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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Charlieb2, are you prepared to receive an email similar to the ones you so "kindly" send?? You have been warned!! If you have finally crumbled into a wee heap you are excused for your non appearance but that is the only reason.
Your loving friend...Mary

marywea - 2011-07-05 09:40:00

earthangel do you own or rent - if rent why dont you move to a warmer dryer house? winter is certainly biting here. glad your tooth is better winnie, one can feel really ill with infections. (I know!!) still struggling with sinus having a take it easy day today!!

auckland_ali - 2011-07-05 13:07:00
auckland_ali wrote:

do you own or rent - if rent why dont you move to a warmer dryer house? winter is certainly biting here. glad your tooth is better winnie, one can feel really ill with infections. (I know!!) still struggling with sinus having a take it easy day today!!

Hi Hun,we rent so are now on a look out for another place too rent,too many people are telling us too move,bless them,so time too move,well keep you all posted.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-05 13:16:00

I hope she doesn't mind me saying - but I txtd Charlieb today ... life's a bit tough at the mo with the ongoing earthquake aftermath! I told her to get in here so we could give her a group hug ... but we might just have to send lots of love & hugs via cyberspace!
Feel hugged chickadee xxx

winnie231 - 2011-07-05 16:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-05 16:38:00

hey charlieb (((((HUGS)))))

motorbo - 2011-07-05 18:44:00

Hi from me too Charlieb. You and Winnie have both coped with so much crap in the last few months and have even been able to find some humour in situations that would stretch anyone's ability to see the funny side. Hang in there.

greerg - 2011-07-05 20:16:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-06 00:23:00

Hello Charlie, Rae.. for all of you there in Christchurch and Canterbury.. huge hugs..

Thinking of you all.. take gentle care.. x

juliewn - 2011-07-06 00:28:00
winnie231 wrote:

I hope she doesn't mind me saying - but I txtd Charlieb today ... life's a bit tough at the mo with the ongoing earthquake aftermath! I told her to get in here so we could give her a group hug ... but we might just have to send lots of love & hugs via cyberspace!
Feel hugged chickadee xxx

Awww big hugs to our friend Charlie,and thank you for update.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-06 07:39:00
greerg wrote:

Hi from me too Charlieb. You and Winnie have both coped with so much crap in the last few months and have even been able to find some humour in situations that would stretch anyone's ability to see the funny side. Hang in there.

Amen,My heart goes out to you all,and big hugs to you all xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-07-06 07:40:00

Good Morning all you lovely people,I got a txt from my beautiful daughter yesterday to say they felt the earthquake in Blenheim,when is it all going to stop.
Sending you all my love and hugs xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-07-06 07:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-06 11:42:00

Hello lovelies :)
The sun is shining & I'm freezing!
I think I've sat working at my computer for too long. Time to take the dog for a walk!
Listening to the radio & hearing there's major flooding problems in Chch today as well as serious concerns with the hospital chimney.
When will it all end ...
Hope my fellow Cantabs are all ok xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-06 12:56:00

I got on a plane for Dunedin yesterday and after 5 or so minutes in the air one of the engines failed so then we had to turn back to Christchurch and make an emergency landing! After a hairy ten minutes we touched down with the fire engines all with lights flashing at the end of the runway.

Ah sweet, shaky quaky Canterbury soil - how much I prefer you...compared to airplanes with dodgy mechanics!

sumstyle - 2011-07-06 20:40:00

lol sumstyle, did you kiss the ground. not warm here either mind you havent put any heaters on just had my blankie and a good chick flick which I have just finished reading, was most surprised it was a nz author, very funny soh.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-07 00:40:00

Morning Morning.... Wish I could sleep to at least 6.30! but wide awake....
Haven't been around much as have been busy busy.... We are 1 down at work so its constant to say the least....but we are handling it. Don't really have much news... Just same ol same ol. Recovered from the chest infection/cold so thats good, even though still not 100%.
Have lost my cooking mojo and food has become very ho hum in this house.
Last nights was nice though. The day before I had brought a reduced to clear fresh chicken.. so cooked it up when I got home.. then last night we had pumpkin soup from the freezer and I made chicken and pesto paninis... very nom nom nom and all the main food groups covered. Tonight though..... Pataks Butter Chicken, rice and unless I get to the fruit and veg shop frozen mixed veg.... Thats what seem to have taken a back seat, I used to regularly go out in my lunch time to the supermarket or fruit and veg shop.... I am going to make a conscious effort to do that today... give me change to breath..... and fill the fridge at the same time.

