves to everyone xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-12 20:03:00

And Ali - please get better soon!!!!!!!!!

winnie231 - 2011-07-12 20:04:00

Hi everyone..

Wow, that time has gone fast Rae - very exciting with possibilities ahead to choose from..

Ali.. I think you've said it's your sinuses that are part of the problem.. I'll post below a technique we were shown by a Naturopath, after constant ear infections, ear pain, headaches, etc..etc.. for my Daughter.. she had been off school for most of the previous 4 months, age 10, put on adult strength antibiotics, etc.. etc.. the type of antibiotic had been changed four times - nothing helping.. I took her to a Naturopath, and this massage technique below released the pain immediately, as it drained the sinuses, eustachian tubes, back of the nose, etc.. and within a few minutes the pain had gone.. after all those months of worry with her not getting well, then seeing her without pain for the first time in those months - I cried.. such a relief to see my young Daughter out of the pain..

With repeating the massage regularly after that, she hasn't needed antibiotics for those problems since.

We've used the massage when needed - we call it 'Tracey's Massage' after the Naturopath.. and any time there's any pressure, tension or pain in the ear areas, sinuses, etc.. achieving relief within a few minutes..

It will probably be tender and painful as you're doing the massage.. be very gentle and do a little at a time, and repeat it often.. as the tubes unblock, you'll be able to feel what's been causing the blockage go down the back of your throat.. and each little bit of that is reducing the blockages..

There's a lot of typing to explain the technique - once you've done it, it's easy to do..

I hope this is of help.. it's the first thing we do when sinus, nose, ear or throat problems start.. & it's so good not to need antibiotics and other medications.

juliewn - 2011-07-12 21:59:00

The Naturopath showed us the following - and it's relieved all sore ears , blocked Eustachian tubes and blocked sinuses we've ever had since, including no longer was there a need for my then 10 year old Daughter to have surgery.

To clear the right eustachian tube - turn your head to look left.
From the bottom of your ear and slightly behind it, you'll be able to feel the tube as a slight and almost vertical mound. It may feel slightly tight - or very tight - which shows that the tube is blocked.
Trace your fingers down from there, keeping your head turned left, to where the tube finishes at the lower centre of your throat - at the top of your chest.

Using your thumb-tip and the thumb side of your right-hand index finger, and starting at the bottom - just to the side of the centre of your throat - gently massage the tube in a slightly open and pinching inwards movement, so you're massaging the slight curve of the tube horizontally.
Massage gently like this for three or four inward pinching movements - keep your thumb and index finger as wide as you can around the tube, so you're reaching as much of the perimeter of the tube as possible.
Move upwards a centimetre and keep repeating until you've reached the top, just behind your ear.

Then use your thumb, and pressing the tube gently just a few centimetre's from the bottom, run your thumb down to the bottom, at the centre of your throat - do this a 4-5 times, pressing a little harder each time.
As you reach the bottom of the tube, you'll feel a little of what's blocking the tube run down inside your throat - it will probably make you swallow.. this is because you're manually clearing the tube through your throat.

Repeat as above, then move a couple of cm's higher again.. massaging there as above, then use your thumb to run down again to the centre of your lower throat.. you'll feel more draining away inside your throat. Do this a few times, so it removes more of the blockage.
Repeat, moving a little higher on the tube each time, until you've reached the top of the tube, slightly below and behind your ear. The tube will probably feel a lot firmer there, if it's more blocked there.
Run your thumb down the tube several times, to help drain the tube into your throat.
Once that's been completed, the tube will feel flatter and less rounded - and you won't be able to drain anything else through doing the massage.

Turn your head to the right and repeat the above for your left side.

Repeat the full process if needed - once you're used to doing it, it takes a couple of minutes - and you can clear the tube easily.

Don't start at the top, as you would be trying to push a lot of the blockage through a blocked tube without clearing part of it first.. and it would be painful.

To clear your sinuses - which also helps reduce pressure on your Eustachian tubes:
Place the tip of your middle finger just beneath the cheekbone where it joins the side of your nose.

Push the finger tip up under the cheekbone as far as you can, so you'll reach more of your sinuses. and move your finger tip in a slightly up-and-down motion - going no bigger than a few mm's in size.
This may be sore if your sinuses are blocked.. gentle massaging will help relieve the pain and the blockage.

