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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

elliehen wrote:

Pure heaven. Went to your patch, winnie. The Takaka Valley gleamed bright green with all the mountains still bare of snow. No hard morning frost, so a good day for a trip over the hill. Had a long late afternoon walk on Pohara Beach, with the tide way out, sun low but shimmering across the sea...

BETTER than heaven...

Thou shalt not show envy ... thou shalt not show envy ... ;)

winnie231 - 2011-06-29 17:03:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-29 17:55:00

Oh it does ellie ... was really lovely to read about your day in my beloved Golden Bay :)
It's a shame the organic cafe shut but it was always up against some stiff competition with the Dangerous, the Wholemeal, the Teahouse and others.

winnie231 - 2011-06-29 18:03:00

thank you winnie im going to do that, today was better
i feel like i accomplished soemthing and had some good feedback, i hope it is just teething problems, thank you again ((HUGS))

oh where did you move from??

winnie231 wrote:

Morning all,
motorbo - you only have to follow my journey of the last year from my excitement of moving to Chch & starting again to where I'm at now to know you're not the only one to have that moment when you feel like "anything that can go wrong, has gone wrong, and at the worst possible moment."
I feel for you and I can only say - it's ok to vent here :) It's ok to have a cry :)
A wise friend of mine from here gave me the good idea of getting a journal and writing down in it everything you're feeling. Be brutal, be honest, don't try and make nice sentences ... just write. There will be negative bits and good bits ... but it'll help you to be able to step back from your feelings and look at what you can do to help yourself.
Also make a list of 10 affirmations about you. These might be skills or personality traits you have. Read them every day and BELIEVE them! Have a copy with you at work so that when things are getting tough there you can remind yourself of your own value & that the problems are external.
Love & hugs & I hope this helps in some way xx

motorbo - 2011-06-29 18:42:00

You're welcome!
And glad to hear you had a better day :)
I moved to Chch from Golden Bay. There's quite a bit of my journey told through the pages of this thread if you're ever short of something to read one night ... lol.

winnie231 - 2011-06-29 18:46:00

I hope you had a better day too Winnie - how's your face now? I'm unashamedly feeling envy about Elliehen's visit to Golden Bay - a few days over there would be lovely at the moment wouldn't it. We're in Nelson for a few days in August and I'm sorely tempted to extend the visit a bit and spend some time over the hill.

greerg - 2011-06-29 20:46:00

Thanks Glen - I am improving but not as I should be. I'm going into day clinic tomorrow to have my jaw drained again. It's still quite swollen & very sore.
Not great for someone who's dental phobic lol!

winnie231 - 2011-06-29 20:53:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-29 20:58:00
elliehen wrote:

Give in to temptation, greerg. It's only one hour's driving from Motueka to Takaka, and with the new bypass of Ruby Bay from Nelson to Motueka you can easily make it a day trip.

I 2nd ellie on that Glen ... and I can recommend a couple of great places if you wanted to stay a night or two :)

winnie231 - 2011-06-29 21:03:00

It really is one of those special places out that way, we spent a new years in collingwood - very special place and so beautiful.
hope you have good antibotics rae, it can make you quite woozy in the head an infection like that. once it stops producting poision you will feel much better. do you know what caused it?
motorbo hang in there, sometimes our expectations are higher than they should be and that sets us up for a fall and we can feel really down about things. the lower the expectation the higher the thankfullness if that makes sense.
sitting quietly, hubby is going to get me some natural medicine which apparently is good for sinus, I really dont like the crowbar feeling at all and its turning into a constant blast it all!! - thank you for your kind words its a bummer when you have something that just doesnt shake off.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-29 21:15:00

I think I might take you up on that Rae. Previous stays there have been in holiday homes. We've made many day trips there Elliehen in the days when our kids wouldn't even think about family holidays anywhere except Kina Peninsula. I used to think we should go further afield but we do have very happy happy memories of Kina before the developers found it. And of Golden Bay -the Mussel Inn, Wharariki Beach, Bencarri, Rosy Glow, potters that gave the kids clay and showed them how to pot, the people that let them play with their alpacas on the beach . A magic place full of frienly people.

greerg - 2011-06-29 21:29:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-29 21:49:00

Morning Everyone.
CE great to hear that that the cooking demo went so well.
We are meant to be having 4 days in a row of sunny weather so Yahe to getting outside and doing all the jobs that still need doing. Beautiful sun & clear blue sky here. I couldn't get warm at all yesterday then I read it was our coldest day.
Winnie, thinking of you today sending you calming healing vibes for your treatment at the clinic.
Have a good day everyone.

