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aww Winnie hugs to you,and to all in christchurch,Charlie thinking of you today,well be glued to the telly at 1.25.
I really feel for you all,was watching the news last night,it is just not good.
See some of you on Saturday afternoon,leaving in the morning.
Hugs to you all xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-06-23 07:45:00

Oh Winnie you poor thing. I know how badly you feel about the dentist but pleeeese don't put it off. Facial swelling with is urgent and can lead to real problems if not dealt with. You could ring the hospital to see if they have a relief of pain clinic but P is not sure exactly what's happening with the oral health centre there at the moment. They will probably just give you antibiotics to start with so you won't have to deal with the dental stuff today. If you need a ride anywhere give me a text and let us know how you get on. Good luck.

Edited by greerg at 7:59 am, Thu 23 Jun

greerg - 2011-06-23 07:56:00

Winnie, sorry to hear about your tooth & swollen face, I hope you take up Greeg's lovely offer of taking you to get the treatment that you need. Hugs to both of you..

510 - 2011-06-23 08:51:00

CE, pleased to hear that your Mum is okay, I like your statement about good humour. There was lots of good humour on Saturday.

510 - 2011-06-23 08:58:00

Toady, I felt compelled to respond to a certain person in that thread in an assertive way. I try not to get down to their level & try not to make judgements in my comments. Probably felt angry at the time, now I can laugh about it. I can't be bothered with judgemental people, I usually ignore them but ocassionally I get the urge to tell it how it is, from my point of view with the hope they may UNDERSTAND & 'HEAR' what my written words are actually saying.

510 - 2011-06-23 09:12:00

Calista, good sense popping a pill, better than popping a cork! Winnie, bad patch for you. I head to the kitchen if feeling restless but trying to avoid it as I have no self control-there is no such thing as "one muffin" for me! Charlieb, I can't really understand some of the Close Up interview last night. Everybody will feel their home is worth more than they are offered but surely if they are told to abandon them, it is for their safety, sad though it will be. Why would someone really want to rebuild on unstable land? How would they ever get insurance--is there something I am missing?
The stress shown just keeps getting understandably worse doesn't it, so sad.
Cooks, hope your demo evening goes well-good idea.

marywea - 2011-06-23 09:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-23 09:34:00

fingers crossed for announcement today, and winnie hug for you the dentist will probably not do anything with you until infection has been dealt with, so try not to worry about opening your mouth!! - it probably wont happen today. I am sure winz will beable to help with that as well. good luck with the car - have you had more than one quote?
worth checking if it saves major $$$ - I was 2 new tyres yesterday and must say the place I went to there was a big asian supermarket thingy accross the road so while I was waiting thats where I wandered in, and if no one know about these places they are incredibly cheap and have incredible meat thats half the price of the supermarkets, I got amazing eye fillet steak it was restaurant standard - their meat is so lean and fresh looking, the veggie were amazing as well, twice the size bag of mushrooms as the supermarket and soy sauces and chilli sauces I think are a third of the price - well worth a wander through.

Mary I think you dont give yourself credit, you are wonderfully controlled, look at how many kgs you have lost this year. and you are very good a healthy. :)

auckland_ali - 2011-06-23 09:56:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-23 13:57:00

woo hoo, thats great news, its a tough time and those in the red zone are probably going to be in a bit of shock, reality whats reality at the moment aye!!

auckland_ali - 2011-06-23 14:12:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-23 14:43:00

Charlie, I am so happy for you, that is such great news.

510 - 2011-06-23 17:38:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-23 18:22:00

great news charlie!!!!

winnie hugs hope you managed to get to the dentist

motorbo - 2011-06-23 19:18:00

pleased for you Charlie that is indeed good news.

greg.n.michelle - 2011-06-23 19:29:00

That's wonderful Charlie and great for Christchurch that people who have been through so much WANT to stay and start again. That's why we'll been OK before too long.

greerg - 2011-06-23 19:50:00

So happy for you charlie. been thinking of you today - missed this when I looked before - didn't turn to the right page.

I was worried because the blokes who inspected the land had been a bit negative - but I'm in the green zone too. Georgie and I did a happy dance.

calista - 2011-06-23 21:29:00

hoorays for calista as well being in the green zone, sounds like something out of a si fi movie!! or war - mind you looking at your fair city looks like its been through one backwards!!

auckland_ali - 2011-06-23 22:17:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-23 22:50:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-24 07:21:00

Calista, thats good news for you as well,
Winnie are you okay just wondering how you got on ?
CE, It is horrible when you can't sleep especially when you have a long day at work..

