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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


bump move it on up....this is a great thread...

hunnynz - 2004-10-08 18:47:00

Yep give it another Bump .

tippsey - 2004-10-10 20:26:00

Bump .

tippsey - 2004-10-12 07:59:00

Another one Love this Thread so heres another Bump.

kezza28 - 2004-10-13 16:20:00

Just wanted to recommend post #302 Peanut Square. Tried it out on the ladies @ Playcentre, my hubby & kids .... enjoyed by all !! Super easy & very tasty. Thanks for the recipe, definitely added to my favourites :-)

rwatchorn - 2004-10-14 13:05:00

Bump Bump again

kezza28 - 2004-10-14 18:49:00

hello baaaaaaack.... i have been very slack of late and havent done ne baking at all for over 3wks now...i need some inspiration!!!!

chch_gal - 2004-10-16 10:35:00

Thanks all Hey all, many thanks for the yummy foods in here, Im off to do some baking, but.........does anyone know how to make palin bickies for the kids to do???

Cheers all

nuttynibbs - 2004-10-16 15:42:00

Bump .

tippsey - 2004-10-17 21:20:00

now please dont die of fright but i have spent the afternoon baking with my neices and it was wonderfull to have the baking smells back throught the house again i must admit....we made a double batch or peanut brownies and a double batch of choc chip bikkies also made a large weetbix slice and as we have a big whanau gathering tomorrow night we made a huge pavlova and a big steamed pudd to be reheated so now im stuffed but have had a good time with them

kob - 2004-10-18 06:15:00

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gordy8252 - 2004-10-20 15:00:00

bum bum bump .

jorjagirl - 2004-10-20 22:16:00

Bump ...Here two .

tippsey - 2004-10-22 08:55:00

I'll tell you what I made ... Everything that I baked today came from recipes obtained from this website! First off I made yet another batch of shot_gavs "Cookietime" cookies, then it was onto Spiced Apple Cake (I think it was "oopies" recipe) It's a bit of a fave as it's quick 'n easy and smells just divine while it's baking away ... Then it was a batch of Honey Rice Bubble cake for my darling neices, who just love it. Last and certainly not least, I baked another campmum mud cake - a friend has requested it for her birthday celebration tomorrow! As always, thanks to everyone for sharing all the great recipes - there are so many great home bakers out there!!!

smiley_cherub - 2004-10-23 22:18:00

"Cookietime" cookies I am sure I have seen the recipe on here, but now that I have an inquiry from a visitor who would love to bake some at home in Europe - I cannot find it any more! Have scrolled through the thread twice now - can anybody else remember it and maybe know the number ?? Thanks!

uli - 2004-10-24 12:35:00

choc chip cookies it is at number 25 where are the chocolate chip recipes

kennymac - 2004-10-24 14:35:00

Not done any Baking ..been the long weekend just giving it a bump so its not lost...Morning all.

tippsey - 2004-10-26 08:50:00

Done a bit I don't bake all the time as I am away working out of town often. Managed to make a banana cake, Alison Holsts ABC muffins, without the Chocolate Chips as didn't have any. Didn't actually make muffins, but put it in a loaf tin. (Have an abundance of frozen bananas). Alison Holst's not quite Anzac biscuits. Would like to have made more plainish bikkies for the kids lunches, but didn't get around to it.
All the cake and loaf has gone now, thanks to husband.

gill - 2004-10-26 10:45:00

*bump* Wow... I hesitated on opening htis thread cos there were so many responses ...but sheesh, I've just spent the morning baking for my masses, and now I wish I'd opened the thread first LOL.

I made choc chip cookies (x4 my recipe), banana cake (x2 roasting dishfuls), banana cake made into muffin tins for school lunches (x4 my recipe with walnuts tossed in for interest), rice bubble crunch (x4 swiss roll tinfuls), caramel cornflake cookies (x4 the recipe....*actually most everythign I cook is quadruple the recipe!* and a saltana loaf (just one for me! hehehe)

Can't wait til next week when I bake again, Ive got all your recipes to try...thanks everyone for this awesome thread!

sarah-g - 2004-10-26 14:34:00

Wow! And how long does that take you? I just baked the peanut slice recommended above and some cookie time choc chippies need to make a loaf too but had the running around to do in the middle - choc chippies little bit of a failure as I was in a hurry with 3yr old helping and should've added some more flour - consequently a bit flat! But 2 and 3 yr olds aren't too discerning and hubby eats anything I bake, to ensure that I keep baking.

verybusy - 2004-10-26 14:40:00

Bakewell tart Did 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies, also a first for me a Bakewell tart, recipy off Trade Me, Smells nice, Too hot to eat yet......

j_d_stevo - 2004-10-26 15:27:00

Bumping for dccm111 .

tippsey - 2004-10-26 20:26:00

I made.. apricot slice(alison holst)AWESOME!!Fudge slice & banana cake..Today my sisters coming for lunch so I am going to bake Parsley loaf..this is like a big savoury muffin Yum with lots of butter..