510 - 2011-06-30 10:02:00

That is great Cooks but did it result in sales? Good promo if nothing else and may bring new people into the shop. Do inhalations help clear sinuses Ali?Using a hot water bottle and inhaling at the hole is a good method though bowl and towel over the head works.. We used to use Friars Balsam though I believe Vicks is OK. Winnie, you are having a bad run with your tooth/gum, good you are in the Hospital system. I snapped a 2nd to front tooth off at the gum line recently and had the root removed on Tuesday. I go to a dishy Oral Surgeon which is fully covered by my health insurance. Now for the dentist and a cap and bridge which will cost $2020.00. I am very consiouis of the gap even though I try to remember to put hand over mouth. I pay nearly $4000.00pa for that health insurance and it goes up each birthday! Toady, hope you are fit again. Motobo, If you take the last 2 letters from my name and send to me at the paradise place, I am happy to be a tollfree "venting" contact. I am in the Western suburbs. Have you sorted out what interests you would like to follow in Wgtn? I have wee Lachie crawling round my floor Commando style-very cute.

marywea - 2011-06-30 10:03:00

Morning all,
not looking forward to this afternoon! Have just taken the last of my antibiotics this morning but still swollen & sore :(
Managed to eat fishpie last night though which was a lovely change from soup!

Glad your evening was a sucess Pam ... cooking classes/demo's are always good fun.
Ali - hope you're feeling better. Sinus infections are horrible!
Mary - I have a front tooth missing too. A lovely young dentist in Nelson is going to help me get my teeth in order and once I'm working I'll be saving for a plate or partial denture.
greerg - happy to advise :)
510 - enjoy that sunshine!
Enjoy your day everyone and don't forget - it's Hug a Cantab Day!!! xx

winnie231 - 2011-06-30 10:29:00

you in the wars as well mary?? lol health insurance is a criminal price aye? doesnt feel so bad when you actually make a decent claim, hubby and I have had our 4th and final crowns done this year we have done one once a year as we get 375 back on our policy it still leaves a mighty shortfall mind but at least we are getting something!! - have veggie soup bubbling away made a stock yesterday with the celery head and bits and pieces out of my old veggie tray before I put my new veggies in, I just about died yesterday at the price of my veggies, 5 tomatoes was 9.74 !! I got a lovely pork roast for tonight but youngest son and girlfriend have said they WONT eat pork!! - ggrrrrrrr I have a lamb rack which is small that they can share that. want to tidy up the paperwork doesnt it manifest itself in all sorts of nooks and crannies in ones house!! - my two kitchen drawers have taken a hit as well lol. have a lovely day everyone, not so cold today.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-30 10:33:00

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elliehen - 2011-06-30 16:47:00

LOL - thanks ellie!!!

Actually - I haven't had a single hug today :(

winnie231 - 2011-06-30 17:22:00

how did you go winnie? hopefully they might give you another doze of antibotics
big roast pork in oven just about to peel kumera yams potatoes pumpkin will make lots so I can make a roasted veggie pie or something like that for tomorrow.
love roasts but hate the clean up lol

auckland_ali - 2011-06-30 17:53:00

thank u Ali and Mary and everyone!! im feeling better today was at a meeting for most of the day...actually where the guy fell from the building, he was very lucky to be alive the car helped hitting that broke the fall a bit they said

Mary - work and the gym pretty much consume my time and my son lives on the coast so i get to see him often which im loving, his GF anf i went out together on our own last week it felt very speical as ive not had time alone with her for ages, Mary what are the western subs? ha ha i so need to start venturing into the city more

motorbo - 2011-06-30 19:32:00

I'm pleased to hear that Rae - I thought your recent nasty experiences might have put you even further off. I'm told that someone like you would probably warrant a stick-on bridge - the making of which is really non-invasive! I hope the clinic visit finally put an end to the saga of that tooth at least.

greerg - 2011-06-30 19:51:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-30 20:50:00

its a great idea, i would so get into that if it was near me

cookessentials wrote:

Sold one today and have a couple of other people from the evening wanting to purchase. We have already sold about six so far and a few of the tarte tatin sets as we had an advertisement in the local paper where you get a free Moroccan cookbook if you purchase the tagine. For me, its nice if we do sell some, but it was more for familiarising people with this particualr tagine and tarte tatin set and what they are for, how easy they are to use and to sample what comes out of them.

motorbo - 2011-06-30 20:59:00
winnie231 wrote:

Actually - I haven't had a single hug today :(

Mmm, I forgot all about it, but I have hugged my dog tonight and told him how much I love him.

