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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Hi Alebix.. :-).. she's much better thanks.. though we had a scare 2 weeks ago and ended up at the ED department again with xrays, tests.. etc.. and hugely thankful that she is ok.. she has to wear a Medic Alert bracelet as there's a 15-20% chance her lung could spontaneously collapse again, so times like happened when she had difficulty breathing, pain in her chest, etc.. are priorities to get to medical help. Thank goodness for the healthcare system we have here in NZ where we can arrive at an ED and they'll help immediately once they know her history.. I do hope all is well for you there.. :-) Warm thoughts.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-09-10 00:18:00

Hello Kob.. your recipe sounds delicious.. I haven't thought of adding ginger to a marinade/sauce recipe like that before, and will try your recipe.. thanks.. :-) .. We've been adding ginger and cinnamon to our bran muffins lately, after finding out that they increase metabolism.. and your recipe will help with that too.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-09-10 00:22:00

Mmmmm kob.. that BBQ sauce sounds YUM! With the pork fingers how long would you cook them for, do you do it slow over a long period of time or just in a mod oven??? TIA, Tracey ....*waves hi to julie* :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-10 06:10:00

man they were yummy they had been in the sauce all day and I just placed them in a dish (no oil or spray) and baed them for 1 1/4 hours served with mashed spud , corn on cob and peas ab fab

kob - 2008-09-10 06:26:00

hey julie cinamin is also good for clearing flem etc at this time of year so by adding it to stuff helps clear the flem we seem to all have at this time of year with colds and flu, you can even place it on your tounge and it helps but im not advising anyone to do this just saying I have heard that it does help.

kob - 2008-09-10 06:29:00

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charlieb2 - 2008-09-12 12:07:00

Bumping for somebody looking for it :)

risey - 2008-09-12 12:07:00

Thanks for bumping this for me I was actually wondering if anyone mkes their own chutney and if so are they allowed to sell it? My own attempts have left a lot to be desired - too vinegary. I'm the only chutney lover in this house so jars tend to go off before I can use them. Would love to buy some homemade stuff if that is permissable these days. (Or conversely has anyone got a fail proof recipe for a not very accomplished cook?) Thanks ladies. (and men if there are any here but I suspect that we are all ladies.)

javlin - 2008-09-12 21:36:00

Hi Javlin... Our favourite Apple Chutney recipe is easy to make, and you could halve the recipe if you want. If you use the pop-top jars, and fill the jar right to the top while the chutney is very hot, then place the lid on immediately, the pop-top will pop-down as the jar cools, and the jar will be sealed as tightly as purchased chutney jars are..

juliewn - 2008-09-12 23:55:00

This is the recipe: Apple Chutney: 2 kg apples, 500gms onions, 400 gms raisins, 1 kg brown sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon mixed spice, Malt vinegar. Chop the apples, onions and raisins - whizzing them in a food processor is fine. Place all the ingredients in a large pot or preserving pan. Cover with vinegar. Bring slowly to a boil, stirring often, so the mix doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Boil slowly about 2 hours or till thick - it will thicken a little more as it cools in the jars.. Bottle into sterilised jars and place lids on top. Pop-top type jars are excellent, as the seal will pop down again ensuring long keeping. Enjoy your chutney..

juliewn - 2008-09-12 23:56:00

Also.. I've just bumped the Preserves Thread to the top for you.. this is the link:
there are a variety of chutney recipes in the thread.. enjoy making your own chutney..

juliewn - 2008-09-12 23:57:00

thanks ever so much Juliewn appreciate it.

javlin - 2008-09-13 11:21:00

Decongestant Boil a cup of leaves (dry or fresh) from the Kumerahou plant in a litre of water until it looks like a medium black tea. When cooler add 1-2 tbl spoons of honey (i dont add honey). store in capped bottle in the fridge. Drink 1/8-1/4 of a cup and be ready with tissues or handy towels. It does taste bitter but you do get a sweet after taste, it really works. The shrub is hard to find in the lower NTH/Is and Sth but ask native tree suppliers in your regions.

sultana0 - 2008-09-13 19:56:00

well kob its funny how things can simply sneak back into your diet ay. Takeaways are simply not an option for us. We do not make an exception - that way they will not sneak up on us! We work really hard - and at times it is a hard ask to stick with the idea of 'if you can make it do not buy it' or 'no numbers' (on the ingredient list of a product). We get it right about 98% of the time. We make our own bread and do all sorts of other things to adhere to these simple rules. Ironically our grocery bill is about $50 less each week.

helen59 - 2008-09-13 21:49:00

I make my own toilet paper. It's a long process, but it's great because I use all the junk mail I get, so it's recycling. It is time consuming, and you should definitely remove the staples from things. I learned that the hard way. Thought I had a disease or something. My wife insists on storebought, but I will never go back to that crappy stuff. Oh, "crappy", hahaha. Wow, I'm funny.