Massage like this a few times, then move outwards toward your ear a cm or so and repeat, pushing up underneath the cheekbone.
Then, still using your middle fingertip and still pushing up under the cheekbone to the sinuses, slide your fingertip left toward your nose, over the two areas you've just massaged.
Again you'll feel the draining happen in the lower part of your throat.
Repeat, this time moving a few cm's right, then run your finger across toward your nose again to drain the stuff out.

Once you've worked right to the front of your ear, change to the other side and repeat..


juliewn - 2011-07-12 22:01:00

I hope this is of help.. it's been an incredible help here.. I was a very relieved Mum to have our Naturopath show us this technique.. and it works so simply to unblock those passages. I've shown our doctor how this works.. she also calls it Tracey's massage..

juliewn - 2011-07-12 22:03:00

thanks ali and rae...ha ha hope i catch the mouse bread is gluten free, i dont buy it often due to the cost, yes im single, pretty much my whole life ...hope you get better soon Ali!!

motorbo - 2011-07-12 22:05:00

Hi Motorbo.. mice, scary!!! I've ended up leaving our cat door closed so she can't come inside during the day so she doesn't bring in any 'gifts'..
I laughed reading this thread last night - a 'letter to my cat' thread - cats sure have staff!!

juliewn - 2011-07-12 22:17:00

Waving to julie,such a good post,a lot of people suffer far too much.
i am back on line after having shocking storms,trees down, ect,dp was out all night in the strorms with lines down,trees on roads,a shocking cold winter,where are our frosty nice warm days,sign.
I am feeling so much better now,sure hope it does not return,off to the doctor for a check up on Friday,so hope all goes well.
Hugs to you Motorbo,hope all goes well for you real soon,waving to everyone else.
When is cooks due back?,miss her posts.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-13 11:07:00

thank you very much juliewn - when I started by the base of my throat I started swallowing straight away, hurt my under cheekbone mind its still throbbing, must have loads of crap underneath, mind you its causing me enough grief there must be a underground river inside!! - had to laugh son commented on a post I made on facebook with a mutual friend, and was told to leave the LOL's to his generation!! lol to that!! gluten free bread is expensive I am surprised it wasnt in the freezer being dribbled out piece by piece (another lol)

auckland_ali - 2011-07-13 11:13:00

it does not freeze well - lucky not much there, my son dont know im on here he wouldnt cope HA HA
he thinks i say too much on FB

thanks EA, but though i like one half of my job i dont like the people i deal with in the other bit, and suspect they dont like me cos i speak my mind, i need to shutup!!! and accept not everyone has the same simpel standards i do. if someone offered me a job now in auss i would take it!!

auckland_ali wrote:

thank you very much juliewn - when I started by the base of my throat I started swallowing straight away, hurt my under cheekbone mind its still throbbing, must have loads of crap underneath, mind you its causing me enough grief there must be a underground river inside!! - had to laugh son commented on a post I made on facebook with a mutual friend, and was told to leave the LOL's to his generation!! lol to that!! gluten free bread is expensive I am surprised it wasnt in the freezer being dribbled out piece by piece (another lol)

motorbo - 2011-07-13 12:15:00

great thread, i posted to tease them all!!!

juliewn wrote:

Hi Motorbo.. mice, scary!!! I've ended up leaving our cat door closed so she can't come inside during the day so she doesn't bring in any 'gifts'..
I laughed reading this thread last night - a 'letter to my cat' thread - cats sure have staff!!

motorbo - 2011-07-13 12:20:00

Yay!!! I have all my assignments up to date & passed all of them :)
HR Management exams at the mo ... passed yesterdays but aren't quite so confident about today's one. Thank goodness for re-sits!!!

Juliewn - I've just been reading the cat thread ... and have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! Thanks for sharing :)
Hope everyone's surviving the stormy weather ok!! Lucky cooks being away in the warm!

winnie231 - 2011-07-13 13:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-13 17:35:00

Well done Winnie

An absolutely beautiful day here, despite some wind (increased now) and an aftershock that happened when I was standing next to my scary looking garage,

A mini- library has been opened in South City Mall and it's wonderful. it's good to be able to get to at least one part of the city, especially as my fave cafe (Robert Harris) opened there too. It's good to have a small slice of my life back.