I did also sit in a meeting today and while other stuff was discussed I considered how to hug my manager when he returns to work on Monday. Many would agree that I am not naturally demonstrative, but he has been sick for ages and has had many difficulties since February's earthquake. But what would be the best hug - face to face, or a one-armed hug around his sholders, catching him by surprise...this I shall ponder for a couple of days!

sumstyle - 2011-06-30 22:58:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-01 00:15:00

Good morning!
TGIF & what a week it's been ... but I've woken up today actually feeling half way human again :) What a difference a day makes!
No more antibiotics at this stage. I just have to take it easy & let my body do the rest.
I did hug the dog yesterday so I guess that counts. That was after I had growled at her & shut her in her play pen for a while! in disgrace!
I got home from the hospital to find she had done her best to eat my next assignment! Not my actual work (that's on the laptop thankfully) but the outline of what I have to do. GRRR - she was going VERY cheap for a while there!
Yep - the dog really did eat my homework lol!
Enjoy your Friday everyone :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-01 08:34:00

True - I have that book, so I shall study it diligently!

sumstyle - 2011-07-01 08:34:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-02 00:09:00

Thats me... still not well and just worked out when i go in this morning I have worked an extra 8 hours this week.... no wonder I am knackered! I think the flu jab from last year plus the echanacea 2000 have kept it from being full blown.. but I will be pleased when it passes thats for sure.
I had to cancel cycling this morning.. just no lung capacity....
Just need to pop in to work this am... then its a day on the couch for me,,, saving myself up for hubbies Car Club Dinner tonight.. think I will even miss Miss 17's netball which is a first for me... will see how I go... I just love to watch her.... my little or not so little defender.

Have a wonderful day all the weather looks stunning... and fancy Auckland having a wee shake... we just don't want to be left out.....

Take Care

Edited by toadfish at 7:12 am, Sat 2 Jul

toadfish - 2011-07-02 07:12:00

Poor Toady, you are having a bad spell. Winnie, pleasedyou re feeling on the comeback trail, and Ali how is the sinus. Cooks, agood result all round with the cooking sets.I think those public interaction evenings have a long term effect with the building of a personal relationship with prospective customers. Do you think the cafe got bookings from it. Motobo, very pleased to feel you have family here, especially when there is a female to connect with. Western suburbs are Karori, Northland, Wilton and further up the line are the North Western suburbs of Ngaio and Khandalladh. The mueseum Hotel is near Te Papa and a walk from their frontband through the foyers to an opposite enntry is worth looking at for the art work and take a visit to the toilets near the exit door.

marywea - 2011-07-02 11:03:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-02 11:12:00

Apologies for my last posting. As I typed the last word someone called in so I just hit "Post" without any checking and how it shows! Charlieb are you alright?

marywea - 2011-07-02 12:15:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-02 18:49:00

Morning all,
what a frosty one ... -2C in Chch at the moment! Hope we get a beautiful day out of it :)
Thanks Mary & Pam - it is so good to finally be feeling better. Still a bit swollen & sore but compared to where I was, this feels great!!!
I've even got my cooking mojo back - going to put a pot of chilli on this morning to have later with some friends who are coming to watch the delayed coverage of the Crusaders game this afternoon. Was going to try to not know the outcome but thanks to tv3's fb feed, I didn't stand a chance! Oh well, still looking forward to watching :)
Toady - that doesn't sound good. Give yourself some tlc (or even better - let your family) and take care of yourself young lady! ;)
Happy Sunday everyone xx

winnie231 - 2011-07-03 07:45:00

sounds delish, the up side of living here, kids invited me for sunday lunch and we had free range roast chicken, was delish then had icecream at the beach!!
so a light dinner tonight, roasted vege with aoli and bacon!!

cookessentials wrote:

ust finished a memorable meal. Beef tagine which had cubed beef, onions, quartered kumara, ginger, cumin, garlic, saffron and lots of freshly chopped coriander. I served it with Israeli couscous and for afters was tarte tatin with vanilla bean ice-cream...delicious,although-
, could not eat like that too often!

motorbo - 2011-07-03 18:36:00

Wow Motorbo - must be much warmer where you are. lcecream on the beach here at the moment would probably result in hypothermia! My office is very sunny so I often think that I'll go and sit at the picnic table outside the door and drink my coffee but usually end up retreating back inside in a few minutes. Still, we're past the shortest day so summer's coming before too long. And the Crusaders are so going to win for Canterbury!!

greerg - 2011-07-03 19:54:00

Hi all,it is so coldddddddddd here,I am not a winter baby roll along summer.
I have a hacking cough,that just won,t go away,so off to the doctor tomorrow,before it settles in my chest,feel it is in my lungs,have tried everything,even honey,it is not Asthma,just driving me nuts.
I am ready for bed shortly,too cold to stay up,just waiting for dp to ring,so I can go pick him up.
Night night all.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-03 20:06:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-03 21:32:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-04 00:56:00

Hi to you all.. hope all the illness and pains are gone for those unwell.. sending hugs..