campmum - 2004-10-27 09:25:00

Parsley Loaf 1 onion chopped, 1 bacon rasher chopped & fry for 3 mins in tsp butter,,set aside. sift 2&1/2 cup flour, 5 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt & rub in 25 gr butter. add 1 cup grated cheese,3 tbsp parsley chopped,1 lightly beaten egg, bacon & onion mix & about 1 Cup milk. Mix to a soft dough. Turn into a greased loaf pan or rib pan. Bake 190*C about 45 mins..YUM YUM YUM!!!

campmum - 2004-10-27 09:33:00

campmum you make exactly the same meatloaf I do (on another thread) it is one of those old recipe cards that came in box. my mum baked all the time but unfortunately her handwritten cookbook got mislaid or lost in move. she made these chocolate kisses - not flat like melting moments - sort of lumps of cocoa sultanas & something stuck together with chocolate icing sugar. someone might have a similar recipe?

tania58 - 2004-10-27 13:08:00

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zebra2 - 2004-10-27 14:03:00

Must be time for another Bump .

tippsey - 2004-10-29 21:05:00

bump bump

karen165 - 2004-10-31 14:08:00

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talie1 - 2004-10-31 15:31:00

Wow.... I'm a young mother of 3 and I love bakin and my kiddies love it to!Goes so far in school lunches,thanks for all the Mint recipies.I'll be bakin allday tomorrah!!!!

2121 - 2004-10-31 23:32:00

These were exceptional ... ... The recipe for Ultimate Double Chocolate and Banana muffins from the Foodtown magazine. Not sure which issue it was (wasn't my magazine) but they were the ones that had white and dark chocolate drizzled over them. Not only did they look fanatastic, they passed the taste test with flyiong colours! In my opinion, equally as good as the Alison Holst Double Choccie ones. DIVINE!

smiley_cherub - 2004-11-03 09:23:00

I made YUMMY MUMMY CAKE as posted a page or two back here. Except I was dreaming and forgot the weetbix (doh!) so it turned out like cake mix instead of chewy but was still nice.
I might make some of the weetbix slice everyone here keeps talking about. What post # is it???

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-11-03 11:54:00

Yesterday I made some muesli... NICOLE'S MUESLI.......
combine: 4 tbs honey, 1/4 c oil, 1/4 c brown sugar, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla, 1/2 tsp salt. Cook on stove top until starts to bubble. Pour into a bowl of the following: 3 1/3 c oats, 1/2 c coconut threads, 1/2 c sliced almonds, 1/3 c sunflower seeds, 1/3 c pumpkin seeds. Cook in microwave for 4 mins, stir every minute after that until firms up (6-10 mins). After cooking, add 3/4 c dried fruit of your choice.

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-11-03 12:05:00

I also made an Annabelle White pud (so yummy!!) The sauce goes all sticky and toffeeish around the edge of the dish.
RAISIN PUDDING......1 c s.r flour, pinch salt, 1/4 c sugar, 45g butter, 1 c raisins, 1/2 c milk (it said 1 lemon rind but I changed that to 1 tsp vanilla). Sift flour, salt, sugar together. Lightly rub in butter. add raisins & rind (or vanilla). Add milk. Mix to form a soft dough. spread out evenly in a greased ovenproof dish. SAUCE: 2 c boiling water, 1 cup brown sugar, 65g butter. Put them all in a saucepan & heat til butter melts. spoon over pudding. bake @ 180*C for approx 45 mins. Serve while hot with cream or custard.

a_kiwi_grl - 2004-11-03 12:11:00

slice recipes ? Im sick of all my usual ones at the moment !! Any new ideas of particularly nice ones that you have tried lately ??

rwatchorn - 2004-11-03 12:52:00

Chocolate Slice Recipe I made this today - it isn't an everyday slice. I ran out of some ingredients in the original recipe so substituted with other things so here is the new and improved version. 125g butter, 1 T golden syrup, 1 cup raisins, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 egg beaten, 250g chocolate biscuits, crushed (I use budget chocolate wheatens), 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or almonds, 1/4 cup chopped caramello chocolate, 1/4 cup chopped crunchie bar, Icing: 1 cup chocolate melts, 30g kremelta. Melt the butter and golden syrup in a pot, then stir in raisins and sugar. Bring to the boil, then remove from heat. Cool slightly then whisk in beaten egg. Mix biscuit crumbs, nuts, caramello and crunchie together in a bowl. Blend in the butter mixture and press into a greased and lined 28 x 18 cm slab tin. Chill until firm. To make the icing, melt the chocolate melts with the kremelta until smooth. Spread over the cold slice then chill until firm. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container in the fridge.

add1 - 2004-11-03 20:17:00

What a cool thread What a lot of clever mums and dads out there to find the time to bake for their littlies, will be trying some of these recipes for my sons play lunches!!!

woody81 - 2004-11-03 21:19:00

Agreed, this is one brilliant thread! ... bumpety bump!

smiley_cherub - 2004-11-05 07:43:00

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gordy8252 - 2004-11-08 15:02:00