510 - 2011-06-24 09:48:00

morning troops, I have a lovely day planned, I am off for a pamper session at elizabeth arden this arvo, last of my birthday pressies, my sister sent me a big bunch of flowers which arrived yesterday so a big bunch of cheerful flowers are in my eye sight. finished predosone tuesday, sinus starting to close in today!! - bit of a problem I think, but have had smell for a week and its been wonderful. - MIL brought me some perfume which I could actually smell lovely. charlie girl you can start planning that brand new home aye!!

auckland_ali - 2011-06-24 10:16:00

Thanks for your concern. Things have gone from bad to worse for me.
Saw Mum's dentist yesterday afternoon & was given 2 antibiotics and an appointment to have my tooth pulled Monday. Ended up spending half the night in hospital though after my jaw & neck swelled to dangerous levels. Back at Mums now & wishing for amputation at the neck! (lol). Horrendous pain.

Wont be at Browsers cafe tomorrow I'm sorry. I hope the rest of you enjoy meeting EA. Don't forget - 3pm, Browsers Cafe in Riccarton.

Yay for your news charlieb & calista :)

winnie231 - 2011-06-24 10:21:00

I am sorry to hear that Winnie sounds really scarey, did they give you IV antibiotics in hosp. Hope it settles down soon & the pain goes. Nothing like a Mum in times like that. Sending you heaps of cyber hugs & healing thoughts.

510 - 2011-06-24 10:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-24 10:57:00

Yep - iv antibiotics, morphine & bloodtests. Might be going back in soon as the codeine I have here is doing nothing ...

winnie231 - 2011-06-24 11:21:00

hang in there, can you try and sleep that will knock a few hours off, a swill of spirits might numb it a bit as well, not sure if you should be swallowing as well with the tablets you are on. but a swill might make a bit of difference

auckland_ali - 2011-06-24 13:42:00

Back again .... just spent another 5 hours at the hospital but am now minus a tooth! YAY!!!
I'm fat-faced & dribbling but feeling soo much better with the abscess drained :)
I'll be on heavy duty AB's & pain relief for a few days but should be on the improve from here on out.

Hope everyone has had a better day than me :)

winnie231 - 2011-06-24 17:40:00

you can feel very sick with the poison running thru, well done you will be feeling much better already, take it you will have to have it checked and re-drained if need be.

auckland_ali - 2011-06-24 18:01:00

Yes thanks ali - will back into the hospital tomorrow & again on Monday.

winnie231 - 2011-06-24 18:34:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-24 18:35:00

Definitely yuck Winnie, all your worst fears confirmed too. At least it will improve more quickly now its out. Sounds as if you better start on the yoghurt with all the heavy duty antibiotics. Hope tomorrow is better. Take care

greerg - 2011-06-24 19:38:00

Winnie, that is so good to hear that it is finally out, & that they have drained that nasty abscess. I have just had a huge nana nap as I went for a work out with a lady who has a small pool where she does rehab exercises on a one to one & small classes. Today i had an assessment & a one to one class with her Next week I am going to 2 classes which is $11.00 a time then I will can do my program in the public pools when ever I wish.

510 - 2011-06-24 19:46:00

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charlieb2 - 2011-06-24 22:20:00

Morning all,
happy to tell you I've just slept the best part of 10hrs!!! Had a break in the middle when I needed my meds & some time sitting up but WOW - I haven't slept that much since before the earthquakes! I'm feeling alot better but I can think of nicer things to do to get a good nights sleep lol.
510 - your classes sound like really good value for you on your road to recovery :)
Hope you Chch people enjoy your coffee at Browsers this afternoon. I'm sorry I can't be but apart from having a check up at the hospital this afternoon, I'm on luke warm drinks through a straw at the moment which isn't the way I want to enjoy a good coffee ;)
Have a nice day everyone and GO THE CRUSADERS!!!

winnie231 - 2011-06-25 05:42:00

Winnie, ever so pleased to read your post this morning, what a rejuvinating thing sleep is. Calista and Charlie, do your homes get fixed or are they a complete rebuild? Not sure what damage you had Calista. Ali, sounded like a nice day planned for yesterday. Is your brother returning to his overseas home, seems to have been here a while? 510, you seem to be in good space now (how is that for modern talk??) The word I am liking now is "respect". and I did manage to fit it once at Bridge yesterday when partner played a hand very well.

marywea - 2011-06-25 08:56:00

Rae, Billy & Jen rang this morning and were most concerned about you. They are more than happy that the girls are looking after Honey. Get well and come back! Will you watch the rugby at your mum's tonight?

macwood2 - 2011-06-25 09:26:00
macwood2 wrote:

Rae, Billy & Jen rang this morning and were most concerned about you. They are more than happy that the girls are looking after Honey. Get well and come back! Will you watch the rugby at your mum's tonight?