X posted with Cooks - Sounds wonderful - enjoy yourself.

Edited by calista at 6:30 pm, Wed 13 Jul

calista - 2011-07-13 18:28:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-14 02:24:00
juliewn wrote:

Hi Motorbo.. mice, scary!!! I've ended up leaving our cat door closed so she can't come inside during the day so she doesn't bring in any 'gifts'..
I laughed reading this thread last night - a 'letter to my cat' thread - cats sure have staff!!

I cannot believe what just happened.... I was reading this when Max made his normal appearance and the back door (which I can see from the computer area) I opened the door as usual... AND HE HAD A BIRD IN HIS MOUTH..... I have just chased him... removed the dead bird and come back here... talk about a coincidence. This is the first bird he has brought inside as being once wild we usually only find feathers.

toadfish - 2011-07-14 06:41:00
elliehen wrote:

Recognise anybody?? If you do, don't say who ;)

lol... they have obviously hung out in recipes....

toadfish - 2011-07-14 06:45:00

Morning everyone... was nice to catch up on everyones news... good and bad.... I have holiday envy....

Work - We have another advert going out today, so the phone will probably ring off the hook... and positive thoughts... my new team member will phone today!! Life continues to be busy at work... but I reached a new calm yesterday... and more of my head was above water than normal... considering I am doing 2 peoples jobs thats not bad... There is some non urgent stuff building up but will catch up on that in the future,

Can people remember was it "Cherryvite" that Pam used? would like to give it a go with its natural melatonin, as would a couple of the ladies at work.... think when you are so busy during the day.. then its hard to unwind and sleep well at night.

Went to Rotorua last weekend with hubby for his annual car swap meet. Saturday we friend and rellie visited and then sunday I had breakfast with hubby and his brother and they went off to the swap meet and I luxuriated at the Rydges with Sky and the morning paper as we had a 1pm checkout... BLISS.

Have a great day everyone... take care

Edited by toadfish at 6:52 am, Thu 14 Jul

toadfish - 2011-07-14 06:50:00
cookessentials wrote:

n from sunny Noosa! somewhere between 20-23 degrees, blue skies and sun. Having a lovely time and relaxing ( crickey, I'm in bed by about 7.30!) I must have been more tired than I thought. Tiger prawns are about, although, I have not had any yet. DH has though. Sat at the Boathouse restaurant that is moored on the river and had a glass of sav and watched the sun go down which was quite magical. Got up early and went and sat at the river this morning to remember Sherrie as it is a year today that she lost her battle against bc. Hope all is well with you girls?

Cooks so good to hear from you,and I am thinking of you hun.
So good you can pop in and talk to us,I was sorry I missed you before you went,you take care hun,next month will be my late best friends birthday I miss her so much,she too passed with cancer.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-14 08:38:00
winnie231 wrote:

Yay!!! I have all my assignments up to date & passed all of them :)
HR Management exams at the mo ... passed yesterdays but aren't quite so confident about today's one. Thank goodness for re-sits!!!

Juliewn - I've just been reading the cat thread ... and have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard! Thanks for sharing :)
Hope everyone's surviving the stormy weather ok!! Lucky cooks being away in the warm!

Awww well done winnie,you are rocking by

earthangel4 - 2011-07-14 08:39:00
motorbo wrote:

it does not freeze well - lucky not much there, my son dont know im on here he wouldnt cope HA HA
he thinks i say too much on FB

thanks EA, but though i like one half of my job i dont like the people i deal with in the other bit, and suspect they dont like me cos i speak my mind, i need to shutup!!! and accept not everyone has the same simpel standards i do. if someone offered me a job now in auss i would take it!! I know what you mean,a fight broke out at work last night between me and another caregiver,If I am right,I will not back down,the new boss had to come and tell us to take it outside,I was so angry,I said what I thought,now she will not work with me,I don,t like lies,she is good at it,and very lazy,I could not shut up,sign.