Off to look at bookwork... byeee have a great day JBx

toadfish - 2011-07-07 05:46:00

I know what you mean about cooking mojo going missing, toadfish - I did a chicken stirfry in the wok this week that (my sister confirmed) smelt fabulous, but taste wise I was disappointed, yet the ingredients should have given a good result.

As for kissing the ground, auckland_ali - it Did cross my mind, particularly as the air hostess told us that the tramac was very frosty so we had to be careful crossing it back to the terminal...slipping and landing on my butt would've been My version of kissing the ground!

sumstyle - 2011-07-07 07:33:00

O, and I tried sweetbreads down in Invercargill (once I finally got down there). They were rolled in parmesan and rosemary and then deep fried. Very yummy. And a kina soup, which was good too.

When I have made the effort to go somewhere else I try to choose food I haven't tasted before.

sumstyle - 2011-07-07 07:39:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-07 09:21:00

Morning all you beautiful people,all this talk about food is making me hungry,have had no breakfast yet,lol.
I have just got out of bed,I needed to sleep,as with coughing it takes a lot out of you.
I am getting better,just needs time.
I am thinking about taking a trip to Blenheim next month,to see my dd,my other grandson will be 6,have not seen them for awhile,so time to go over there,and get some sunshine,me thinks,lol lol.
I have 5 beautiful grand children,at times it is so hard to go see them,and I don,t want them too forget me.
Hope everyone is well and happy,sending you all my angel hugs.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-07 09:32:00

Cooks I'm really bored with my cooking. Can I move into your house please?

calista - 2011-07-07 18:27:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-08 00:03:00

Good morning .... TGIF!
Finals weekend - YAY :) GOOO CRUSADERS!!!!! There's a big welcome home happening for the boys at the airport on Sunday afternoon & as it's just round the corner - I might have to join the party.
There's a real buzz around Chch about the game .... after everything everyone has gone through here, a Super 15 win would give the city something to celebrate :)
Have a great day all xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-08 07:36:00

Aww cold and wet here,going to stay in doors over the weekend,too cold to go anywhere,after all it is winter.
Not much going on here,too wet to get out in the garden,dp going away this afternoon till sunday so just me and the dog home,a nice quite weekend,back to work on monday.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-08 11:16:00

The glue of this thread is still missing, hope it/her creeps in shortly. Had the capping and bridge done this morning-a great improvement. Stays there till January when a permanet one is put in. Hope you have a great warm holiday cooks. Lovely and sunny in Wgtn and not the predicted wind, was a heavy shower this am and no doubt there will be more before the weekend is over.Quite warm. Ali, how are you?

marywea - 2011-07-08 13:35:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-08 14:33:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-08 14:39:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-08 16:01:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-08 16:46:00

have a lovely time in a lovely warm place, we wont try to be too jealous!! - went to pictures today to see bridesmaids, OMG discustingly funny have not mascara left from laughing so hard. worked out have been on antiboitics 27 days - still feel the same so will look at seeing the doc early next week, think I need to go and see an ear nose and throat specialist, this really has gone on too long, still have my smell - tried to dissapear yesterday morning but came back, its amazing how much you miss, all those food smells in the food hall (talking butter chicken here) that ones like a mind altering drug!!

auckland_ali - 2011-07-08 17:42:00

*** waves to charlieb *** Heard they've shut your bridge now ... you guys deserve a break over there!!! Hope you're coping ok xxx
Pam - have a lovely time in the sun ... jealous much! ;)
Ali - so long on AB's is not cool. Make sure you buy some probiotic capsules.
Night night all.

winnie231 - 2011-07-08 22:45:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-08 23:00:00

*Waves at Charlie* Take care and stay strong... I can feel a "Meeting" in the air..... Flying up our leader again!!! Will talk to Ali... and see what we come up with and float the date.... Would you consider bringing your boys? We have "cosy" accomodation.... which you are more than welcome to.