echoriath - 2008-09-13 22:35:00

bumping well worth a read & bump

bob368 - 2008-09-13 22:50:00

helen it more mind over matter with me im afraid I work 40 hours a week at my actual job and then do the office work for our company in my so called spare time plus run a house and look after everything else like the norm washing,cooking, cleaning etc, so on fri sat night i am literally buggered and when the hubby says come and sit down dear and have a coffee that recks the routine to the point that I get out of sink, and then when he talks me into it takeways are a must, money is not so important now like it used to be , boy to have takeaways back then used to take robbing peter to pay paul but now its too easy , but in saying that I do try and keep to a budget if I can, but lately thats has not hapened as much I must say.And I do need to get my a into g have just started a family trust and trying to plan ahead from G Kids etc and our families future dont want to be that fat on takeaways that we cant enjoy them LOL

kob - 2008-09-14 07:51:00

Chicken, Bacon & Mushroom Fettucine Cook a couple of teaspoons of garlic in a pan, add diced chicken, then onion, then bacon and lastly the mushrooms - cook until soft. Add one tin of Carnation Evaporated Milk (I use the low fat option). Heat through. Add one egg yolk and quickly stir in to thicken the sauce.
Finally, add your cooked pasta, make sure all heated through & serve. YUM!!

anne74 - 2008-09-14 07:54:00

#360 back to chutneys again - Juliewn - you say to use pop up lids on the jars for better keeping - does this mean that my chutney has gone fizzzy because it wasn't sealed properly in the first place - or does chutney naturally go fizzy over time? (I'm the only chutney eater here so a jar can last a year - inevitably home made is fizzy by then) Hope you can understand my disjointed English. Thanks.

javlin - 2008-09-14 09:28:00

Hi Javlin... if the chutney has gone fizzy, it means its started to ferment.. and isn't suitable for eating at all.. If you decide to make some chutney, simmer it, stirring occasionally until it's quite thick.. (it will thicken further as it cools) and it's them less likely to go off.. when the ingredients are well cooked, they're better blended with the vinegar and sugar, which is what helps them to keep. Using the pop-top jars means that each jar seals completely - the lid will pop down once the contents are cold, unless there's a bit of chutney on the rim of the jar that means air can get through that tiny space around the tiny piece of chutney.. and it won't seal. I run my finger tip around the edge of the rim before putting the lid on, so I know there's aren't any bits left on the rim that would stop the lid sealing..

juliewn - 2008-09-15 03:10:00

Once I open a jar of chutney or pickle, etc., I keep it in the fridge, which helps it to keep once its been opened. I have chutney and pickles that I made around 3 years ago - the lids are still popped down and completely sealed. If you wanted to, you could use small jars so there's enough chutney in a jar to keep just a few weeks before you've used it.. For small jars, maybe baby food jars with pop-top type lids might be suitable for you... they would contain just a few tablespoons of chutney in them. If you're wanting some pop-top jars - they're usually available at Opp shops - ask if there aren't any on display.. and they're usually around 10c or 20c each.. it's a good idea to check the undersides of the lids, as if any dampness was in the jar when the lid was put on it, the underside of the lid can go rusty. I hope this is of help.. please.. ask again if I can help futher.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-09-15 03:11:00

ps.. If you'd like to, check out the Preserves thread.. this is the link:
and it's titled: 'Preserves Thread - Jams, Pickles, Relishes, etc..' There are lots of other chutney recipes there too.. Enjoy making your own goodies..

juliewn - 2008-09-15 03:13:00

Hi Juliewn Thanks for all of the above. I have got some pop up jars. I'll try out your suggestions at the end of summer when I'll have surplus homegrown tomatoes etc.

javlin - 2008-09-15 20:56:00

You're welcome Javlin.. :-) Roll on summer crops and wonderful goodies from our garden's..

juliewn - 2008-09-18 01:34:00

Just bumping this up again

alebix - 2008-09-19 23:44:00

We made this last night - a mix of freshly made hummous with some lite Italian dressing added - enough to make a thickish liquid - then we tossed it through coleslaw for a birthday dinner. Healthy and delicious.

goodbooks - 2008-09-21 03:04:00

I have many more recipes to add.. and no time to do so at the moment.. bumping so others can add recipes too.. Have a lovely week Everyone..

juliewn - 2008-09-22 00:04:00

Bumping for another trader looking for Pickled Onions, *waves to julie* :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-23 06:23:00

Hiya Tracey... hope all is good for you all.. .. very exciting news.. work began on our new home today.. new drive in, house site cleared of topsoil which is piled up in a few places to use to spread out around the house once its finished, levels done, profiles completed and trenches dug for the foundations, which will probably be poured tomorrow afternoon.. Jenni reckons I'll be up at 3am and be outside checking on it all! No no I said.. I've taken around 50 photos today.. I just need to check them out in my computer! Oh Mum!!!!! I'm not getting much time on Trademe.. and I have a feeling life will be busy for a while.. I've talked today to Chris in Vancouver.. "Send me photos Mum, this is cool what you're doing!" He'll be home for Christmas.. our first one in our new home.. Trev and his Girl's, his Mum and Dad too, all coming here.. we can't wait for Christmas - our first at home for 8 years.. Take care.. email coming soon! Hugs.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-09-23 23:16:00