I know what you mean,a fight broke out at work last night between me and another caregiver,If I am right,I will not back down,the new boss had to come and tell us to take it outside,I was so angry,I said what I thought,now she will not work with me,I don,t like lies,she is good at it,and very lazy,I could not shut up,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-14 11:25:00
toadfish wrote:

Morning everyone... was nice to catch up on everyones news... good and bad.... I have holiday envy....

Work - We have another advert going out today, so the phone will probably ring off the hook... and positive thoughts... my new team member will phone today!! Life continues to be busy at work... but I reached a new calm yesterday... and more of my head was above water than normal... considering I am doing 2 peoples jobs thats not bad... There is some non urgent stuff building up but will catch up on that in the future,

Can people remember was it "Cherryvite" that Pam used? would like to give it a go with its natural melatonin, as would a couple of the ladies at work.... think when you are so busy during the day.. then its hard to unwind and sleep well at night.

Went to Rotorua last weekend with hubby for his annual car swap meet. Saturday we friend and rellie visited and then sunday I had breakfast with hubby and his brother and they went off to the swap meet and I luxuriated at the Rydges with Sky and the morning paper as we had a 1pm checkout... BLISS.

Have a great day everyone... take care

Hi Toadie,yep was cherryvite,I swear by it,I see they now have an add on tv,no more aches and pains,and sleeping is now a breeze,thanks to cooks.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-14 14:26:00

My tutor says I need to learn to have faith in my abilities.
I often apologise as I'm handing in assignments thinking they're not good enough, while my tutor is apparently using my work as a bench mark because they consider it so good! And I worry that I've failed on exams when I pass each time first time.
Time for a bit of self affirmation I think!
If anyone knows a book I should read, I welcome your suggestions.

Waves to everyone :) It's the big chip in for Chch tomorrow - hope you've all got your red & black ready to wear ...!/bigchipin?sk=info

winnie231 - 2011-07-14 17:12:00

good for u hun, i dont like lies either, u did the right thing, i have decided i need to learn to shutup and put up with things as they r, they wont change, if someone offered me a good job right now i would leave im over crappy employers, even if half of my job is good the other isnt

earthangel4 wrote:

I know what you mean,a fight broke out at work last night between me and another caregiver,If I am right,I will not back down,the new boss had to come and tell us to take it outside,I was so angry,I said what I thought,now she will not work with me,I don,t like lies,she is good at it,and very lazy,I could not shut up,sign.

motorbo - 2011-07-14 21:54:00

I think one of the biggest things is our expectations of others, we see in our heads how we would react/treat a person and expect others to do the same, the old treat others as you treat them yourselves doesnt actually cut it in real life and if you expect that then you are going to fall a long way down. people look after themselves and some people are oblivious to others feelings or wants or expectations. when I have expectations on people I feel desperately hurt that they have not measured up to what I hoped they would do - what I do for people no way goes to what people do for me, and if those same people dont even spend the time of day even thinking about you why should you let it affect you, back at you and how you handle it and how you also proctect yourself dont be hard but dont allow yourself to be too open to that.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-14 23:58:00

Morning all,
don't forget to wear red & black today and dp something nice for a Cantabrian :)
Hope you all have a great day ... TGIF!!!!!
EA & motorbo - hope things improve for you on the job or you find the right alternative. Happy days all ... I'm off to my 3rd exam for the week. Oh joy!!!

winnie231 - 2011-07-15 06:53:00

Thanks guys,I hear what you all are saying,ali,I love your words,I can not understand myself at times,as I am normally a shy person,but I know in my own mind,I have to be quiet and just do my job and come home,that is what my dp has said as well,he said honey go to work and do your job,100 percent,do not worry about others as long as you know you have done a good job.
Winnie thank you.
I am off to get the car in for a warrant,then off to the doctors for a checkup.
Have a wonderful day all.
Cooks sure hope you are enjoying yourself,with you dh.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-15 07:17:00

Thinking of our cantab friends and hope the day is kind to you.

marywea - 2011-07-15 10:15:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-15 11:35:00

i need to vent, its not getting better and now i know why...and can see no way out ........i need a new job ...who is gonna want me now ...when im leaving a job again!! r there no good employers out there

motorbo - 2011-07-15 17:47:00

Hi Motorbo,I feel the same way,I want to leave my job,but finding it so hard,have been there 5 years soon,but I am so over it.
If I could I would move back to Blenheim,but Dp has a very good job,and at his age would be too hard to find another,I also am older then him,and because I am good at my job,it would be hard for me too leave,it is just the people that don,t know how to tell the truth,and don,t know how too pull there weight.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-15 17:55:00

i don t know what to do but cry

motorbo - 2011-07-15 18:34:00

I feel for you both, it's not nice to feel trapped with no options.