Glad you are going to ENT spec Ali... I am seeing Brother in Law this weekend so will find out exactly what he had done that we was so pleased with.

Pam..... so Jealous!!!!! I just need to book something, saw my travel agent and she was amazed that i didn't have anything in the pipeline... so unlike me.
Have compared the girls calender and they have a 2 week overlap next July... so am thinking thinking... I want to see the Orangs in Borneo...hubby rolls his eyes.... Miss 17 seemed non plussed but Miss 18's Keen so will have to think more about it. - Might be a 3 generation Girls holiday as my mum is keen. Then hubby is keen for more time on the Pearl. (P&O)

Well thats me now....look at the time.... just not someone who sleeps in.

Take care

Edited by toadfish at 6:11 am, Sat 9 Jul

toadfish - 2011-07-09 06:10:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-09 07:37:00

Hello all, haven't been on here for the longest time ... was really sick, and at same time computer dropped dead ! Have just got back online this morning, very exciting. Hope all are well, and a big 'hello' to my Chch buddies :-)

2halls - 2011-07-09 13:32:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-09 14:27:00

Hi 2halls,wondered what happened to you,hope you are feeling better.
Cooks have a wonderful holiday away,you sure deserve it,you will be missed,have not read much in here,so when will you be back?
Charlie good to see you,and to know you are ok.
hi to winnie,mary,and everyone else.
Ali like you I am still on antibotitics ,and will be on another 10 days,I am fighting another chest infection,have a doctors appointment on friday,so sick of hospitals and doctors this year,so roll along summer.
We have had a weather warning here storms,gale winds up too 100 an hr,not good.
it is getting darker and is raining and so cold,but nice and warm in here with roaring fire,dp is away tramping yikes,he is ok,as has just rang,he said he got in two good walks,so all is good.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-09 15:55:00

hey all, am pleased to say my boy is alive and well = he just missed getting hit byt the tornado today!! not often he soujnds unsettled!! hope all r is still full on, and i still dont know about the whole move thing i miss my friends and i think its gonna be hard to make new ones ...hope u get better soon EA HUGS

motorbo - 2011-07-09 21:51:00
motorbo wrote:

hey all, am pleased to say my boy is alive and well = he just missed getting hit byt the tornado today!! not often he soujnds unsettled!! hope all r is still full on, and i still dont know about the whole move thing i miss my friends and i think its gonna be hard to make new ones ...hope u get better soon EA HUGS

Ah hun,I was thinking about you yesterday,was wondering if you are ok.
I know how you feel,I missed my friends when I moved,I still do,but I go home once every 3 months too see them,I was hoping to go next month,but I have had too many days off work,so now have to wait until Jan.
I am so sick of being sick,really I am,I really want to move,so sick of the wind and the cold.
My cough just won,t go away,I have never been free of chest infections this winter,no matter what I take.
I feel we will move and soon I will have a day job,I am thinking sept,oct.
I have applied to work with the special needs,she said as soon as one comes up will let me know.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-10 08:39:00

motorbro you have to go out to something that gives you interaction with people, dance classes, bridge, flower arranging at the local community centre - its easy when we have school aged children you meet people thru your kids. what a sick bunch of people we are - there is a lot of sickness about at the moment, one friends kids teacher said she had 10 at school 26 all last week - huge amount unwell, that time of year.
we have just booked skiing south island september, so Jo here we come for a coffee with both boys, had to take them this time wouldnt be forgiven if not lol. made the most amazing vegiterian dinner last night it was pumpkin par boiled and then thrown in saucepan with oil and an onion, a large teaspoon of brown sugar to caramaelize it then a cup and a half of cous cous and same of water but I did put a veggie oxo cube in, lid on turn off sit for 10 mins then two handfulls of fresh parsley and two handfulls of cashew nuts, I thought it was a great side dish and quite different from the usual - I might add I had a bowl of small buttered roasted leftover potatoes that got thrown in as well which was fine. nom nom nom, and I am sure it would be low calorie as well. as long as you didnt have too many cashews!!
the pilos were cream cheese, sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, brie, spinach and then for the meat eaters I put chicken and bacon in as well, very rich with a basil pesto sauce heated with wine and oil and drizzled on top, very nice. when I served dessert I just said call me Chef Ali!!