WOW julie, you must be sooooooo excite, I can feel the adrenaline from here lol, go easy on that camera eh!!!! Well, it's not long until Christmas so you can do the big countdown, what a lovely time you will have, better make sure the Christmas thread is all bumped up for ya to make lots of goodies! Talk soon, take care, Tracey :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-24 06:41:00

up... :o)

jenna68 - 2008-09-25 06:31:00

Thanks Tracey.. :-)... it is a busy time.. everything completed for the floor to be poured on Monday.. everything looks sooo different.. the pictures that have been in my mind swiftly being created... Chris emailed today... he'll be here on October 25 - a few days before we move in, so he'll be home for that too! A special surprise.. can't wait to see him.. Take care.. Hugs..

juliewn - 2008-09-27 00:44:00

What a fantastic thread. Only thing I don't like here (sorry Juliewn) is the smoked fish in white sauce. Got sick on it once and I can still taste it 4 years later!!! lol. Some fantastic ideas. keep them coming. I have just planted some buttercrunch lettuce, beetroot, cauli, brocoli and silverbeet. I can't wait to start picking from the garden.

beagle12 - 2008-09-27 12:28:00

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only4me - 2008-09-27 14:11:00

Hello and Thanks! Well I have to say that this is an amazing site! I had no idea about threads (?!?!) but think this is wonderful! Please keep up the good work!

jed2005 - 2008-09-27 14:50:00

Nothing exciting to add but very useful thread so bumping!

melinda1 - 2008-09-28 20:58:00

Just updating from the thread - thanks from me too.

books4nz - 2008-09-30 00:51:00

Bumping.. I have more recipes to add.. just not the time right now.. soon...

juliewn - 2008-10-02 03:22:00

A gentle bump! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-10-03 06:08:00

for another trader :o)

jenna68 - 2008-10-04 10:01:00

Bumping for Pcjo and Hoody8 :-)

juliewn - 2008-10-05 21:55:00

thanks juliewn! i make my white sauce/cheese
sauce in the microwave,,so much faster.2 TBL butter or marg melted,,,then add 2 TBL flour sifted,,,whisk till smooth n combined,,,then add i cup milk SLOWLY and whisking till smooth then add rest of milk,,,,and i microwave for 2 mins, stir, another minute stir and keep going for another min or so depending,,,im sure it can be judged timewise by how its thickening,,,,then when thick add the cheese and stir in until thoroughly combined!!

hoody8 - 2008-10-05 22:00:00

asked to post, here... couple of threads about this, so thought I would pass on my recipe. Instead of making a roux and adding milk slowly try this. Put your butter and milk in a sauce pan, heat slowly. Before the milk hits the boil, throw in a TBLSP of flour and whisk. It will thicken up nicely, no lumps. You can add cheese, or herbs. don't forget to season. If you ant to add onion or spices, melt the butter first, and fry them off, then add the milk and continue. I never go wrong with this recipe. I have measures , but if you need them I guess about 1 tblsp butter, 1 c milk, 1 tblsp flour. You can always thin it down, or add more flour, just whisk. Whisking is the key.

pcjo - 2008-10-05 23:52:00

juliewn thanks for the invite to post here.
Do people really buy white sauce?? That packet stuff is revolting.

pcjo - 2008-10-06 00:02:00

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heather275 - 2008-10-06 06:14:00

Washing windows - cheap as!! Wet scrunched up newspaper and rub on windows. If necessary rub over again with a clean scrunche up newspaper. Doesn't leave any smears. You will need to wash your hands after this one!!

Great thread - keep it going!! Have just downloaded pages and pages - thanks everyone.

xpatch - 2008-10-06 08:18:00

cheat fail free macaroni sauce recipe Put into bottom of a pot... bacon, onion, parsley, garlic, pinch of curry powder, fresh ground pepper and salt and saute together.
Add chopped tomato's.

Mix together with a whisk... about 3 cups of milk and about 2 heaped tbsp's of flour...

Pour the milk flour mix into the pan with the other bits and peices and keep stirring over a medium heat until thickened...

Throw in a handful of cheese.

psychicxpress - 2008-10-06 16:40:00

Whoops... you whisk the flour and the milk NOT what was sauted in the saucepan... You can add pineapple to the saucepan too if you wish... but avoid mushrooms in this recipe.

Pour teh sauce into the pasta... and mix together. The whole thing takes around 20 minutes to cook from start to finish

psychicxpress - 2008-10-06 16:43:00

Yum.. that sounds good Psychicxpress.. :-) Hi Pcjo... yes people do buy white sauce is packets.. it doesn't have anywhere near the flavour of home-made though - plus it has a lot of additives too..

juliewn - 2008-10-07 02:34:00

And thanks to you Pcjo and Hoody for transferring your recipes.. feel free to add more if you'd like to.. the more there are, the more there is to try.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-10-07 02:36:00
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