I've been away.. about to go again, with a potluck birthday dinner at a friends home to be a part of.. great friends time and yummy goodies.. and a lovely celebration for a dear friend to us all..

I've made an Edmonds recipe lately, that I'd not noticed before.. it's the spicy carrot pudding - baked as a cake, with a container of hot water in the oven, so the outer part of the cake is like a steamed pudding in texture.. it's very flavoursome and even better the next day/s..

This time, I doubled the recipe, used chopped dates in place of the dried fruit, added ground ginger and extra mixed spice and cinnamon - plenty of each, . Added a mashed banana, a little extra flour, some walnuts.. and baked it in a large lasagne pyrex dish..

It's truly delicious.. and we're using it as a cake and as a quickly heated-in-the-microwave pudding.. It could be used in place of a sticky date pudding as it's very moist.. and with the carrot, dates, walnuts, spices, banana, etc.. lots of goodies too.. For a party or special dinner, I'd make it the day before.. and will probably make it as the birthday cake for our friend.. with cream cheese or lemon icing..
Highly recommended..

Take good care.. and have a great week..

juliewn - 2011-07-04 02:52:00

M m m morning, it's -3 in Chch! BRRRR!!!
Back to school for me today ... there's no classes this week as our tutor is in Bali but I've got alot to catch up on ....
Have a good day all & drive carefully (and cycle) :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-04 06:55:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-04 09:35:00

Good morning all,a very chilly sunny morning here.
i have a feeling we may have to move,as it is cold and damp here.
I have asthma again,so back to the doctor this afternoon,also have done nothing but cough,cough cough,nurse said sounds like could be another chest infection.
I have a hair app at 11 this morning was going to cancel it,but dp said go may make you feel better,having it coloured and cut,if I cancel it,may not get in for awhile as she is good,and hard to get in.
There have been a lot of car acc here with icy roads,people not slowing down and slipping in ice and going over the bank,there are signs up but people still go too fast,sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-04 10:30:00

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cookessentials - 2011-07-04 10:38:00
cookessentials wrote:

Bryonia ferrum phos is perfect for chesty coughs EA. I used it many years ago when I had Pleurisy and it worked well. It is a homeopathic remedy.

Thank you cooks,will try anything,just not feeling that well today,I did get my hair done,I do not want to move,they are saying where we live is not good for Asthmatics,I did not get Asthma till I moved here,so sick of it,have a doctors app at 3.15,feel I it is another infection,my ribs hurt with all the coughing,I am on vits as well as olive leaf,did nothing and the one you told me about,sign,I just want to be well,sick of being sick,vent over.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-04 14:13:00

EA - I was born in Hokitika ... I love the coast ... I tried to return after years abroad ... but my daughter has suffered from chronic asthma & after a couple of years of repeated asthma attacks, colds, flu, bronchitis & even pneumonia while living in Westport, I had to accept the coast was not for her.
Maybe you need to look at the greater good for yourself & the problems at work are just another sign ....

winnie231 - 2011-07-04 14:49:00

ha ha i forgot to say i froze at the beach but it was very pretty!!!

greerg wrote:

Wow Motorbo - must be much warmer where you are. lcecream on the beach here at the moment would probably result in hypothermia! My office is very sunny so I often think that I'll go and sit at the picnic table outside the door and drink my coffee but usually end up retreating back inside in a few minutes. Still, we're past the shortest day so summer's coming before too long. And the Crusaders are so going to win for Canterbury!!

motorbo - 2011-07-04 20:21:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-04 23:54:00

Brrrrr -3 again in Chch. Take extra care out there & have a great day :)

winnie231 - 2011-07-05 07:19:00
winnie231 wrote:

EA - I was born in Hokitika ... I love the coast ... I tried to return after years abroad ... but my daughter has suffered from chronic asthma & after a couple of years of repeated asthma attacks, colds, flu, bronchitis & even pneumonia while living in Westport, I had to accept the coast was not for her.
Maybe you need to look at the greater good for yourself & the problems at work are just another sign ....

Hi Winnie,thank you for your post,Yep I have another chest infection and Asthma,but we can not leave,work is good now as I have a new boss,she is awesome,the other one got run out of town,too many problems.
Dp has an awesome job,and I am looking for a day job,we think it is cobdon as it is windy and damp,have only been here since Jan.
This year is my worse year and not only that doctor said it is in the air,have not had asthma since my 30s,not sure why it keeps coming back,but like I said it came back this year.

earthangel4 - 2011-07-05 09:19:00
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