Today Today I made the Choc chippies from way back in this thread - maybe Kob's? - the ones where you melt 250g butter etc etc. with the help of the kids and then whipped up the Healthy Fruit loaf which is great and I didn't feel guilty about but haven't worked out points yet, but can't be too bad - now no 1 child is asking for choc cake as well - maybe tomorrow, and want to get the Christmas cake started soon too.

verybusy - 2004-11-08 15:54:00

Awesome slice recipe I've just discovered this thread!! Cool guys and girls. This slice is called FAYS MUMBLES and I got it from a Jo seagar book. I ALWAYS halve the sugar in my baking and you can NEVER taste the difference!!. This slice is a really great one for throwing in the ends of the cereal boxes that noone else will eat etc

Melt together 100g butter,half a cup sugar and 2T golden Syrup. Add 1C Flour,1Teaspoon BP ,1 c Coconut, 1 egg and 5 weetbix or similar ( I take 1 handful of cereal as = to 1 weetbix. I also substitute dried fruit or choc chips depending on whats in the cupboard.) Mix well. Press into 20 x 30 tin. Bake @ 180 for about 20 mins. Doubled I make a roasting tin and cut it into narrow bars.

erinic - 2004-11-08 16:42:00

Nice to see all you girls still baking out there, i have not been on this thread for a while but still baking every weekend, started a new job and don't get much time for the computer any more ! Hi to KOB , how are ya .

bams1 - 2004-11-08 20:36:00

Hey stranger (bams) i know thatf eeling about starting a new job and not having the time you want to be on here....and then when your on no one else seems to be around.
Griffins has been doing my baking for a while but at least im earning there baking, but i did have my neices to stay and i must admit it was awesome being in the kitchen again baking up a storm, but at the momemt my free time on a sunday is very important so i have to make choices and Griffins wins everytime(lol)

kob - 2004-11-09 06:47:00

Hey kob , Nice to see ya !! Yep i know what ya mean , the baking gets rushed in this house these days and pretty standard every week -banana cake , muffins , choc chips , cos all so easy.Things will slow down soon hopefully, good to be back in the work force tho , just a bit hard with hubby working 2 shifts as well.

bams1 - 2004-11-09 20:17:00

bump .

karen165 - 2004-11-11 14:30:00

Grandparents When our 2 older grandies come [8&11 boy & girl]on day 1 we bake 1 thing each. There choice. This lasts all week.
We go out they have a small back pack each with a pump bottle and the days rations.

ethans - 2004-11-12 14:12:00

Highlander Biscuits. Our eldest is 30+ and I got this one from his Kindy. I still use it.

500g [1 lb ] butter, 1 tin condensed milk, 1 tsp salt, vanilla, 2 cups sugar, 6 tsp Bakin g Powder, 6 cups flour [1kg]a little more if add egg to recipe to make creamier.
Cream butter, sugar& cond milk [&egg]. Add dry ingredients and mix well.Rol into balls and flatten with fork.[I make a sausage and slice, then prick with a fork] Bake mod oven 12 minutes. Freeze well and thaw quickly. Can divide and make different flavours. eg choc chips, cocoa, bournvita, peanuts, almond essence, lemon juice and peel, sultanas, weetbix, ricies etc., I make this for sales tables and weigh out into 100gm biscuits, clingwrap and sell for $1. makes approx 24. Better return than a BBQ.Goes well with a BBQ sale.

ethans - 2004-11-12 14:25:00

Alison Holst's easy gingernuts 10gms butter, 1 tab golden syrup, 1 cup sugar, 2 tsps ginger, 1 tsp mixed spice, 1 egg, 1 tsp baking soda, 1 3/4 cup flour. Melt butter in large pot or bowl. Remove from heat and stir a syrup, then sugar, ginger and egg. Beat with a forktill well mixed then add baking soda and mix thoroughtly. Add flour and stir again. Mixture will be soft but workable if you keep you hands damp. Form into 70-80 marble sized balls and place on ungreased trays. Leave room for spreading. Bake 180 for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to a cooling rack and store in airtight tins . NB if they do not flatten you have been too generous with the flour.

ethans - 2004-11-12 14:39:00

I just finished making a double batch of Chocolate Chip cookies (recipe from here) for the school gala tomorrow ... lemon and cream cheese muffins for hubbys lunchbox .. and my 9 year old son has just made a self saucing chocolate pudding for dessert .... yummoooo

jorjagirl - 2004-11-12 20:48:00

four hundy - SWEET POTATO BISCUITS 1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour,
1/2 cup white flour,
2 teaspoons baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
3 tablespoons butter,
1/3 cup apple juice,
1 cup well mashed, cooked sweet potato,
3 tablespoons honey,
1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts.

Preheat oven to 250 degrees C.

In a mixing bowl, sift together the flours, baking powder & salt.

Work in the margarine till the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.

Add apple juice, potato, honey & nuts & work till it resembles a soft dough.

Turn dough out onto a well-floured board & knead enough extra flour to make the dough lose its

With floured hands, divide dough into 16 equal parts.

Shape into small balls & arrange on a lightly oiled cookie sheet, patting them down a bit to flatten

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes.

Serve hot with Creamy Mushroom Soup.

uli - 2004-11-12 21:23:00
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