A silver lning to the earthquake cloud is that our boss has provided us with access to a counsellor for 3 free sessions, and as I am in a similar position to you I have used the sessions to get some support.

They have recommended 2 books for me - Working with Monsters, and the other is Toxic Co-workers. Cos let's face it, we can't easily leave so what can we do in the meantime to reduce the effect of the stressful work situation on ourselves?

sumstyle - 2011-07-15 21:21:00

Thinking of you Sumstyle, Earthangel and Motorbo - awful being in a work situation that's not usually positive.. hugs..

Have been thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. red and black worn here today.. saw Campbell Live with the EQC lady - finally someone from there - just awful that so many people are affected by them too, on top of all the upheaval of the quakes and all that's happened..

Ali.. I hope the massage techniques are helping.. with the sinuses under your cheekbones being painful, they'll definitely be blocked.. be gentle and start from nearest the nose.. repeating the massage a few times every 15 minutes or so, or as often as you can.. will gradually drain the tubes and as that happens, the pain will go.. and the infection will lessen too.. and hopefully quickly end..

Rae..good for you for the success you're achieving at your course.. There are more posts in the cat thread.. sure brings laughter reading through it.. I'm wondering if you've changed your email address, or if my emails aren't going through if I have the incorrect addy.. I emailed a few weeks ago and again recently as I haven't heard back from the first.. hope you received them..

Have a great weekend everyone..

juliewn - 2011-07-16 02:37:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-16 18:48:00

Thank you all for your kind words,I have had 2 lovely days off,and have done a lot of thinking,I am going to work on myself,and do my job,one hundred%,then go home each night.
I am not going to put myself in that postion again.
I am so thankful I have a job,and will keep looking for another,tied of doing weekends,missing out on a lot of things with my partner.
Motorbo,I hope you are ok,have been thinking of you.
Angel hugs.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-16 19:21:00

thanks hun...and thank you to all of you...great news sumstyle

im seriously considering australia...but its tough as no job to go to and i dont really wanna leave my son, but i feel trapped

earthangel4 wrote:

Thank you all for your kind words,I have had 2 lovely days off,and have done a lot of thinking,I am going to work on myself,and do my job,one hundred%,then go home each night.
I am not going to put myself in that postion again.
I am so thankful I have a job,and will keep looking for another,tied of doing weekends,missing out on a lot of things with my partner.
Motorbo,I hope you are ok,have been thinking of you.
Angel hugs.

motorbo - 2011-07-16 19:34:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-17 00:20:00

another ali saying.... there are plenty of new jobs out there but if you are striking the same problems just maybe its time to hunker down look at yourself and how you are reacting to things /issues. a day can turn into sunsine if you are looking for the 20 mins it actually shone, or looking at the other side and the 23.40 hours that it was dismal!! beginning of this week I would have told you it was black skies and nothing cheerful - today feeling so much more chipper there was a lot of spells before downpours (and auckland really had them I can tell you) my washing is certainly not dry but when I looked it was o.k. - sometimes you look and its not o.k. stop step back evaluate and be quiet and then look at the problem.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-17 01:46:00
auckland_ali wrote:

another ali saying.... there are plenty of new jobs out there but if you are striking the same problems just maybe its time to hunker down look at yourself and how you are reacting to things /issues. a day can turn into sunsine if you are looking for the 20 mins it actually shone, or looking at the other side and the 23.40 hours that it was dismal!! beginning of this week I would have told you it was black skies and nothing cheerful - today feeling so much more chipper there was a lot of spells before downpours (and auckland really had them I can tell you) my washing is certainly not dry but when I looked it was o.k. - sometimes you look and its not o.k. stop step back evaluate and be quiet and then look at the problem.