auckland_ali - 2011-07-10 12:28:00

Waving to ali,yes I am bored today,lol,I see I have a wild irish I planted in may up,a lovely purple one,so early.
It is too cold to garden,just want to be by the fire,the sun is shinning at present how long for we do not know.
DP is on his way home,he rang from westport,so should be here shortly as that was an hour ago,he got in 2 good walks,so sounds like he had a good time.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-10 12:50:00

cheers Ali, i cant really explain it well, but i feel restless which makes me question why i cant feel settled, a friend told me he does not see me settleing here for long, he sees me moving on, maybe thats why i feel the way i do, i havent really had time to be bored, i do like to have some lazy time on a sunday to prep for the week ahead, as work is so full on. EA i am sorry to hear your health is still troubling you...i think its an age thing for me - as i get older i know i have to work hard at being healthy, i have to eat well and exercise .....i hope you get better soon ((HUGS))

Ali that couscous sounds yummy, i have to limit my gluten though - its not my friend!!

motorbo - 2011-07-10 13:46:00
earthangel4 wrote:

Waving to ali,yes I am bored today,lol,I see I have a wild irish I planted in may up,a lovely purple one,so early.

I had a giggle, earthangel, cos it stumped me for a while wonder what a "wild irish" was, and I was going to troll thru the earlier threads to see if there were some clues, but then I clicked!

One of the nice things about moving to a new property is being surprised by the bulbs that are hidden away most of the year. My last flat had lovely crocuses, and lots of different varieties of iris, but this new place only has daffodils. They still were a nice feature though, underneath the cabbage trees, so I've left them there.

My next garden purchase is going to be a couple of apple trees, and maybe a peach. Yum.

sumstyle - 2011-07-10 15:26:00
sumstyle wrote:

I had a giggle, earthangel, cos it stumped me for a while wonder what a "wild irish" was, and I was going to troll thru the earlier threads to see if there were some clues, but then I clicked!lol lol omg I spelt it wrong,well that is a giggle for the day, lol lol,I planted heaps of spring bulbs in may,hope we stay long enough here,so I can dig them out.

One of the nice things about moving to a new property is being surprised by the bulbs that are hidden away most of the year. My last flat had lovely crocuses, and lots of different varieties of iris, but this new place only has daffodils. They still were a nice feature though, underneath the cabbage trees, so I've left them there.

My next garden purchase is going to be a couple of apple trees, and maybe a peach. Yum.

ol lol omg I spelt it wrong,well that is a giggle for the day, lol lol,I planted heaps of spring bulbs in may,hope we stay long enough here,so I can dig them out.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-10 15:57:00

Good morning,
have yourselves a fabulous day .... and if you live on the west - batten the hatches!

winnie231 - 2011-07-11 06:56:00

Earthangel if you are careful you can lift them out now and into pots ..just don't disturb to close to the bulbs....Black plastic planter bags are great as there not only cheap but also insulate the lifted clumps.little snowdrops/mini dafs/crocuses lifted and placed into china teacups with moss look sweet inside also.

jbsouthland - 2011-07-11 10:00:00

like the tea cup idea, will go wandering into garden to find some, great idea.

auckland_ali - 2011-07-11 10:50:00
jbsouthland wrote:

Earthangel if you are careful you can lift them out now and into pots ..just don't disturb to close to the bulbs....Black plastic planter bags are great as there not only cheap but also insulate the lifted clumps.little snowdrops/mini dafs/crocuses lifted and placed into china teacups with moss look sweet inside also.

Awww thank you,so good to hear from you,will think about this,as i don,t think we will move until sept oct.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-11 11:47:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-07-11 12:01:00
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