Thanks Kate - I'll email them. Mum doesn't have sky & I'm not up to being out & about so I'll either have to follow the game online or watch the delayed coverage. 'SOB'

winnie231 - 2011-06-25 09:43:00

oh winnie what a horrendous ordeal u have been through, thank god the tooth is out and you can get better!!!

i came home worn out last night did not get one break at work yesterday it was just full on and i still havent done everything i wanted to glad its the weekend

motorbo - 2011-06-25 09:56:00

Glad you're feeling better Winnie - enjoy that lukewarm tea!

greerg - 2011-06-25 11:44:00

Mary, I am in a real good space, lately DH & I have been discussing the events of the last year or so & I now realise how the challenges that we had to deal with at the time, did take a toll on my general health. Stress certainly does take a toll on my immune system. My sis who lives near you is now flying home from a wedding that they went to in Sicilly.
Winnie pleased to hear you had such a great long sleep. I agree with you & Charlie my class is well worth it, it is just the temp of the water & the fact that the pool is outside. The pool is heated but it is still chilly when you have your head out & the exercises aren't really aerobic ones at this stage. Any way I gave myself a stern talking to, " stop being a 'whooz' & get on with it".as I felt my teeth start to chatter. LOL
Motorbo, I hope you have a relaxing weekend & manage to get your flat feeling more like your home.
Looking forward to hearing about the Chch catch up.

Edited by 510 at 3:22 pm, Sat 25 Jun

510 - 2011-06-25 15:20:00

So that I didn't make it to the chc posters' catch up - was out with a friend and on track to get home and leave on time and then his car battery went flat so I was stranded waiting for his AA rescuer to come to sort the car out. Didn't get home til much later.

Shame to have missed out on seeing an EarthAngel in the Flesh! Hope it went well.

sumstyle - 2011-06-25 17:02:00

thansk 510, i didnt know u were recovering but i do know what stress does im sleeping again but have been hit with the worst case ever of thrush ive ever had, am sure its cos im run down......hope the therapy helps and you grow stronger ((HUGS))

motorbo - 2011-06-25 18:09:00

motorbo I damaged my knee in march so I haven't been able to do the normal exercise that I usually do. I have done physio now this is another further rehab to make it stonger. Last year we shifted house & i had some unusual health problems one of which was a very rare reaction to a drug that I had been prescribed for pre diabeties. (1 other documented case in the world) I ended up having an auto immune reaction which caused my haemoglobin to drop drastically. I needed 5 units of blood & a high doses of steroids. Earlier this year I had another drop in my haemaglobin & had some time in hospital but luckily I didn't need to have a blood transfusion. I feel great at the moment it so lovely to have energy etc

Edited by 510 at 7:17 pm, Sat 25 Jun

510 - 2011-06-25 19:16:00

oh gosh you have been through the mill, here is hoping its onwards and upwards from now on!!!

510 wrote:

motorbo I damaged my knee in march so I haven't been able to do the normal exercise that I usually do. I have done physio now this is another further rehab to make it stonger. Last year we shifted house & i had some unusual health problems one of which was a very rare reaction to a drug that I had been prescribed for pre diabeties. (1 other documented case in the world) I ended up having an auto immune reaction which caused my haemoglobin to drop drastically. I needed 5 units of blood & a high doses of steroids. Earlier this year I had another drop in my haemaglobin & had some time in hospital but luckily I didn't need to have a blood transfusion. I feel great at the moment it so lovely to have energy etc

motorbo - 2011-06-25 20:16:00

Blimey 510, that's quite an "adventure"!

sumstyle - 2011-06-25 20:25:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-25 20:59:00

Sounds delicious Pam ... pity I can't fit something like that through a straw lol
Still, the soup Mum made me for tea was very good :)

Just a quick update to say my check up went well though they've upped my antibiotics still more ... I'm going to need a serious course of Acidophilus once this is all over.
Night night all & YAY for the mighty Crusaders!

winnie231 - 2011-06-25 21:22:00

Sumstyle & Motorbo, it was pretty horrendous at the time but now I look back on it as one of lifes difficult times that one sometimes has to go thru. Character building LOL. Makes me appreciate the good times even more.
Winnie pleased to hear that your check up went well.
CE, your lamb tagine made my mouth start to water

510 - 2011-06-25 21:48:00

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cookessentials - 2011-06-25 22:41:00
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