Ali Awww nice words,this is what I have been thinking about myself,I think I am the trouble here,as I want the best for the elderly,so now I am going to step down,and do my job,and leave others alone.
The co worker I was in a fight with txt me this morning and said sorry,so it is all good now.
I am still looking for a job with special needs,I think it will happen about sept,so i am going to do the best I can.
On another note,motorbo why don,t you go for a holiday to aussie and see what you can find,on the other note,you will miss your son,I am too far away from my children as it is,have you talked to your son,hun.?
I am hoping to go visit my dd in Jan,taking my holidays then.
I am back on abs,have another chest infection,but one must keep working,as have no sick days,dr said it is going around,seems unfair that I have it all winter,and no one at work has had it,lol

earthangel4 - 2011-07-17 08:28:00

Morning all,
it's a bit rocky in Chch again but we won't let that stop us enjoying what looks like a gorgeous, sunny day.
I'm off for a meander round the Riccarton Market :)
Enjoy yourselves & share a smile with a stranger. Remember "A smile is contagious, let's see how far we can spread it."

winnie231 - 2011-07-17 08:43:00

i see what u are saying but sorry not my issue....see im employed to do a job im struggling with the workload...everyone else gets 30 hours a week i get 20 hours a week to do it...sorry ali if i cant see the other side of that, and i cant see why this happens to me...i didnt c=deserve this stress.................time i left here for a while....sorry folks ...take care

auckland_ali wrote:

another ali saying.... there are plenty of new jobs out there but if you are striking the same problems just maybe its time to hunker down look at yourself and how you are reacting to things /issues. a day can turn into sunsine if you are looking for the 20 mins it actually shone, or looking at the other side and the 23.40 hours that it was dismal!! beginning of this week I would have told you it was black skies and nothing cheerful - today feeling so much more chipper there was a lot of spells before downpours (and auckland really had them I can tell you) my washing is certainly not dry but when I looked it was o.k. - sometimes you look and its not o.k. stop step back evaluate and be quiet and then look at the problem.

motorbo - 2011-07-17 08:50:00

Don't leave us Motorbo especially if it helps to vent on line, something we can all do with, at periods in our lives. Anne, worried about you-hope you are OK. Seems to have been a not so good autumn/winter for many. Ali, how did Juliewen's treatment work for you? I have copied it into my Hints folder because while I don't have problems with sinus I am bound to hear of someone who does. I am working back at my old job at the Bridge Club this week 3 hours a day Mon-Thur and I love it. I spend most of the time ringing members to see if they would like me to find them a partner thus increasing playing numbers and keeping people happy. I will do this for 4 different days, Friday looks after themselves as do the 3 months of Sat. afternoon play.We pay $5.00 each time we play but only pay $84.00 annual subscription. We (and the Bank) own the building which was a cinema.

marywea - 2011-07-17 10:02:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-17 11:31:00
motorbo wrote:

i see what u are saying but sorry not my issue....see im employed to do a job im struggling with the workload...everyone else gets 30 hours a week i get 20 hours a week to do it...sorry ali if i cant see the other side of that, and i cant see why this happens to me...i didnt c=deserve this stress.................time i left here for a while....sorry folks ...take care

motorbo,don,t leave us,keep coming in here,you are aloud too vent,I will miss you if you go,so please stay.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-17 12:34:00
cookessentials wrote:

yes jb, it is the cherryvite which is just marvelous stuff. Been up early to the Noosa farmers market in Weyba road...this place is a MUST for all you foodies if/when you visit Noosa. Beautiful fruits at this time of year including strawberries, passionfruit etc. Off for the day to make the most of it. Weather overcast today but no rain.

Good to see you cooks,yum fruit just love it,and pleased you are having a good time,yep cherryvite does wonders for me,just about to get some more.
When do you come home?

earthangel4 - 2011-07-17 12:36:00
winnie231 wrote:

Morning all,
it's a bit rocky in Chch again but we won't let that stop us enjoying what looks like a gorgeous, sunny day.
I'm off for a meander round the Riccarton Market :)
Enjoy yourselves & share a smile with a stranger. Remember "A smile is contagious, let's see how far we can spread it."

Aww I love the Riccarton mall,spent so much money there.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-17 12:37:00

Waving to Mary and charlie,and to everyone else,such a lovely day here on the westcoast,pity I have work,but not til 3pm,so not too bad.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-17 12:38:00
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